
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-21 20:43:14 UTC in journal: #8799 Comment #67845
May the sunrise light your way!
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-21 20:27:12 UTC in journal: #8799 Comment #67843
Praise to the sun!
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-21 15:01:40 UTC in journal: #8797 Comment #61546
ACHIEVEMENTEMTNS PLSPLSPLS (everyone pays 100 to get on greenlight. steam makes money from this, why would they shut it down?)
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-21 13:48:48 UTC in journal: #8799 Comment #67844
Good luck!
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-21 10:08:22 UTC in vault item: dod_anzio_workshop12 Comment #20955

all the vids my troll livewire has made of this subject plus more

"always remember who ever is trying to bring you down , there already below you "

now live wire faces in 2017 multiple copyright violations on you tube , steam etc ..he has made his profile private in shame
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-21 00:00:48 UTC in journal: #8798 Comment #52957
Huh. Interesting. I've never tinkered with the various ZHLT textures beyond the usual ones. Something like that may be useful... Indeed, it's more or less the exact sort of thing I was after for moving downwards. I'll have to do some tests to see if I can adapt it to my particular map.

Maybe I should do some experiments with the rest.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-20 22:41:19 UTC in journal: #8798 Comment #52964
You should try to use BEVEL on the face you want to be passable if anything else won't help.
EDIT: No, if you have all faces of your func_detail textured with BEVEL and the top face textured with CLIP you won't be able to pass through the top face, however, BEVEL faces are still passable, so no.
Maybe you can use a trigger_push?
EDIT Number 2: If you, however, use CLIPHULL1 texture on the top face, it will block any STANDING players, so they have to crouch and then jump to get on the top face. Use CLIPHULL1 texture on the top face and BEVEL on the others. If a player, however, needs to move downward then he needs just to start crouching and he will fall down. And use it only with func_detail, otherwise it won't work.
Here's an example map:
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-20 21:54:00 UTC in vault item: DM_CrossingOver Resources Comment #20954
That's a pretty cool idea. I like how the trains look nicely detailed and the way the basic geometry is in old style with low poligon and low res textures. Nice map idea.
Would like to see something similar for CS GO for low player numbers.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-20 15:31:56 UTC in journal: #8798 Comment #52955
Water brush?
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-20 13:29:06 UTC in journal: #8798 Comment #52960
you could make the elevator out of CLIP and without any sound, entities probably cant be made only out of CLIP but you could hide the tiny solid brush somewhere inside a wall. You could trigger them with a delayed trigger... Or you could simply make the entire area between levels of low gravity but in both cases simply walking on the platform would need to be solved. You could somehow count the time a player spends on the platform, if lets say he spends 2 seconds, the elevator would activate, otherwise if the player would walk or run through it, it wouldn't reach 2 seconds so the elevator wouldn't activate... Maybe just experiment
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-17 21:45:31 UTC in journal: #8797 Comment #61545
I thought they were shutting greenlight down. Y'know, since so much crap makes it onto Steam anyway. Last I heard, they were looking into other ways to curate the games available on Steam.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-17 20:46:04 UTC in journal: #8796 Comment #66218
*glances from side to side and pretends he was never addicted to Dota 2 in the same way
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-17 18:25:20 UTC in journal: #8796 Comment #66219
A friend of mine started a vape juice company a few years back. Unfortunately there was some new law passed that made it near impossible for her to keep the shop running so she had to shut it down. They made their own juice from all natural stuff. They extracted the nicotine from tomatoes somehow and used fallen fruit for flavorings and such. Apparently it didn't clog up the vaporizer or mod or whatever you call it. That sounded like an amazing alternative to smoking to me.

She vapes because she runs 18 hour shifts on an oil rig and it helps keep her awake.

As far as addiction goes, I'm pretty addicted to world of tanks. I play every chance I get, when I'm not playing, I'm reading about strats or watching videos or even just thinking about it.
It's gotten to the point where I have to schedule other stuff to do so I can get things done. Then I fill up any unused hours on the game. It's sickening because I rage pretty hard sometimes but I still can't walk away until I literally need to sleep else I'll be a zombie the next day.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-17 11:13:10 UTC in journal: #8797 Comment #61547
Yay. :D
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-17 07:07:30 UTC in journal: #8795 Comment #67842
Never been into military service and never considered it a good way for me, so you don't have to worry about that. Always connected drone pilot with searching for lost people or helping fire fighters find people in burning buildings.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-17 05:39:49 UTC in journal: #8796 Comment #66228
my mentor says that the chemical itself(e.g. nicotine) is only 10% of the contribution to why someone would be addicted. I think it comes down to your core personality: some people have an 'addictive mentality' who will generally be addicted to something very easily. The way I was told was these people are almost always suffering some kind of anxiety or are prone to it, so they need some thing to depend on, and addictive substances are one of these things. However, the addiction concept goes far beyond just drugs. It could be anything: games, TV, OCD, shopping, stealing, sex, the feelings of starting a new romantic relationship, the list goes on...
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-16 16:55:28 UTC in journal: #8795 Comment #67840
i think a military drone pilot is one of the most disgusting and shameful professions mankind has ever came up with, hope you never go that way
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-16 05:11:32 UTC in journal: #12 Comment #33888
srsly, this gag has been going for 6 years.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-15 07:45:51 UTC in journal: #8796 Comment #66232
I get it, you vape.

(in 4 da memez)
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-15 05:38:32 UTC in journal: #8796 Comment #66231
My father was a heavy smoker for 40 years, 3 packs a day minimum. Quit one day few years back just like that.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-15 00:32:51 UTC in journal: #8796 Comment #66230
I'd like to thank everybody for the comments and clean (given it's somewhat of a controversial subject right now) discussion.
There seems to be quite a few (dangerous) misconceptions being held here which I will try to address to the best of my knowledge.

Addiction: Of course it's bullshit that they're addictive substances. You can absolutely stop whenever you want to, but you don't want to right now. Or later. Or ever.
You tell yourself that if you ever get any side effects you will stop. And then you get bad side effects, so you tell yourself that you'll work through it instead of trying to quit. After a while you start thinking that the side effects aren't so bad, and you certainly don't have to quit. Sure, maybe a few things are more difficult to do, but it's not that much worse, right? Do you see the problem?
Addictive drugs are absolutely not addictive... until you're addicted. Nicotine rewires the brain so that it gives you pleasure on using it, and discomfort upon withdrawing. You become a different person without even realizing it.

You cannot theorize addiction any more than you can theorize anxiety. You may think that you can simply "calm down", but once you find yourself within an anxiety attack... Your reality changes.
All of your usual logic ceases to work, and the anxiety feeds on itself, spiraling you into even further panic upon realizing that you can't calm yourself down. It is a hell I wouldn't wish on somebody I hated, and from my experiences with it I am almost convinced it is a living entity of it's own.

Addiction is very much the same... You cannot theorize about it because you haven't experienced it. The pleasure it gives you, that you have willingly chosen to (stupidly) experience begins to dig deep roots in your brain, and you soon find yourself willing to hold onto that easy pleasure for a long time. But try to go without it and you will find a hell of anxiety, mental disorientation, physical sickness and so on.
If it was easy, then there would be exactly 0 smokers left after they started having negative side effects like hacking up a lung every morning. But there becomes a point of addiction where it's actually easier to deal with bad side effects than it is to go through withdrawal.

At this point of addiction, as far as your brain is concerned, the nicotine is the only thing that gives you pleasure.
So you can try all you want to apply any logic you want, your brain will win. The mental disorientation from withdrawals will make you lose sight of what you really want (to quit), nothing will feel good or "right", and soon you are easily worn down, and your mind will do what it does best: It will take over the show and do what it believes is best for you...

Addiction is a very real thing, and it is not to be taken lightly. Nobody who has been addicted ever intended for it, and many of them viewed addiction in the same ways that are expressed here. I can see myself saying these things 5 years ago, and that is very unfortunately ignorant. :/
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-14 22:26:55 UTC in journal: #8793 Comment #49750
I'm twitching on stream!

Oh wait no I'm not.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-14 22:20:30 UTC in journal: #8794 Comment #61538
You should teach him calculus, of course.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-14 22:15:58 UTC in journal: #8796 Comment #66227
It would appear that most people are simply misinformed about it. That it can help you quit smoking is only because since you're the one filling it with whatever mixture you chose, you have the ability to reduce the dose of nicotine in it over time, eventually consuming zero nicotine and getting yourself out of nicotine addiction. It's not healthy, it's just less unhealthy over time if you do it that way. If you don't, then yeah, you're just wasting your time and health with a fancy trinket thinking it's healthier when it isn't.

Congratulations on not letting it win.

As for the people I know who took it up, I haven't been paying attention lately. I'll ask them if it's working out for them.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-14 21:50:56 UTC in journal: #8796 Comment #66221
I had one puff from a cigarette about four years ago. It was as bad and unsatisfying as I imagined. Smoking is such a weird, artificial thing. Is there ever any kind of instant appeal to someone who hasn't smoked before? I feel like it's one of those things that no-one would ever be compelled to get into if there weren't other people around them already doing it. (Like religion.) And I've certainly never thought that was a good way to base life decisions.

"If you have a girlfriend (or boyfriend) that has a strict zero policy on alcohol, cigarettes and vaping, don't do any of these under his (her) back. Trust me, you would be amazed how much damage to the person you love for years."
Seems like that should be obvious, but I guess addiction is a wicked mistress.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-14 21:22:49 UTC in journal: #8796 Comment #66226
Vaping is also common in France.

I remember when I transfered to a new highschool during one of my education years ago, the group of friends I met were all smokers and cigarettes and such were a common subject of discussion. It was quite hard to get myself acquainted with them so I did tried to smoke one and I didn't had the "need" to smoke another one.

One of my step-sister was a smoker but stopped because my bro isn't smoking, love can sometimes change the mind of a person.

If you have a girlfriend (or boyfriend) that has a strict zero policy on alcohol, cigarettes and vaping, don't do any of these under his (her) back. Trust me, you would be amazed how much damage to the person you love for years.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-14 15:06:07 UTC in journal: #8795 Comment #67841
General purpose, allowing for any kind of commercial usage of remote controlled aircrafts. Could be easily extended for military purposes with additional course.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-14 14:05:25 UTC in journal: #8796 Comment #66224
I never understood how they can be addictive, the smell is just horrible. No one in my immediate family is a smoker and iv'e tried some cigs before and usually take a puff once or twice per year, but get disgusted every time.
If they smelled good like lets say gasoline then yeah i would have smoked myself to death.

And as Jeff pointed out vaping is more like a "cool" statement now when cigs were when you were a teenager, depends on the country though.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-14 13:53:36 UTC in journal: #8796 Comment #66222
I always understood that cigarettes are addictive, but somehow I feel that it's a bit of bullshit. I've tried my first cigarette at 18 and did not feel compelled to smoke more. It only happened when drinking but even then, very rarely.
Right now I have a pack that I bought in December and still did not finish. I keep it for occasions and stuff( also, they're fancy ones with cloves). Usually when I get the curiosity or craving I smoke 3-4 puffs and then get rid of it. I feel that it can be addictive, but usually after I light one I reinforce the fact that they absolutely taste like shit after 3-4 puffs.

I don't know man. I'm not blessed with extreme will power, it's just simple common sense to me.

Vaping is like having a glass of wine while walking on the street - you don't do that. You go to have some drinks with your friends in a nice place with a cozy atmosphere and smoke some hookah. There are lots of flavored non-tobacco alternatives if you want.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-14 13:45:37 UTC in journal: #8795 Comment #67839
Wait, is this for military purposes?
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-14 12:42:58 UTC in journal: #8796 Comment #66225
My Dad has smoked since he was 14 (and swears he's not addicted), so I have the same disincentive towards cigarettes as Archie does. (I've also never personally felt the need to put drugs of any kind in my body - I stick to food and drinks with occasional alcohol, and if I can avoid taking over the counter stuff, I try to as well - if I have a cold I usually just drink a lot of fruit juice, and if I'm in pain I tough it out. Bad experience with Tylenol as a kid.)

Vaping... annoys me. I can totally get behind someone trying it if they're looking to quit smoking, but in my experience (which, granted, might be a bad sample size since I'm a university student) most people who vape do it to "look cool" instead of for a practical reason. And "looking cool" apparently means blowing a giant cloud of vapour into other people's faces. Combine that with the lack of regulations for what you put in it leading to the use of things like Diacetyl and other substances that are safe to ingest but not to inhale, the cases of vaporizers exploding in people's faces due to shoddy build quality, and statistics that indicate vaping might be leading to more cigarette smoking, I'm not overly impressed with the practice.

That said, good on you Crollo for trying to quit smoking using it, and also for realizing that it wasn't working for you! It's gonna be hell for a while, but keep at it - Once the nicotine is out of your system and the withdrawl is over, I'm sure you'll feel a lot better.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-14 12:08:06 UTC in journal: #8796 Comment #66217
Oh wow, Jessie; it's everywhere here.

Drugs can be amazing and drugs can be terrible. I was lucky(???) enough to have a mother who smoked 20 a day for my entire life, so I got a pretty big disincentive to start. I saw how unhealthy it was making her - how out of breath she was getting just climbing the stairs, etc.

That said, I'm no stranger to weed, a (very) rare pill or two and certainly no stranger to alcohol.

Whether it's seeking highs, escapism or comfort, I can completely understand how people get addicted.

What really shows character is knowing when you're addicted and doing something about it.

Crollo, I'm very impressed at how quickly you didn't allow yourself to be fooled that you were feeling better. That your replacement was a completely healthy alternative. You recognised that it was still harming you and you're taking steps to cut it out completely. That takes real balls. Proud of you, man.

I couldn't even get my mum to start vaping, let alone quit nicotine altogether. Don't smoke, kids.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-14 07:40:27 UTC in journal: #8796 Comment #66223
Well you are inhaling a drug, that said and i'm just basing this purely from a logical sense is that when you smoke you inhale a plethora of other toxins such as carbon monoxide where as vaping has less? (again have not done any research)
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-14 06:36:10 UTC in journal: #8796 Comment #66220
I have more or less never seen nor heard of vaping at all in the non-internet world. I don't know if it's just not a thing around here or what.

I dunno. It all seems silly to me. Every kind of drug, licit or not. I don't know how or why anyone gets into them. Perhaps I'm just lucky enough to be able to view it from a impartial stance. None of the people I associate with smokes, drinks particularly regularly and/or heavily, or does anything else. Maybe some regular coffee/coke drinkers, but that's about it.

It's possible all that just means I'm the least qualified person to discuss this.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-14 06:34:47 UTC in journal: #8796 Comment #66229
And for the record: Even if the delivery system of vaping is proven to not cause any noticeable effects on your health, the withdrawals of nicotine are bad enough that you should not take up vaping nicotine unless you have to. It is an addictive drug and withdrawal is very unpleasant and disruptive, both physically and mentally.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-13 18:43:19 UTC in journal: #8794 Comment #61539
I agree with Tetsu.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-13 12:48:56 UTC in journal: #8794 Comment #61530
That's what you signed up for when you... uh... y'know.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-13 11:35:40 UTC in journal: #8794 Comment #61521
"Urby and Archie claim to be working on The Core. But did you know they're actually sleeping instead?"

Haha! Sleeping? That's a laugh. :|

That's not to say we ARE working on The Core of course, but I'm certainly not bloody sleeping. :P
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-13 11:32:22 UTC in journal: #8794 Comment #61526
Congratulations, now you can make uncle jokes :P
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-13 10:53:41 UTC in journal: #8794 Comment #61529
Y'know, I've never really had much care to travel, but I think France would be a contender. The other contenders are Canada and Japan.

I mean, I hold no real sentimentality for Australia, so I guess those are also contenders for "countries that might be nice to move to someday". (Weeell... maybe not Japan.)
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-13 09:28:47 UTC in journal: #8794 Comment #61542
Oh right, but this guy always pronounced it like that so I'd think it's that. Putainnn.

We went from nephew to France in a pretty quick 4 replies. Speaking of French desserts, my ex always tried to convince that Crêpes were the best thing. Not compared to my big, fluffy pancakes they aren't. I also remember her father making this amazing meal for us, and he used this 'special cheese' which was like only produced/sold at a certain season or something? Was in a wooden box like thing and heated up then spread all over either the bread or whatever I ate, was really good. But yeah, that's about my French food experience.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-13 06:31:40 UTC in journal: #8794 Comment #61537
@Ghost129er : It's "putain" ^^

To remember it easily, think of "Vladimir Putin" and just add an "a" between the "t" and "i". ^^

And yes, that image is true, people only recognize our wine and food, speaking of food, here's one of our popular desserts, the "Paris-Brest" :
User posted image
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-12 20:14:26 UTC in vault item: (Rooms: Source!) The dam Comment #20953
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-12 20:12:27 UTC in journal: #8792 Comment #46212
Funny you mention that, CT. I saw the Stones in 2013...

It was... not good. Sometimes tired old rockers are just tired old rockers. Part of the reason I was so impressed at The Who.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-12 20:03:28 UTC in journal: #8792 Comment #46217
Good for you bro! I had the chance to see the Stones when they were in town and I passed it up, and will forever regret it.. amazings these old bands are still fucking touring :o
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-12 20:01:09 UTC in journal: #8793 Comment #49748
Cool shit dued! Will try to be there on Sunday =)
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-12 18:07:47 UTC in journal: #8794 Comment #61541
User posted image
(Sorry, my French teacher used it and so did my Frenchie friend. Love that word. <3 )
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-12 15:53:21 UTC in journal: #8794 Comment #61536
@Penguinboy : translations are correct assuming your theory of sarcasm is 100% right xD

@Jessie : Perfect for the first one with "today". Same for second. Third, the something is "maps" ("levels" is accepted as well. Fourth, perfect as well.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-12 15:11:42 UTC in journal: #8794 Comment #61523
I cannot speak French
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-12 12:49:03 UTC in journal: #8794 Comment #61528
Huh, I didn't know that. Is it just the question/exclaimation marks? I've seen them with a space before, but I didn't think anything of it.

Alright, here's the translations just from what I can recognize/[assume].
  • Have you sent your report to the administrator [today]?
  • Urby and Archie are the developers of The Core. [When can we play it?] (I don't understand the structure of the last sentence, though I recognize most of the words.)
  • My god! Gordon is [still?] late for the [experiment?]. The administrator [still... something].
  • TWHL has interesting [something] and therefore talented [people?]
  • What is the French time for Tetsu0's [streams?], please?
(I submit for your consideration, "Pingouingarçon", "Chasseur", and, uh... "Urbainébuleuse". Also, FOURMI M'AIME!)