
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-25 08:02:35 UTC in journal: #7953 Comment #60007
Are you baking a pie on that window shelf? D:
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-19 12:41:32 UTC in journal: #7976 Comment #44861
Arrr be sure to [URL] that link in the future arrrrr
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-18 12:12:55 UTC in journal: #7975 Comment #45740
I hope you're rendering Big Brother ;)
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Commented 11 years ago2012-09-14 22:48:54 UTC in journal: #7968 Comment #58138

Just some random pics of effects / models that I thought might be cool to replicate for my CSGO map. There's some real nice creative moments in BM especially the way scientists die. I lol'd at some of them.
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-14 08:37:11 UTC in journal: #7967 Comment #43730
But perfect for me :>

Anyway since my PC went to freezing town I'll have to see how Mesa is. Certain games bring out the freezing more than others. Either way I'm veryyyyyyyy curious to see the level design changes and the "artistic story moments" they've added.
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-08 10:58:59 UTC in journal: #7962 Comment #48269
I'm subscribed to Nvidia on Facebook and they randomly post pics to show off. I imagine it was some gameshow.
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-07 10:03:25 UTC in journal: #7962 Comment #48268
Just one? I found a table full of them :P
User posted image
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-25 11:50:57 UTC in journal: #7946 Comment #43718
Maybe he's dead? I'll start a search party.

We'll form two teams:

Team Arch
Team Ie

We'll start our search in Wales. Good luck guys.
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-23 16:11:58 UTC in journal: #7946 Comment #43717
While we're at it. Remember when I totally said I'd pwn you at jedi academy and then you pwned me. Well I'm ready to kick your ass Hunter!

Here's video for those that don't know:
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Commented 11 years ago2012-08-15 20:11:49 UTC in journal: #7937 Comment #58101
Indeed. Been working on porting my map over to GO and the lighting is sexy indeed. Going to be fun working on lighting for real once we're done with modelling.
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-14 14:46:08 UTC in journal: #7935 Comment #48638
Hail Sajo.
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-12 22:05:05 UTC in journal: #7933 Comment #45693
ed. What about everyone el
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-09 11:45:51 UTC in journal: #7931 Comment #43706
It still impresses me. Dunno why but the visuals almost look pre-rendered. Plus I prefer the sounds they used for the guns in that build, I'm pretty sure they used the machine gun firing sound in CSGO :S
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-06 22:00:09 UTC in journal: #7924 Comment #44853
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-06 11:37:36 UTC in journal: #7924 Comment #44852
Why do you assume I did? It's a brush with a glass material applied to it and placed manually in Hammer. It doesn't break because as I said the collision of the console overlaps the glass since I told it to just use the base mesh as collision since there are more important things than making proper collision at this stage.

And as I said I'll be replacing those glass panels with model versions so I can compile them with gib versions that break into nice little pieces rather than just vanish aka HL1 style.

Unless you're literally saying "Why did you add that in now, why not later." The answer is we're testing ideas out visually and gameplay wise although I never got round to making proper collision for that one console. Which looking back was kinda dumb but we ran into a load of problems and I'm amazed we got the map working and grabbed a small group of people.

I was up late morning sorting files out, arguing with Smoker and getting people to give me a yes / no as to whether they would join so all in all I'm happy we even got to play it even in its buggy, ugly state.
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-06 09:02:48 UTC in journal: #7924 Comment #44851
All fair feedback but keep in mind we didn't ask for visual feedback because quite frankly it's barely been touched. I've done a few models here and there and applied textures to every surface but we're ultimately waiting on CSGO so in the end what you see now will not be the same as GO.

Though I'm glad for the most part the layout was good, we will definitely take your feedback seriously. I was just thinking this morning how the CT's need a little more cover in bomb b.

As for radar, visual glitches, glass that doesn't break etc etc that is because I either didn't do it, used a placeholder or didn't make a proper collision model hence it wrapped around the glass and stopped bullets hitting it but I assure you besides that one console in t spawn, all the other glass breaks but again these things are placeholder for model versions which I'll make breakable like the windows in Militia for example.

The map ultimately has a long way to go visually and I look forward to showing you what we can really do!
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-05 14:39:14 UTC in journal: #7924 Comment #44850
Yeah the doors will go...I think for fairness they'll make a sound but I think we'll disable the self closing thing from HL1. Also from what I've seen of NUKE from CS:GO, they made it so you can shoot the windows out. I think the metal should block bullets but you should be able to shoot through the windows. That's my thoughts on that anyway.

Glad you liked it. I look forward to really pushing the art for when we get our hands on CSGO.
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-03 15:06:43 UTC in journal: #7919 Comment #44838
Ah dont worry about it, I've played with bots so much I'm happy with the layout but I'm just curious to see what humans can do to abuse the level heh.

Not to mention Valve just announced a workshop for CSGO so when it comes out you can subscribe to our level and it'll auto update it for you so we can test it more.
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-02 17:16:12 UTC in journal: #7919 Comment #44837
Fine, something like...2:00PM GMT Sunday.

For reference:
Commented 11 years ago2012-08-01 08:47:18 UTC in journal: #7919 Comment #44836
lol I misread the comments, thought they were saying NOT sunday. That basically sums up why I shouldn't be reading these at 2am.

Anyway Sunday then. What time?

Thanks cstriker although it's all placeholder, a lot of the level is until I can grab my hands on CSGO.

Anyway I'll be hosting the server so it will probably be laggy for those outside the UK but worth a shot no? I tried it with bots and I'm happy with the layout which wasn't made by me I must stress but there's always the extra spark that players add. I'll have to clip all the naughty places away :P
Commented 11 years ago2012-07-31 22:57:43 UTC in journal: #7919 Comment #44835
Should have made it clear. We're on stage 2. Stage 1 was textures and 2 is models, stage 3 is lighting which we're not going to do until CS:GO is out and stage 4 is effects and polish of previous stages.

The whole level is using the same light everywhere lol. Isn't the fact that there's floating lights with no models a sign of that? I thought you guys were mappers XD Though I do appreciate you pointing these things out cause I'll need your thoughts for gameplay.

I want playtesters to test the "layout" to make sure it's fun, fair and balanced. Only a few will do but I expect Hunter to be there :> Or must I really use my IOU which you declined last time despite the fact it said you had to devote as much time as I require :D

So far Saturday is popular. What time? :D
Commented 11 years ago2012-07-28 13:48:13 UTC in journal: #7917 Comment #38576
Hehe my message has been left alone so far.
Commented 11 years ago2012-07-23 13:43:19 UTC in journal: #7910 Comment #43659
Opposite for me. Yesterday felt really good as if luck was on my side. I suddenly had tons of good ideas for my level, the weather was nice and other little things that made the day great.

We all should take a lesson out of Red Dwarf. Odds are I contracted the positive virus whereas you contracted a very bad luck virus.

I feel you for you though :P
Commented 11 years ago2012-07-03 12:01:22 UTC in journal: #7870 Comment #45654
Mate, you saw what I tried to do with my project? I did everything possible to get my video out on the internet but it wasn't until Kotaku that I reached 50,000 views.

And yet dumb videos like Meet the Heavy remixes are getting more than my project which took me half a year. In the end, you can't control popularity. You have to just spread it around and hope people enjoy it.

Surely knowing that myself and the rest of TWHL enjoys it is enough for you? :D
Commented 11 years ago2012-07-01 17:05:17 UTC in journal: #7865 Comment #44827
"I'm sorry I wasn't there to hold you in my big strong arms and comfort you."

You know me too well man. sniff Why weren't you there for me when I needed you! Is it because I will kick your ass at JKA in the near future? Well if you'd just stop using force lighting maybe I'd play more fairly.

Thanks guys.
Commented 11 years ago2012-07-01 14:44:47 UTC in journal: #7863 Comment #52233
I shall call you Eduardo!
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-19 13:22:47 UTC in journal: #7845 Comment #48261
Heh trained from childhood. How am I supposed to compete with that?
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-15 10:43:05 UTC in journal: #7839 Comment #42091
User posted image
For some reason my cat felt the need to make the same pose.
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-10 16:27:15 UTC in journal: #7830 Comment #45628
And to think you used to have long black hair and look like a goth. Look at you now all grown up :P
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-05 11:16:46 UTC in journal: #7825 Comment #45616
Very pro. I'm no film guy so I can't crit the actual content but still very nice work my man.

Now fight me in a duel you coward :>
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-30 09:35:43 UTC in journal: #7810 Comment #44819
Rofl I kept emailing them once a day and it ended up being the experimental email that worked. I basically tried using the share feature on Reddit after seeing that damn Skyrim Bear video get noticed on the same site and voila.

Although for some reason they wrote down this took me a year when it was really less than 5 months XD

Thanks dude.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-28 16:39:59 UTC in journal: #7810 Comment #44818
Previously on Alan Wake. Trololol.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-28 11:45:50 UTC in vault item: second chance lvl 1 Comment #19991
None may enter the mind of Habboi.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-28 10:11:27 UTC in journal: #7810 Comment #44817
I don't recognise you Collapse? Did you change your username or is my legend so great it reached the new generations? :D
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Commented 12 years ago2012-05-27 13:50:28 UTC in journal: #7811 Comment #43567
I enjoyed that. Make moar.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-27 10:54:30 UTC in journal: #7810 Comment #44816
Heh I agree with your crits Grim. I personally had enough of the project anyway.

Strider, you and me both.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-26 16:40:34 UTC in journal: #7810 Comment #44815
Oh no don't get me wrong. I'm familiar with them and yes those are examples of good work but there are people are there that have made some extremely shittttttty fan tributes or games.

If I owned the property then yeah I'd tell them to stop. But you're right also, Square is backwards now. They don't seem to realise there's money to be made in FF7 / Chrono Trigger remakes. Maybe they do, they did say it'd require a lot of time and hard work to make a remake that met the quality of say FF13.

I prefer remakes to be seperate games anyway. Otherwise people moan the voices sound gay or a change in animation ruins the whole scene. Better to call it a reimagining like the Silent Hill game.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-26 14:04:15 UTC in journal: #7810 Comment #44814
Well i can understand. Its like if someone with no skill makes a crappy product using your property. Theyre only trying to protect it i guess.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-17 21:55:46 UTC in journal: #7480 Comment #45395
Sorry if I came off a little strong but when I posted about two of my cats dying I got abuse and trolling from one or two members.

I know you were only trying to cheer him up.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-17 20:46:54 UTC in journal: #7480 Comment #45394
What the hell is wrong with you.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-17 18:42:58 UTC in journal: #7480 Comment #45393
I'm sorry man, I had no idea you had a cat.

19 is a good long life though so she had a good life.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-06 12:37:05 UTC in journal: #7465 Comment #62274
"She's not my girlfriend, I don't want a candlelight dinner with her or to kiss her under the full moon."

What does that have to do with it? I hate people who come without letting me know. I'm usually in the middle of modelling and have a good rhythm going.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-02 16:48:02 UTC in journal: #7460 Comment #38542
Heh that's amusing. The item I mean, not the cat.

Where are you gonna put it? On a wall?
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-31 18:09:01 UTC in journal: #7457 Comment #45368
You make it sound so easy :P You're the media guy, I use Movie Maker ffs :P
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-31 16:29:37 UTC in journal: #7457 Comment #45367
Bastard. Enter another free PC compo and send it in my name so I can have a new PC :<