
n00b #218 years ago2006-07-07 21:49:56 UTC 0 comments
Wow.. all I can say now is that I'm very very pissed.
Out of the blue my recent Steam account just got vac-banned. Honestly it was the most random thing ever. I haven't even played much in the past 2 months and I haven't cheated since my first account got vac banned. I rebought CS like.. 6 months ago and now this.

Valve's policies saying it's not their responsibility for your steam account and they don't do anything to help you out. Valve or Steam.. its all gay.
I just wish I had an old copy of Half-life or CS.

Steam sucks balls. I just feel the whole Steam idea is very bothersome and unnecessary. Why do we need another program open just to play a game? Doesn't make sense to me and I'm thinking either there was a screw up in the VAC or.. some dipshit hacked my account and stole my password.

But im gonna re-purchase CS again and actually buy HL this time because my first account was given to me by an online friend. I still have all Source games untouched thank goodness and If those games get banned Steam will be getting a nasty letter from me since I'm not even able to play any Source games and I never have played any.

Down with Steam!
38_9818 years ago2006-07-07 19:44:56 UTC 0 comments

I found this website through some random searching and then links. Try the test and see what you are. Accoriding to it im a Centrist.
zeeba-G18 years ago2006-07-07 08:06:31 UTC 0 comments
This morning I woke up at 6 and went fishin in my friends neighborhood."He lives on a gulfcourse neighborhood and all of the ponds are full of fish" I caught a big catfish, a 3 pound bass, and than a 4 pound-or bigger i didnt have my scale :) Well when I was on my way home I saw a sign that said Huge garage sale so I checked it out.--I bought some fish tank pumps for a kick ass deal-some other stuff/and some new speakers for my comp:) These speakers came with a huge bass speaker thing that ataches to em and gives them a lot of bass. When I got home i hooked em up and loaded up a map on hl and was amazed. My shotgun now sounds like a billion times better and I recommend everyone to go out and buy some kind of system like this for your comp :)...well anywayz I guess im pretty much done with my map "gone" thow unsure of how to make it include the wads in the bsp. to save people such a hassle---Ill prolly put the map on this site today...
n00b #218 years ago2006-07-06 18:45:38 UTC 0 comments
So yea today I spent most of my time playing Half-Life. I think my continued game was on hard because I eventually turned on god mode.
Or maybe I was too scared. I was suprised though. I actually played throught parts by myself. I beat half life before thru sven co op and that was fun but it was totally different.

But I really loved the unique brushwork throughout half life. I just loved the feel of playing half-life. It's more of a... figure out the story line for yourself and if you kill someone who can help you out too bad... than the ole' story sequences. i ended up killing myself becaue I killed some scientist on accident just so I could hear what they had to say.

I also tried to get one of my little cousins from california to play Half-life. All he knows is Halo and Halo2 for X-box -_- :(
He never got used to the keyboard and he didn't get past duck jumping in the training room.

His grandma didn't let him play too long. They're headed off back home tomorrow. They're the last of my family to leave from the family reunion.
It was fun and I noticed some bad things about me. I'll never give up gaming!
Rimrook18 years ago2006-07-06 12:17:05 UTC 0 comments
Summer isn't over yet, but the end-summer rush is tommorrow. I hope to bust my ass today with the moddage and release the demo. But i'm a bit worried about my comp's health. It seems to crash all of my programs more than usual. Not much is left on some parts of the demo hazard course, so i'll work that off and polish it for release... if my internet works... like i said, crashy.

~4 teh w1n.
38_9818 years ago2006-07-06 09:01:00 UTC 0 comments
Well, the shipped items wesent roughly 7 weeks ago should arrive anytime soon to our new home. Then i wont have to share this computer with 3 others, 2 of which hog it for hours.
Dred_furst18 years ago2006-07-06 02:39:41 UTC 0 comments
Well school is going well, coming to an end, lots of free time and lots of fun projects :) i have made a coil gun (pics on my site soon), Mapped some stuff ( look for underground_base and encamped and dred_incy), Free periods are abundant, and days off timetable :) should be seeing incy in about 3 weeks woohoo!
Atrocity18 years ago2006-07-05 20:13:06 UTC 0 comments
Just got the TWHL hooked up and good to go. I will be updating my profile here in a few days when I go back to school and I am off of this lame 56k.... yeah they still exist.... weird isn't it.... :cry:
Saribous18 years ago2006-07-05 12:02:22 UTC 0 comments
I'm going to Gothenburg this Friday to see some bands, it's going to pwn.
Full setlist;
(yeah it's in Swedish, so eat shit)
Habboi18 years ago2006-07-05 09:17:22 UTC 0 comments
8th Driving lesson...Feeling like I let myself down last lesson I really put my all into it and it was a lot better again however there were a load of mistakes and sadly I stalled it about 2-3 times...

Stay tuned for more driving lesson comments next week!

On the mod side...Nothing...Just a slow concept artist who is always busy...I'm getting it out of him extremely slowly but who knows...Maybe he has made me loads and is saving it for one big impressive showcasing.
Trapt18 years ago2006-07-05 01:02:36 UTC 0 comments
Hello Trapt! This is your 1900th login.

gordonfreeman18 years ago2006-07-04 03:03:57 UTC 0 comments
heh, reinstalled source sdk. After playing episode 1...
zeeba-G18 years ago2006-07-03 19:08:03 UTC 0 comments
Im finaly done with my dm map "gone" - I just have to finish the secret :) :) :)
Penguinboy18 years ago2006-07-03 19:00:35 UTC 0 comments
wouldnt it be nice to see the tutorials i submitted 24th of march and 17th of april.....
oh well...may as well start on the next one...
RotatorSplint18 years ago2006-07-03 14:11:07 UTC 0 comments
99th log-in! whoo :cool: