
Commented 11 years ago2012-07-03 07:39:59 UTC in journal: #7870 Comment #45668
can u hook up with phillip somehow?

i haven't been to planet phillip in AGES, but i'd think he'd be dying to do something special for this? (he gets a fair amount of traffic, right?)

Maybe some how hook up with the BM:S team, since you are kinda doing the same thing they are, but with the goldsource engine. Maybe you could do some sort of cross-promotional thingie?

Other than that i really don't know, besides going to every mapping site and starting a pimp thread..

On the other hand, i'd be happy to dress up like Barney, and give out The Core TM registered merchandise and flyers at the bars on weekends, might be fun :P
Commented 11 years ago2012-07-03 01:30:00 UTC in journal: #7869 Comment #62389
oh snap call the border patrol! just whatever you do, don't fly on a FedEx cargo plane!1 (is that pic from castaway tho?)
Commented 11 years ago2012-07-02 08:49:49 UTC in journal: #7867 Comment #55925
I know what you mean stojkens, i'll never go back to a single monitor setup again, not to mention the little-bit bigger screen is so much bigger/brighter/easier on the eyes! And ya, the keyboard is literally amazing... looks/feels/performs great, same goes for the mouse... it's like heaven compared to my old one ;)

I'd love to see what goodies you got too!

Luke: hells ya, it's my favourite rock-out music for a while now =P
Commented 11 years ago2012-07-02 07:50:40 UTC in vault item: Power Hour Timer Comment #20035
lawl yes! =)

funniest part about this: when i made the map i was sitting in my friends room with my laptop, and i made the map right then and there to play pour hour =)

(i didn't spill one drop of beer on my laptop either, which i consider a major achievement) :P
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-30 02:22:36 UTC in journal: #7861 Comment #55339
Me too, i'm a roller coaster junkie. i would ride the same one all day long if they would let me, just to get that feeling when your stomach drops on a big hill, and you involuntarily scream all the way down like a small child :)
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-29 17:01:06 UTC in journal: #7860 Comment #60958
UrbY: LAWL yer kidding?! was it a summer party too? :P

I think i actually passed out in the bathroom with the door locked, until i finally woke up in my own piss/shit/vomit, stumbled outside puked more, and went to bed on my friend's neighbors backyard(i remember none of this except waking up on the grass) =P
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-29 13:33:43 UTC in journal: #7860 Comment #60957
happy grads sir!

if you invite me to your party i promise i won't puke in your bathroom and pass out on your neighbors lawn ;)
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-28 01:18:20 UTC in journal: #7858 Comment #60949
Looks great jeff, downloading! =)
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-26 01:36:13 UTC in vault item: de_dreamer Comment #11898
This is a really neat map.

"Melancholy Street" has a really neat feel and look to it, but why not add some music to subtle background ambience that's already there? Also here, the subtle texture lighting and subtle changes to the architecture are really neat =)

Some stuff is a little blocky and/or weirdly textured in the map like that spiral staircase, and there are a few visual errors, but no big deal.

Some real nice detail work in here, like the distressing with cracks and broken bits and some very neat effects like the texture-bright signs.

Some brave brushwork in here too like the domes and tho ther are some brushwork/texturing errors they still look pretty cool.

Neat map! this would be a fine addition to the cs server, maybe PM Daubster and ask if he'll put the map up ;)
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-24 12:42:26 UTC in journal: #7856 Comment #55916
The Mouse was $39. Size-wise, it fits my hand perfectly... LOVE IT. Has a really nice heft to it as well and like i said, is very accurate; playing games now is like a new experience compared to my old mouse, seriously.
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-24 09:24:16 UTC in journal: #7857 Comment #53679
ha pretty cool, i never heard of this before =P
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-24 07:01:08 UTC in journal: #7852 Comment #58080
that's what she said.

i love me some pickled herrings NOM NOM NOM, PLUS, i think they are very good for you.
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-21 19:50:00 UTC in vault item: de_soup Comment #20032
Yeah agrees archie. I always rate with context in mind, even if that is probably not the best way, i.e., considering Dim is a new source mapper, and for a first map, this is just really good work.

Plus i feel a 5-star rating system is a bit lacking since 1-3 stars is horrible to rank average, so i personally feel rating a map I like < 4 stars an insult, and 5 stars to some people is the unattainable "perfect" map, which doesn't even exist.

But ya, maybe 3 stars is more like it for this map then.
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-21 18:34:29 UTC in vault item: de_soup Comment #20029
Great work mate!

I love the detailing inside and out, and the 3dsky is bitchin. the only distractons for me was the lighting is a bit bright on the interiors, and the map is a bit smallish, other than that i like it!

good work sir, keep it up!
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-19 21:59:41 UTC in vault item: fy_oval Comment #20018
ya i'm not sure for cs, it's been so long since i mapped for 1.6... check the forums tho fo sho =)

good work nice improvements! =P
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-19 15:49:59 UTC in journal: #7847 Comment #58067
Great Scott!
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-19 14:11:13 UTC in journal: #7847 Comment #58066
breadboad connected to a dildophonic capacitor? don't forget to get 'er to 88mph before engaging the time circuits ;)
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-19 14:09:42 UTC in journal: #7846 Comment #67177
That's insane awesome map bro! =P
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-17 18:24:52 UTC in journal: #7844 Comment #63878
collapse are you trool_face on gamebanana? (y/n) if yes ty for the comments on my map ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-17 17:24:40 UTC in journal: #7844 Comment #63877
looks really cool sir! =)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-14 20:51:33 UTC in journal: #7839 Comment #42095
aw he's givin rim a tummy rub.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-14 16:58:45 UTC in journal: #7838 Comment #42077
Noah giant cat MAKES ME SCART ={

Don't move a musle rimrook, he's about to wake up and eat your head!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-14 03:20:22 UTC in journal: #7838 Comment #42076
Aw key and rim haz safe and happy times!

Rim and little key key(Nahmbo) - 5 points
Dangerous environment for a kiki - 0 points
Giant cat - 32 points

Now if i can get urby's image of giant cat running around the house trying to spoon me, i'll be alright with just the nightmars =P
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-12 14:56:20 UTC in journal: #7837 Comment #55906
I guess it depends what you're trying to accomplish, but wha i'm sayin' is: there is something important to be learned/gained from exploring a vision through to the end ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-12 11:14:21 UTC in journal: #7837 Comment #55905
Yeah i agree you should have fun above all else, but quitting a project when it starts to get challenging is wrong too, which is what i've been doing.

The best feeling in the world is to forge ahead in a map you don't think you can pull off, but then you do somehow and win a competition with it ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-12 10:17:10 UTC in journal: #7835 Comment #50839
heck no mine neither ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-12 03:48:34 UTC in journal: #7834 Comment #43588
+1 banana crate spidas
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-11 04:49:54 UTC in vault item: Junkyard Comment #20010
Awesome looks great, downloading!

I doubt i will finish mine, but i haven't surrendered yet ;)

Great entry sir!

beautifully created and plays very nice afaik. Some nice use of sounds and scare tactics ;)

Were the wrecked buildings and stuff built from scratch, or are some of those ep2 assets? (they are really good-looking)

I think you have a really good chance of placing! :)

Great work!
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-10 20:44:57 UTC in journal: #7832 Comment #42059
Rim kill it with fire before it become sentient!////// :'(
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-09 21:49:08 UTC in journal: #7832 Comment #42058
lawl, and you're not gonna tell us what the program is?! =P
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-09 06:46:35 UTC in journal: #7830 Comment #45639
Hair of the dog Archie, hair of the dog ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-08 00:57:23 UTC in journal: #7830 Comment #45638
Congrats Archie!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-07 21:03:34 UTC in journal: #7828 Comment #55896
LOL a big black hole or a big DARK matter! LOL i get jokes :))))))PPP
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-07 20:58:36 UTC in journal: #7828 Comment #55895
Aliens landed at jo-mamma's house ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-07 20:43:07 UTC in journal: #7827 Comment #58042
Luke: me too, all the letters seem to be "3ding" to the lower left of my screen and i'm actually tilting my head to compensate. i have to quit parachuting it's deadly zomg ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-07 03:08:54 UTC in journal: #7828 Comment #55894
ha yeah, they seem friendly and nice from when i've seen them on the syfy channel :)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-07 01:14:50 UTC in vault item: fy_oval Comment #20006
A superb first map!

The layout and structures seem like they would lend themselves to some fun gameplay.

-this type of map is not about looks, but if you wanted to spice it up, try thickinging the upper deck so it looks more natural, and add some rock or wood beams underneath to support it, and maybe some columns here and there.

-add some sounds. a looping rain and/or wind would fit perfect.

-just btw, the ornage crates are supposed to be exploadable ;)

Great first map, good job sir! =)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-07 01:01:24 UTC in vault item: awp_minicity Comment #20005
This is pretty cool.

I LOVE the prop helis, though you might make them track trains, or even func_vehicles instead of user controable trains like that, but still really cool! =)

Also like the idea of the miniature city like you are playing rampage or godzilla, lol.

If you want to improve the looks, add a border hiding the edge of the skybox, and try to find a better cityscape sky, that one from valve is bad.

nice work!
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-07 00:50:59 UTC in vault item: 1stab Comment #20004
This map has no lighting, so it should be moved to unfinished maps afaik.

Looks like a fun little knife arena.

These maps are all about gameplay so i won't nitpick the looks of the map. it should at least have lighting tho, and there should be some kind of border blocking you from the skybox at the very least.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-07 00:43:17 UTC in vault item: Toughworks Comment #20003
Agree with above, i love this map!

+Loving the texture pack
+brushwork is detailed and top notch, tho don't be afraid to add some "skinny" details, or real small stuff like switches, panels, fixtures or whatnot
+great use of sound where you found it
+very cool layout

+/-diverse(good) lighting, though i would dilute the colours a bit from being straight red or green alone(tho it still works)

+/-loving the sky texture, wish you could see it more places ;)

great work!
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-05 21:58:22 UTC in vault item: Alternating func_wall_toggles for de_dust2_AxB Comment #20002
Glad you fixed it, good job! =)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-05 21:54:25 UTC in vault item: Elevator configuration for d3_lastbase_02 Comment #20001
I know there are a shit-tonne of previous articles on elevators, but i can seem to find any atm, sorry!

i'll try to take a look at it today, these types of problems are interesting.. =)

edit: diddn't realize this is source, sorry fella, i'm pretty nube when it comes to source entities, though there are A LOT of tutorials and threads out there.

if not here, try:

interlopers (tutorials and forums)
gamebanana (tutorials and forums)

They may not have exactly what you need, but they will have in-depth discussion of the entities you're working with.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 03:10:36 UTC in journal: #7827 Comment #58041
I find that's true fore me too--about the weed--if i do too much, and what kind of weed(strain) it is.

Also, if you're just sitting around and smoke, don't expect any great ambitions about doing stuff, but smoke when your about to do something, e.g., map, work out, go for a walk, it always seems enhanced to me. (again, don't smoke a whole bowl, just a few teasers ;))
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 02:56:47 UTC in journal: #7827 Comment #58040
agree on all points crafter-dude, although i will STILL smoke a pack at a party.. ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 01:24:50 UTC in journal: #7827 Comment #58039
Anything to make that smell go away is worth it, it's the worst.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 00:42:34 UTC in journal: #7827 Comment #58038
I love cigars though i'm a complete noobie... I want to go across the border(us/canada) and try some cubans right now..(though you can't smoke in the bars in canada anymore, which i totally don't get)

To inhale
1. suck smoke in.
2. close your mouth and hold it for a sec.
3. then open your mouth slightly and breathe in normally.
4. profit(especially if it's the herbal kind)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-03 16:58:24 UTC in journal: #7825 Comment #45620
Mes-she-amu technologies. Hammer-torchy, awayyyyyyyyyyyy!

Stu: Does turning down the quality speed it up for you? Also if it's not buffering, maybe use a tube downloader to snag it and watch when it completes?
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-02 06:25:15 UTC in journal: #7823 Comment #54430
Dang how exciting!