
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-31 19:05:27 UTC in journal: #8527 Comment #67478
There's one actually... One big one.

Here's the full set without HDD and PSU (fan on the left):

Does a stock CPU fan consumes a lot more than a custom Zalman one of that kind (other than the other sole fan)?
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-31 17:44:25 UTC in journal: #8529 Comment #61213
Alright, I messed with the settings a little, and everything's working fine.
Thanks for the help, Muzz!
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-31 17:07:08 UTC in journal: #8526 Comment #42394
I watched this a few days ago but forgot to comment.
It's looking pretty good, I like the cursor colour idea. I'm not colourblind myself but I'm sure it would be helpful for people who are.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-31 16:56:44 UTC in journal: #8529 Comment #61212
EDIT: Aha! By pausing the compile window after RAD, (which was called after all) I've managed to get the following error-

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\tools>hlrad.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\COLONY42\maps\" -extra -notexscale -softsky -bounce4 -smooth 50 -blur 1.5 -softlight COLOR SPECIFIED -estimate 0(No 1)-chart
The system cannot find the file specified.

So is this saying it can't find the map, or it can't find hlrad.exe? I think I'm close to getting this to run, and hopefully once I do none of the other maps will have additional problems.

The bounce option doesn't seem to work - HLRAD gives an unknown option error with numbers such as 4 or 16.

Re-exporting to MAP was actually literally the first thing I did after I first encountered a problem - I realized that all the paths were wrong because of the different file structure on my new computer.
I just figured I'd only have to do that.

Okay, I've got it to the point now where it's not spitting out an error (I made another temp directory to place the bsps in)
Only problem left is that The Compilator is not running rad - either the 32 or 64 bit version. It is checked on the sidebar, and it has the following settings:
No Texture Scale
Soft Sky
Bounce 4
Smooth 50
Blur 1.5
Soft Light and Brightness 0

Anybody know any reason why Vluzacn's tools would not run under those settings?
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-31 16:26:34 UTC in journal: #8529 Comment #61209
Nah that can't be it. Try opening your maps in Hammer/Sledge and make sure you've loaded the wads you want to use as well, then just re-export to MAP and compile again. Maybe some paths got changed?

I've never used wad.cfg, wadincluding on the CSG page works just fine for me.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-31 15:41:15 UTC in journal: #8529 Comment #61211
I tried to run RAD. It occurs to me now that maybe it's because I was running the x64 version of HLRAD. I'll try it with the x86 version and get back to you.
EDIT: Well, I managed to fix that problem via a combination of changing the HLRAD to x86 and splitting a brush that used to compile fine. Now I'm getting errors regarding the WADs which certainly exist.

Using mapfile wad configuration
Wadfiles not in use by the map will be excluded
Wadinclude list :

(0.22 seconds)
(0.26 seconds)

Error: Could not open wad file 42.wad
Error: Could not find WAD file
Description: The compile tools could not locate a wad file that the map was referencing.
Howto Fix: Make sure the wad's listed in the level editor actually all exist

Error: Could not open wad file decals.wad
Error: Could not open wad file halflife.wad
Error: Could not open wad file liquids.wad
Error: Could not open wad file xeno.wad

--- END hlcsg ---

I'm going to give using wad.cfg a go.
EDIT: And no dice from that, either. Though it may be because somebody at microsoft decided Win7 should use three spaces in the Program Files (x86) folder.
Putting wads in a temp directory under C:\ got me back to the ambiguous leafnodes error.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-31 14:34:23 UTC in journal: #8529 Comment #61208
I'm sorry to hear you're having troubles. I know that my Compilator isn't entirely bugfree and programmed in the most efficient way, but IT WILL compile if there are no other issues.
I see a bunch of Ambiguous leafnode content warnings, but that shouldn't keep the map from compiling. Perhaps you can fix these and see what happens?

Also, did you run RAD at least?
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-31 13:40:39 UTC in journal: #8528 Comment #67644
GoldSource, func_tracktrain, Spirit ...
Once again you're hustling me in my boundaries.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-31 13:27:14 UTC in journal: #8528 Comment #67639
If you use Spirit of Half-Life, you can. You can attach (parent, move with) the rotating door entity to the elevator and it will move along with it.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-31 13:23:01 UTC in journal: #8528 Comment #67640
yeah what Orange said.
Sorry man Goldsource doesn't support that.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-31 13:17:50 UTC in journal: #8528 Comment #67642
GoldSource doesn't have support for entities moving with each other. Source does have an advanced parenting system for what you are describing, but if you want the func_train to rotate, you'll have to try something else.

One good way would be to use a func_tracktrain and make it follow path_tracks that have their orientation mode set to face path angles, and being rotated themselves. Anither way is to make the elevator a func_platrot if you want it to rotate at the same time as it go down.

I hope you find this helpfull.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-31 12:02:31 UTC in journal: #8527 Comment #67474
#1 fan.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-31 11:02:29 UTC in journal: #8527 Comment #67470
Don't forget your fans.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-31 10:19:00 UTC in journal: #8527 Comment #67477
Nah Tet, just that, no more additional stuff. :P
At least 2 HDDs and a PCI Card with OCed CPU, that's all. :)
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-30 16:18:08 UTC in journal: #8527 Comment #67469
I would calculate the maximum wattage used on the most complicated system you would want to have.
Buy a power supply to match that if you're actually planning on going that far.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-30 13:37:09 UTC in journal: #8527 Comment #67476
Alright, thanks guys. :)

And, what if I would like to add 1 or even 2 more HDDs and a wireless PCI card with 3 antennas? Does this exceeds or am I still covered with 500w?
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-30 06:56:56 UTC in journal: #8527 Comment #67471
Ive ran a q6600 with gtx560ti couple of hard drives some extra doo dads with a 550w just fine.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-30 02:33:15 UTC in journal: #8527 Comment #67468
Yeah you want to go 402+15 or 25% (460-500). Standard Engineering practice. 500 watts should do nicely and give you breathing room for future expansion.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-30 01:49:01 UTC in vault item: First Blood Comment #16255
Thank you for your feedback! I actually agree that the original starting area is a little bit lame, and will probably redesign it considerably. As for not liking to fight hordes, well that is more of a personal preference rather than a fact, but I guess not everybody likes the same style of play. I think the biggest problem with the starting area is that because it's so wide the zombies aren't really that dangerous to you. Like I said I will probably end up redesigning that part of the map.

Is there anything else about the map you feel like sharing?
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-30 00:00:39 UTC in vault item: First Blood Comment #16337
Gave it a go in regular Half-Life so as to judge the map itself, without being distracted by Brutal Half-Life's wonderful... well... brutality I guess. I assume the toxic slime room is the last area so far?

The map is OK at the moment. I guess I'm not really a fan of having to fight through huge hordes of enemies that are just standing around. The spectacle offered by Brutal Half-Life's gore would surely make this slightly more entertaining.

I prefer maps with a little story to them as well as a sense of place. Although it was difficult to convey back in 1993, Doom did still have a plot and a setting. I'm just not sure what kind of location this map is meant to be set in...

I won't properly rate it until it's finished however. :)
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-29 21:52:56 UTC in journal: #8527 Comment #67473
I don't think it would be a lot more. 500W should have you covered.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-29 21:31:19 UTC in journal: #8527 Comment #67475
Of course not, SugarMan. That's why I've chosen that. :)
The main problem is the overclocking process. I do know the exact power consumption, but just with the default CPU's clock. That's my dilemma. :(
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-29 21:16:46 UTC in journal: #8527 Comment #67472
If you know with a certainty that the maximum consumption is exactly 402 watts, get any one that produces more than that. The cheapest ones might produce less than they advertise though, so don't get the cheap junk.

I suppose the first one should do just fine. Doesn't look like cheap junk.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-29 20:17:03 UTC in vault item: Then and Now Comment #16336
A interesting pair of maps showcasing how a concept can be improved upon. I found the later map to be pretty fun, albeit pretty short.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-29 20:09:51 UTC in vault item: Then and Now Comment #16335
What about the ammo?
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-29 18:55:38 UTC in vault item: First Blood Comment #16334
Welcome to TWHL - It's broken here.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-29 15:35:49 UTC in vault item: Then and Now Comment #16339
Then play the first map first silly. Flashlight problem solved. :P
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-29 15:34:02 UTC in vault item: First Blood Comment #16338
You can't.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-29 14:08:31 UTC in vault item: First Blood Comment #14341
ops it was suppose to say brutal half-life! I will fix it now. I also think I will add a couple of more screenshots.

EDIT: How do I add extra screens? When I went to edit map and picked another shot the map page still has only the original screenshot.

EDIT: Actually not it appears but it merely replaced the old screenshot instead of being added. How do I ADD shots instead of replacing the old one?
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-29 10:36:21 UTC in vault item: First Blood Comment #14340
I think you meant that it works with vanilla Half-Life. If you made a map compatible across whole games, I'd be impressed =P

Anyway. This looks alright from the screenie, I might check this out.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-29 08:08:38 UTC in vault item: Then and Now Comment #14339
Not on the second map. No flashlight and not enough ammo.

You're fired.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-28 15:09:25 UTC in journal: #8526 Comment #42393
Looks legit Rim!
Can't wait to play it :D
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-27 17:13:01 UTC in news: TWHL Spring/Autumn CS:GO Cup Comment #100247
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-27 15:14:47 UTC in vault item: Then and Now Comment #14338
You have a flashlight...
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-27 13:00:05 UTC in journal: #8526 Comment #42392
@2mvg: I spent over 2 years on the story after the demo came out. The story is perhaps now the strongest part of the game.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-27 12:03:33 UTC in journal: #8526 Comment #42395
Good luck with the development!
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-27 05:26:13 UTC in journal: #8526 Comment #42398
quiet? I think you were extremely enthusiastic about the game and I think I know that feeling. when you mentioned going on steam I remembered this game which is also a platformer with similar genre albeit extremely simplistic. Anyway you mentioned not having a set story as well, which I think could slow down development progress but there isnt really a rush or anything so that's alright I guess. Anyway I think your game will be pretty good and can get on steam either thru greenlight or some other method of distribution when it is finished. Good luck man.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-27 02:24:38 UTC in journal: #8526 Comment #42397
Yes. Quiet-ish. I don't remember having played the demo before, so I'll check it out.

Also, you've got fucking mail.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-26 22:07:25 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Changing Levels Comment #100624
Moreover this trigger_changelevel method allows the following entity persistence !
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-26 20:59:13 UTC in journal: #8526 Comment #42396

Also, it's not that quiet. Then again I always use headphones.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-26 02:59:39 UTC in vault item: Then and Now Comment #14337
Too dark. Can't see anything even with gamma pumped up to 3 and brightness up to 4.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-25 13:38:52 UTC in vault item: Then and Now Comment #14336
I like that idea. Also, I like the idea of this map, but not the execution. I find myself extremely surprised by the degradation of Urby's skills since 1999. The older portion of the map was fantastic, especially considering it's age, with varied lighting and intricate detailing that made the map feel alive. The remade portion however, I was shocked by.
Urby, who supposedly is an experienced mapper, making such obvious mistakes as sticking a pointlight in a room with no source, or having a thick metal blast door get broken by a single hit with a crowbar? I am vicariously ashamed, and frankly I interpret this upload as a cry for help. Urby probably did this because slitting his wrists in a bathroom or overdosing on over the counter painkillers would likely go unnoticed by us as we only know him through the internet.

But seriously, it was good. Probably the only real flaw in the newer version was the fact that as a location in a building the ichthyosaur pool didn't make much sense. Apart from the underwater bits, there was only one entrance to this large area.
The older portion, I won't offer any serious critique of.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-25 07:07:05 UTC in vault item: Then and Now Comment #14335
Amazing idea. I think I might have a ton of unfinished stuff.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-25 06:53:23 UTC in journal: #8525 Comment #61196
Woop woop woop! Awesome!
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-24 17:35:05 UTC in journal: #8525 Comment #61207
So you've finally got past your afraidness of concrete and soldiers?
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-24 15:00:53 UTC in vault item: Then and Now Comment #14334
That is an AMAZING idea
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-24 12:48:44 UTC in journal: #8525 Comment #61200
look up some standards how to write papers (font, margin etc lol) other than that, a decent start for a mod. Though the crew seems inbred or cloned or are they all same type androids?
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-24 08:52:52 UTC in vault item: Then and Now Comment #14333
Fun little map.

Does this strike anyone else as a good idea for a mini-compo? As in, someone builds a little series of super basic rooms, each with a distinct idea, and people have to re-imagine the map while maintaining those ideas, maybe tying them all together with a unique theme? So long as you enter the room and go "oh this is the flooded room" or "this is the office area", I imagine it could be pretty open to interpretation and varied world themes.

Just a thought.
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-24 05:28:40 UTC in news: TWHL Spring/Autumn CS:GO Cup Comment #100246
Whoa baby, a new news post hooray for AJ! :P
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