
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-12 11:39:59 UTC in journal: #5104 Comment #55568
*double posting emphasizes this.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-12 11:39:58 UTC in journal: #5104 Comment #55567
I have an incredibly big appetite to waste my time right now. TWHL is a big chamber of secrets: there's no way you can track these comments ( well this one has higher visibility since it's on the FIRST journal and everybody will know to visit that, but...).
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-12 11:38:17 UTC in journal: #846 Comment #42480
Yo younger Striker, you will return in exactly bleoewrhokdxbvkcxdjvfdh.......
End of transmission

*time paradox activated
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-12 11:37:13 UTC in journal: #1086 Comment #48683
I have returned through time to your temple of time... wait, that doesn't make sense. What am I doing here? Especially because I will surely forget I posted here and on TWHL there's no way you can track your posts.

Hey young Tetsu0, you don't suck.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-12 11:27:28 UTC in journal: #8247 Comment #58354
I'm trying to read a sensor value from an adroid phone in a c++ program ( running on the pc/laptop) over bluetooth.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-12 11:22:22 UTC in journal: #8246 Comment #36400
I purposely blocked the closet, because I hate them and don't even use it. I would NEVER block anything if I were making this for a client. I knew from the beginning my bedroom door wouldn't completely open and I am fine with that. The desk space is more important to me than anything.

The supports are very construction-like because I work at a film/television studio and build sets. I got the idea for the desk from one of the sets I built framing for and wanted it to have that raw feel. I agree that the diagonal support isn't too visually pleasing.

The supports are all pine boards and the counter top is red oak. I shelled out extra money for that. The stain is "blood red" with a water-based poly finish on top of it.

Thank you for all the comments, I plan on building more stuff in the future and selling it. I will DEFINITELY plan with space efficiency in mind for a client, not everyone will give up half their room for a desk like I did.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-12 10:37:15 UTC in journal: #8247 Comment #58352
no idea what you are trying to do but it sounds cool, good luck! =)
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-12 10:27:30 UTC in journal: #8247 Comment #58349
Doesn't the android dev kit come with the API needed to read all the sensors and mess with the bluetooth?

There has to be some sort of android dev forum out there that can help you with this.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-12 10:06:08 UTC in journal: #8246 Comment #36406
It doesn't block his door, only his [built-in] closet which he covered up and doesn't wish to use.

I don't particularly like the oblivion-like ends to the table, but the shelves look good in that style.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-12 08:27:46 UTC in journal: #8246 Comment #36414
Now thats one sick table.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-12 07:01:10 UTC in journal: #8246 Comment #36411
What Sajo said.

Those are things you're supposed to plan around.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-12 06:58:54 UTC in journal: #8247 Comment #58355
My advice is: Don't forget the semicolons.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-12 06:49:43 UTC in journal: #8246 Comment #36409
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-12 03:13:52 UTC in journal: #8246 Comment #36407
That is disgustingly pretty!

I LOVE the design and the finish looks so beautiful, well done! The only thin i can think to improve is to remove the right "fire leaf" to make the whole thing more compact, Or possibly, make them fold down to give you some more space ;)

I like how the shelving matches the rest of the design, and looks beautifully functional. Your framing is not fancy but it' doesn't need to be, since most people aren't looking under the desk ;)

You can also make a sliding support underneath(like you'd find under a dining room table), and remove those diagonal supports, which are the only visual distraction in my opinion.

I wish i had the motivation to build my own desk, considering i have a full wood shop at work.. Great stuff man =P
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-12 00:55:51 UTC in vault item: AI problems (handipac) Comment #19905
missing jp_dev.wad and tudyr.wad

Downloaded jp_dev.wad from google and played this map. Very short and uses mostly developer textures, with some aliens and a barney around the area. No idea what kind of setting this would be if there were actual textures. But it might be pretty cool.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-12 00:42:04 UTC in vault item: The office Comment #19906
I saw that underfloor button onlybecause I was playing in software mode and the engine didnt render that breakable tile, lol. Anyway, this map is alright. There's plenty of side area secrets that makes the map pretty interesting. But yeah, there are some weird things in the mod, as well as mapping problems like where I can see outside the level in one area. I'm guessing you boxed the entire level when you couldn't find the leak(s). The ending area was pretty challenging given the limited arsenal the player has. The garg area was pretty interesting too, since it's a puzzle rather than a fighting area. Overall, not too bad, but could be better.

Also, try not to use too many vent areas, they are pretty boring, especially with headcrabs in them.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-12 00:07:46 UTC in journal: #8246 Comment #36404
holy damn!
nice setup :)
What wood is that? (My guess says pine and a stain)
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-11 23:33:24 UTC in journal: #8246 Comment #36403
Blocks your closet and door? Flawed design decisions there.

Still pretty cool though!
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-11 23:08:34 UTC in journal: #8246 Comment #36412
Killer setup, dude!
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-11 19:51:47 UTC in journal: #8245 Comment #45800
Nice one, I had no idea you were doing so well. :)
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-11 16:31:07 UTC in journal: #8245 Comment #45806
Scotch, I love you.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-11 14:26:26 UTC in journal: #8245 Comment #45804
I kegel'ed when I read that.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-11 13:36:04 UTC in journal: #8245 Comment #45807
look good to me.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-11 12:31:38 UTC in journal: #8245 Comment #45803
Are you kidding? The whole time I was reading that I couldn't STOP wanking!


Uh, I mean, nevermind.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-11 11:09:34 UTC in journal: #8245 Comment #45802
Although I do agree with Urby
All-in-all I think you're successful, and congrats!
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-11 11:08:53 UTC in journal: #8245 Comment #45799
You can never have too much wank.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-11 10:29:44 UTC in journal: #8245 Comment #45805
It's not too wanky. It's pretty good.
And besides, all advertisements need to be a little wanky. You have just the right amount of wank.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-10 17:36:39 UTC in journal: #8242 Comment #48330
If you try and get him to keep it up over a long time period it could make an interesting record of how his personality and literacy develop as he grows.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-10 09:11:24 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #33145
Don't worry, I am a doctor.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-09 19:30:36 UTC in journal: #8243 Comment #62564
Will definitely bear that in mind, thanks.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-09 10:19:28 UTC in journal: #8243 Comment #62558
Well You will be surprised how close DraftSight is to AutoCad.
I'm saying it's close down to the typing commands...

IDK if you use AutoCad with a keyboard (typing commands etc...)
if you type: LINE, it starts the line function and you pick 2 points, if you type CIRCLE, it starts the circle tool etc etc....
DraftSight is the same thing. It's reverse-engineered and it works amazingly.

Keep using autocad since it's legit - when it runs out however, you have a free tool (forever) that's 99% the same thing :-P

Oh also, DraftSight can import/export AutoCad files.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-08 05:02:00 UTC in journal: #8242 Comment #48334
I think it's important to ask what did he do with Carter's lunchbox.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-08 04:14:48 UTC in journal: #8243 Comment #62563
I didn't know about that, Autocad is the standard. I'll stick to it while the student licence lasts :P
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-08 02:32:19 UTC in journal: #8243 Comment #62560
Oh yeah stojke, i meant that for Stu: what does he use for is architecture studies if not AutoCad ;)

Stu: So there are other drafting software out there, i thought AutoCad was the only one ;)

Tetsu0: thanks for the tip on the freeware AutoCad =P
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-07 22:45:40 UTC in journal: #8243 Comment #62562
I THINK I figured it out.

This is something you set up along with the page size. It says: [input] mm = [input] units

Meaning that, say, 1mm on paper equals 1 generic unit of that I used in the model space drawing. If I set it to 1000mm = 1 unit, now everything that measures "1" in model space will be interpreted to measure 1 metre, so I can set the viewport scale to 1:100 effectively making it 1cm on paper = 1m.

Commented 11 years ago2013-09-07 13:22:48 UTC in journal: #8243 Comment #62557
If you guys want a free version of AutoCad check out DraftSight. It's made by the guys who make solidworks and its almost the EXACT SAME THING!

As far as drawing to scale, stu, just make a note in the title block that says 1mm = 1m, or you can even go 10mm = 1m.

So long as the scale is noted, everything should be fine IMO.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-07 12:21:57 UTC in journal: #8242 Comment #48327
Only one thing to do in that situation. Enjoy Carter's lunch.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-07 12:02:52 UTC in journal: #8128 Comment #63345
I was never Dimbark's age.
User posted image
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-07 10:45:48 UTC in journal: #8242 Comment #48337
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-07 08:01:41 UTC in journal: #8243 Comment #62566
I don't make architecture, i make mechanical and electronic parts :)

Go to Options > User preferences

AutoCAD unit can be anything, so it doesn't really matter untill the final plotting stages and for insertion of objects.
Write Command > units

@ Captain T

I used AutoCAD multiple times. I like it because its more technical than for example Illustrator.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-07 07:42:14 UTC in journal: #8243 Comment #62559
Always wanted to learn Autocad.... What program do you use for your school stuff?(if not Autocad)
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-07 06:24:16 UTC in journal: #8243 Comment #62561
Drawing a building in millimetres is MAD. Unlike in mechanical engineering and related disciplines, the standard metric measurement unit in Civil engineering and Architecture is the metre.

Of course I know I can't draw a building 1:1 on an A4 page. Standard scales are 1:50, 1:100, and such. But at those scales, the drawing I made is tiny which makes me thing I've been using the wrong units all along. My question was how do I set/check that the units are correct, because my drawings are coming out all wrong.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-07 06:13:00 UTC in journal: #8243 Comment #62565
You have import units and drawing units.
Set both to desired unit you wish to use.

I personally use millimeter because meter is too big.

And on another note, 1 meter can not fit on a single piece of A4 paper. Thats why you need to scale it down.
Mess around with plotting and exporting a bit until you get what you want.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-07 03:02:05 UTC in journal: #8240 Comment #42229
Too far to drive...
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-06 19:12:27 UTC in journal: #8242 Comment #48332
oh no he lost his lunchbox??
But luckyly he found carters
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-06 16:31:20 UTC in journal: #8242 Comment #48333
He's spelling better than most teenagers, period.

Go ask Carter if he took the wrong one! :P

@Stop: When I was his age I was playing Wolfenstein 3D on something much older than a Pentium.
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-06 13:14:32 UTC in journal: #8239 Comment #67163
After the student loans and headaches anyway
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-06 13:01:14 UTC in journal: #8242 Comment #48335
I'm kind of impressed! He's spelling better than most teenagers do on the Internet!