Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-07-15 09:30:26 UTC
in Post #228978
" is shit. Materialists! I just wanted to download a map and AI for Battlefield 1942 but this crap site asks me to pay... (I can't download the map without paying)... What the hell.
TWHL is better, with free map and mod downloads among other things.
If I knew Fileplanet's manager or owner, I would stick his head into a toilet and cut his hands one by one... agghhh!!!"
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-15 09:08:58 UTC
in an error? Post #228975
I get this error.
[quote] - Warning: Larger than expected texture (232692 bytes): 'HS_DOCUMENT1'
  • Warning: Larger than expected texture (243232 bytes): '+AHS_PROJECTED1'
  • Warning: Larger than expected texture (243232 bytes): '+0HS_PROJECTED1'[/quote]
It's the kind of thing that can make the game crash.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-15 08:41:15 UTC
in an error? Post #228971
How exactly do you expect people to help you by submitting a BSP file which gives an unknown error? Do you think that someone else's computer will magically give a useful error message?
The map file would probably be more useful, as well as giving a detailed description of what changes you made to the map since it last compiled properly. That is, if you compile often...
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-13 03:23:36 UTC
in A Proposition Post #228768
It was when Orph was here.
Believe it or not, we had mapping discussions back then.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-11 15:54:01 UTC
in Moar Mini Compos Post #228478
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-10 09:57:20 UTC
in Bioshock Sys Specs Released Post #228216
Unless it's as badly optimized as FEAR or has a crappy engine, I'm sure my 5 year old computer won't have any problems with it, even with a 256 Radeon 9600XT. Why, you might ask? I can't run anything on more than 1024x768, and I can live without FSAA or AA. System requirements are sometimes a secret pact between game makers and 3D card manufacturers to get the market moving.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 13:04:54 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #227948
For teamplay, yes.
For deathmatch, no. There area other ways of moving vertically in deathmatch besides stairs or eleveators. Think about gauss-jumps, bounce pads, fans with trigger_push, catapults...
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 10:41:36 UTC
in Shitty lights Post #227929
I haven't messed with any lights.rad file since I use Source. However, I do know that sometimes they don't work at all. Even using cordon bounds has made a difference once or twice. :confused:
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 10:17:44 UTC
in Shitty lights Post #227927
Also, only 6 texture lights? Sheesh.
I didn't say that. Those are some of the ones that I know will work.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 05:28:55 UTC
in Hunter Projects! Post #227902
Looks nice, but read the first tip in the mapping tips thread! :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 05:13:48 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #227899
Draw a plan, a topview of your map. I think layout is one of the most important.
Drawing a top view of your map is the best way to forget that the layout can be three-dimensional instead of flat. It works sometimes, but the gameplay potential is drastically reduced.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 12:06:51 UTC
in Bodgy Mapping Jokes! Post #227772
Well, the Photoshop vtf plugin gives you a lot of options in that sense. Bump maps and refraction maps still need a vtf of their own. But they can carry their envmap masks with them.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 11:55:58 UTC
in Bodgy Mapping Jokes! Post #227766
Well, you can save envmap masks and alpha channels in the same vtf file :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 09:50:52 UTC
in Bodgy Mapping Jokes! Post #227735
In the film "The Truman Show", Truman touched the skybox because the map wasn't properly clipped.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 09:25:28 UTC
in Bodgy Mapping Jokes! Post #227725
-Nighttime doesn't happen because of the Earth's rotation. It's just that 'Teh Hammer God' compiles a new version of our world for every new day, and the time needed for a full RAD goes from dusk til dawn.

-Desertification is one of the consequences of a bad VIS, since water doesn't render properly.

-What entity is referred to as the 'girlfriend entity'? Light_dynamic, of course. Pretty to look at, but if you're not careful it ends up consumming most of your resources!

-Regarding how mappers view people, ugly faces fall into three categories: bumpmapped (acne), misaligned (ugly) and malformed (self-explanatory).

-What did the wad texture say to the vtf material? You're schizophrenic. No one can be reflective, refractive, bumpmapped, transparent and animated at the same time

I'll think up more.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 07:08:03 UTC
in Hl2:dm Post #227683
Make a prop_physics_multiplayer, and choose the oildrum model. You can then change the skin (0,1,2,3 etc) to choose the rusty, white, blue and other versions.
If you choose the oildrum explosive model, it will automatically behave as an explosive barrel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 05:04:28 UTC
in Hl2:dm Post #227669
What should i include in a death match map
Weapons, health and energy (chargers or items), item_ammo, info_player_deathmatch, good balance in the previous things and good architecture and layout for it all.
What player should i chose in the options menu?
Does it matter? You're not going to see it unless your character dies. Don't choose the Elite soldier, since the white outfit is easy to spot over the hl2 dirty textures.
what entity makes an object able to be picked up by 'e' button and/or that weapon... dunno the name
Prop_physics_multiplayer and func_physbox can be picked up with E, by the gravity gun or just shot at depending on their size and weight. Textures affect the weight of the physboxes. A block with a wooden texture would hurt less than one with a Combine metal texture.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-06 19:31:10 UTC
in Shitty lights Post #227643
You need to change the skin of the prop_static if you want them to be shown in their "on" versions. Other models actually have the "on/off" in their names.
As for the second picture, all I see wrong is the colour. If you use a higher lightmap grid value, it will look more difused like it did in HL1.

Some of the texlights that work are the following. I used them in my first source maps, but ended up using a combination of model + light + spotlight

Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 13:00:38 UTC
in Missing skybox textures? Post #227456
Those are weird names for skybox textures. Shouldn't it be sky_day01_09 and nothing else?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 10:47:11 UTC
in Me_map... Post #227439
User posted image
Considering all the trouble you've gone through to create the terrain, I think you should work on the edges a bit.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 04:27:06 UTC
in Custom Sky Box_half-life1 Post #227415
24-bit compressed TGA is the type of TGA file you need.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 23:05:48 UTC
in Best way to make a DM map Post #227397
Find a theme you want.
Think of what type of layout would go well with that theme.
Think of the gameplay style you want, and how that will affect the layout.
And that's it.
If you get bored with it too fast, that means you're not making much progress. Try to go step by step and getting each area to look right before moving on to the next. That way, you'll think you're getting somewhere and you will realize that the end result is worth it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 03:59:21 UTC
in use func_walltoggle? Post #227324
trigger_once, trigger_multiple, trigger_relay, multimanager and basically any entity with a target field.
You don't toggle a wall with that entity. The entity is the wall itself (just i case it wasn't clear)
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-02 01:47:51 UTC
in Me_map... Post #227093
That's what I recommended you not to do. Lighting should never be a final touch. It's a part of the process. It affects not only how it looks, also how it plays. If you leave it for the end, It'll be too late to fix things and get it to look as good as it can.
However, that might not be your intention.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-01 18:21:36 UTC
in ABC Half-life Post #227056
What else is there on W but Walter?
Water Hazard, for example.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-01 11:04:15 UTC
in Me_map... Post #227001
If you get any problems, its gonna be a major pain to sort them all out
u said ill get LOADS of erors
He didn't say that. But most of the times, it's bound to happen, so it's better to compile often.
As for the 'unusual' method, I'd call it 'painful' and 'time consumming' instead :D But at least it's working so far.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-01 10:11:36 UTC
in Me_map... Post #226991
I can't refrain myself from asking this question since I see no ingame shots yet. How many times have you compiled the map?
Lighting is too important to leave it as an afterthought. As I make my maps, I constantly compile to see the lighting, which will give me tips as to what will work and what will not, or where should I place a new element if I want a desired shadow somewhere, etc.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-28 21:47:34 UTC
in Adjusting Suit/Health Chargers Post #226707
Wouldn't this affect the entire game though?
Yes. You can't distribute the skill.cfg with a map. It'd have to be part of a mod.

To change those other things you mention, I think you need to modify the code, and for this you would also need a new mod format.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-28 19:59:21 UTC
in Adjusting Suit/Health Chargers Post #226699
That's what I was going to suggest. The skill.cfg file let's you modify those values for each of the three difficulty levels.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-28 01:44:11 UTC
in Unreal Tournament 2004 screenshots Post #226636
As the name says, it can inspire you to make "unreal" maps with "unreal architecture".
I think part of the wonder of HL1 and HL2 lies in it's ability to deliver interesting maps with relatively common themes and architecture, without needing every wall to be made out of 20 brushes.
Military bases, labs, city, countryside etc.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-27 09:10:37 UTC
in Episodic? Post #226559
It depends. If each episode lasted 10 minutes and they were released months apart, I would feel cheated :D
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-25 18:57:54 UTC
in Vanishing objects Post #226415
A screenshot wouldn't hurt. There are a number of things that could be causing those errors. Don't let us do all the guessing ;)
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-22 18:06:45 UTC
in my biggest problem ever Post #226182
I really doubt that its the compile tools because they can compile or my other maps
The compile tools are the only thing we can have in common with you. With the information you have provided we know absolutely nothing about the map or why it might be giving you errors.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-22 15:11:36 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #226155
In a way, you're right.
But I'd prefer to see Hl2:Episode 2 released sooner instead of being shown more screenshots or trailers.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-22 12:32:44 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #226117
I honestly think finishing the maps should be the top priority right now, above taking screenshots or updating the mod's profile. It's like having the moviemakers work on the promotional posters when there's still filming to do, right?
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 19:52:17 UTC
in Gay marriage Post #226024
The debate of 'natural' and 'unnatural' is flawed. Earth was a giant mass of rock thousands of millions of years ago. Animals (or any kind of life) were not 'natural' or indigenous to the planet when it was born.
We can only talk about how natural one thing is compared to another, but not to some absolute truth. Not even the laws of physics and chemistry enable us to do so yet.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 15:55:26 UTC
in Mapping for Dummies Post #225997
The real trick to learn something, specially mapping is to practise a lot, until what you do can be compared to what others have done (I'm not talking about imitation, just aiming at a certain level of detail etc).
These books are a good way to learn the basics in an organized way, but they won't get you a workplace at Valve's headquarters.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 13:06:29 UTC
in Gay marriage Post #225983
So, can a man marry his sister?
Marriage should be available to everyone, right?
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 12:22:19 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #225972
Cool (you should've tested it with another skybox :P )
Is it an enemy ship? Ally? Eye candy?
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 09:46:55 UTC
in TWHL Mix 2? Post #225957
I'm trying out the whole 'see your goal long before you actually reach it' technique. It looks good.
Two thumbs up!
But remember, don't show enough to let the player think: "I have to do ALL that? Aww..."
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-20 08:12:44 UTC
in Gay marriage Post #225801
Yeah, that was agreed, but ZL had mentioned the church. That's why we discussed it.

Legality is a tricky issue if you consider that most (it not ALL) of our laws are artificial and respond to different time periods and the needs of different societies, sometimes crafted by those in power. For example, the 'right to health and public healthcare' (which should be something even more important that the right to marry, etc) isn't recognized the same way in the US and Europe. And I'm mentioning elements from the western world, which supposedly have a lot in common.

If a new law helps in any way and harms in no way, it is always welcome.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-20 07:49:08 UTC
in Gay marriage Post #225796
Guys, resorting to ridiculous irony is the easiest way to say you've run out of arguments. I wouldn't transform it into a habit.

What nickelplate said about the church and its morals is pretty much true. You can tell a religious organization to stop sacrificing children to the Sun God because murder is a crime, but you can't tell them to change their internal laws to please a certain collective.
To use another example: Imagine a muslim man who wishes to marry 4 women at the same time in a christian church. The christian church is against polygamy. Would you say that the denial of this multi-wedding is also discrimination? The muslim man firmly believes he can have 4 wives, but the church in question doesn't recognize that 'right'. It's obvious the man has to go someplace else and swallow his complaints.
Dealing with morals as a collective (eg Religions, Governments) is always going to cause conflict.
But it's needed. Because morals are not internal. They deal with how you treat your peers. We can't afford having that type of anarchy: "Hey, my morals don't say anything bad about being a bully and taking your lunch, lolz"
Thankfully most people agree on the larger scale - murder, rape, etc.
But the other ones.. abortion, gay marriage, and so on are just too dividing.
There's a lot of truth in Striders words. For some collectives, abortion is a certain type of murder (with the distinctive fact that the human cells in question are surrounded by other cells instead of air).
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 19:28:26 UTC
in Gay marriage Post #225733
It's as if McDonald's would one day say "We don't want to serve blacks, because it goes against our moral values" -
No, you don't need to be baptized to eat at McDonald's, and McDonald's doesn't have a set of 'moral laws' (which I repeat can be flawed in the eyes of many). The valid comparison would be McDonald's saying they don't want to serve you the pizza you want because they are mainly dedicated to hamburgers. That's not really discrimination. Just look for a Pizza Hut and problem solved.
And part of what nickelplate said is true in a way. The church doesn't let an heterosexual man marry another man, so there is no individual discrimination in that sense.

Imagine a place where they make a cheese sandwich if you give them the ingredients. If you have bread and cheese, they make you the sandwich. But if you come up with two slices of cheese and no bread, they won't let you make a sandwhich.
Is that discrimination?
Two slices of cheese are not better or worse than bread and cheese. They are equally food and they should have the same respect as such. But if you want the sandwich makers to bend their rules for you, it's obvious they might say 'no'.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 18:52:02 UTC
in Gay marriage Post #225710
Whether or not churches should be forced to wed gays is another issue, and a harder one to resolve... Personally, I think they should be. It would be discriminatory to let them shut out the gays.
Don't confuse 'civil rights' with 'religious rights'. Since nobody forces you to be part of a religious organization as an adult, it's kind of difficult to envision the circumstance of wanting to change their rules. It's not like you don't have another choice...
When my parents got married, they had a religious wedding, but they weren't 'legally' married until some days later when they went to the city hall and got married 'by the law'. I don't know if it's still the case, but that means you don't need a church to get married, so those attemps will be seen as a provocation by the church people
So yeah, we should all have the same civil rights (which are by the way inventions of society and not part of the universal laws of physics), but forcing someone to go against their morals is wrong in this case. I'm sure there are better places for gay people to try to get legally married which are better than a church where they don't agree with it. It's kind of obvious.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-18 13:34:49 UTC
in Map Size O_O Post #225566
Is the map too big?
Are the lightmap grids set to low values? (sharp shadow resolution)
Are you using custom materials?
Are you using the highest resolution for the cubemap samples?

BSPZIP doesn't make the map smaller, as far as I know.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-16 19:17:57 UTC
in Your Maps on the Internets Post #225429
I can't keep track of my maps, but I know "Kaufmann House" shows up in more non-mapping sites than actual mapping sites :|
Must've been the lack of spawn points!
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-16 11:04:33 UTC
in Strange shadow Post #225380