
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 14 years ago2009-12-25 01:00:19 UTC in news: Ho Ho Ho Comment #99502
Happy Presents Day!
Commented 14 years ago2009-12-23 10:43:54 UTC in journal: #6289 Comment #61769
Commented 14 years ago2009-12-20 14:14:57 UTC in journal: #6282 Comment #60509
Ravenholm was great for the puzzle aspects. But I hated it because I would ran short on ammo at the end. Yeah its not that scary.

However after that, I rather liked the bored snipers.
Commented 14 years ago2009-12-18 21:03:01 UTC in journal: #6280 Comment #51257
I want a pizza for twenty two thousand three hundred fifty six dollars and sixty one cents!

I imagine the bread dough would be kneaded by the tender breasts of the finest Swedish maidens, sauce from tomatoes ripened in a specially designed chamber in San Marzano of Italy turn into sauce by a Kung Fu master, Cheese made of the highest and most sacred Hindu cow milk that is graded with a Halogen alloy grader, pepperonis made of the deepest and darkest spices from South America and the world's finest Aspen swines. Delivered by a secret double agent with a part time job, and a 2 liter of coke. :D
Commented 14 years ago2009-12-16 10:19:11 UTC in journal: #6272 Comment #63532
I think we should count the blessings, because rumor has it that Apple could buy Adobe out.
Commented 14 years ago2009-12-08 21:24:18 UTC in journal: #6262 Comment #59736

[dork] I did that with an old Game Boy that only took batteries and my mom refused to constantly buy me more. It was easy. Although if you get zapped, you're doing it wrong. I then played Pokemon Blue until it went out of style. [/dork]
Commented 14 years ago2009-12-05 23:56:36 UTC in journal: #6258 Comment #40143
I need my wisdom teeth removed as well. Not looking forward to it.
Commented 14 years ago2009-12-03 16:13:20 UTC in journal: #6257 Comment #51248
Turn 71: Scientific Breakthrough! Multi-core Computing 3 was completed early.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-30 20:37:17 UTC in journal: #6252 Comment #41245
I like the training. Its exactly the same only dumbed down because you're a security guard and not a scientist. :P
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-30 19:03:08 UTC in journal: #6252 Comment #41244
Twas good. I liked the Xen part, it was rather pretty.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-28 19:16:07 UTC in journal: #6247 Comment #42814
WOW That's Awfully nice of him to give you a JPEG for xmas!
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-25 01:01:55 UTC in journal: #6239 Comment #60498
I like weapons that are brand new, not modified weapons from the existing bunch.

Barnacle gun is just plain cool, for example.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-23 19:03:44 UTC in journal: #6235 Comment #41236
Worse. Nothing I can do will work. I had to reformat. :*(

Well my desktop is never touching the internet again. That was the original premise, but mapping for source was tempting. My efforts to get it properly and all that has been a shit mound of trouble.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-23 16:58:53 UTC in journal: #6235 Comment #41235
It was just spyware, but which I fixed it by plugging the file with another program and making it read-only. I plugged it with Sprite Maker v1.1 :D

The thing about spyware is that it is rather harmless as long as there is no internet. My Desktop isn't meant to have internet so I put the connection to my old laptop, which is so shit-fucked with viruses that its safe to browse anything and i won't miss it if it dies. My new laptop has windows7 and connecting to a lan-internet is balls.

Also, I had internet on it long enough to get portal so I can't complain about not having it. Also, it runs TF2 like crap so I'd rather do it elsewhere.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-22 21:08:35 UTC in journal: #6235 Comment #41234
Honestly JeffMOD, there was little difference between them.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-16 22:01:15 UTC in journal: #6219 Comment #41205
Totally Happened

JeffMOD: Yeah It's been weird as hell here. The power went out for no reason. Called the power company and hassled them. I was the only one without power today within a 20 mile radius. They couldn't explain it. Power came on after they reset their system.
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-31 14:08:09 UTC in journal: #6171 Comment #41186
Sorry about your precious seconds JeffMOD.

Yes I did find a really nice place, I'm so happy with it :D
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-24 20:38:18 UTC in journal: #6151 Comment #58899
I had pumpkin spice eggnog today. Tasty.
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-21 14:53:04 UTC in journal: #6140 Comment #53411
I mapped for a month without being able to run the maps in-game. I was fascinated being able to create stuff in 3D. I built a bunch of stuff without paying any attention to the scale. There was a tutorial in the Worldcraft (at the time) help files on how to set it up. I tried several times to do so. Eventually I got it and ran through my maps. Some of them errored out and couldn't run, and a lot of them turned out like Rats maps because they were so big. Took me even longer to make a levelchange to work. At that point I made several linking maps that went on for a long time. At least a good hour of random HL action, and got into puzzle elements with crates and switches rather quickly for gameplay purposes. Sadly, the harddrive with that stuff on it is long gone. My next challenge was to make new graphics which ultimately brought me to TWHL. It was m0p who helped me in IRC to get things working. About at that time, summer had arrived and me and a friend went to a place in a nearby mall every weekend to play Counterstrike in a big LAN shop. There were always people there, and I had offered to make simple and fun map for the shop. I made some really fun ones, most of which are still in my Maps gallery here on TWHL. I've been hooked on mapping and 3D stuff ever since.

The End.
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-14 17:36:53 UTC in journal: #945 Comment #44183
oh lol, no punctuation.
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-10 22:58:59 UTC in news: Competition Done! Comment #99416
This might be kinda practical...

The Compo Mod setup.

For future competitions, use a game_text entity to display the map's name and author for a few seconds at the beginning of the map. The significance of this is that all the maps would be lined up and be playable in one run in a single mod. The maps will be named entry01 to entry50. The plain name and number is in respect to a chain-command setup, essentially creating a "Next" or "Previous" key, or maybe just a next button... dunno. The template would be easy as pie to make, no worries there. Plus the pack could be downloaded, easily installed and ran assuring everyone gets a fair look. Simple and easy for judges and members to swiftly look through the maps. It's all about presentation.

If that sounds like its too much, just post a link to each of the maps and hope everyone properly installs them all and gives each one a look.

Don't have to take this seriously, just an off-idea.
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-07 10:59:45 UTC in news: Competition Done! Comment #99403
Pltptptptptptptpt :P

This is getting old. Lets go to Daubster's Jun 19th news post and get that to 100 as well.
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-07 02:38:14 UTC in journal: #6111 Comment #41148
It is now! :P
Also added myself and made an early Christmas av!
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-06 12:09:47 UTC in journal: #6111 Comment #41147
Pretty much raided the posts here and the posts of the last few forums and posted their avatar here.

It'll be cool with all the Christmas avs :)
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-05 16:53:19 UTC in journal: #6111 Comment #41146
You are now.
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-05 11:52:38 UTC in news: Competition Done! Comment #99390
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-05 10:38:06 UTC in news: Competition Done! Comment #99388
7 more and we hit 100!

Commented 14 years ago2009-10-04 22:50:42 UTC in journal: #6111 Comment #41145
That poor guy :o
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-04 19:42:57 UTC in journal: #6111 Comment #41144
No Bacardi, I got a bunch of Midori though and had Midori sour drinks as well as some Budweiser.
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-04 16:17:47 UTC in journal: #6111 Comment #41143
You guys are the best!
I didn't take 23 shots but I got a load of free alcohol!
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-04 12:27:47 UTC in journal: #6111 Comment #41142
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-28 11:54:38 UTC in journal: #6098 Comment #48544
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-28 11:53:47 UTC in journal: #6096 Comment #41110
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-28 01:47:45 UTC in journal: #6096 Comment #41109
Here's some good news. Now that my portfolio is polished off from graduation, I can now upload it to maprookie and finish it up.

I paused mostly because my resume, portfolio works, and demo reel were not completed. Now they are so development will likely continue in the time between finding a job and stuff.

And yes, I inherit my critical attitude from my mom.
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-27 22:45:01 UTC in journal: #6096 Comment #41108
o lol
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-23 19:40:58 UTC in journal: #6085 Comment #55486
A proofread of this would've been beneficial.
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-23 10:29:35 UTC in journal: #6084 Comment #41099
.. and accept any and all happy endings.
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-22 23:05:58 UTC in journal: #6084 Comment #41098
My girlfriend is tripping ballz over this Japan thing. ;[
This is so not cool all of a sudden...
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-22 19:35:33 UTC in journal: #6084 Comment #41097
I can teach anything. Given I have a degree in art, I might as well use it.
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-22 12:12:26 UTC in journal: #6084 Comment #41096
Yep. The Ghostbusters.
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-22 09:25:58 UTC in news: Competition Done! Comment #99364
+1 (69)
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-20 16:51:32 UTC in vault item: hlifehotdog_compo27 Comment #17758
Some of the lava was off, but its still really good. Reminds me of Painkiller which was a "Through Hell" themed game. The ambiance was kinda creepy at first because I thought I heard screaming or something but couldn't quite tell.

The brushwork has a lot of detail. Like awnings and window fixtures, to the board bridges to the little rings and hooks on some of the features of the map. The terrain as well was quite nice.

Lighting is clear and well light, yet exposed a dramatic sense when needed, and even some areas had lighting really dark. My favorite light was the windows in the spiral tower. The eerie yellow glow as the only light source worked well. Other areas almost seemed kinda bright, like parts that involved a lot of lava. The light in those areas seemed oversaturated. I would have settled on a deep and gentle orange glow but that's just me.

Texture choices were fitting. Not too much to say about that. Some of the flourishes were nice. I agree with WC, the waving banners were really cool. Only bad thing is that some of the textures could have been expanded a little to prevent repetition and leave more room for variety. Still, it wasn't a map killer so its not bad at all.

Overall I liked it. It was enjoyable and even a little inspiring. I really miss the dungeon deathmatch like levels of DM Classic with traps and illogical absurdities. I guess this made me like the map a little more.

This map deserves 5/5 because of the level of craftsmanship versus scale versus design. I couldn't find anything purely out of place, except a few lava textures.
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-14 12:56:07 UTC in journal: #6060 Comment #39995
Be glad it was only a mini van and not the regular kind.
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-14 12:52:51 UTC in news: Competition Done! Comment #99349
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-04 00:45:42 UTC in journal: #6043 Comment #50042
At one point I jumped over a lower building and into the next gap...
Shit is difficult. Art style is hardcore though.

EDIT: I got around 2300 and got lamed. I'm over this one-button-wonder now.

EDIT2: This shit is awesome, look at the other games on the site, they're really good.
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-03 23:26:24 UTC in journal: #6042 Comment #38330
8,699,017.3 ft

I retire.
Fuck you all.