Using more than 8 wads should be harmless, but in case of trouble is very suspicious. On top of that, from a designers point of view, a map doesn't need that many anyway - it would certainly become very inconsistent if you'd use all of these wads.
Don't use cached.wad in any case, it's a worthless .wad for textures. Look at the ones you think are usefull for your map (not necessarily halflife.wad, depends on if you like these textures or not). It's best to keep the amount of .wads as minimal as possible as any .wad loaded into Hammer at the time of saving the map will be seen as necessary by the map. You don't want your map to be unplayable because you forgot to exclude a .wad file nobody else has (I couldn't play it for example, because the cstraining.wad file isn't in my valve folder but in my cstrike folder).
The .pts file is not important, it's the .bsp file that it's all about.
The map itself looks fine - there's little to go wrong in such a map. If removing the unnecessary .wads doesn't work, could you post your Hammer config?