
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-23 19:52:43 UTC in vault item: Merry Christmas to hlife_hotdog Comment #19689
Rim, I believe the files cg.dll and cgGL.dll (both located in the Half-Life folder) need too be included with SoHL and SoHL-based mods.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-21 15:32:39 UTC in journal: #7517 Comment #41960
What's Planet X?
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-19 17:24:15 UTC in vault item: dm_snowy Comment #19667
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-16 20:30:06 UTC in vault item: cs_awesome Comment #19662
nuuuu it does not :D
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-16 15:21:10 UTC in vault item: dm_snowy Comment #19661
I remember liking this map a lot when it was on the old TWHL server.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-15 16:06:25 UTC in journal: #7508 Comment #66715
I tried it in (crossfire, LAN) and there was no energy cloud.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-14 22:11:02 UTC in journal: #7507 Comment #66696
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-11 17:36:40 UTC in vault item: Stargate Comment #19642
Hallowed are the Ori!
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-05 15:52:51 UTC in journal: #7497 Comment #43246
@Stojke: The issue is not that an animal got eaten by another animal, it is that an animal suffered needlessly. There are ways to kill an animal without causing it (much) pain. While those ways aren't available to an animal in the wild, they were available to this man.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-04 16:12:53 UTC in journal: #7495 Comment #50769
You should be able to change permissions for all files and subfolders of a folder using the command-line tool "icacls.exe" which comes with Windows. Run it "as administrator". If you're running it through "cmd.exe", run cmd.exe "as administrator".
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-30 00:37:20 UTC in vault item: Versalife Comment #19605
@Terror Captain: It's VersaLife's headquarters, from the game Deus Ex.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-28 20:28:42 UTC in journal: #7488 Comment #57802
When I tell people I'm from Sweden, they think I'm from Switzerland.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-28 04:45:51 UTC in journal: #4 Comment #33460
I want to fly a helicopter over China throwing Marmite at the little children. Then I'll sell them "medicine" which actually is poison. Then I'll go to court and I'll have my lawyer dress up in a bear costume. Then I'll be sad and wish I had sold water to seamen instead.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-28 04:04:19 UTC in vault item: Saving Private Barney ACT 1 Comment #19597
Eat your vegetables.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-26 20:58:54 UTC in journal: #7486 Comment #55858
Firefox is in my experience faster than Chrome when you have many (30+) tabs open. Chrome has a faster JavaScript engine, but unless you're playing a complex JavaScript-based game or doing advanced math calcuations or cryptology in your browser you shouldn't notice that.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-25 13:41:21 UTC in journal: #6605 Comment #66094
Scientists are still trying to figure that out. Oh and nfs sucked since underground. Just so you know.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-23 07:47:35 UTC in journal: #6 Comment #33616
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-23 07:45:49 UTC in journal: #3 Comment #33374
I bet this person will never be heard of again.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-18 11:24:23 UTC in journal: #6187 Comment #61751
I tend to forget about journal comments. I'm bored so I decided to post my first one.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-18 11:22:39 UTC in journal: #3917 Comment #53067
Cookies are yummy.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-17 11:15:10 UTC in vault item: dm_poisongarden Comment #19544
The download is broken. You can find it here:

Edit: Thanks for fixing it
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-13 08:30:09 UTC in journal: #6605 Comment #66093
nfs sucked since underground
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-13 08:29:17 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #33070
Crollo it is.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-12 17:18:47 UTC in journal: My latest project Comment #59142
Other than the Half-Life server I might start a modded server for the original Call of Duty. But it's a lot of work and I haven't made up my mind yet.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-12 07:27:41 UTC in journal: My latest project Comment #59141
It's not completely silent, it's relatively silent.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-31 13:36:32 UTC in journal: #7456 Comment #63859
I wonder how much money (s)he'll ask for if you contact him/her.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-28 02:57:10 UTC in journal: #7449 Comment #60912
Happy birthday
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-22 21:27:59 UTC in news: New Tutorials Comment #99929
SEO = Search Engine Optimization
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-22 21:23:40 UTC in journal: #7446 Comment #66490
Cold is a viral infectious disease, you don't get it by being out in the cold.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-22 01:53:02 UTC in journal: #7444 Comment #45341
I'm going to be myself, as usual.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-21 15:13:50 UTC in journal: #7445 Comment #57783
A state is an area with a local government with either full independence or significant power. A country is either a state or an area without government.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-20 22:46:15 UTC in journal: #7445 Comment #57782
"England is a country in the UK - a collection of four countries under the leadership of one governing body"
How is that any different from Berlin-Germany or Quebec-Canada? The UK, USA, Germany, PROC and Canada are countries with one main government and several regions, each with its own secondary government with limited power. If England and Greenland are countries, then so are Texas, Quebec, Qinghai and Berlin. The inconsistency in wording can only be motivated by the wish for historical consistency. What was once a state must always be referred to as a state. This at the cost of logic. This I don't like.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-20 21:32:31 UTC in journal: #7445 Comment #57781
Indeed it has some oddities and inconsistencies that are crazy. I laughed at the part about humanitarians.

Loosely related: Why are England and Greenland called countries, Texas and Berlin called states and Qinghai and Quebec called provinces? I've heard the European Union referred to as a country, does that make England a country within a country within a country?
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-18 13:06:17 UTC in journal: #7441 Comment #43202
Happy birth/cake day!
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-18 09:05:15 UTC in journal: #7440 Comment #51389
Religious or anti-religious, I think what matters the most is respect for fellow humans (and other animals) and non-violence. I am yet to see proof of anything good stemming from hatred.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-13 15:03:50 UTC in journal: #7437 Comment #50730
Even if you don't have anything to say, make sure she knows you care about her. She'll probably need friends after this.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-13 14:02:53 UTC in journal: #7437 Comment #50729
I was surfing porn one night and came across a video. Seemed fairly normal at first, until I realized the girl wasn't in on it. Haunted me for months. Rape is a fucking horrible thing.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-06 11:43:05 UTC in journal: #4629 Comment #54199
I asked my mom a couple of days ago, she has agreed to give me another haircut.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-05 22:36:31 UTC in journal: #7428 Comment #43178
Shower it. The water should clean out the sugar and other goo. Then just let it dry and it should work. I've done this to two keyboards, fixed both of them.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-05 05:01:24 UTC in journal: #7425 Comment #48187
I know there are forums on the subject of ADHD, maybe you could write there about your book and perhaps give away part of your book for free to attract customers?
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-03 14:18:49 UTC in journal: #7424 Comment #39616
Firefly, yes please.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-02 21:06:19 UTC in journal: #7423 Comment #50116
There are different meanings to the word "year". It can be the time it takes for Earth to complete an orbit around the Sun (which isn't constant). In astronomy, a year is exactly (365 + 1/4) * 86 400 seconds. I was talking about calendar years. Those are defined by their creators and users, us humans. To try to match calendar years with the movements of a planet is in my opinion foolish. It's not a meaningful measurement and we'll never get it right. A time unit is more useful if it can be defined as a constant number of seconds (or fractions of seconds). If those number of seconds can be divided by the number of seconds in a day (which will also have to be constant) without leaving a remainder that's great, because it simplifies calendars and calculations.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-02 19:57:34 UTC in journal: #7423 Comment #50115
Time zones suck, too. IMO we should all use the same time system. We should also get rid of leap years and the one-second corrections of UTC. Every second that passes, the date displayed on our clocks should increase by one second, always. With 5-days weeks we would have the same calendar every year. 365 days should be a full year, always. It would snow during summer in 400 years, but it would be worth it for the gained simplicity and consistency. POSIX time ftw.
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-02 16:35:30 UTC in journal: #7418 Comment #48181
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-02 04:50:33 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #33069
Commented 12 years ago2011-10-01 22:39:28 UTC in journal: #6605 Comment #66092
It is a great day for humanity.
Commented 13 years ago2011-09-22 22:54:58 UTC in journal: #6605 Comment #66091
nfs sucked since underground
Commented 13 years ago2011-09-22 10:40:08 UTC in journal: #7408 Comment #46843
I think Mass Effect 2's inventory system and combat system are bad. Mass Effect 1 ftw.