Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2007-11-12 19:13:58 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #238255
Hehe, I wish you could make a video of that...
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-12 19:10:10 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #238253
Dude, why do you even have to kill him? :quizzical:
Did you kill every metrocop at the start of Half-life 2? Probably not...

Also, some objects will kill him if you break his neck. No-one dies because a crate touches their knees.
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-12 18:42:10 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #238245
You haven't tried everything ;)
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-12 17:59:37 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #238234
We did consider it, but It makes more sense having to make the player take that first step. After all, all of the citizens seem to be concentrated listening to Grigory.
Edit: If you are more careful while playing, you'll find out what makes the metrocop turn hostile towards you. It's not like he shoots you when you enter the room...
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-12 17:33:41 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #238227
No. He can't have the crowbar by that time. He has to leave that room (one way or another) to get it.
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-12 15:53:17 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #238218
With an ending like that, though.. Surely this unnamed citizen will return
Yes. You could say that quite a few brushes have already been built for his return... ;)
If the Easter eggs really give you the will to go back and find them, then we're as happy as can be. Some of them are more than just a random hidden corner with items. But I'm not saying a word.
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-11 20:48:51 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #238176
Our mistake then. :(

Another thing, everything released on the Internet is public, and I've seen hundreds of inside jokes in maps. Even retail games have them...
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-11 20:43:27 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #238174
Inside jokes are OK, just leave them out of public mods. Seriously.
Why is this a "public mod"? Playbus and I have worked hard on it for the past 8 months. It's loaded with personal touches, humor and original events to make it an enjoyable experience set in the seen-before HL2 universe.
You're getting 16 maps for free just because we want to share them with you, and all you can do is focus on the negative (which in turn is derived by wrong decisions, such as ignoring signs and trying to cheat).
Please grow up a bit. It looks like you've been against this mod since the moment the trailer came out:
Sound acting sounded lulzable.
Sounded like shit.
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-11 16:18:59 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #238158
I get to the 5 toggleable switches. I play around with them a bit before I realize nothing happens
Maybe they're not there just to play around...
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-11 13:22:20 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #238144
I admit we were going to place quite a few of those across the maps, but somehow we forgot.
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-11 12:53:54 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #238141
The manhacks and the "Do not press" sign are an inside joke.
Keep talking to people around the building.
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-11 11:12:42 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #238128
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-08 20:24:15 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #237988
Voice acting is always tricky to get right without professional equipment or very talented voice actors. You'll find we did a decent job overall without none of those two. Some sounds and voices will be better than others, of course. But we'll talk more about it after you've actually gotten the chance to play :)
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-08 18:57:04 UTC
in Eh SDK update Post #237979
So the question is...? :nuts:
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-08 18:18:15 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #237975
As you might have seen in the journal entry Playbus wrote, this HL2 Sp Episode will be released very soon.
We have suffered a lot in the past few hours because of the SDK updates, but we've managed to pull through somehow.
You'll find the screenshots and preview trailer here:

We admit that the content might look like generic Half-life2 (that wouldn't be bad, would it? :P), but we assure you that there's much more lying beneath, and lots of places and situations not featured in the screenshots or the video (surprises are always good).
On top of it all, we've made sure to add replay value for those who like to explore.
Be sure to check it out in a few days!
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-08 10:24:57 UTC
in Minerva: Metastasis Post #237960
It makes sense.
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-08 10:08:41 UTC
in Minerva: Metastasis Post #237957
Yah, I don't think you're allowed to repackage Valve's content into your mod and put it online.

This is all I've found about it.
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-07 17:29:01 UTC
in Orange Box Mapping has arrived Post #237895
There's a little error message on boot.
And I can't open the map I was working on an hour ago because of some fatal error missing material editor/flatnocull.


Edit. None of my 3D views work at all right now.
Thanks Valve. Thanks a lot.

For those with similar problems:
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-07 12:02:42 UTC
in Minerva: Metastasis Post #237864
To be more precise, the place is swarming with Zombines, and you call kill the stalkers you'll find.
If you didn't have Ep1, there's another reason for you to get it.
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-06 19:33:41 UTC
in Source Light Changing in Map Post #237807

If you are using model textures (the ones with prop_ in their name) on world surfaces, they'll render dark and bright as you move around them.
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-06 13:20:33 UTC
in Competition 24: Map from Layout Post #237790
I'm too busy with the (almost finished) mod at the moment
It's closer to "finished" than "almost finished" :D
I would have entered. It's the sort of compo I like.
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-03 14:35:58 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #237578
Lovely particle effects. Specially the fire and snow.
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-02 14:07:18 UTC
in creating the gren jump in ep2 Post #237497
what if the player puts a physical object next to the platform, it SHOULD move.
That's what the flags in the trigger_push are for.
User posted image
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-02 12:33:53 UTC
in creating the gren jump in ep2 Post #237494
I could even trigger a trigger_push to affect both the platform and the player.
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-30 12:42:41 UTC
in hl2 mapping vs hl1 mapping/buying a pc Post #237339
Obviously, I was talking about the default materials you can use without having to make your own. HL1 has more generic materials, sort of speaking. It would be very hard to make an abstract HL2 map with default materials (excluding the dev textures) that would look clean. The HL2 texture set doesn't have textures for red/green/yellow/blue etc. the way you find them in HL1.
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-30 11:51:02 UTC
in hl2 mapping vs hl1 mapping/buying a pc Post #237335
Let's face it. Even with its share of bugs, Hammer4 pwns Hammer 3.x in the little things that matter. Sure, it takes longer to compile but you could always make a HL2 map look like a HL1 map and it would compile faster. You wouldn't worry about r_speeds ever again. World geometry in HL2 is very cheap to render (check out my map Serene), and models always make things look prettier. A pity that HL2 has a very defined theme (that applies to the texture set too).
I feel the difference everytime I change from HS to The Citizen.
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-24 01:08:29 UTC
in Water Joining Question Post #236916
Here's my VMT. The difference with the one in Valve's example is that this water would also refract and look more like water. I had to use it on a func_conveyor to actually work, and cover it with an invisible water texture to get it to splash. Not at easy setup, but it's possible.

"$surfaceprop" "water"	
"$abovewater" 1
"$bluramount" "1"
"$translucent" "1"
"$decal" 1
"$refractamount" ".100"
"$REFRACTTINT" "{166 188 210}"
"$scale" "[1 1]"
"$REFRACTTINTTEXTURE" "folderscrollwater2"
"$normalmap" "folderscrollwater2normal"
"$dudvmap" "folderscrollwater2dudv"
//"$envmap" "env_cubemap"
//"$envmaptint" "[.3 .4 .4]"
"texturescrollvar" "$bumptransform"
"texturescrollrate" 0.25
"texturescrollangle" -90.00
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-19 19:42:45 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #236696
I just hope all these new tasks you keep adding to the list won't transform this into another Turnstile :(
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-10 15:07:12 UTC
in Mapping Inspiration Post #236096
I might map this in source.
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-05 09:33:18 UTC
in The orange box again. Post #235715
Would you have bought Teamfortress 2, Episode 2 and Portal for the same price as the current orange box?
Nope, considering I only really want Episode2. And I can't get it for $19.95 or less, which is what I payed for Episode1 on release...
But given the circumstances, I guess the price is ok. Other companies sell 7-hour games for the price of the orange box.
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-05 08:29:55 UTC
in The orange box again. Post #235709
Do the new games require Steam internet activation? (I only have retail HL2+cs:s). I mean, in case of "problems", won't retail games be affected as much as the Steam versions?
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-05 07:09:25 UTC
in The orange box again. Post #235703
Now that the games are listed separately on Steam, here is what they cost:

Half-life2 - $19.95
Episode 1 - $9.95
Episode 2 - $29.95
Team Fortress 2 - $29.95
Portal - $19.95
Total - $109.95

The orange box has those games for $44.95
People who want only the three new games would have to spend $79.95 on Steam, which is still more expensive than the Orange Box.
I actually only wanted to play Episode2, I don't care much for the others and I don't think Portal should cost me the same as Episode1 did back then.
So, how long do you guys think these prices will last? Will we ever get the cheap pack with only the 3 new games?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 18:46:52 UTC
in Post your Videos Post #234126
Well, I don't know if this one counts. The base video is from the Animatrix sword-fight, but I added all the lighsaber effects and sounds. A couple of hours of work for 6 only seconds of video...
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-05 11:18:13 UTC
in Model/brush intersection is ok? Post #233524
No performance issues. The engine sees every part of the model as long as it sees something. I assume you are talking about prop_static entities. Having parts of a model inside a brush is very common, but since models are lit with vertex lighting, having a prop be inside more than one brush will get you inaccurate lighting.
Try making a long pipe and having it pierce through some brushes. You'll see what I mean.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-30 10:12:20 UTC
in Didn't find Post #233131
There are two places where you can add fog.

Using an env_fog_controller, you can decide the amount of fog present in the playable area of your map. The settings inside the entity aren't hard to figure out. You need to remember that 'Fog enabled' must be set to yes. The start and end values of the fog do exactly as you would imagine.
If you want these fog values to extend to the skybox (if you have one), you need to fill in the required fields inside the sky_camera entity. Just use the same color and start/end values of the env_fog_controller, and it will make it blend seamlessly.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-25 08:11:10 UTC
in Opinions on BioShock Post #232846
upgrading to a new GPU every year isnt a bad idea really
If you have the money, of course.
I will probably enjoy Hl2:Episode2 without a single upgrade, and I won't be able to even play BioShock on low settings, because those settings just don't exist. That's where the problem is. I played FEAR with a bad framerate (badly optimized game + geforce4 ti 4200) but I was actually able to play.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-25 04:20:47 UTC
in Opinions on BioShock Post #232836
Is "Prey" a 2003 game? First news I hear about it.
It looked really good on my computer, and I don't understand why I'm not able to run the BioShock demo on at least graphics "as old" as those. Which proves these new engines are designed to keep the market moving. Up to now, shaders and gadgets have mostly been optional. I have a friend who played HL2 on a Radeon 7500. Water did not reflect anything at all, but the game was fun and the framerate acceptable (and he bought his computer a full three years before HL2 came out, with no upgrades). See where I'm going?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-24 17:47:34 UTC
in Opinions on BioShock Post #232786
Ok. But my machine runs HL2, Doom3 (Quake4, Prey) FarCry etc flawlessly. I know those games are around 3 years old, but I expected I could at least run the BioShock demo on low graphics, instead of none at all.
It's perfectly fine to develop for new engines and use new tricks, but saying "dude, upgrade to play our game!!" won't work with every user.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-24 16:13:44 UTC
in Opinions on BioShock Post #232775
Half-life 2 is still a good game on DX6, I don't see why these few new games won't work at all on "old" cards, which aren't that old.
Some companies are probably paid by ATI and Nvidia to convince users that they NEED a new SM3 card, and that their gameplay experience has been flawed until they actually had one. The problem is, now they want to force that change.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-23 15:50:16 UTC
in Opinions on BioShock Post #232700
My 9600 XT doesn't support 3.0 pixel shading, so it was a very stupid 1.8 GB download. Textures were black, and no patch or driver update fixed it. At least it ran, unlike Lost Planet.
Everything I've seen so far is just screenshots and videos, and the visual style is certainly original.
Is it enough to stay interesting throughout a whole FPS game? I can't answer that without a major PC upgrade.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-18 09:23:42 UTC
in Realtime radiocity in games Post #232388
It sort of beats the purpose of Source being able to run on almost every system. But I can't deny I'd love RAD would be done in real time, instead of waiting for it to finish.
I thought Unreal Engine 3 already had its own real-time lighting system though, as does CryEngine and the rest of modern 3D engines...
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-17 14:50:12 UTC
in Cordon Compiles: Worth It? Post #232365
Worth it?
Depends on the size of your map.
For Source mapping, I think it's a must, specially if you compile often just to see a minor change you've made.
I never had such problems in either Source or Goldsource.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-14 09:44:26 UTC
in Changelevel Help Post #232063
I haven't played that mod, but try my suggestion. Make sure all the mappers use a trigger_changelevel with the same size, and have them all place the landmark at the center of the trigger. There's no way the player will end out of the map if everyone follows a rule of that type.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-14 09:35:02 UTC
in Changelevel Help Post #232061
They're completly different and there's no relationship each other
Then you have to make sure there IS some relationship. For example, if the player leaves a map by stepping on a teleport pad, the landmark could be placed on top of that pad, and on top of a similar teleport pad in the destination map. You wouldn't really have any problems that way.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-13 07:20:21 UTC
in Suburb:47 Post #231975
That was, hands down, the most arrogant shit I've ever read on this forum, which is quite an achievement considering the likes of Rimrook and Kasperg hang around here.
You often confuse your lack of communication, criticism and input skills with arrogance on the part of others. This can sometimes make you look jelous and childish, instead of someone who is trying to help and putting his knowledge and technique (which you've certainly proved you have) at the service of others.

The plot is weird so far, but the typewriter font is OK.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-08 12:51:51 UTC
in Changing light levels Post #231610
Only possible with two versions of the same map, and a level change after the fade. Lightmaps are decided upon compiling, and are hard to change ingame.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-08 08:38:47 UTC
in Optimizing RAD Post #231582
Source engine, huh?
In the 3D window, select "lightmap grid view" and start giving high values (32, 64 etc) to faces where you don't really need to see defined shadows. That should speed up the process a lot.
In any case, since you're probably doing a type of map not really meant for the engine, you'll just have to learn to wait patiently. I've made some 4-hour RAD maps in the past, and it's a pain in the ***.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 04:28:53 UTC
in Map WIP - Skytower Post #231370
I think the difference is hard to see. Use a darker red and instead give it more brightness, it might help.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-05 10:39:57 UTC
in Hammer CS:S water does not appear ingame Post #231312
If water is invisible, there are two causes.
-The water brush isn't set up properly. Either by the way it's been textured or by the textures being used.
-A full VIS was not successfully completed during compile. A leak can cause that, but other reasons (such as the obvious reason of not running VIS, some problems with portals and clusters) can be responsible for that.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 06:59:35 UTC
in LED effect (lighting) Post #229565
Maybe you could just make a little blue brush-based entity and give it a minimum light level so it's bright. No need for texture lights.

A tip for anyone asking questions in the forums. If you give a small description of what will that entity/effect really be inside the map, the replies you'll get will always be more helpful. For example, if this LED is going to be part of a computer display, it will probably be different than the single light that marks the location of a lonely button.