If people don't return and ask then they probably wouldn't've done the mapping.
Let's keep threads seperate, yeah? All the forums seem to be being filled with the TWHLMix and lizards! Keep them in their own threads, that's what they're for.
1. Get ZHLT before proceeding 2. Alt+P, then delete all the "invalid solid structure" brushes. 3. DO NOT CARVE EVER
MAX_LEAF_FACES... what're the chances you carved with a cylinder? This doesn't mean there are too many brushes, just that they're so horribly arranged that it tortures and kills VIS. http://www.slackiller.com/tommy14/errors.htm#leafface.
Sure is a good site. The very center of an origin brush acts as the center of gravity or rotation in an entity brush. That means you can have a huge origin brush... the very center of it will be the origin of the entity.