
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-10 04:35:16 UTC in journal: #8815 Comment #49762
Congratulations! Awesome job in a place you like.
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-09 06:24:28 UTC in journal: #8815 Comment #49757
Aw mate that's awesome! What company are you working for out of curiosity?
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-08 13:09:53 UTC in journal: #8815 Comment #49760
Awesome dude! Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 is what came to my mind too, like Archie said.
Did the guys say anything about TWHL?
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-08 10:28:35 UTC in journal: #8815 Comment #49765
Nice! Good luck on the new job. :)
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-08 10:26:04 UTC in journal: #8814 Comment #53002

Well, if you ever intend to visit it again, you'll be delighted. :D
I'd be your guide to the new look and features there. Of course, only if you decide to go there again, which I doubt.
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-08 10:17:13 UTC in journal: #8815 Comment #49754

I always knew all the skills I picked up in Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 could be useful if I found the right gig.
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-08 09:04:26 UTC in journal: #8815 Comment #49763
That's great, congratulations!

"When you streaming though? :P"
When YOU will stream! Don't pretend you're busy with your family or your job, you know the priorities in life. :)
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-08 08:32:06 UTC in journal: #8815 Comment #49764
Congrats! Good luck and have fun with your new job!
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-08 05:42:36 UTC in journal: #8815 Comment #49753
That's amazing. Congratulations!

... When you streaming though? :P
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-08 04:18:10 UTC in journal: #8815 Comment #49756
Awesome! :D
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-08 02:28:58 UTC in journal: #8815 Comment #49761
Nice! Hope you enjoy the new gig, and the weather - just stay away from Florida Man!
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-08 02:08:54 UTC in journal: #8814 Comment #52996
There's really only one thing that needs to be said, and it can be summed up in two characters.

Commented 7 years ago2017-06-07 23:18:13 UTC in journal: #8814 Comment #52994
I should join the SnC games more often...
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-07 22:25:17 UTC in journal: #8814 Comment #52995
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-07 19:49:09 UTC in journal: #8814 Comment #52998
@Admer : it's been like 3/4 years since I haven't logged on GameBanana.
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-07 17:27:22 UTC in journal: #8814 Comment #53001
About the fear of using your voice:

I thought I was the only one here. :D (although, I'm sure our reasons to fear are very different)

I've recently had a playtesting session of de_kobbl, and 2 people used their voices. But I was too scared of something so I didn't talk, until they started shooting me for typing whole paragraphs in the IRC chat-box. :/ (which took time)

So I used my voice, and even though my heart started beating a lot quicker and I started breathing quicker, I felt a sudden relief. That's pretty much everywhere. I'm afraid to use my voice, but for other reasons, of course.

I'm not just afraid of using my own voice, but I'm (in specific situations) afraid of hearing other people's voices. R.I.P.

As always, there's that occasional playtesting of de_kobbl, so if you're looking for some CS 1.6 action, feel free to hop in the hype train. :)
(of course, if you're on GameBanana, which I'm unsure)

(Edit: Fixed. Blame my mobile network - Urby)

Very well, then. xD
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-07 17:16:05 UTC in journal: #8814 Comment #52992
I'd be well up for that
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-07 15:16:23 UTC in journal: #8814 Comment #52997
It's very sad indeed that we live in a world where you can't take the "paths" that interest you because they are not following the "norm". Like the SnC people, I respect you as a fellow TWHL member even after reading your story and I understand that real life isn't easy especially in your situation.

I'm just happy for you that you have a " safe heaven" here and with the SnC folks.

Final words: I would like to say that you should stay strong and keep confidence in yourself. Don't be weakened by all those stupid "préjugés" and people that can't work their brains for at least a second.

EDIT : not on topic but any chance of a TWHL gaming parteh on HLDM, CS or anything else ?
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-07 15:14:38 UTC in journal: #8814 Comment #52991
My thoughts exactly, Archie and Scoots.

You've been nothing short of an absolute pleasure to chat and game with. For what it's worth from half a world way, we'll have your back should you need to open up about anything. <3
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-07 15:08:48 UTC in journal: #8814 Comment #53000
It's been a pleasure gaming with you the last few sessions Jessie :) Sorry to hear you feel a barrier to talking, but I know I speak for the other guys as well when I say it's welcome when you break though it.
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-07 14:33:58 UTC in journal: #8814 Comment #52993

In all seriousness, I'm really pleased you feel like we're particularly accepting and welcoming, but I assure you it's through no special effort on our part. You're our friend and you'll always be treated as such. It's mad that we live in a world where you perceive that as requiring special recognition, but I'm incredibly touched that you do.

Here's hoping the current... political climate... doesn't do further harm to acceptance. It's disappointing to hear you don't feel comfortable in real life yet.
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-07 12:42:38 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68320
Alright, let's see what happened today.

I went to Mostar. The town where the ETS is located. Basically, I went there with my mum to see how it is to take the bus every workday. Apparently, there's some walking from the bus stop to the school, but that's not a concern.

I saw that part of the town, and tried to remember it. It's because I've gone there lots of times, yet I've never actually known anything about it. Knowing the place is pretty important since I'll go to high school there, lol.

Speaking of which, I saw the school itself. It looks nice and pretty accessible. Counting in all the subjects/classes my course will have, I think I'll be fine there. :)
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-06 21:03:55 UTC in journal: #8813 Comment #67409
I'm following the same principle as Urby, depending on the game/mod, I also use bots for gameplay testing purposes.
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-06 20:34:49 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68319
[content removed - double post]
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-06 20:32:07 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68318
I feel like the walls are closing. ;-;

Anyway, another explanation:
User posted image
Basically, for the ones who don't understand, this literally resembles an inter-thread conversation.

Rufee says "Now I want to fire up hammer and make something like that :)"
Urby responds "Step to it!"
To which Solokiller says "Yes, but that's illegal."
As if recreating stuff in VHE is illegal. XD

Then Urby says "I hadn't. I tried it. I didn't enjoy it."
As if he actually did that.

And Windawz comes and says "Still waiting.", like he's waiting for Rufee to do it. xD
It's such a coincidence.
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-06 20:09:55 UTC in journal: #8813 Comment #67410
Once i'm set on a theme i start looking for reference images/videos, then usually planning out the basic concept and layout with pen & paper.
Soon as i'm satisfied with that, it's time to start up the level editor and build the basic layout.
Playtest and check scaling/timers/objectives/etc...
Iterate until it feels right.

Greybox/blockout the rest of the level with placeholders and check for gameplay.
Playtest & iterate until it feels right.

Import/export between software if needed.
Add basic textures with some placeholders (no UV/scaling/refining/etc).
Refine lighting and skybox (when going from light to dark).
Make assets & props and import them while focusing on a small part of the level (usually player spawn area), adding/refining/texturing any detail to specified area as i go.
Playtest & iterate until it feels right.

Expand from above mentioned area until the whole level is complete.
Playtest & iterate and change until it feels right.

(Refine lighting and skybox, when going from dark to light).

Detail and texture pass. Playtest & iterate until it feels right.
Lighting pass. Playtest & iterate until it feels right.

Quick and dirty workflow guide from UT devs, but the basics are valid for any HL engine.
Mapcore also has a crazy amount of workflow guides and links.

ps: I'm too lazy to finish any maps lately but i like to comfort myself thinking that my levels from ~last 2 years have died in greybox stage due to bad gameplay. Which is also true... >:)
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-06 19:16:13 UTC in journal: #8813 Comment #67408
Well, lou-li-loo-la-la-me, I would say it depends on the kind of map you want to make.

Singleplayer, I would block out the basic layout first, with dev/simple texturing. Then, put in your obstacles and NPCs for combat areas, or your puzzle elements, again as basic as possible. It's a good way to make sure your gameplay is engaging enough when the visuals aren't front and center. Once you can run through your map completely, with all the combat / puzzle sections in place, pick an aesthetic and start detailing. Make sure that your detail doesn't interfere too much with the fine tuned gameplay. (e.g. Try not to add a lot of extra cover for the player/enemies accidentally.)

(Room by room can work fine, but if you have a puzzle or a particular entity setup late in the map, it can be a pain doing a full compile to make slight adjustments.)

For multiplayer, it's a bit more difficult, but I would again make a very basic layout first, trying to figure out how the map will play. Consider the areas where the most combat will take place and distribute weapons into areas where they feel right. Make sure your map is engaging to run through on your own.
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-06 13:12:09 UTC in journal: #8813 Comment #67412
Let's see what I did with de_kobbl.
Basically, I took a few overviews from 2 other maps and I combined them:
User posted image
As you can see, it's 50% de_cbble and 50% de_forge.

Then I built that in my map:
User posted image
(that's one of the earliest screenshots ever. xd)
User posted image
And just build the rest of the map! =D

So yeah, I did it that way, and it seems to have worked so far, at least for CS 1.6 maps.

And ts_untergrund? Well, that one was made a bit differently. I drew a room onto a piece of paper and then I made that room. I made it, textured it and everything, and then I made a few halls, and that's where I stopped working because I didn't know what to do next. Then I created a plan in SketchUp:
User posted image
And... you know the rest.

Also, this is how I started out on Sandstorm:
User posted image
Furthermore, one of my WiP maps uses a real place for reference:
User posted image
Blueprint Mapping. I like it. :3
And no, my country isn't like the USA: they won't arrest me for school-mapping.
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-06 10:34:21 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68317
Well, this journal is about to get buried.

Let's make it to 200. :D
User posted image
THIS is why I won't buy an SSD. The speed just won't compensate for the lack of space and the price.

I mean, in my country, for the price of a 120GB SSD, I can buy a 1TB 7200rpm HDD. Also, as far as I've read somewhere on Quora, SSDs are good for reading operations, but you shouldn't write too much on them.

And if I were to buy a 1TB HDD and a 120GB SSD, then my dad's, my aunt's and my own wallet altogether would be deeply hurt because the budget is pretty much driven to the ceiling already.

User posted image
Get rekt. xd
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-06 05:30:54 UTC in journal: #8813 Comment #67411
I do a similar thing to Windawz - imagine the structure first and then build it up with texturing and lighting. I don't draw any layouts, somehow I just can't work with them when mapping or with any reference images when modelling. I do everything off the top of my head.
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-06 00:00:15 UTC in journal: #8813 Comment #67413
Every mapper has their own style.
As for me, I first imagine the room/environment/structure I want to create and then I build it up in the editor, piece by piece.
I usually put the textures during the building to get a better idea how the end result will look and to adapt my brushwork to the textures I'm going to use.
Since I mostly use texlights/light_environment, I place light sources during the texturing which I do while building the room/whatever it is going to be.
I've never been good at designing layouts for my maps so I usually make very simple ones.

Sorry if there are any mistakes.
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-05 22:13:54 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68192
Justify? Ok:

<p style="text-align: justify;">
"Scoots must be someone from the TWHL forum"</p>

Urby - yes I understand now thanks (I had to Google what "SnC Games" was tho cos I didn't know, shame on me :| )
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-05 20:41:18 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68162
Scoots is an SnC Games person. He has played in the TWHL CS1.6 and CSGO tournaments
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-05 13:19:37 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68207
"Scoots must be someone from the TWHL forum"

Commented 7 years ago2017-06-05 09:21:35 UTC in journal: Updates Comment #52974
@Shepard : Regardless, an SSD is an inexpensive upgrade that's practically well worth it in any situation. You would (in practicality) more out of an SSD than you would a Graphics Card
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-05 08:11:22 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68316
Or mabybe Scoots got on that server? O_o
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-05 06:07:01 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68191
But Jessie I don't know him, so I couldn't ask HOW I knew him haha.

Maybe I should have said:

"Scoots must be someone from the TWHL forum but I don't ever recall seeing them around here before. Is 'Scoots' an abbreviation or nickname for someone else or has someone changed their name on here or is Scoots someone completely different?"
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-04 17:44:05 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68315
So, we playtested de_kobbl. Windawz, Cd5ssmffan, Painted Cat (Russian guy from GameBanana) and I had an interesting playthrough. I was also told that "Jody" is a boys name. xd

Well... what a sorry information. But "Isis" is a girls name, so I don't see why "Jody" wouldn't be a girls name too. Ah well... There's Judy, but I'm not going to switch to that name since Jody is... well... Jody and she doesn't want to change her name again. xd
(she changed her identity when she was 16, due to some things which will be told in the mod)
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-04 16:29:05 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68249
Happy birthday for your brother!

I'm waiting for 1336 comments in this journal, mine would be 1337
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-04 16:18:46 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68339
Come on, 31 more comments and we'll finally reach 200!
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-04 16:14:03 UTC in journal: Updates Comment #52990
As I thought.
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-04 15:25:18 UTC in journal: Updates Comment #52968
@Windawz: Shadowplay is part of GFE, so I doubt it
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-04 13:16:42 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68161
It might be time to connect that phone to your PC and clear some space. :P
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-04 10:48:33 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68314
So, today is my brother's birthday!
He is now 7 years old. Hooray. :D
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-04 10:22:56 UTC in journal: Updates Comment #52979
Shadowplay, eh? I'll check it out.
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-04 08:20:19 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68313
My phone in a nutshell:

300MB free out of 12.5GB. x(

Can't even open the gallery app any more.
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-04 07:40:02 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68206
You asked who he was, not how you knew him.
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-04 06:31:11 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68190
Scoots has only 3 forum posts though... I'd never remember someone that's posted on this site three times
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-04 05:26:45 UTC in journal: Updates Comment #52989
Also, can I use shadowplay without GeForce Experience? It's so annoying sometimes.
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-04 05:21:23 UTC in journal: Updates Comment #52973
I've found that it doesn't work in windowed mode (or borderless windowed), you need to be in full screen. Aside from that it's worked in every game for me.