You're saying the US population increased by 98 million in 6 years?For some reason I was under the impression it was around the 230's around that time, but I don't have any numbers currently to compare. Howver, it wasn't 298 million in 2000.
You're saying the US population increased by 98 million in 6 years?For some reason I was under the impression it was around the 230's around that time, but I don't have any numbers currently to compare. Howver, it wasn't 298 million in 2000.
imprisoned and tortured for three years.Isolated incidents of torture, not the norm.
298,444,215Um not in 2000, ass. Insert apology <here>
I just can't be bothered and don't have time to read all the comments and match them up with responses. It's a pretty big thread with a hell of a lot of content.You don't have time to back up your accusations, but you have time to make them. Cop out and very convenient.
DOWN WITH PROGRESS, eh?Your claim, that an elightend society needs not guns, not mine.
Oh, I'm sure the victims are greatly heartened by your pity.No system is perfect. We'll do what we have to, and not be ashamed by it.
What really needs to change in America are the penalties/enforcement for gun-related crimes. Make them harsh enough, and the small percentage of criminals who use guns to commit crimes will decrease still.
I would include "accidents" in this legislation for morons like Dick Cheney, and those who allow their children access to their guns--Columbine. This would also make people more responsible and serious about gun safety.
Punish the offenders, not the 99.9999999% of people that are responisble and abide the law with their firearms. Hold those accountable, accountable.
Your gun rights is the cause of the extreme high amount of armed crime in the states.Simply not ture.
undergo extensive surveilance and even detain people based on loose suspicions of terrorism?They could always do that in the name of national security, The Patriot act just makes it easier. If the rights of Middle-Easterners are infringed in the process, it's regrettable, but we have to protect ourselves. When 19-year-old white girls start suicide bombing, then I guess we'll have to pay closer attention to them as well.
The fact that you're allowed firearms for no good reason, Rowley. Utterly pathetic.Entirely your opinion even if it's totally wrong. From Aussies I've talked to, you guys have even stricter gun control than the Brits. I suppose I'd try to make the same claim if my government didn't allow me to own a gun.
I will NEVER go on the server if iceworld is on it. this is a mapping site for god's sakeHuntei, since when did you become such a snob
America is run by the wealthyUm, pretty much every country is run by the wealthy--they're the only ones who can afford to lobby for themselves and campaign!
Americans are losing their liberties every day, it's practicly a police state.The biggest load of bullshit I've heard yet.
Surrendering the freedoms you claim to hold so dear.Really Alex, what are you on about. What liberties have I sacrificed due to the terrorists? I live exactly the way I did 10 years ago. If I'm not a terrorist, tell me what I have to fear?
the often still-living torso
Disembowelled, and the genitalia and entrails burned before the victim's eyesAh....The good ol' days
Health: Set to a very high number
Delay before reset: 0.01
"Don't Move" flag: <checked>
Let us know what you come up with But the truth is that if someone is driven and intelligent in America, there are plenty of opportunity for higher education and research. That's why my family immigrated.I couldn't agree more. Time and time again, I've noticed how unbelievably hard first-generation immigrants work in this country. The places they come from are typically so bereft of opportunity, that the U.S. is literally "the Land Of Milk And Honey" to them.
If you mean by 'prospering' that he's running around in a tinfoil hat attacking cars with 'satanic' license plates then I'm sure you're right.Pwn
I want to copy a movie from a friend.. And its copyprotect on..I've used DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink to copy...err...backup many, many movies. Never had a problem once with any of them.
How about modelling links, Half-Life 2 info sites etcWord Habboi. I was just looking in links for XSI and found nuthin'. I checked most of the links and there were only links to model viewers. I realize this is a mapping site....but modelling is pretty important to mapping, especially in Source.
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