
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-08 10:25:07 UTC in journal: #5182 Comment #44243
Coming soon: E4.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-08 09:43:47 UTC in journal: #5182 Comment #44241
We'll see if this is the last year for E3 as well, particularly after the crap that was last year's show.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-08 09:28:04 UTC in journal: #5181 Comment #36001
cough <3 cough
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-08 09:21:29 UTC in journal: #5181 Comment #36002
cough Pixar cough
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-08 08:42:12 UTC in journal: #5181 Comment #36000
Yah, this is my final year, and this is for my major project. I love the idea of animation and stuff, and I'm a big animation nerd as a couple of you know by now.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-08 06:01:55 UTC in journal: #5181 Comment #36010
So like...Is this your final year at uni? And I assume this is for an animation? I hate animating XD
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-08 02:55:24 UTC in journal: #5181 Comment #35999
Probably not a bad idea, Rim. That lighting definitely isn't final though.

My favourite character is the glasses guy, mainly because he's about 60% me. :P
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-07 23:21:30 UTC in journal: #5181 Comment #36009
oh, another thing, you should give your devil guy (perhaps) a different color suit. He blends in too well. Maybe a dark red or brown... keep his scheme warm ya know. Unless that night lighting isn't final? if it is, consider changing it.

ghost is still fine. he should totally be your avatar.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-07 22:41:18 UTC in journal: #5181 Comment #35998
Luke: Yah. It'll be more vibrant, but darker at the same time. If that makes sense. :x

Rim: They do. :D

That's another thing too: there's no proper shadows being cast at the moment. :<
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-07 22:13:09 UTC in journal: #5181 Comment #36008
wow, i understood all that technobabble. smart. just hope they cast the proper shadowing on the rest of your environment.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-07 21:48:24 UTC in journal: #5181 Comment #36005
Maybe it's because it's washed out, but the orange just doesn't look right.

It'll probably look fine with the bats dark. I'm assuming the orange will darken up, also?
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-07 21:38:48 UTC in journal: #5181 Comment #35997
The bats will be darker yes: the lighting is washing everything out at the moment. As for the orange features, well...what do you mean?

Rim: Best thing is, they're entirely flat: they're just PSD files I whacked onto flat plains. Maya allows for PSDs, and it'll also recognise the Alpha channel for transparency, so it makes things easy. I made them flat so I don't have to model them, and also to cut down rendering times.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-07 14:45:26 UTC in journal: #5181 Comment #36007 you're trees and clouds are awesome!

do something about those bats as already mentioned, unless they are background props also.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-07 14:00:07 UTC in journal: #5181 Comment #35996
Your lightning is fail!

I love your charters though, especially the ghost.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-07 13:32:00 UTC in journal: #5181 Comment #36004
I hope those bats are a tad darker then they look.

And I don't think their orange features look right.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-07 13:11:34 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Terrain Comment #100579
Cheers, nowadays i usualy move the vertexes in a random position, i also tend to start with 2 triangles, and from there on copy and paste them in the place i want them to be, it takes more time but definately gives you a bigger form of control over how your terrain will look.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-07 12:11:02 UTC in vault item: de_cakemania Comment #16761
Nipper is a very famous mapper (but not really that good) who made plenty of fun maps, which all just had this fantastic feeling to them. Most people here would hate him.
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Commented 16 years ago2008-07-05 18:36:00 UTC in journal: #5179 Comment #53078
I'm not much of a mobile person but I'm very happy with my Motorola Razor and the camera is pretty hi-res.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-05 02:57:43 UTC in news: TF2 Update Now Available Comment #98580
aww..i dont even have TF2
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-04 16:46:40 UTC in journal: #5174 Comment #51615
"People always 'happen to have' their cameras :P"

Its also near impossible to find a phone without a camera really, so thats always my option too. Sadly enough the camera in my phone is shit, but still better than my own digital camera.

As for fires, I know we'd be devastated here after having just had multiple tornados causing massive damage, and the biggest flood we've ever had... fire would just worsen things.

Good luck with that house business, hope it blows over.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-04 16:39:56 UTC in vault item: Reissues Comment #16752
Here's a short review of each map i did:

Reissues Review

Amazingly good stuff. Thanks Kol and Co.! = )
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-04 16:00:02 UTC in journal: #5174 Comment #51617
I hope your house is ok. I can't imagine losing mine, but at least you got your backup for your computer which is huge. It's the first thing i would take if my house was on fire.

Those pics were pretty cool. You might make a really cool sky box out of those!

Again, hope everything is ok!
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-04 15:59:19 UTC in journal: #5143 Comment #48721
I'mn not abandoning anybody really. I haven't gone up and checked them out yet, but the time will come.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-04 14:18:18 UTC in journal: #5174 Comment #51611
People always 'happen to have' their cameras :P

But seriously, good luck with your house.. and stuff.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-04 11:45:11 UTC in journal: #5174 Comment #51614
I really think my house will be alright now. Last night was really bad because of a sudden wind shift, but it changed again. We're going to try to go over there again today to get some more stuff, if they'll let us onto our street. Only a couple buildings have burned so far, and those have been way up in the mountains. I think the fire department's doing a pretty good job of keeping it away from residential areas.

Mushulous: Guess the developers at Rockstar were doing their jobs pretty good!
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-04 11:36:36 UTC in journal: #5174 Comment #51612
Reminds me of the EP1 sky.

Looks awesome!
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-04 11:18:33 UTC in journal: #5174 Comment #51609

Holy crap man...hope your house is alright!
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-04 08:40:23 UTC in journal: #5174 Comment #51613
Wow, hope nothing happens to the house, good luck resolving any problems the fire might cause.
Some rather awesome pics there though.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-04 05:36:57 UTC in journal: #5174 Comment #51616
The place reminds me of San Andreas on the ps2.

Very nice shots there too.

As for the car accident, lucky you weren't injured or anything.

I don't know what else to say, it's quite an astonishing thing to happen.

And yeah good luck with your house.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-04 03:50:47 UTC in journal: #5174 Comment #51610
Woah, insane.

I've been pretty close to a huge bushfire once (from an exploded gas truck, no less), the smoke from it was pretty similiar to what you see in this shot:

But it was still bright and sunny out.

Massive, just massive pillar of smoke that lurks over you ominously as you get closer and closer. The ash in those two car shots though isn't something I experienced, though, we passed by it at a fairly great distance. Things like these can be pretty exciting and scary at the same time.

But goodluck with your house, man. I couldn't imagine much more nerve-wracking than being forced out of your own home with a chance of losing it.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-04 01:02:53 UTC in vault item: fy_funforts Comment #16751
Texturing 9/10
Very good but rather bland texturing, every area loos the same.

Team Balance 8/10
Another symettrical map but there is no cover in the outside areas so players will not want to cross them for fear of snipers.

Design 3/10
A good design but I really didn't feel like I was having fun playing this map, I was just running around killing stuff.

Ambience 6/10
Really lacking in ambience but the lighting was pleasant.

Map Skill 9/10
A solid piece of work but I really didn't like the glass doors, they kind of stood out like sore thumbs.

Total 7/10 (4 stars)
While a really nice looking map it is really dull in the gameplay factor so I don't give it a higher rating.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-04 01:02:20 UTC in vault item: Deagle_Nightyard Comment #16750
Texturing 10/10
A very effective use of blues and greys, looks absolutely great.

Team Balance 8/10
I felt that there wasn't enough cover for players up on the higher level so that kind of discourages it's use, otherwise a very even-steven map.

Design 4/10
Pretty basic and common design but it was still done properly.

Ambience 6/10
No sounds but the lighting was well done and added some life into the map.

Map Skill 8/10
While there are no errors that I could spot, the shapes were really basic and uninspired.

Total 7/10 (4 stars)
While lacking in originality, this is definately a well-playable little arena.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-04 01:01:49 UTC in vault item: Marine Invasion Comment #16749
The first one, you should build it up into it's own mod so it's a little more stable.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-03 23:33:19 UTC in journal: #5173 Comment #51144
Sounds like you've been having a great time while away.

Keep it up! false smile
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-03 16:57:18 UTC in news: MotM Playtesting Comment #98579
Nuh-Uh! GTFO!
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-03 15:41:01 UTC in journal: #5171 Comment #40694
Plans already exist for one, but the original creator is being a fucksmudge about releasing it. I'm trying to recreate it myself from tiny photos of his plans.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-03 15:17:44 UTC in journal: #5167 Comment #39807
The comic was loads better/different, but they actually kept the main idea of the story intact pretty well, and a plot more audiences would accept over the original. I rather liked it, but i walked into the theatre with low expectations, soe...

Also btw even though i thoroughly hate AJ, she was damn hot in this film i'm not guna lie. = P
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-03 15:11:34 UTC in journal: #5171 Comment #40697
i'll have 5 please/thanks.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-03 15:09:40 UTC in news: MotM Playtesting Comment #98578
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-03 15:06:24 UTC in vault item: Dm Hairpoint Comment #16748
Really dark and i had to turn my gamma up to see anything. Plus i was playing it in a sun-drenched room that bled out the colors even more, so i'll have to play it again when it's dark. That said, from what i can see this map looks amazing! Those vaulted archways are impeccably constructed and textured.

Some ok sound and nice doodads that i could see like a blinking streetlight and the fountain.

Besides the darkness, Scale looks really huge in places like the size of the gate and the height of the fountain.

The wpolys are +3000 in some places, but it ran smoothly for me.

Despite the troubles i'm going 5 for the sheer beauty and nice ambience of the map, and just the wow factor on how pretty it was. Great work as always!

Commented 16 years ago2008-07-03 14:21:19 UTC in journal: #5171 Comment #40693
sorry, they come in 5 packs lol.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-03 13:54:30 UTC in journal: #5171 Comment #40695
I'll take two