
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-29 04:45:05 UTC in journal: #8694 Comment #61513
I managed to build the SDK on OS X, yay ! ^^
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-28 21:14:00 UTC in journal: #8697 Comment #48421
@Shepard: Tiger cake is a real thing. It's nothing special. Would rather recommend chocolate balls. They used to be known as negro balls.
@Satchmo: I hope you'll enjoy it. Be sure to see the archipelago. One of my best childhood memories is when I went boating there with my family.
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-28 20:25:51 UTC in journal: #8697 Comment #48424
What? satchno is not a girl, is he? :P
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-28 18:34:01 UTC in journal: #8697 Comment #48423

Oh wait you're married.

Fine. Have fun anyway!
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-28 04:47:49 UTC in journal: #8697 Comment #48422
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-28 02:16:51 UTC in journal: #8697 Comment #48425
Sweden yes
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-27 14:43:09 UTC in journal: #8697 Comment #48420
Have a nice trip!

That's closer to me than the other side of the planet, but yeah still very far :)).
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-25 06:34:57 UTC in journal: #8696 Comment #67383
Aha, Comatrix and his accent, I haven't forgotten yet! :P
His elevator is quite classy, I may peek in the rmf a little if I'm not too much pretentious! ^_^
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-23 10:22:30 UTC in journal: #8696 Comment #67379
You might be interested by that Loulimi (WARNING : french language with an Italian accent).

And the map itself.

There was parts 1 to 7 which he explained how the whole system worked but due to the limit of size of his hoster he had to remove them.
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-23 08:47:21 UTC in journal: #8696 Comment #67382
I personally prefer to make as much design as possible. Otherwise I get lost when I have to resolve any unexpected problems or question like the need of a new class, or any kind of design change / addition.

@2muchvideogames Now that you mentioned it, I feel like my elevator system is quite too much complicated! :P But there's actually a reason for that. I made it so any new floor possibly added later do not interfere with the previous floors. In other words, it doesn't need to know what the other floors are and at which floor the elevator is, nor if the elevator is moving or not.
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-22 21:16:10 UTC in journal: #8695 Comment #68011
Wait! I saw something on which refers to Steam Wallet cards selling in BiH, this is the thread, but you should use Google Translate since I can't translate it all for you.

In short, they make cheap versions of these gift cards (we call gift cards 'bonovi' which is 'bon' in plural) with the actual code on them. The only difference is that these LOOK cheaper, because of production, but the codes themselves are original. So, a 5€ card costs 16 KM, more than what the EUR to BAM chart says.

Urby was right, thanks for inspiring me to look for some info about it!
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-22 19:21:00 UTC in journal: #8696 Comment #67380
I dont think goldsrc entity systems are complicated enough to need some kind of management tool. Dont you have 1 or 2 multimanagers handle everything anyway?
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-22 18:56:18 UTC in journal: #8696 Comment #67376
As a maker at heart, I will always hate testing. Ok maybe it's too early to generalize, I don't have much experience. But testing stands in the way of my creativity flow.
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-22 18:44:00 UTC in journal: #8696 Comment #67377
I've had profs tell me I have to make class diagrams, logic flowcharts, figure out the Big O complexity, yadda yadda yadda. Never really saw the point of all the paperwork.

Now, I don't code much out of class since I'm focusing on the art and design side of things, but I find it much easier to just simply describe how it works from a high-level perspective on paper in plain english, then make a step-by-step comment skeleton of what goes where before diving right into the code.
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-22 11:25:06 UTC in journal: #8696 Comment #67373
I never really wrote anything down, I just jumped right in.
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-22 11:05:43 UTC in journal: #8696 Comment #67375
My OOP and unit test courses were in the same course as well, but they handled it really poorly, in my opinion. Instead of testing interfaces, like you're supposed to, they gave us some shitty code and some shitty unit tests and asked us to un-mangle them. I had a negative impression of unit tests for quite a while, it wasn't until I worked full time for a couple of years that I realised the proper way to use them and how helpful they can be.

I still don't write them though.
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-22 09:37:53 UTC in journal: #8696 Comment #67378
Am I the only one who has an Oriented Object Programming teacher that ask us to do the unit tests first and the code itself later ?
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-22 09:16:24 UTC in journal: #8696 Comment #67381
Ouch... I've never been asked to use Visual Paradigm to generate code template. Instead, since we're asked to provide a class design for each for our assignments, I use it on my own to generate class diagrams from my code instead! :P
It will deceive you, but Visual Paradigm is still the same, there's at least 3 rows of tabs for each panel, opening each another panel. I'm not sure it's a bad UI. You just have to know where are the options of interest for you, and you can be sure to see every possible options available in one place.
However, you can also sometimes made a right click and make changes without opening a panel, it's quite rare though.
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-22 08:56:39 UTC in journal: #8696 Comment #67374
Visual Paradigm, now there's a software I haven't thought about in a long time. That thing had a properties dialog that had like 20 tabs in it. From one of the tabs, you could open another dialog with another 20 or so tabs. Then you could open yet another properties dialog with yet another 20 or so tabs. It's a shining example of terrible UI design. This was 8 or so years ago though, I hope they've improved it since then...

They made us use it to generate Java code templates for a uni course I did. In the end it would have been 10 times faster to just write the damn code, but the tutor insisted using the diagramming tool was better somehow. Academic type people are strange.
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-21 20:25:00 UTC in journal: #8695 Comment #68010
Yes, sorry, I forgot to mention the drive... since nobody here says 'drive' but rather only the word 'DVD'. As if (true) they say 'Put the DVD into the DVD' which sounds very funny. That's what I meant, putting 'cold, hard' cash into a DVD drive. But that was 6 years ago...
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-21 19:29:19 UTC in journal: #8695 Comment #68007
Just learned something new. However my question still applies:

How can you put a unit of measurement [of money] in a DVD-ROM?

[edit]Wait you mean the drive? Putting bank notes in the drive? Lovely. Sadly ATM service hasn't yet reached the home PC market.
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-21 13:13:39 UTC in journal: #8695 Comment #68009
And as a response to what Urby said,

I don't think I can buy Steam Wallet cards, because I live in a country where paid games are pirated games. So yes, here we pay for pirated games, that's how lame Bosnia and Herzegovina is.
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-21 13:09:27 UTC in journal: #8695 Comment #68008
In my response to "How can you "put" a unit of measurement in a DVD-ROM?"

I can't put kilometers, nor miles, but I can put real cash inside of it.

You obviously never heard of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The currency there is called "konvertibilna marka" which is KM when shortened. It means "convertible mark", and many people accidentally replace it with kilometers, the measurement unit for length used in the SI system. So, once in a shop, I saw a price label which said "10 km" which would say that that item costs 10 kilometers, instead of marks.
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-21 05:43:00 UTC in journal: #8695 Comment #68004
Do you not have Steam Wallet cards where you are? You can buy those with cash. :P
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-21 03:01:49 UTC in journal: #8695 Comment #68006
How can you "put" a unit of measurement in a DVD-ROM?
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-20 23:53:24 UTC in journal: #8695 Comment #68005
So the tl;dr is that you've decided maybe you should pay for things?
User posted image
It seems so strange to me that piracy is largely the modern replacement for demos. I guess those things gave people too much chance to try before buying.
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-19 19:00:26 UTC in journal: #8692 Comment #58521
No probs man. You always deliver.
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-19 18:56:23 UTC in journal: #8694 Comment #61512
EDIT/UPDATE : Sorry for the big images, don't know how to make snapshots (simg didn't worked)

After some "weird environment setup" I managed to dodge an error to get another one, making slowly progress.
User posted image
And to avoid any confusion in your minds :
User posted image
If people are interested to do the same (run OS X on a PC), I can make some kind of tutorial.
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-19 18:22:54 UTC in journal: #8692 Comment #58518
Happy birthday dude, sorry I missed it!
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-19 18:22:26 UTC in journal: #8694 Comment #61511
I see Apple's screen capture is still top notch.
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-18 20:08:54 UTC in journal: #8691 Comment #61721
This guy is a boss.

Check out some of his Gumroad training vids if that kind of stuff interests you (they're linked near the bottom of the article).
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-17 02:06:26 UTC in journal: #8692 Comment #58520
Happy Birthday!
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-17 01:43:23 UTC in journal: #8690 Comment #54657
Seems like a very interesting uni program matey! Also, grats on the quading dems 3's like a baller! =)
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-16 21:48:48 UTC in journal: #8692 Comment #58524
Happy belated birthday!
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-16 08:26:38 UTC in journal: #8692 Comment #58525
Happy birthday ^^
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-16 02:17:39 UTC in journal: #8692 Comment #58526
A birthday post by TJB is not a birthday post by TJB without Christian Bale.
User posted image
Happy birthday!
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-15 18:17:24 UTC in journal: #8690 Comment #54656
I took longer than I was expecting, as getting photos off my phone is a huge pain in the arse.

I've uploaded an album here:
Our team's plane is the white one.

There were two other teams, the red team and blue team.
Red team's plane performed fairly well. Apparently their wings weren't as rigid as they could have been but they didn't have any hiccups and all of their flights were successful.
Blue team's was interesting. Their first flight attempt (without a payload) ended badly. The plane didn't take off very well, and it lost control and entered a flat spin shortly after taking off, damaging the landing gear and the tailplane when it hit the ground. It had a number of flight attempts, most of which resulted in the plane flipping before takeoff due to the damaged landing gear. They had one successful 'proper' flight (minus payload), which ended with the landing gear being completely bent to the point of uselessness when it landed. It wasn't able to fly with a payload.
At the end of the objective flights each team had a flight where the planes were just taken for a spin and made to do tricks, just for fun. The blue team's plane managed to take part in this flight, although it had to have all excess weight removed, and it didn't have any functioning landing gear at this point; it had to be launched by spinning the propellor up then throwing it into the air. During this flight, the pilot attempted to fly a loop and ended up flying straight into the ground. The impact was so severe that some of the heavier components were ejected through the front face of the plane.
One of the lecturers saw the plane as they were taking it back inside and he said it's the worst crash damage he'd ever seen. The wing spar and tail boom were fairly thick carbon fibre tubes and they were broken in several places.

Overall it was a pretty fun day.
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-15 18:14:48 UTC in journal: #8692 Comment #58523
oh... ok. Happy birthday!
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-15 18:14:18 UTC in journal: #8692 Comment #58519
Happy Birthday!
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-15 15:45:16 UTC in journal: #8692 Comment #58522
The palindromic age? What's that? Are you no longer backwards?
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-13 11:00:06 UTC in journal: #8689 Comment #49683
Back in the day, they used to make some good electronics. Is it made in Japan?
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-12 19:35:00 UTC in journal: #8690 Comment #54655
Holy shit that image... I wasn't ready
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-12 19:03:02 UTC in journal: #8690 Comment #54658
Yeah baby! 3333 days and going strong!
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-12 16:28:04 UTC in journal: #8690 Comment #54659
Glad to hear that your airplane perform well despite the little problem with the landing. Can't wait to see your photos tomorrow ^^

Nice on the 3333 days thingy ^^
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-11 18:18:06 UTC in journal: #8689 Comment #49676
I was looking into the Tamiya forums and if anything I might do a rear-end rebuild and get some new suspension. The current suspension is REALLY soft. It needs new tires too; these ones are original and very bald.
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-11 18:09:51 UTC in journal: #8689 Comment #49682
Tetsu0 - Later on depending if you're keeping her or not, why not upgrade her to a Li-Po set up as well as some metal gear servo's or so? That'd be really kick ass of a thing to do! I still have my old Kyosho Mini-Z (now with a Murcielago shell instead of a Z4) and she's still amazing as when I had her when she was a kid. Had a Traxxas E-Revo - Roasted the ESC on the first day doing wheelies. >>
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-10 21:25:29 UTC in journal: #8689 Comment #49675
Ghost, I knew you wanted an update, thats why I posted :D
I haven't strapped the gopro to it yet, but I did put a flashlight on it last night for some night riding. that was alright until i hit a curb and the zip-ties let loose
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-10 20:34:56 UTC in journal: #8689 Comment #49679
Fuck me, I'm not the only one who spent his entire childhood on "Re-Volt" and seeing this just reminded me of that game ^^

Striker, I greet you, Re-Volt veteran ^^

The good old days of racing the Toyeca in the Museum or in the Supermarket, making the HDD full because of 150 generated tracks xD
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-10 19:21:58 UTC in journal: #8689 Comment #49684
My feelings are same as my avatar for cat...

Commented 8 years ago2016-04-10 19:06:37 UTC in journal: #8689 Comment #49677
Wait is the RC car made in 88'? That shit is old, nice to see it still works. Reminds me of a game we used to play as kids at school called "ReVolt".