
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-27 16:42:18 UTC in vault item: de_magtech Comment #498
HOLY S***! This is great! Get it! Woo!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-27 12:28:05 UTC in vault item: Dream1_ver2 Comment #496
I'll play it, be sure of it. I liked this one.
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-27 11:37:25 UTC in vault item: The Box - Too long compiling Comment #495
Thank you for your help blue!
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-27 10:59:14 UTC in vault item: Dream1_ver2 Comment #494
Well as you say, this is my first map... I will try to fix the leak (and texture) problems. I'm working on ver3, and it will be done for some 5-6 days...
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-27 10:35:37 UTC in vault item: Dream1_ver2 Comment #493
I played it and rated it with 3 stars... And these are 3 stars for your first map ever.
And now I?m commenting ?cos we all like to have comments on our maps.
I downloaded it half and hour ago and played through it. My first impression was quite good, I like the way you use the texts to tell the story, it?s nicely written and gets you in the mood to play.
As I started the map and killed the rat :) I saw something that would be seen in some other places... Well, we all know that carving is evil and well, it really can do something bad to your map as it did here. The pipe from which you come out is carved and white lines are seen everywere (leak warning :P!)... But let?s skip that.
I liked the Barney thing and that giant robot, as well as I enjoyed the fight with the apache (you know, started with the mp4 and ended up with the missile launcher). There is good lightining stuff and shadow effects out there.
The inside sections are also good. You show quite original ideas. It doesn?t look much like Black Mesa (in my opinion) but the scenery is great!!. The first grunt encounter was really enjoyable (the scenery there is really perfect for combat).
I enjoyed less the flickering light part (those lights really get my out of my mind) but the rest was good, specially the ending.
One thing I liked about your map is how you planned it. Player moves trough a relatively small area but it?s a long level, I mean, you are in and then out and you see places you?ve been before, but you?re always making it forward, it?s really good.
I saw some texture problems and the carving thing that would be the most important problems. The rest is good but I?d have made architecture a little more complex by adding barrels, pillars and different ceiling styles... And that?s why I give it 3 stars.
I?m willing to see more work from you.
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-27 10:05:21 UTC in vault item: The Box Comment #492
Err... I also speak spanish... Quiero decir, hola!!!. Por lo que veo de la imagen parece que el mapa est? muy bien. Intentar? descargarlo cuando tenga un poco de ancho de banda libre porque ahora mismo como que est? un poco petado... Lo que te quer?a comentar de todos modos, hmmm... Si no hablas ingl?s nadie te entiende aqu? as? que si es posible intent?lo, m?s que nada por solidaridad, porque hay gente de todas partes (Daneses, Fineses, Brit?nicos, Escoceses...) que hablan idiomas y dialectos diferentes pero todos intentan entenderse entre ellos. Puede que les resulte un poco molesto que hablen en un idioma desconocido como a t? podr?a parecertelo si hablaran ellos en alem?n... Y eso. Paz!!.
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-27 09:28:04 UTC in vault item: dm_scouting Comment #491
ummm, Replace ALL the light entities with 1 light_enviroment and set its pitch to -90, that will work like a sun.
Down in the water put some texture lights in...
And also, no lights in the floor ;)
And theres no need for those .p0 files.
But could be a good map if you fix all the errors.
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-27 06:44:50 UTC in vault item: The Box Comment #490
es una puta mierda porke n me pasan los boots
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-27 06:39:15 UTC in vault item: The Box Comment #489
it's a very buena pourque la a dotado de una coloracion digna de un buen creador aunque deberia probar nuevas cosas?y que m pase los boots o si no alguno de vosotros
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-27 06:35:24 UTC in vault item: The Box Comment #488
soy josepelos y esta pagina m parece que esta bien por el colorido y por la inmensidad de nuevas expresiones holograficas ?bravo por josago?descargate su pagina es ideal
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-27 04:53:42 UTC in vault item: De_Putkisto Comment #487
Judging from the screenshot, you need to learn what light is... the map's just unlighted. Is that because there is a leak in the map or because you didn't place any lights?
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-25 11:47:39 UTC in vault item: Operation Marlboro Comment #485
i really liked the map. I think the key stuff is very cool and well done (i have no clue why they left that basic FPS idea out of the original)
Your architecture is great.
The level is tough but not impossible. Forces you to think and pray sometimes :)

But.... your lighting is not good. The level is too dark. Its often pitch black and that's not good. And the areas which are supposed to be lit up need the flashlight for proper viewing.

Great map marred by not great lighting.
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-25 09:49:54 UTC in vault item: de_MikkiHiiri_Rakennustyomaa Comment #484
My Good Map :P
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-25 09:33:20 UTC in vault item: cs_ties Comment #483
Heeey! nice first map! Here's a few little little details too improve on, but apart from that, well done!

-Ventilation ducts were too brightly lit... a few dim red lights on the corners and in the middle of long bits should be enough.

-in the middle story of the building, the corner of the floor seems to magically hang around the stair case despite there's a bunch of crates on top of it. Give it some supporting like a concrete wall to hold it up, or maybe a pole, or something.

-the bottom story is too empty: it needs to look like it's needed! Add some shelf prefabs, and perhaps a crate or two more can't go amiss! ;) maybe a crack decal or two depending on what you think

-NO dumpster prefabs? ?but it's in the city! Swap afew smaller outside crates with dumpsters, it gives variation, and? you?ve just gotta have at least one dumpster!
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-25 05:42:46 UTC in vault item: ministeve: The Beginning Comment #482
Good start, but there are some texture issues, and also some gaps in wall alignements at the entry to the pool area.. hop on the step and look left and right, you can see outside the room.
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-24 19:13:01 UTC in vault item: Operation Marlboro Comment #481
Errr... How did you know there were labs???!!!!... I spoiled it in the forum :P???... Well, my friend, the lab maps are in process now. I?ll tell when I update the thing in the Maps & Mods forum.
Did you like it?. Thanks for playing!!!..

PS: Got 4 star!!! :D!.
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-24 15:06:04 UTC in vault item: Operation Marlboro Comment #480
hey i dont hav the lab maps! i got the addon r these even in the mod?
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-24 13:01:37 UTC in vault item: Operation Marlboro Comment #479
Hmmm... When Grunts block doors I usually blow them up :D... But I set the grunts to dissapear after dead so I don?t know what your problem could be... Maybe I?ll set some blockers so they can?t be behind doors.
And the scientist opens the elevator, yes, he does. Did you take him to the front door?. A scripted sequence would take place and he?ll open the door, I don?t know, it works for me... Try again... Did you like it?.
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-24 10:39:56 UTC in vault item: The Box - Too long compiling Comment #478
Ok. Thank you very much for your help!
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-24 10:11:35 UTC in vault item: Operation Marlboro Comment #477
I was forced to use noclip in some places cause the grunts were blocking the doors at the beggining and the scientist wouldn't open the elevator. (Is he sposed to?)
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-24 06:48:18 UTC in vault item: The Box - Too long compiling Comment #476
No the map are okay, but you have take it upp to the limits of H-L engine.
So the compilings tools in this case the Vis tools Vis.exe or hlvis.exe must work hard and long time.
The H-L engine and the tools where build for small worlds not for large open area/space.
So if you build a map as this, it take long time to compil and you need a good computer with good memory capacity for the "MakeScales:"and "SwapTransfers:" take so large space.
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-23 17:27:18 UTC in vault item: Dizzy_Killbox Comment #475
Woah.. i't looks crazy!
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-23 09:11:05 UTC in vault item: Operation Marlboro Comment #474
I like this screenie, I'll check it out...
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-23 07:43:28 UTC in vault item: cs_ties Comment #473
10X ZombieLoffe!!! Do you waht to see the *.RMF ?
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-22 17:12:10 UTC in vault item: Dream1_ver2 Comment #472
ok after 5 uploads, and 4 server error messages i have sucesfuly uploaded my map.... jeeezzzz
ok i think this will do...
download is ok now.
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-22 16:42:59 UTC in vault item: cs_ties Comment #470
This is your FIRST MAP?
I liked it...
Cant really find any errors, but its small, yeah.
Runs really smooth(most of the time like 300 in r_speeds), and is textured nice.
The terrors might have an advantage too, like in assault. but i liked it, overall
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-22 08:29:03 UTC in vault item: ministeve: The Beginning Comment #469
thank you twhl!
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-22 08:26:09 UTC in vault item: ministeve: The Beginning Comment #468
this map just shows how helpful twhl has been! i started off as this and now look at what ive created! check out tower.
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-22 08:09:53 UTC in vault item: Dream1_ver2 Comment #467
right now iam goign to download it
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-22 08:09:01 UTC in vault item: Dream1_ver2 Comment #466
...u gave the .rmx
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-22 07:53:34 UTC in vault item: Dream1_ver2 Comment #465
ok problem solved... map can be downloaded now.
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-22 07:01:17 UTC in vault item: Dream1_ver2 Comment #464
there is a problem with man. download wont start...
i will update it shortly
maybe is a server error....
i dont know
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-21 15:19:56 UTC in vault item: Dream1_ver2 Comment #463
that scrernshot look familiar....ho you problay have played delivirance lol il try it
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-21 10:37:28 UTC in vault item: Operation Marlboro Comment #462
Thank you very much :D. I?ll take in to consideration the Config.cfg thingy (I thought it was good to include it :P) as well as the scientist room (maybe I?ll make the door open to the other side)... And lightning... Guess I?ll play it again on order to find what goes not as I imagined. By the way, anyone noticed how I reduced the size by not including the dll files and getting them with a .bat??.
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-20 22:42:22 UTC in vault item: Operation Marlboro Comment #461
I liked it. Lots of hard work went into this. It was hard, but not impossible. I liked all the artwork on the walls and the area with the big staircase looks really good. One suggestion is to always delete config.cfg before releasing a mod. That way the players own configuration will be used. The area with the scientist needs more room to move around the door. Lighting in some areas needs improvement. Overall, very good work!
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-20 21:23:39 UTC in vault item: Compilation issues (de_lasthope) Comment #459
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Commented 20 years ago2003-11-20 20:03:58 UTC in vault item: fy_taken Comment #457
go low on crates... think of more original stuff then crates... there are TOO many crates
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-20 12:27:52 UTC in vault item: Operation Marlboro Comment #453
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-20 12:27:34 UTC in vault item: Operation Marlboro Comment #452
Yehah, ME!.
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-20 12:25:44 UTC in vault item: Operation Marlboro Comment #451
Can't seem to find the file. Anyone else having this problem?
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-20 12:13:53 UTC in vault item: Operation Marlboro Comment #450
If my monster behave strange... Forgive them ;).
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-20 01:16:43 UTC in vault item: Minimicus Comment #449

Very nice!
Too short!
Sweet maps!
A sequel?
I also loved "The end" being marked on the wall!
Great mod!
Good to see someone do singleplayer!