
Commented 14 years ago2010-04-15 08:57:09 UTC in journal: #6500 Comment #63100
With a name like 'Meat Blood Gun' I can honestly say that I wouldn't expect much...
Commented 14 years ago2010-04-11 17:56:55 UTC in journal: #6495 Comment #56851
Why do I look like a fat black guy!?
Commented 14 years ago2010-04-06 07:22:51 UTC in journal: #6483 Comment #56843
Hated ATI until recently when they fixed their GTAIV and Hammer issues.

Now, I can't say I love them, but I don't exactly love NVidia either. End of the day, as long as my shit keeps working I really don't care.
Commented 14 years ago2010-04-06 07:19:31 UTC in journal: #6482 Comment #41346
Enjoyed relentless amounts of Bad Company 2 throughout my 4 day weekend.

Also, on Friday, I checked the beer deals at Morrison's and pondered who gets drunk around Easter since I just stay in and eat chocolate. Then on Monday I went out and got drunk. :P
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Commented 14 years ago2010-03-29 20:03:16 UTC in journal: #6473 Comment #42829
Just general examinations. Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Cranial Nerves.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-22 18:26:44 UTC in journal: #6459 Comment #53178
@Habboi: There was a control point based VS mode too. You would capture points throughout a level to create NPC choppers and tanks and turrets.
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-22 09:38:23 UTC in journal: #6459 Comment #53177
Man, I played the demo so many times on the Playstation. The multiplayer was pretty awesome.

Oh nostalgia, how you torment me!
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-11 06:00:08 UTC in journal: #6439 Comment #41325
I've used FaceGen in the past but it is not really suited for Games / Mods because of the poly count.

Also, while they are accurate in terms of facial features and such, they tend to mess up on the actual skull shape.
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-10 19:31:41 UTC in journal: #6439 Comment #41324
Actually, its for several things. MP model, hell yes. I also plan to appear as a higher power in Black Mesa's central complex area sometime soon.

Rimmy, this is epic stuff. Thanks.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-26 19:42:01 UTC in vault item: cs_trepidation Comment #17882
Having been involved in both the creation and testing of this map, I have to say that I love it through and through. The sheer number of access points to each area makes for some buttock-clenching tension and destructive firefights (throw a grenade in the main office and you'll see what I mean)

I am yet to play with a significant number of human players, but I have no doubt that it would still play the same as with bots, and with bots, it plays like a top bollock map.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-09 16:53:38 UTC in journal: #6381 Comment #42822
Too Quiet? Turn your speakers up? Sounds fine for me.
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-28 05:53:16 UTC in journal: #6354 Comment #63094
Strange. I've never heard of this. That's my evening covered. :)
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-11 21:06:16 UTC in journal: #6319 Comment #44468
That job has been on their site since 2008 so it's not Duke Nukem seeing as that was cancelled in 2009.

I don't think it will be Opposing Force either, seeing as there isn't really anywhere to go with the story. Opposing Force was non canon. The ending plainly points that out. GMan tells Shepherd that he has been relocated so as to not tell the world about what happened at Black Mesa. A moot point seeing as the portal storms would strike a few hours / days later. (Also, they seem to be doing a lot of work with Unreal, not Source.)

It's probably Gearbox's idea of one of the most famous shooters. Hell, it's probably the next Brothers in Arms game.
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-09 12:40:08 UTC in journal: #6314 Comment #47741
Sounds like your dream needs to update its graphics card. That or turn off parental control.
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-09 04:24:07 UTC in journal: #6314 Comment #47740
I love how when you're dreaming, all the extremely bizarre events going on around you don't bother you in the slightest. Then you wake up thinking "WTF?"

I once had a dream about my own birthday party but it was like, nowhere near my birthday. I didn't complain. Then I went to my room with a few of my mates to try out a new PC game I got. (I can't remember what this mystery game was called but I was very excited about it and I can remember the box art :P ) Opened the door to my room and this thick pink / purple slime was oozing out of my ceiling onto the floor and down the walls. I distinctly remember saying out loud "Oh great, the ceiling's doing that thing again." I woke myself up by talking and then I was just sat up in bed, wondering what the bloody hell my mind was playing at...

Also, because people talking in their sleep is freaking hilarious.
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-07 21:22:29 UTC in journal: #6313 Comment #60538
Jesus Christ. Just browsing, youtubing and gaming I usually get through 50+ Gigs a month.
Commented 14 years ago2010-01-04 10:12:51 UTC in journal: #6308 Comment #47731
Oh man. You need to hire a guy in a suit to stand outside the window.

"Who's G-Man?"
"Our mutual friend." points

Hired goon, smirks, walks out of view and then sprints to cover.
Commented 14 years ago2009-12-24 04:30:28 UTC in journal: #6289 Comment #61770
I will never grasp any coding languages. I have no time or desire to do so. I let the programming department deal with all the PHP and I just make things pretty with xHTML and CSS.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 14 years ago2009-12-21 18:28:09 UTC in journal: #6282 Comment #60510
Ravenholm never scared me. Until one day...

I was playing through HL2 again, (this only really happens if I have made some new skins) and I was at a particular place in Ravenholm where I knew I was about to be attacked by 2 fast zombies. So this time, I closed the door, and waited for them to burst in, shotgun at the ready. Then CRASH! Down they come through the fucking skylight windows behind me. Shat a brick. Very nice scripting by VALVe.
Commented 14 years ago2009-12-14 22:08:56 UTC in journal: #6272 Comment #63533
Use adobe products at home and at work. Never had any issues.
Commented 14 years ago2009-12-08 10:42:34 UTC in journal: #6262 Comment #59737
Started Christmas shopping in February, finished the other day. I hate shopping just about as much as I hate people so I do in short bursts throughout the year to avoid the rush and screaming children (stab stab stab)
Commented 14 years ago2009-12-06 07:02:38 UTC in journal: #6258 Comment #40145
You are correct sir.
Commented 14 years ago2009-12-05 23:41:27 UTC in journal: #6258 Comment #40144
Oh man, I've had 2 molars out already. My wisdom teeth are coming through very bloody slowly.
Commented 14 years ago2009-12-02 11:50:39 UTC in journal: #6255 Comment #50055
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-24 10:47:12 UTC in journal: #6238 Comment #55037
punches himself in the face

Commented 14 years ago2009-11-19 10:35:26 UTC in journal: #6227 Comment #63402
Pfft. School = Easy life
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-18 16:57:32 UTC in journal: #6223 Comment #42807

Ok. :|

I thought people were complaining that MOTM wasn't being updated fast enough.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-18 10:45:09 UTC in journal: #6222 Comment #53461
I can't afford it. I'll most likely get it after christmas.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-14 06:58:20 UTC in vault item: Half-Life Static Friction Comment #8265
Quite a nice set of maps and I really like the way some of the effects were pulled off. Impressive.

It has some major issues however.

OpenGL - R_Speeds are terrible throughout the entire pack
D3D - Major delays with controls in sprite and effect heavy areas.

Plus all the Source content which is a no no I believe.
Commented 14 years ago2009-11-10 04:16:52 UTC in journal: #6201 Comment #59679
Immortal Super Humans? Fantastic! Now you can work for that company you hate for the rest of eternity. Or you know, the end of our Sun's lifetime.

We'd best look into colonizing other planets too, otherwise the Earth will become overcrowded.
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-30 19:06:37 UTC in journal: #6170 Comment #42763
It seems I put this video up without thinking properly about the consequences. Looking back I can understand how I came off as a bit of a prick.

Actually, a totally moronic and hypocritical arsehole.

I sincerely apologize to anyone I've offended and I will probably remove the video soon and apologize in my next vlog (tomorrow as a matter of fact) to anyone who happens to have been offended by it.

It was the end of a long day and it was an extremely poor attempt at humor that got out of hand.
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-25 20:04:30 UTC in journal: #6152 Comment #60458
Sims 3? Ouch. Sorry man.
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-22 08:15:19 UTC in news: Results! Comment #99487
I have a mic now. Time is against me ATM
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-19 19:50:05 UTC in journal: #6135 Comment #42716
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-11 17:58:34 UTC in journal: #6123 Comment #54061
"EA GAMES! - purchase challenge everything"
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-10 02:12:40 UTC in journal: #6122 Comment #65783
Welcome to the community and best of luck with the mod. ^_^
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-09 02:00:22 UTC in journal: #6116 Comment #42706
Haha. It was just coffee, I swear... It may have been varnish.
Commented 14 years ago2009-10-08 17:02:15 UTC in journal: #6113 Comment #50393
May I say congratulations one web designer to another. :)

I've been doing professional design integration for 2 months now. The pay leaves much to be desired, but I'm still on starting wage for the time being. Should be going up soon though. :D

It is a lot of fun, which is a blessing when it comes to jobs. Of course you get the odd awkward client now and again. :(
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-26 20:13:45 UTC in journal: #6089 Comment #48925
Happy 21st mate. #Get sloshed!
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-26 20:11:32 UTC in journal: #6088 Comment #42694
Sat o n my mousepad at the moment! He is prety cute but he keeps sitting up uinfront of my moniter while I'm playing CSS.! >:(
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-22 13:54:01 UTC in journal: #6083 Comment #42685
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-21 20:55:12 UTC in journal: #6083 Comment #42684
Pb: I don't think I've ever spent a whole day at work.
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-21 14:02:56 UTC in journal: #6083 Comment #42683
My face mimicked my avatar
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-21 11:10:43 UTC in journal: #6083 Comment #42682
I was at work a whole 5 minutes. :P
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-20 09:07:56 UTC in journal: #6076 Comment #50664
Hello Instant Mix :D
Commented 14 years ago2009-09-20 03:28:01 UTC in journal: #6078 Comment #60400
I love those ID badges. :D

The black tie? Is that your doing as well? It looks a lot better than the red and blue in my opinion. It looks more...sensible.