
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-27 01:26:17 UTC in journal: #31 Comment #34453
Now arriving at pZZPPZPZPPZZPZZ
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-27 01:25:41 UTC in journal: #30 Comment #34438
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-27 01:24:49 UTC in journal: #29 Comment #34516
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-27 01:24:19 UTC in journal: #28 Comment #34415
tinking the same thing
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-27 01:23:29 UTC in journal: #27 Comment #34384
Windows encountered a fatal error and needs to close.
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-27 01:18:37 UTC in journal: #20 Comment #34194
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-27 01:06:52 UTC in journal: #9 Comment #33773
trust me, i'm a newbie at playing video games
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-27 01:02:51 UTC in journal: #6 Comment #33620
surprisingly, someone made a game using a star trek theme that included a catan minigame
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-27 01:00:41 UTC in journal: #4 Comment #33466
2 in bed
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-27 00:58:06 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #33087
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-26 05:28:57 UTC in vault item: In My Head Comment #21018
I recognized parts of the map that were meant to represent some areas of blue shift, like that beginning torching area. The entire map depicts the soldiers being badly beaten not by aliens, but by a random secruity guard. Terrifying. Of course you cant go wrong with life's end style hallucinations
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-25 17:57:10 UTC in news: Compo 34 Results Comment #100311
wait, so were there any single player maps in in the compo at all? or all DM maps?
Commented 7 years ago2017-06-02 06:31:21 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68219
funny thing about that 16-type personality test, I took one in high school and took one last year, and the results didnt change at all.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-26 15:58:36 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68218
I think you should watch the movie, splice. Actually dont watch it, it might scare you badly. In fact, forget what i said. definitely do NOT look it up.
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-23 02:14:53 UTC in journal: #8810 Comment #68217
twhl is just so good at being a magnet for kids. I think its good
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-13 05:25:55 UTC in vault item: Cs_Canbunk Comment #20988
Sorry to break it to ya, punk,
But you're never getting CS_Canbunk
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-13 05:24:58 UTC in journal: #8805 Comment #61733
i guess this is why shift del is generally discouraged
Commented 7 years ago2017-05-06 15:00:11 UTC in vault item: Lighting & Glow in NgDuterte Comment #20986
if you have lots of LEAK LEAK LEAK, your map lightling will end up badly.
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-28 05:02:52 UTC in journal: #8801 Comment #68138
thanks to google's 'algorithm', you can expect to see many videos similar to that, everytime you go on youtube, and it will also be in the 'recommended videos for you' list for every video you watch
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-26 05:01:23 UTC in journal: #8801 Comment #68137
you know what they say about kids and the internet
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-21 15:01:40 UTC in journal: #8797 Comment #61546
ACHIEVEMENTEMTNS PLSPLSPLS (everyone pays 100 to get on greenlight. steam makes money from this, why would they shut it down?)
Commented 7 years ago2017-04-17 05:39:49 UTC in journal: #8796 Comment #66228
my mentor says that the chemical itself(e.g. nicotine) is only 10% of the contribution to why someone would be addicted. I think it comes down to your core personality: some people have an 'addictive mentality' who will generally be addicted to something very easily. The way I was told was these people are almost always suffering some kind of anxiety or are prone to it, so they need some thing to depend on, and addictive substances are one of these things. However, the addiction concept goes far beyond just drugs. It could be anything: games, TV, OCD, shopping, stealing, sex, the feelings of starting a new romantic relationship, the list goes on...
Commented 7 years ago2016-11-11 17:16:12 UTC in vault item: Black Mesa Geothermal Labs Comment #19622
played on hard and it was tough. And the puzzles wow... I literally had to follow the path above the rafters from vent to vent till i saw where you had to get up from. And a pitch black platform section...

Ran low on ammo due to buffed enemy HP on hard mode, I think the ammo and health is in short supply, but just enough to get thru. Though the mid-boss area is quite the challenge. Tried rushing at first but you had that one dude in the most random location to prevent just that.

No idea why you had the first group of soldiers have extremely low health, but I suppose it was for balancing since there were like a bunch of them and you likely had limited ammo by then. There were a few annoying things like invisible walls in the elevator among other places. And a strange mp5 replacement with different arms.

Overall a great map with lots of stuff, starting out all quiet and going all out war by the end. Maybe twhl world woulda been just as awesome
Commented 7 years ago2016-09-23 20:19:05 UTC in vault item: fun_fallwar Comment #14407
appears to be the prequel of . Basically a cs mess around map with the most basic architecture possible, similar to a gmod map.
Commented 7 years ago2016-09-23 19:57:22 UTC in vault item: Saving Private Barney ACT 1 Comment #14405
Get this thing out of Top maps. Theres no download
Commented 7 years ago2016-09-20 04:21:54 UTC in journal: #8748 Comment #62908
this next generation of children will be raised by... the internet.
Just think about that for a second.
Commented 7 years ago2016-09-19 22:27:20 UTC in vault item: Bunker Comment #20178
missing twhltower.wad (recompile after removing this texture from texture list if it's not used)

The last guy in the chair will sink into the floor if you talk to him, everyone else I assumed were generics.

mapping is cool, though it was pretty short. feels like it could be the start of a op4 mappack though. Nicely done.
Commented 7 years ago2016-09-17 03:24:10 UTC in vault item: The Playtest Comment #14497
this link is dead, but you can get this MOD at
Commented 7 years ago2016-09-14 23:49:43 UTC in vault item: Control_Room Comment #14496
its like stadium3 but simpler and limited to 4 monster types
Commented 7 years ago2016-09-14 23:11:29 UTC in vault item: second chance lvl 1 Comment #14502
yea this is one of the best mappacks on HL i've seen, and thats prolly because there arent very many mappack on TWHL to begin with... though this shouold be renamed 'zoo tour' instead of whatever it is right now
Commented 7 years ago2016-09-14 23:05:33 UTC in vault item: deadnighbor Comment #14512
this is a CS map...
Commented 7 years ago2016-09-14 22:46:32 UTC in vault item: Adrenaline Comment #14514
no idea if this is a tfc map or a normal HL map. tfc.wad is required.

Thers a few soldiers scattered around what appears to be a RED tfc base
Commented 7 years ago2016-09-14 00:02:58 UTC in vault item: Terrorist Escape (for Counter-Life) Comment #19753
lol he wasnt kiddin when he said its 'very small'

Also you gave 3 copies of each weapon but counter life doesnt count the two other guns as extra ammo... good thing there werent that many enemies
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 7 years ago2016-08-23 21:22:40 UTC in journal: #8738 Comment #67385
looks like you were... hypenotized
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Commented 7 years ago2016-07-23 19:19:38 UTC in journal: #8723 Comment #68060
it sounds like you feel that your national origins is an impediment to your life goals. Maybe it's time you talk to your parents about emigration. The earliest would most likely be when you apply to study abroad in college.
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Commented 7 years ago2016-06-21 20:17:45 UTC in journal: #8713 Comment #49696
i get the impression that your life has 'improved', so to speak, so that you no longer need to get mapping to feel better about yourself. Just a guessing that you have found something that you're good at and maybe useful at large or something. That's great!

I get the impression that not just you, but maybe rimrook and loads of other people at some point have gone thru this as well, which might be why almost nobody makes new maps except kids like dimbark or someone. I don't actually see this as that bad, because if your life got improved to be able to do something well and useful irl then that's probably really good for you. However I suggest to everyone to still keep their old maps and stuff because occasionally you might still have some collab or something like twhl tower and it's always fun times to still be able to contribute. All good.
Commented 8 years ago2016-05-17 06:34:31 UTC in journal: #8703 Comment #62857

microsoft still doesnt test their own updates i see
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Commented 8 years ago2016-05-07 15:53:57 UTC in journal: #8700 Comment #62839
Remember, you have to consider this from the other point of view. Would you rather use a system you are familiar with because you log in it every 2 minutes, or would you want to use a completely unfamiliar system that someone in your group said was good but you dont know anything about how it works and feel that it is unnecessary to learn about this system because the one you are currently familiar with is able to do what you need. Not everyone is an expert tech whiz like everyone on twhl is. Although your school does seem kinda ancient to me, it's that we all spend long time on the internet and take for granted that everyone is like the internet folks and know all about these things, but it looks like most people dont seem to use the internet beyond facebook
Commented 8 years ago2016-04-22 19:21:00 UTC in journal: #8696 Comment #67380
I dont think goldsrc entity systems are complicated enough to need some kind of management tool. Dont you have 1 or 2 multimanagers handle everything anyway?
Commented 8 years ago2016-03-19 18:04:50 UTC in journal: #8681 Comment #63381
too bad csgo auto shotguns are loaded with beanbags rather than real bullets
Commented 8 years ago2016-03-19 18:03:42 UTC in journal: #8682 Comment #48418
will it be similar to those 50 million historical dramas you see on chinese TV all the time?
Commented 8 years ago2016-03-10 07:24:30 UTC in journal: #8679 Comment #62829
sounds like autocorrect, which is massively annoying. I have to type various words that arent actually english words and an autocorrect thingy will make it very hard for me.
Commented 8 years ago2016-02-29 20:24:28 UTC in journal: #8676 Comment #44110

Surprisingly, I know a HL map with a tractor too
Commented 8 years ago2016-02-18 23:32:58 UTC in journal: #8669 Comment #61500
The author saId he paid 50000 U.S. Dollars to be able to sell this map pack. I saw Phillips stream of this and nothing was too impressive. But honestly I don't think he will make back his 50k cash
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