Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-10-28 22:52:36 UTC
in Great Source for Custom Textures Post #201194
A friend of mine showed me a site called a couple of days ago. They have some of the best selection of free textures I've ever seen on the internet. The images don't tile (which is easily taken care of in Photoshop), but most are extremely high-rez (some are 2MB in size), and are taken at a relatively straight angle.

Here's a texture I made using one of em:

I figured some of you custom-content junkies out there (like me :D ) would wanna check it out. Enjoy.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-28 22:37:40 UTC
in Ohh my god. Striders! They never work! Post #201193
Yeah, the nodes are required so that the strider knows where to put its head. They're such an odd NPC :D

Glad to see you fixed it.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-28 13:01:17 UTC
in Ohh my god. Striders! They never work! Post #201154
Also, make sure you're using the proper mod. I was messing with AI in DM accidentally, and didn't realize what the problem was :D
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-28 12:55:26 UTC
in Sound Effects in an Enviornment Post #201153
Will do.

Thanks :D
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-27 21:38:07 UTC
in Sound Effects in an Enviornment Post #201119
Throughout Half-Life 2, sounds made from your gun, enemy communication, and pretty much all sounds were affected by the enviornment. For instance, if you shot a gun in an enclosed concrete hallway, a muted echo of the bulled could be heard - If you did the same in a large field, either an echo after a period of time, or no echo at all coulde be heard. My question, you ask? How is this done and/or controlled? I figured this was auto-calculated by the engine based on the brushes surounding the area, but no matter what design of map I make, the guns/enemies all sound alike.

Thanks :D
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-26 15:35:10 UTC
in Motion Blur and Bloom Post #200956
Shucks :

Well, what's the console command to turn on/control the level of bloom?

And thanks, by the way :D
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-25 22:38:01 UTC
in Curved Ramp Post #200864

Also, the texturing on the inward facing side of the brush that touches the forcefield looks good at the bottom, then changes to the caution bar as you go up... I don't know if that was accidental or if you're not finnished texturing.

But other than that, I have'ta say, it looks pretty hot :D .
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-25 16:21:10 UTC
in Motion Blur and Bloom Post #200819
I've been messing around with console commands and point_clientcommand entities, and I was wondering:

What are the console commands to control the player's bloom and cause motion blur (Similar to that used in Garry's Mod)? It'd be nifty to hook motion blur and bloom with somthing like host_timescale 0.3 to make a nice slow-motion effect etc. :cyclops:

Posted 17 years ago2006-10-24 20:04:16 UTC
in My map for The Specialists... =D Post #200745
Agreed. I thought it was Source untill I read the posts.

Fantastic work :D . I really need to get a copy of Half-Life some time before I die... :roll:
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-22 19:01:27 UTC
in Func_door vanishes Post #200439
Be sure you have "Ignore Groups" OFF, and then select the entity, or else the entity's properties are uncheckable.

As for the door, I have no idea... are the doors' parents named/set up properly? And is the place where you find them the place where the train actually starts? func_trains and tracktrains can start anywhere, then they teleport to the 1st stop, so if the parenting is wrong, they'll just stay there. However if they're just picking some random place to stay, then I'm stumped.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-18 16:16:03 UTC
in source engine update, Polish support??? Post #200033
Yeah but.... ZL's like that all the time :P
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-15 18:35:43 UTC
in Blender3D, .mdl's, and centering Post #199786
Alrighteh, I'll have a look around for a plug-in, etc.

I also think I'll get XSI anyway, just to test it out; It'll help to be skilled with both. Thanks for the tut, too, Habboi.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-15 12:52:45 UTC
in Blender3D, .mdl's, and centering Post #199762
Is it possible to tell Blender3D to export .mdl files, and, if andy body knows, how?

If no one knows how to get Blender to do that, can you tell me how to do so in XSI, because I plan to DL that soon if Blender can't export models :) .

Additionally, how do I go about getting the scale of a prop right (Are modeler-units the same as Hammer-units?), as well as centering its 'base', so that it lines with the grid properly?

Posted 17 years ago2006-10-14 16:16:10 UTC
in Need help with gunships... Post #199670
Air_nodes are used by the gunship to see avalible areas to fly to if it's not flying on a path_corner (If I'm not mistaken...)

I'm thinking it's an AI disabled issue, like Hunter said.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-11 22:27:25 UTC
in The corrupt wish Post #199337
Granted, except that you continue to wish for a wish for a wish for a wish for a wish for a wish for ever and ever and ever until the sun explodes in a giant fire ball because it ran out of hydrogen and even then all of your atoms will be screaming "I wish i had a wish" over and over and over and over and over........

In any case:

I wish I had a trillion dollars and then an other trillion dollars.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-10 21:16:43 UTC
in Competition 22 Post #199213
I think custom content should be included:

It'll open a lot of doors for cartoony ideas, and will allow Source mappers to make their characters/models more cartoony to sort of even it out between HL1 and Source (Yes, I know they're sepparately judged now, but you know what I mean.).

I think making the compo really open-ended is a good idea because the objective is so highly open-ended.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-10 21:04:37 UTC
in Move brush move! Post #199209
Google is also a good friend in finding some quick tutorials.

The Valve Wiki will probably explain in functions for them well too.

Remember: A tracktrain must be triggered to move, or the initial speed needs to be greater than 0. I say this because I didn't realize that for a long time ;) .
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 21:12:26 UTC
in Competition 22 Post #199030
@ M_: Agreed. :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-06 21:20:59 UTC
in Unforseen Consequences Post #198760
Yep. It's good stuff. Keep em' commin'. ;)
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-05 19:21:29 UTC
in Targets Post #198642
For crying out loud, read in the tutorial section!! :|
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-05 12:16:49 UTC
in Desktops of early October Post #198604
Woohoo! Two ppl other than me (Xyos and Cabosse) are using the HL2:E2 wallpaper I made.
I'm using it too, but I just took a still of the actual trailer instead of grbbing it from you :D . (I made it before you got the higher-quality version)


Make that 3! :D
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-04 22:20:07 UTC
in Unforseen Consequences Post #198563
This one was long, but the length is made up for by good comics. I lol'd several times.

Posing on the last 2 frames is pretty good :heart: . In the 11th frame though, when he's about to sit... It didn't really look like he was preparing to lay down, rather he was just squatting to take a dump or somthing. Still though, overal, the posing is nice :) .

I suppose my only other critique would be a few more camera angles.. unless a single camera angle was what you were aiming for to mimic the single PoV that a security camera would have or somthing. :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-04 17:09:07 UTC
in Is this possible? (please answer) Post #198518
Hmm... do you want it to be 100% player-controlled? I suppose it would be possible with player_view_controls, but then the player would lose control until he reached the ground...

Unless I'm an ignorant fool and don't know of some incredibly simple method that everyone else does ;) (I didn't realize you could set outputs on path_tracks, case in point :D )
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-01 20:59:43 UTC
in .dem to .avi Post #198241
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-01 19:23:40 UTC
in .dem to .avi Post #198229
Is it possible to convert a .dem file, from making a video in HL2, into a playable video format such as an .avi or .mpg?

Please don't tell me I'm stuck with 30 second clips using fraps :|
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-01 15:03:01 UTC
in Quick question? Post #198194
Darn, can't help ya there : .
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-01 14:57:29 UTC
in Quick question? Post #198192
HL1 or Source?

If it's for Source, you need a .BSP decompiler. I'm sorry, but I have no experience with those so someone else will have to tell you how to use them :D . Additionally, a decompiled map can not be recompiled because it messes up the brushes.

Most people decompile maps to see how they are set up, etc.

You'll probably bet a quicker/more thurough response if you post in the Source/HL1 forums; but because this thread already exists, there's no need to make a 2nd one.

Hope that helps :D .
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-01 13:38:29 UTC
in No Gordons in TWHL? Post #198187
We must solve this problem immediately. Give me a magic marker and help me find my birth certificate. Who else is with me??
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-30 16:59:26 UTC
in Cubemaps and Custom Textures Post #198117
Ooooohhhh yeaaahhhh!

My totaly awesome Normal Mapped, Alpha Channeled, and Cube Mapped texture!!

PhotoShop is the fricking best!!! Thankz Xyos :D
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-30 15:24:43 UTC
in Cubemaps and Custom Textures Post #198104
How can I control whether or not a custom texture reflects a cubemap image, what area(s) of the texture it reflects from, and the sort of 'mask' that it uses to make it match the texture? Is it all controled via VMT or is there a 2nd VTF to be used? etc.

Thanks in advance :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-29 21:40:40 UTC
in Wadinclude for Source? Post #197988
Much appreciated :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-29 20:14:48 UTC
in Wadinclude for Source? Post #197981
No, I asked how to actualy get them in the game. I figured that Source doesn't use wads because I know how to import textures, but because I didn't know the correct terminology, I just decided to give an example of what I wanted. I was curious as to how to do this without .res files because I saw maps with textures already included in the map. A little extra knowledge certaintly doesnt hurt :) .

In any case, I'll google pakrat. Thanks. :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-29 19:54:22 UTC
in Wadinclude for Source? Post #197978
I was wondering if it was possible to have a wadinclude-type function for source, instead of having to create a .res file from scratch and having to worry about whether or not ppl get it.

Well, that's a pretty unlikely event... but it would still be nice to have that ability to wadinclude if I wanted to.

Is this function avalible in hammer/source or am I outta luck?
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-29 16:57:22 UTC
in Big List of Mapping Crimes Post #197951
I only play GMod when I'm tired of mapping, and on some occasions, when I need ideas for architecture and/or gadgets in levels I make.

I rarely play it to really "play" it.
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-27 12:27:25 UTC
in Episode One and GMod Post #197750
Any idea of what the problem is?
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-27 12:25:31 UTC
in 2D Skybox Help Post #197749
It may also help to give a few screenshots too.

Node graphs are used by the AI to scout usable paths for NPCs, they have nothing to do with textures :) .
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-27 12:23:37 UTC
in Big List of Mapping Crimes Post #197748

Compare gm_constructarena to gm_construct. I even think that the maker of arena purposely put mat_fullbright to one..... GMod maps are supposed to be big boxes, but they dont have to be ugly.

I'd rather build in gm_construct than in constructarena...
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-26 15:36:03 UTC
in Pop Cans! Post #197663
And if that's not an option, Google Images could suffice.

Have you considered custom-making a texture?
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-26 15:33:29 UTC
in Big List of Mapping Crimes Post #197662
I can't stand GMod maps devoid of all architectural detail.

GMod maps are a great way to get started if you're new to mapping (not to say that they are too easy for experts ;) ), but making a giant fullbright map with 6 walls and perfectly flat ground just doesnt cut it. Gm_construct is a good example of a good map... gm_constructarena is a good example of a bad map. See the difference?

Adding sound is also a plus to GMod maps.

Give the same effort to a GMod map as you would for a regular DM map.
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-25 16:07:29 UTC
in Episode One and GMod Post #197589
Right. Plus, the .bsps are HDR, so they're BIG. It would soak up a lot of HD space to copy 'em all.

Also, Episode One isn't avalible in my SDK options list, nor is any of its content.

I'll have a look on facepunch and see if I can get the upgraded .lua scripts, thanks! :)

I got the patch, but the levels won't load. The icons in the maps menu appear, but the actual level never loads. Also, all the EP1 props from dont spawn. Anybody got it/know how to fix it?
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-24 23:12:36 UTC
in can't start my mod Post #197482
Can you give us a bit more information of the problem?

Can you load HL2 or CS:S? Can you load GMod (if you have it)? What's this mod of yours like? Were you able to load it before hand? Was there any more to the error message than just "can't load library client"? Can you provide us with a few screenshots of the problem?

Posted 17 years ago2006-09-24 23:09:01 UTC
in Episode One and GMod Post #197481
From what I've been able to learn by exploring the gmod9 directory, GMod uses .res files to execute scripts that use the other games' directories to load their maps. That's how the HL2 and CS:S maps are avalible, and now that I have my hot little hands on EP1, I want to load 'em up too.

So, I tried making one of these files (each file is identical save for the name) using an EP1 map name (ep1_citadel_00), but it wasn't avalible in the map list nor via the console.

My question? Is there a way to let GMod know that I have EP1, or is there some code someone knows of that I can insert into my scripts that will allow me to do this?

Posted 17 years ago2006-09-21 15:58:17 UTC
in Bad Performance on Simple Map Post #197148
They're regular lights, not light_dynamics : .

It's clear that the FPS issues are from those lights, but even if those were fixed, I'd have the weird jumpiness when not viewing those lights, just less so.

I'll have a look, though, and see if I can do somthing to improve the lights. I'm almost to the point of scrapping the map A) because I have some more nifty ideas for other maps, and B) because this stupid thing just wont fix :nuts: .
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-21 12:39:26 UTC
in Bad Performance on Simple Map Post #197139
Will do, Exos.

I used +showbudget, and most of my issues come from dynamic lighting. This is a night map, BTW. If I look accross the map with no regular lights in view (there's a little vehicle park where I'll but buggys, that is where the only 2 point lights are in the map.) I have an FPS reading of 30 (this was using the FPS counter on +showbudget, not net_graph), if I view the map from that little vehicle park with the two pointlights in view, the fps frops so a scary 15. If I move to the middle of the map, i average an FPS of 40.

I usually have Hammer4 running in the background, as well as the SDK, Opera, and the occasional Steam Chat window. I'll have a test and see if closing those helps at all.

Also, I tested the original gm_construct, and my frames are A-OK on it.

TheGrimReafer and I have been doing some work on the map. He has a relatively nice computer and reports a perfectly fine framerate on his machine. It's definitely time for me to get a new one, but I just havent had such a problem before... maybe this is my computers limit?? Thast makes no sense... considering the performance I had on the Water Hazzard levels...

Thanks for the feedback, I'll run some more tests when I can
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-20 16:20:57 UTC
in Bad Performance on Simple Map Post #197049
@Kasperg: What part of the texture name tells me I'm using expensive water? The water I'm currently using is called "dev/dev_water2"

I wouldn't worry about the frame-rate if it just stood the same. Jumping from the glass-smooth 120 FPS to the 'okay' 40 FPS is really noticable and hurys the eyes... well at least my eyes.

@Strider: I'll give +showbudget a try in a little while - I have band practice to get ready for and go to tonight, so I don't have a lot of time : .

I can also post the map in the problems vault if any of you all would like to take a stab at it and perhaps make a diagnosis. :)

Thanks for the suggestions thus far. :heart:
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-20 08:18:24 UTC
in Bad Performance on Simple Map Post #197014
Well I'm not sure if 60 was the minimum, it was changing so quickly that it wasn't settleing on any specific number.

I'll run some tests later to see if it's somthing other than the displacements, like the water or somthing. Thanks for the wiki idea too :) .
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-19 22:51:41 UTC
in Bad Performance on Simple Map Post #196979
I decided to make a gm_construct remake because 2_v2 sucked, and now, the map's almost finnished. However when I recently did a test compile, the view I had of the whole map had some crazy FPS readings and horribly choppy game play. I set net_graph to 3 and watched the FPC counter jump from 110 to 60 every millisecond or so, causing some terrible studders that really became apparent when I moved around.

Of course, I was a little too thick to realize that the 60-somthing displacements I had (all set to a power of 4) were causing this (Too much Blender3D for me :) ). But after condencing 30 of them into one with a power of 2 (it's just some flat land), and the other 30 of them into 4 with a power of 3 (the pool of water that's characteristic of all gm_construct-type maps), the FPS readings I had inscreased only marginally.

The choppiness is really apparent when I stand in a corner and look at the whole map; it becomes less so when I move to the middle and look around; and obviously less so when I look at the sky or straight down.

My computer has never had such issues as these - It handles the Water Hazard chapter in HL2 perfectly well, why not this simple map?

And so, my question is: What the hell is goin on with this map of mine, and why can't my computer handle it?
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-17 12:12:57 UTC
in own textures Post #196782
You need:
the .vtf and .vmt with the SAME NAME in the (yoursteamnamefolder)half-life2/hl2/materials(whateveryouwannacallitfolder)


the .vtf and .vmt with the SAME NAME in the (yoursteamnamefolder)sourceSDK_content/hl2/materialsrc(whateveryouwannacallitfolder)

The directory in the Half-Life2 directory is necessary to see the textures in-game, and the directory in the SourceSDK_Content directory is necessary to have it avalible in hammer.

You'll notice that the last folder in both directories is called "whateveryouwannacallitfolder". This folder name can be used for easy filter searches in Hammer. For instance, if I created 7 textures in the folder called "train_map", I could put "train_map" into the filter settings and all 7 of those textures would be visible in the texture browser.

Also make sure you have the .vmt filled with the proper information. for a basic texture, you need:


{ "$basetexture" "foldernamehere/texturenamehere"
"$surfaceprop" "surfaceproptypehere"


foldername refers to the folder you put the texture in, IE train_map. texturename is the name of the texture the peoperties are applied to, the file extension is not necessary. the surfaceproptype is what kind of properties the object will have, IE "metal" or "wood"

If you follow through with that, it will work. :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-17 11:59:23 UTC
in Hammer problems... Post #196781
I found that the update had removed the textures from a bridge for which I had slaved over for three hours to get right :|
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-16 14:02:59 UTC
in Half Life Mapping Quiz Post #196665
Yeah, I'll take Hunter's answer for $100.