Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 14:11:28 UTC
in Favorite games (not including hl) Post #28925
i like any well mad rpg. im too lazy to list them.

My fav is Dungeons and Dragons(wyaddya know one thats not electronic) :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 14:09:39 UTC
in the power of changing topic... Post #28923
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-28 21:50:35 UTC
in climb maps Post #24462
oh ok. an old fad reborn by pepole looking to become fameous and loved in an istant with no creative effort on their part. and i gotta try that map! those look and sound like a pain in the exploit deleted to make.

and the nade maps sound better on tfc. on cs theyre all the same and just plain annoying
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-28 13:59:14 UTC
in climb maps Post #24389
There is a new fad going around cs that im shure some of you are aware of. Im talking about the climb maps.
for those of you who dont know climb maps are maps where there is no fighting, you just try to climb to the top by jumping. theyre pretty difficult. But often fun!
so i was wondering...does anybody here plan to get in on the climb map action?

by the way if you want to see one the names are something like kz_climbersb01 or something th that effect. just refresh a new list of servers in game(counter_strike) and alphabatize the list.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-27 18:15:48 UTC
in Rotating Avartar's (pics) Post #24301
actually jobabob has a really good idia!

we could call it TWOE The World Of Epilepsy. and evry five minuts your screan could eat your face!
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-27 17:56:42 UTC
in Ghosts Post #24295
i do belive that there are ghosts, but as WCdude i dont see them as they are portrayed.
as for alians, i see it only logical that if we could come into existance on this planet why coulddent someone else? plus we have to my understanding a very small knowlege of outerspace.

zombies? im not gunna touch that one.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-27 17:50:08 UTC
in Pets Post #24290
too. . ...many ....jokes!
HEAD... . .hurTS!..
cant.. stop. . .. . sentence... . .fragments!
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-27 17:48:24 UTC
in Aim names!!! Post #24289
i dont know mop.
but i like his aim name. :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-27 09:36:24 UTC
in Co-Op Map Request Post #24202
i love sven
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-26 20:23:41 UTC
in Aim names!!! Post #24161
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-26 20:19:55 UTC
in .... Come see!! Post #24159
Will andy answer!? Will he say a long time!? Or a short time!?

Tune in next time for this posts exciteing conclusion! :o
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-26 19:40:41 UTC
in im so pathetic Post #24153
by hammer file i mean that its the papper with the hammer logo on it(sorry to get all technical on you). when i open it, the hammer editor opens but dosent open the map, just a blank map.

still diddent get it. where would i put the file? same for hammer?

forgot to mention. i got the classic map not found on server so i must be putting it in the wrong folder
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-26 15:29:07 UTC
in Foxbot Post #24105
well maby i can help. i look a penny!
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-26 15:26:53 UTC
in im so pathetic Post #24103
this will seem pretty sad, and im shure there is a post on this(and concider i have checked the fourms).

anyway. i recently downloaded 7th's map called Tribute, the one dedicated to tenatious D...teniouatious Deee..Jack Black's band.
and i cant seem to play it. it downloaded as a hammer file and i probably have it in the right folder. is there a command i need in the in game console?
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-26 15:20:19 UTC
in Junk in the vault Post #24102
perhaps it would be better to have a pro vualt where only the best and highest rated maps went.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-25 19:36:09 UTC
in Ha ha ha I need to make ... Post #24006
actually ive played that lvl. its cs right?
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-23 21:07:39 UTC
in map problem Post #23676

try checking your folder settings.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-21 17:20:44 UTC
in Hackin A Fricken Mac Post #23349
in a way the school is smart to get macs. nobody likes nor understands them, thus, they are difficult to hack
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-19 17:21:45 UTC
in I know it sounds like a silly question.. Post #23095
yeah f that msg. im now at
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-19 09:09:10 UTC
in I know it sounds like a silly question.. Post #23046
well since i still suck ill give it a try.
my e-mail is
never bothered to get my own e-mail, no garentuee this will even work.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-14 22:20:06 UTC
in good cartoon Post #22566
I remember a hilarouus cartoon called "Rejected" by Don Heartsfeld.
They wer made for tv stations as adds, they wer all imedatily rejected(hence the name). The companyies hated them but the artis then went on to work with Jhonen Vasques to help make Invader Zim. the cartoons wer done in 5 weeks, and are in stick figure style. however, they are very funny with gore.

I cant seem to find a site that has the movie for free(how dos't thou mock me). if you find one feel free to post it.

And by all means feal free to post quotesfrom the film such as "my spoon is too big, or i am a bananna.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-14 22:11:45 UTC
in You've Been Mapping Too Much When... Post #22565
  • you know your a redneck if....oh wait..mapping, right.
-when you run out of cola then crawl through your vent looking for the room with the soda mechiene and on the way think of whatcolor soda you want(i actually did this, realize i dident sleep for 4 days and i realized what i was doing in the vent but decided to continue anyway out of boardom).

-if you manage to go onto a popular mapping website, start a fourm about how you map too much and confess your lack of realisation of your surroundings thusly mock yourself.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-09 00:54:08 UTC
in Still the same... Post #21812
actually within the last few months the site has an....
fgnfffffffffffffffffffffoewrghbeobugughjishvisfdhghfdghdfghbcdhvbysuacoisudghfusdighcjghbvicgvcjhvcbcnxkaaaaaaaaaaaaaoiufghcnbvhfbghfdbgsufhghusdfhfhhtgjehgtuarhgourahg;zshgzfdlgjxfhbjvbvxcncvnb c kgcnbn mbngghb,obcknfpojb9tyujn9v5j9uifghj9865uyvuw-04eij6ub95eju6905rd8bj5bju598bj489...

increased spam rate.

Posted 20 years ago2004-04-09 00:49:35 UTC
in Poll of the site greatness Post #21811
i like how andy promised me 200 dollars, and how he always keeps his word beacuse hes such a great guy :lol:

Posted 20 years ago2004-04-09 00:47:15 UTC
in Great Site Guys! Post #21810
i found a penny :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-29 11:19:35 UTC
in HL2 engine Post #20763
I know that the alpha version fo hl2 is out(the e3 demo). and it comes with etiting tools for eyes and what not.
But has anyone heard of a new mapping program for hl2?
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-26 11:19:15 UTC
in old compile map problem Post #20533
I ALMOS..sry caps was on.
ahem. i almost always get this problem.
but the way i fix it is by loging out/restarting my computer.
then it useually works.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-25 11:19:32 UTC
in Great Site Guys! Post #20453
Hahah see? you all need my for a good site! Im the key ingrediant here!!..... oh nm.
just a pathetic attempt at an ego bost.

i am so alone....

excuse me while i seek comfort in half-life and all its mods.

please disrreguard this post :
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-25 11:16:08 UTC
in How??? Post #20452
i just after posting a simillar prob. possibly even the same one.
if u want i advise running a site search in the fourms for the problem.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-25 11:10:21 UTC
in Atom Post #20450
OH MY GOD YOU.....ummm....ummm...fatherless child????
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-24 11:35:15 UTC
in Atom Post #20371
ummm i dunno....nope not me...
diddent sell his corpse on the black market for food...nope not me...
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-22 11:27:47 UTC
in Life of the Monkey Post #20203
ooo i nevermind.

Wow im kinda useless :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-22 11:20:24 UTC
in Steam... Post #20202
steam is not crap, its just new, and as with mostly all new programs there will be bugs and fualts. Personally i like steam, its given me no probs.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-22 11:17:10 UTC
in cs vault Post #20201
maby it would be a good idia to seperate all the map types when hl2 comes out since due to recent posts it appears the site will change a little
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-22 11:14:15 UTC
in The New TWHL Post #20200
ooo lets add a danceing monkey!
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-22 11:12:28 UTC
in hud Post #20199
i thought you automaticly started with an hev suit in hl?

as for making a server i have no idia how to go about that.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-22 11:09:08 UTC
in New forum board Post #20198
well i just hope evryone will still try to make their comments relevant.
Speaking of pizza i made a wonderfull calzone the other day, it was very good, then i played on my computer for a while, had some chips, praticed my archery, went sking, bought Final Fantasy 11 online, played that all day and night, woke up at 2 the next day, played ff again, went on cs, blah, blah, blah, blah........
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-20 19:49:52 UTC
in hud Post #20028
well this is bad, when i try to play one of my sample maps i have no hud(heads up display). i checked the site but got nothing.
any thoughts?
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-20 19:45:55 UTC
in Ideas plz... Post #20027
ah disneyland filled with little childern being pummeled by horads of alian slaves and controllers. It brings a tear to my eye(the good kind of tear)
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-18 11:18:26 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #19673
"guys" is just a common address for a large group, sorta slang term. Besides if there was a female mapper we would all know :( .

Bands? Black Sabbath, Blind Guardian, Van Halen, Pink Floyd, Offspring, Motly Cru, Ozzy.

and NO :D !!!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-18 11:11:45 UTC
in Mirror challange Post #19672
Quote: it may be too complex for the map to run smoothly

sigh i knew it was too good to be true.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-18 11:09:40 UTC
in Mirror!!!!!!!! Post #19669
i seem to remember a map for sven co-op where at the beggining there was a screen that showed outside the base and any activity and ppl that was there, not just a pic. Wish i could remember the name :lol: .
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-17 12:57:46 UTC
in Multiplayer on a 33k? Post #19569
is this in the right section of the fourms?
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-17 12:54:46 UTC
in Mirror challange Post #19568
ok i dont even know if this would work, but bare with me.

This would be a great challange, me and my friends have benn discussing a map i want to make( they dont map), It would be a fun house and/or a MIRRIOR MAZE!
and one that works to.

the only way we could think to do this was to have a camra in front of/in a mirror and have the image appear on the mirror it is on.

This may be asking too much, it may be too complex for the map to run smoothly, but if anyone could make this map it would be greatly appreciated.
And like i said, it would be a great compition.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-16 11:17:17 UTC
in mario mod Post #19482
maby we could do something with sven co-op
(god i love that game)
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-15 11:34:24 UTC
in mario mod Post #19416
nm i found spirit in the tutorials
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-15 11:26:40 UTC
in mario mod Post #19414
As the MechaCow said plz have Yoshi, maby a veichle, maby a player, but you have to have him.

I think it should be a good old HL mod, I love cs but the sp would suck and be too much trouble to make.

Ps: wtf is spirit?
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-15 11:05:13 UTC
in 5GhZ pc!!! Post #19412
its sooo beautyfull. :)


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