
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-25 23:57:55 UTC in journal: #8788 Comment #58557
Perhaps the simpler nature of additive brush building might appeal to a beginner, but gain any amount of experience and the flexibility of subtractive geometry becomes very apparent. Only having to manage the faces of geometry that will actually exist/be visible in your level, much faster iteration time as well as readability of your levels since you don't have to see all the extra geometry (in your 2d views) that won't exist in the final level and is not relevant.

I can't speak to final performance in the compiled BSP as I am not technically privy to what goes on under the hood, but at least for the source map file you will see significantly reduced filesizes.
Consider a simple room: In subtractive, it's 8 vertices with 6 faces, corresponding to only the vertices and connecting faces that make up the inside (and relevant portion) of the room.
In additive, it's 48 vertices with 36 faces, which corresponds to the inside vertices and faces of the room, as well as all of the outer faces and vertices of the 6 boxes that make up the room.
That is 6 times the information, most of which contains wasted UV space, texture and position data, as well as any other information that can be mapped to the unnecessary vertices and faces within hammer itself.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-25 14:12:55 UTC in journal: #8788 Comment #58556
i have heard countless times of people saying how horrible geometry is in unreal compared to hammer
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-25 12:24:09 UTC in journal: #8788 Comment #58553
If you can make subtractive geometry work for sledge i think I'll fly to Australia and give you a hug
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-24 23:51:56 UTC in vault item: dm_hydroelectric Comment #12097
Haven't had a chance to play it with a full server yet, but a great remake of what wasn't even originally a MP map.
I especially liked the radio, it adds a bit of franticness and an opportunity for players to stop fighting each other and focus on working together.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-23 23:04:19 UTC in vault item: Crossport Comment #12102
The map looks really nice! I appreciate the way you used solid colour. Main beef is those turrets seem really finnicky. Maybe expand those tankcontrols to be a little more generous. (I mean, they also only shot out of one of their two barrels, but I get that one.) Also, one of the teleport tubes seemed to deposit one not-right next to another tube. I assume that's unintentional given all the others do.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-22 23:06:08 UTC in journal: #8788 Comment #58554
Hey, this looks relevant to my interests, especially since I've started working on Sledge again. I will watch it when I have some spare time I'm at work. Thanks!

Edit: Interesting watch. The ideas of creating geometry in Unreal/3DS are really cool. Will have to keep that in mind for Sledge!
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-22 17:47:35 UTC in journal: #8785 Comment #68123
@Shepard Yes, it is.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-21 22:33:50 UTC in journal: #8787 Comment #62932
The XP theme looks good.
Silver looks shit. Even on Office apps and etc.

PS we're hijacking Stu's thread, let's NOT do that..? :s
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-21 21:12:55 UTC in journal: #8787 Comment #62929
Ohh material, if you have a crappy lcd everything looks like "full bright"...
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-21 19:51:05 UTC in journal: #8787 Comment #62928
I don't know why because of all this flat/material craze, that windows XP theme starts to look appealing again.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-21 19:20:40 UTC in vault item: Suppression Comment #12101
@Archie, it's HLDM, fixed.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-21 18:04:48 UTC in journal: #8787 Comment #62930
I'm sorry, what?
This is like that time years ago when I got a negative download speed.
User posted image
That is not at all how that works.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-21 17:22:49 UTC in journal: #8787 Comment #62934
^ I second that. xD
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-21 17:10:17 UTC in journal: #8787 Comment #62931
This journal is gold. <3
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-21 17:04:52 UTC in journal: #8787 Comment #62933
On my Samsung SM-G531f, I found out that CM Security's log file is 1.6GB big. I deleted it, my phone crashed and restarted, but then, I was able to install apps again. :D
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-21 15:16:16 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Creating Overviews Comment #100613
While some of this is true, it's just soooo wrong.
Even the result is BAD. If you see green color in the game, you've messed things up.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-19 21:52:19 UTC in vault item: Crossedwire Comment #12100
What the heck...
So, by trying to fix one end (darkness), I broke the other end. (brightness)
Uhh... come on...

Looks like I'll have to default it all and re-configure it. :P
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-19 13:41:49 UTC in vault item: Crossedwire Comment #12104
That's a really nice review, Bruce! Thankyou! We've managed to get pretty regular 12-man meetups on the TWHL/SnC server, but that's probably because we're in the midst of a competition period.

As for Admer's gamma, it's taking all of the colours out of the highlights, neutralising the blacks and causing pretty extreme banding wherever the lighting blends. Here's a comparison against default gamma settings:
User posted image
Look at where the worklight blends, for example. That banding is really nasty :o
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-19 07:36:14 UTC in vault item: Crossedwire Comment #12114
While I was making ts_untergrund and showing the screenshots, everyone said they were too dark. The same thing goes for de_kobbl.

And now, you're saying it's too bright!
Well, guess what, they're actually my monitor's colour settings.

Essentially, contrast is high, brightness compensates the contrast (so br. also gets a bit high) and I also turn on "vivid colours". So yeah, the lighting looks great on my end. I don't know what's the big deal with my gamma setup. In fact, I will show you a screenshot of my colour settings, and the video settings in GoldSrc.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-19 05:04:21 UTC in vault item: Crossedwire Comment #12123
actually the way his gamma makes the lighting look so bright kinda suits the map better since its set in a desert?! anyway the lighting in this map is great, sometimes hard to tell apart from Source and also reminded me of Mirror's Edge. It's kind of a massive version of crossfire and would probably play interestingly but one sad truth is that these days it's really hard to get players in HLDM and even if you do, few would wait the 20MB download, the reality is that players gather from all around with the shittiest connections, I look after one server for years so talking from experience... And yeah fps isn't the greatest, on my linux craptop sometimes it drops to 10fps but I guess it runs fine on an average modern PC. Either way, since HL is such an unpredictable creature with a life of it's own, don't worry, players will see what this map is worth, either sooner or 20 more years later. Good work!
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-19 02:14:21 UTC in vault item: Crossedwire Comment #12148
Cheers for the reviews, guys! Thankyou!

Admer, I really appreciate the in-depth review but you really gotta sort your gamma out. It makes the lighting look terrible! xD
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-19 00:41:13 UTC in vault item: dm_hydroelectric Comment #12154
Updated to 1.0.3.
  • Fixed sprite on antenna to flash. Was set up to do so, but was never triggered.
  • Upscaled rock textures in bulk of map.
  • Increased Max Viewable Distance slightly, should no longer be a problem at longest distances.
  • Made the "Turbine Control" button control the lights on that structure for no reason. Also renamed said button.
  • Tweaked spawn and item placement.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-18 20:17:21 UTC in vault item: Crossedwire Comment #12156
Let's take a look at this framerate nightmare again: (well, if 6fps is a nightmare xD)
User posted image
Thank God, and thank you, Archie!
Finally, my frames are back at 20fps to 30fps instead of my GPU struggling to handle the flickering lights. :D
User posted image
The same thing here, although it doesn't change much. :/
My frames are OK, seems playable here. Nice details there and there, and I like the overall feel and taste for textures. ;)
User posted image
Ah, one of those rare spots where I get 60fps. :D
Lots of TWHL references scattered around the map. That's what makes these maps so special: wisely putting (not too many) references of things/people we know.
User posted image
Looks like you listened to my advice. xD
Or someone else told you?
User posted image
So the minimum framerate I get in the whole map is 9fps. Perfect, compared to the previous version's 4fps which was present a lot, in fact.
User posted image
Uhh... what. Ah well, not everything has to be perfect. :)
User posted image
This is a very very nostalgic pipe...
Reminds me of the Half-Life 2 sewers! :D
Also, nice use of the Glow Render Mode with sprites in the tunnel afterwards.

So yeah, I can say that, with much better framerates, this map is optimised sufficiently for older hardware, and is able to run acceptably on my almost-10-year-old laptop. You basically gave me a performance boost (and thank you for that).
If we were to rate on a scale of 10, I'd give a 9.
So, that's basically 5 out of 5 stars here.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-18 17:57:17 UTC in vault item: Crossedwire Comment #12158
Excellent map with very natural lighting. A more reasonable (although at times slightly confusing) layout that plays well and great attention to detail. I expected no less of you.

Well done except I couldn't find the snarks tap.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-18 17:52:17 UTC in vault item: dm_stalkfire_f1 Comment #12157
Incidentally, the included .res file doesn't distribute the WAD file properly. No idea why. Perhaps do a -wadinclude version?
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-18 17:24:10 UTC in vault item: Crossedwire Comment #12164
An excellent remake of HLDM's most-played map. Much more room to run around in, added verticality, and additional rooms boost the gameplay possibilities. Replacing the nuke with an airstrike (and the addition of radio chatter when it's activated) give the sometimes-maligned mechanic a sense of story and logic.
The visuals of the map are very impressive for goldsource, with nothing seeming more blocky than it should, or low-resolution. (Well, okay, I can't read the brand names on the vending machines, but they look so good that I also can't make myself care)

I didn't get a chance to try out the old version, so I don't know what changes were made, but since nothing seemed odd or out of place, I figure they must have been for the better.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-18 15:59:25 UTC in vault item: dm_hydroelectric Comment #12163
After several full-server games on this, I stand by my original review and rating. It's just fantastic.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-18 15:58:23 UTC in vault item: Hysteria Comment #18437
Plays absolutely brilliantly, albeit a tad on the empty side.

My only niggles are weapon placement and lighting. Overall it just feels too dark for deathmatch. A couple of extra light sources + a couple extra bounce passes would do wonders.

Weapon placement is probably the biggest offender - far too much of a game on this map is spent pistol dueling. It gets tiring quite quickly. I think you just restricted yourself to the original map's weapon locations too much.

It's really great, though. So close to 5 stars. I only mention the niggles because I know you're capable of perfection in your mapping!
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-18 15:55:37 UTC in vault item: doomify Comment #18447
This is really cool! There's a lot of detail here, and very cool entity work creates a living, breathing map.

Gameplay was a little weird, particularly with AR grenades being a little too plentiful, but overall it was pretty fun. I love the airlock in particular.

A lot of the screen and UI-style textures really felt like they should be additive, also the skybox was particularly boxy.

Being able to see the exterior of the ship through the windows and airlock is fantastic, so to is the little accessible fighter ship.

Lots and lots of really cool design concepts packed into a tight, neat arena. Very good!
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-18 15:50:27 UTC in vault item: dm_stalkfire_f1 Comment #18448
This really is a staggeringly beautiful map. The clean and clever design hidden under gorgeous detailing is just awesome.
Textures are great, lighting is great.

The setting is also great - I love the big cargo containers and the feeling of it being part of a much larger world.

Just... gdamn. Annoyingly brilliant map. :D
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-18 15:47:23 UTC in vault item: Crossport Comment #18452
We got a good 12-man match on the server last night. It played really well! Lots of crossbow sniping in amongst excellently fast-paced chaos. I always think the inclusion of the Egon is a mistake since it's such an anti-fun weapon, but that's more subjective.

I maybe found it a little difficult to get my bearings when I respawned; the texture set leaves all the interiors feeling a little visually indistinct.

Superb fun, though, and I love the theme.

4 stars, easily up to 5 with just a couple of changes to help make areas feel more distinct.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-17 22:33:16 UTC in vault item: dm_hydroelectric Comment #18451
I guess your reinterpretation was, hey why not make it bigger and better? Turned out pretty cool! Good luck in the competition.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-17 22:29:15 UTC in vault item: Crossport Comment #18450
Very awesome re - interpretation of half life!

Noticed two minor sound glitches.

1. After you go through the same teleport, the second time you do the noise doesn't activate. Then the third time it does. You probably know the fix but just target the sound twice each time with a multi manager. So that it toggles it on and then off each time. You could probably fix with Audacity by adding cue points to the sound file but either way should work.

2. Also, the turret sound. Just download audacity for free and chop the noise to single shot so that it doesn't continue after firing.

Besides those nitpicks, what an awesome map! Good luck in the competition! This one's definitely up there swingin and punchin.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-17 15:29:26 UTC in vault item: Suppression Comment #18453
This is tagged for HL, but it looks like it's HLDM. Which is it? I'll add it to the TWHL server rotation if it's HLDM
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-16 19:46:05 UTC in journal: #8786 Comment #66628
Yeah I think this is a nice idea.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-16 15:11:17 UTC in journal: #8785 Comment #68131
Ahahaha, OK.
If you want, freely call me AdmerFourFiftySix. xD (or anything else that you'd like)

Edit: You'd seriously throw me out of an aircraft?
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-16 13:26:26 UTC in journal: #8785 Comment #68125
... Pronounce my Username like that one more time, and I will throw you out of an aircraft.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-15 22:27:48 UTC in journal: #8785 Comment #68122
I hope Internet Wayback Machine is monitoring TWHL ^^
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-15 20:43:06 UTC in journal: #8786 Comment #66629
Well, I guess I could be considered a frequently active TWHL member, because I visit every day etc.
I'll join. ;)
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-15 20:41:50 UTC in journal: #8785 Comment #68130
Darn... good idea!
I will take a screenshot of the entire blog and upload it somewhere, e.g. on Imgur.

Thank you, GhostOneTwentyNiner! xD
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-15 19:58:28 UTC in journal: #8785 Comment #68124
I hope these get archived so you can read these later on in life and look back and these and enjoy the moment. :))
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-15 19:45:25 UTC in journal: #8783 Comment #58549
I'm gonna make the resonance cascade look like a fucking joke
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-15 18:30:44 UTC in journal: #8785 Comment #68129
I said "but" because you said "Visiting other parts of the world". In my opinion, something very close to my country isn't considered another part of the world, but rather a part of the part of the world where I am.

And, I have a habit of adding all sorts of words on the beginning of my sentences:
actually, in fact, and, but, however, although, despite, even though, well, fortunately, unfortunately, apparently, albeit etc.
despite there being no need for them. ;)
I think I should use those only when needed to express a certain thought.

That's it. I'll go to Montenegro because my request was completed. And as you've seen, the request was playing CS 1.6 in my school, on my school map (We couldn't load the school map on Selena's laptop, so we had to play on de_dust2).
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-15 18:21:53 UTC in journal: #8785 Comment #68120
The use of the word 'But' at the beginning of your post makes it seem like it's a bad thing that it's so close, that's all. Like you were disappointed you weren't going further.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-15 14:53:32 UTC in journal: #8785 Comment #68128
Many many people fail to realise this:
I've never said that going to Montenegro is bad.
Where on Earth did you even find "nearby = bad"? I didn't write it anywhere. xD

And, well... we didn't have any offers for Cro-
Actually we did, but we voted for Montenegro because the previous generations would go there.
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-15 14:38:50 UTC in journal: #8785 Comment #68119
Just because it's nearby doesn't mean it won't be good!
(although if I was going that distance from BiH, I'd pick Croatia)
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-15 14:25:20 UTC in journal: #8785 Comment #68127
But Montenegro is right next to BiH. We will go there by bus, it's just a little pinch longer than going to my country's capital.
Basically, what I've said implies that I'll go on the trip, so...
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-15 14:10:02 UTC in journal: #8785 Comment #68118
Best way to get over a fear is to just confront it. I had convinced myself I was scared of flying - any time I went abroad it took forever because I had to take trains and ferries and more trains. It was really limiting.
Then when I was ~18 I got one of my first freelance jobs which required me to fly all over the UK. For around three months I was taking about four flights a week!

I was super nervous going into it because I had convinced myself I was scared of flying, but after that first flight? I just laughed because it was such a silly fear, and it went away instantly.

Visiting other parts of the world is one of the most important educations you can get - don't deny yourself that experience, you'll regret it. :)
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-15 12:12:56 UTC in journal: #8785 Comment #68126
The blog was formatted in HTML, unlike TWHL's BBCode. Converting it would've taken time!

The map itself will be released both on GB and TWHL. It's just an improved version of my school map which was made in 7th grade.
The new school map for Sven Co-op, however, is going to be much much better than this.

I didn't want to go to Montenegro because, well... I have this "fear" of travelling because I've never travelled outside of my country.
(this "event" of playing CS in school was accomplished, therefore I promised to go on the trip)

And I don't kiss anyone, just Jody. After all, my girlfriend loves kissing (and cuddling, too). :3

You didn't understand.

Basically, I made a deal:
"If Selena and I play CS in school, I will go on the trip."

(by the way, she didn't have to win in CS, it was just a friendly, casual introduction to the game)
Commented 7 years ago2017-03-15 01:28:00 UTC in journal: #8785 Comment #68121
As long as everyone had a great moment and such, that was kinda great.

I follow Archie's opinion about why this "challenge" instead of the school trip, those are quite rare in France (but I don't know how it is in Bosnia and Herzegovina).