
competitioner18 years ago2006-07-20 10:37:38 UTC 0 comments
Got new harddrive today! 40GB!
Maxtor something...
Now total i got 96GB and 50GB is free!
All my games!
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New project!
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Alot of move_rope and alot of keyframe_rope! CHEEZ!
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Alot of func_detail here! =)
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Here again func_detail!
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This building has a lot of windows!
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Well, here is use prop_static and some other stuff too!
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More move_rope and keyframe_rope! Too eazy!
Looks realistic? Well it is real... and my next project too!
I don't know, to add sun or not to add sun?
Rimrook18 years ago2006-07-20 08:33:06 UTC 0 comments
[b][u]HL1 Props![/b][/u] I'm open to take requests now.
Quakis18 years ago2006-07-19 06:15:21 UTC 0 comments
Unlikely anyone is going to read this, but hey this is pretty damn useful! Recently been learning how to model (using XSI Mod Tool) and feel a lot more comfortable with this compared to previous tools (3Dmax, Milkshape, Blender) Thanks to some video tutorials at I attempted to recreate the barrel from Duke3D. Nothing too special and nothing too hard to do and managed to make, UV map, texture it (badly) and convert no problem, mainly just practise purposes. I think there is too many polys though but I think it's okay for a first. Hopefully I can stick to it.
D_man18 years ago2006-07-19 05:59:25 UTC 0 comments
Hello D_man! This is your 700th login.
Rimrook18 years ago2006-07-19 04:05:04 UTC 0 comments
I'm gonna do some GFX stuff for hl1 that anyone could use in their maps. Stuff such as dustmotes that float around, haze and foggy sprites, and a set some props.

Of course, all of this goes into Turnstile, so its not if, but when it is done, this pack will be released. I know some people have asked for props and such, i'm thinking about answering your prayers with a huge pack of content.

gotta admit, props make mapping a little more fun.
competitioner18 years ago2006-07-19 03:56:32 UTC 0 comments
I have got a map what is ~75% ready!
Map name is going to be: de_, fy_ or cs_ destroyedcity or something!
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Ok, this is my favourite part, when the train is in the wall! It's so original!
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Car in the road! Ooh, yeah!
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And a hole in the road! Before there was 4 pipes! One was spark pipe, another was steam pipe, and the others was just pipes, but i deleted them beacause they were lag makers. And who hate lag? (Answer: Everybody)
By the way, in the hole i think there will be somekind a sewers what goes to some warehouse and there might be the hostages or bomb site!
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Nice screenshot!
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The train again!
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The hole and a van in the background!
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Car and train!
The last four pictures was updated version of my map!
The first three were earlier version! I added nice 3D skybox!
Gackt18 years ago2006-07-18 13:11:26 UTC 0 comments
After a long exodus from mapping, brought on mainly by university and its associated deadlines, I have been reborn in kind with the mighty phoenix...only with a lot less flames, ashes and screeching. I don't have a solid mapping idea to focus on just yet, but I'm going to give it my best shot.

Oh, and it has occurred to me that I've given the wrong impression about my nationality - I'm not actually Japanese. Gosh, I wish I were; it would eliminate the necessity of hours upon hours of language study. Alas, I'm a plain, ordinary Canadian that just happens to have an intermediate level of Japanese speaking ability. I didn't think there'd be any confusion about that, because if you're familar with the REAL Gackt Camui, you'd find my account profile to be accurate with regards to his personal statistics...and more than a little amusing, too.

That said, I guess there aren't many mappers who have heard of him, in which case I'm glad to do a little promotional work for my favourite singer.
Xyos21218 years ago2006-07-18 09:56:50 UTC 0 comments
Im progressing pretty good so far on my face model. Its about 49% done so far. I dont know if I will make a body or not though.....

Here's a screenie:
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Its almost done. Ill probably compile it with a animation and make it a prop_dynamic or something.
hydeph18 years ago2006-07-18 05:11:18 UTC 0 comments
I'm currently working on finishing a Colt Python skin. It goes well.
Benn18 years ago2006-07-18 04:05:40 UTC 0 comments
Hey people just joined TWHL :P

The tutorials on here were real helpful and I come on here all the time so i thought why not join lol

Currently I am working on Zombie Panic maps, cant wait for the source version :heart:
competitioner18 years ago2006-07-17 11:26:59 UTC 0 comments
Added new map today!

Habboi18 years ago2006-07-17 03:07:58 UTC 0 comments

This link sadly is an unorganised media release requesting for a modeler to assist me.

Although this is good for you...You can see my concepts :o

"Shadow of the Colossus ? The Untold Chapter (Current name ? Due change if needed)

Inspired by the Shadow of the Colossus game featured only on the Playstation Two comes an all new modification on the Source Engine based on that particular game.
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Epic Rising Studios was founded by myself and another man known as ?Psycho? on the Internet. The aim of Epic Rising Studios is to release a mod that hasn?t been done before and to tell you the truth I myself am a little tired of First Person Shooter modifications and felt a new adventure mod would be entertaining.

For those who have no idea what Shadow of the Colossus is well below is a short description:

Shadow of the Colossus is an epic game released on the Playstation Two format and features sixteen gigantic creatures known as the Colossi. The main character who we know nothing of is given the mission to kill each of these creatures one by one and in return the mysterious voice known as Darmin will revive the young lady that rests on the altar. The game itself is simple...With the sword in his hand you are able to shine it to find where each Colossi is and then ride on your horse all the way through an epic land that to be honest is so beautiful to look at. I won?t spoil the ending for you but as Darmin said...?The price for killing the Colossi will be great?.


At the bottom of this post is a list of video links to show you what the gameplay will consist of.


The Epic Rising team which features me as:

Habboi - Project Manager, Lead Level Designer, Lead Environmental Artist, Advertising and Media Arrangements.

Dimitrios Kounios (or Jimmy) - - Concept Artist

Zyk0tik - Programmer / Coder

Anssi Rajaniemi - - Concept Artist

Currently we are in great need of a modeler and it has made me rather depressed that I have no choice but to write this request and publish what was going to be part of a huge media release. The plan was to draw out the three main concepts, have them modeled, coded in as static and placed in customized levels.

Sadly without a modeler this cannot be done and although I had a modeler at the time he changed his mind due to that fact his interests lie in the futuristic section.

Below are the three main concepts drawn out by a man (Dimitrios Kounios) who I can?t thank enough for spending countless nights doing this for me:

If you have been following what I have written then you know my plan is to get these modeled and programmed in.

So in other words we are looking for a talented character modeller who can model those concepts from scratch. We have a top skinner if you can't texture very well.

Before you consider joining I would like to tell you (the public) a little about myself and the skills that I contain:

Some of you may know me as Habboi?I prefer to call myself Sir Habboi and to run such a project may make you wonder if I can handle it...Well in the past I?ve worked on such modifications as the legendary City 13, Nightfall and Gang-Life?They all have something in common...They have all died (Although Nightfall is climbing back up slowly). Now I have witnessed many reasons why modifications die and this is due to bad planning and lack of enthusiasm.

Now I have planned this out for almost a month and arranged jobs for people to do so far. Please don?t let the lack of a website put you off because before I even consider purchasing one I want to know that this can be done?I have huge support behind me from fans of the Shadow of the Colossus game, my team and close friends.

I?m hoping that after reading this you will be interested in working for a team who wish to make players happy and show those who have not heard of the Shadow of the Colossus game what a brilliant game it is. If you?re interested in applying please add me on MSN at:

Or on Xfire:


Thank you for reading this because if you help this mod get going then you will be part of a proud team whose success is imminent. If you want to post feedback only then please do add me to chat because I like to hear it.

Here is a list of pictures and videos of what we wish to re-create mostly?As director I have a working script with completely new ideas so don?t assume this mod is just a recreation of the already existing game. The only similarity is the world that game revolves around.


Colossus 13:,46429/zoom/1839.jpg

Colossus 3:

[Good Quality]

Colossus 15:

Colossus 2 (Good Quality)

Colossus 2:


The entire Colossus in one big video:

Colossus 13 Gameplay:

Colossus 3 Gameplay:

Colossus 8 Gameplay:

Colossus 1 Gameplay:

Contribution Video

3rd Colossus (The Bird)

11th Colossus

Best one:

Good Trailer showing everything

The best fan made trailer yet.


Some good replies!

This is an extremely ambitious project... I don't mean to naysay, but I doubt it will live up to the original game. I'm rooting for you though; if this mod manages to deliver anything close to the experience I had with SotC and I'm able to pull at least 20 FPS, I'll bow to you as gods among men. smile

wow, extremely ambitious indeed. i wish you the best of luck. looking forward to this.

Wow... this is pretty cool... Just wanna say good luck with this.I think this would be one of the greatest mods to hit half-life 2 in its lifetime!

Good luck ... I am saying this because I have big doubts that this mod will ever see the daylight. Source simple doesn't work out for this sort of gamestyle, unless your gonna redo the sourcecode ... look at the facts, source isn't suitable for this.

Would be a refreshing mod but again ... its becoming a failure before you even start modding.

good luck getting that to work on Source Very Happy
you'll definatly need some 3d skybox work.

This is ironic; just a few weeks ago I was working on the very same concept, adapting the gameplay style and art direction of Shadow of the Colossus to Source. Most of what I had accomplished was in a conceptual phase, although there were some small progressive steps towards a working fur shader and research on the recently announced Landscape and Flora Rendering. Unfortunately, I abandoned the project because it was too grandiose for me alone, and not enough information was available to me yet. Originally, the concept was to release each Colossus in a pair of maps episodically (one map for the travel, and another for the actual battle). In this format art direction could be focused on tightly, and with each new level, hopefully, there was a greater chance of more that could be accomplished over time (both art and tech wise).

Habboi, it's a very difficult proposal you're making, but I wish you the best of luck and you've got my support.

Yay for positive feedback! :D
srry18 years ago2006-07-16 19:06:59 UTC 0 comments
Status update for all my projects:

FUBAR - Pretty dead. Would still have a long way to go if I wanted to complete it. I played through the whole thing one time, and realized how much the gameplay sucked. I might release an unfinished version, though.

de_pine - Not working on it anymore. I just got tired of the whole theme.

de_stucco - I haven't worked on it in a bit, but that doesn't mean I won't pick it up again. The whole style of it suits hostage rescue gameplay better, but I got complaints about those from my last Counter-Strike map.

Who knows, maybe I'll release all of these in one big pack of unfinished crap someday!
AJ18 years ago2006-07-16 17:45:07 UTC 0 comments
21st October 2003 (1000 days ago)
A thousand days at TWHL. My how the time flies...
