Forum posts

Posted 9 years ago2015-12-10 23:02:00 UTC
in Is the site dead? Post #327744
Ya this place is still alive... Possibly not as active than 10 years ago I'd imagine but still alive and kicking never the less.

I suppose I can agree regarding the tutorial section of the site but the Forum and map vault are still active and new things still get developed from time to time. I believe right now there are 2 major mods in development by dedicated twhl users with plenty of time at their disposal.
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-09 00:14:07 UTC
in Help getting Spirit of Half-Life working Post #327691
Hm I can't help you on this one.. But I would suggest to use the sohl source code of either version 1.2 or 1.4 these were the most stable and less bugged versions of that.

As for the github code.. Might be unfinished not sure. I know which page you got these from. It should've been documented if it was finished or Wip.
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-19 22:51:13 UTC
in Can you trigger events based upon a dama Post #327489
Ya something that I truly missed in my early mapping days things I was used from games such as Operation Flashpoint and Armed Assault.. Gosh Half-Life is limited in so many ways. Yet back at the day along with Unreal it used to be a milestorn in modern games. :P

As Urby said not possible without an additional custom code.
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-19 22:49:10 UTC
in Make grunts or player invincible? Post #327480
Ok the healing negative wont work. I tried something similar once when the npc gets to much damage at once he can still die before the trigger applies.

For making npcs invincible in general there are only 2 options right now.

A. Either use Spirit of Half-Life engine I believe there used to be an option in which you could set a custom health amount same like for helicopters etc.
So also in Svencoop Engine.

B. Modify your skill.cfg but keep in mind that all npcs of a certain type will then be invincible. Be it Scientists, Soldiers, Berneys etc..
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-19 22:48:03 UTC
in Scientist sit idle without interruptions Post #327488
That's what this forum is here for so we can ask our questions and learn of the answers..

Remember Einstein:

Those that ask are for 5 minutes a fool - those that do not ask remain one for the remainder of their lives. :P
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-19 22:45:56 UTC
in back to menu when player dies Post #327487
I would possibly just fade the screen out in black with a message saying you failed.

Don't force it back to the main menu as it might turn into frustration.
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-19 16:41:45 UTC
in Scientist sit idle without interruptions Post #327481
In some cases certain animations are just not loop-able though you can fix it yourself by decompiling the model and copying the lines of animations which are looped. I did that once in one of my mods to show off a floating scientist under water. Originally that animation lasted only like 12 seconds but I made it last forever..

But simple sit animations should all be loop-able so no worries about that.
Unq pointed you to the right entity. Use the sitting Scientists.
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-18 21:06:56 UTC
in Spirit of Half-Life 1.5 - Alien Grunt is Post #327471
I think that Spirit was a neat addition as long as it worked of course.
It's pity that version after version more bugs appeared in favor of new features which later also bugged out. Guess the main dev set the wrong priorities. Never the less the Spirit mods that got released were usually at high quality and fantastic to play.

For me personally I'd say some of the best features of spirit were the monster skin swap idea. The improved path finding and Fog & Snow effects. The rest I never really bothered with though there were countless fantastic entity additions which made mapping without a doubt a lot easier.

If Spirit would contain the op4 entities as well (rewritten) I would swap right away to it instead of having a hard time in Gearbox Op4. But it doesn't and I'm to stupid to code em in myself (tried it 3 times) so ya I've got to stick with what I've got.
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-18 21:00:28 UTC
in Forgotten hl1 mods? Post #327470
Sounds like you misunderstood me there @2muchvideogames..

My point was what mods did exist the ones that you do remember from back then perhaps even prior to your own mapping days..

I'm just little nostalgic as of recent and also curious of how many mods out there actually didn't make it but that were publicly announced and known.

We've got a good idea of how many mods got released in numerous lists on numerous websites. But how many didn't make it to release or those that just released some minor demos.

For example: (Dead) (Dead) (Dead)

It's my hope that I might be able to dig up some of those lost treasures if they ever existed. Or at least find some info material of their former existence. Videos - Screenshots etc..

So far I've managed to find quite a few lost mods which either nobody knew or nobody could even remember or that were thought to be lost in the vastness of the Internet. In some ways by tracking down the authors almost a decade later. In some other cases I found people which hoarded them on dvd. And yet in other situations I kept back-ups myself and re-uploaded them once their moddb pages or any other pages vanished. In 1 case on youtube. ^^ :P

Here are some of the mods I managed to recover (that are hosted yet) either by direct action or by setting people into motion which also led to mod recoveries: [only hosted on Russian sites in Russian. :(]

Escape for example had a weird name on filefront where no one would've even guessed this to be a hl1 mod. Thankfully it was still listed within the hl series otherwise I might have never found it.

@Unq: Thanks a nice link. Nightwatch was indeed a big loss for the hl community. It would've rocked. Well at least Arrangement finally seems to be getting released in 10 days. While I'm unsure of how much Half-Life will remain in this (looks more like a Call of Duty title) it's still fantastic that it will finally see daylight.

As for this Black Ops mod that one I meant came long before Ultimate Attack, Black Operations etc.. It was the first I wish I would remember the name. I just remember that they had their own homepage with a black background and that they showed many screenshots and even promotional videos in Gearbox/Valve quality.

If you remember any more good mods of the old days that vanished and never made it to a full release let me know. Perhaps I can find material or even old demos etc.. :)
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-17 20:32:29 UTC
in Forgotten hl1 mods? Post #327462
Hey folks I'm currently in a nostalgic phase and am looking for old ancient and long forgotten Half-Life mods no matter if they were released or not but the info material alone would be worth while it.

There used to be a list once of all former mods which were cancelled but that list either doesn't to exist anymore.

In any case just for the old nostalgic what mods do you remember of back then that you were desperately waiting for only to discover that these were cancelled in the process.

I remember 1 mod explicitly.

I don't recall the name but you were supposed to play a Black Op and the special thing about that mod was that you had fellow black ops acting like the op4 grunts and in their demonstration vid you saw how they planted satchel charges in order to get through walls and doors. Do you remember that mod it looked kinda cool back in the old days.

Then there used to be some project called "restoration project" which tried to recover lost mods with the permission of the original authors but to my knowledge they never finished anything till they also disappeared again. But the idea at least was good pity that their attempts failed.

So far I managed to find few mods that nobody seem to know much about but they're all unfinished and not even worth a download (guess that's why they were forgotten. :P) But there were these other mods which never seen daylight just like this Black Ops mod several years prior the next Black Ops mod which thankfully was released for our pleasure.

So go ahead tell me what you remember perhaps there are even pictures, downloads or videos still around... :)
Posted 9 years ago2015-09-27 17:34:02 UTC
in Applying 2nd set of skin on model? Post #327042
Thanks you guys for your input..

I see what I can do..
Posted 9 years ago2015-09-27 03:32:35 UTC
in Applying 2nd set of skin on model? Post #327031
Hi Qwertyus.

Yes sure I would like that.. I've made several enhancements by now for Military Duty but I'm rather low on time myself at the moment so I do understand how it must be for you. No worries.

Regarding the Scientists. Would it be possible to rewrite the Scientists all together in a similar fashion than the Zombies are handled for example? Or would that require massive changes to the models & game code itself?

And yes with 2nd clothes group I meant indeed additional body groups so you did understand me correct. What I want to accomplish is to have the regular scientists in their white coats and with their little Black Mesa ID tags and a 2nd group in all aspects the same except that they wear black coats and different ID tags with a different Company name - Delta Complex. I do have the textures and even created some myself for that matter but as you pointed out getting them to load properly is problematic.

Regarding Hgrunts I think I remember that problem. I once had like 14 different Head faces on them and when they died or played certain animations their faces or entire uniforms constantly changed textures.

So is there really no workaround to this?
Posted 9 years ago2015-09-26 17:37:21 UTC
in Applying 2nd set of skin on model? Post #327027
Hi folks..

For the lest 3 days I'm attempting to create a 2nd set of clothes for my scientists. As far as I can tell the bone structure is identical and so are most of the used animations.

My attempt was it to use 2 body groups of

while I called my 2nd body group

Afterwards I literally copied over the entire contents of that 2nd scientist set and changed all BMP & SMD names with an additional D at the end. So that they're unique and not interfering with one another.

I did the same inside the smd. files linking to the new filenames exp: scientist_coatD.bmp

For some reason though it doesn't work. When I attempt a compile jed's modelviewer crashes. (64bit I heard it runs unstable on win7) When I just use 1 of the body groups it actually does compile but naturally the heads are alone as their specific body group isn't loaded.

Do you know of any scientist models that might actually have done this already - having 2 body groups or could any of you help me on this one perhaps?

I'm trying to get 2 sets because 1 part plays in Black Mesa while another part plays in another facility and it would look silly if they share the same uniforms. I know that spirit would handle these things fairly easy although that's not an option regarding the mod.

Any help would be appreciated.
greetings 23-Down
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-09 16:05:28 UTC
in Map back tracking Post #326268
Ah good I thought so thanks Jeffmod..
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-09 10:32:55 UTC
in Map back tracking Post #326264
Hi folks I tried searching for it but I couldn't find anything not to mention the site search has always been very imprecise in the first place.

Ok so far I've never really done it before.. But how do I allow backtracking in my levels at the moment I've got the following problem that when I backtrack into a former level per level change the map itself literally starts back at 0. That means all monsters formerly killed are once again alive and everything is as if I've just started the map with the exception that I'm starting on the level exit instead on the level start.

So how does it work? I suspect it may have something to do with the map properties? Am I right? I can't imagine placing the trigger_transition all over the map as this would copy and duplicate anything including entities such as lights etc.
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-21 17:39:12 UTC
in A wall exclusive for the player? Post #326058
Ah to sad then... Well in this case a Trigger_hurt will suffice. Thanks.
Some of those fancy compiler construction guys should create something like that... I could see many useful situations for a brush or entity such as this.
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-21 17:31:53 UTC
in A wall exclusive for the player? Post #326056
The thing is I've got this train and I placed a clip brush on his route.. G-Man gets stuck in the clip brush and so does the train.

A func_wall would have the same effect wouldn't it?

A monsterclip is forbidding npcs to cross through I need an entity or texture that forbids the player only to pass by not the npc though.

Any ideas?

@TheMightyAtom: Well I've tried that and it did not clip always acted solid - always in fact you can use it as ground texture if you wanted to. To smoothen out corners where the player could get stuck.

A clipnull perhaps ? I've never used that one ever before?
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-21 02:29:03 UTC
in A wall exclusive for the player? Post #326046
Hey I've been wondering about this for many years now. This time I truly require it.. Is there some special texture similar to the translucent texture which however is invisible yet allows npcs and everything else but the player through it?

The issue is that there's a train line below me and a train also actually passes by with the G-Man in it unfortunately you can jump into the tunnel below where the G-man drives by.

Naturally I could simply create a func_wall_toggle or clip brush on top where the player walks however I wanna try to have as little invisible walls as possible in order not to hinder the players in their freedom or to make it to linear.

Is there anything I could do?
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-19 11:58:25 UTC
in Lightning problems on HL 1 Map Post #326007
Hi I've got a similar problem in one of my maps.. Although here it's related to ammo_spore models.
User posted image
As you can see the room is properly lid. Shining in a green light including some lamps shining white.

My models are black though. Sometimes I noticed that at least 1 or them shines properly but just sometimes after a compile.

I'm compiling with -minlight 10 I even set lights in front of the models. I redid the whole room in a new brush in the hope to get it working.

I set a color source inside the models itself (not sure if that's actually supported) yet they are still pitch black. I've also played around with the rendering settings giving each spore a different setting just for testing. Some solid 255 - some solid 1 - some color etc..

Yet they refuse to illuminate. My map has 0 leaks and as I said I just redid the whole room and it's still not working.

Any ideas?

EDIT: Managed to solve it. Turns out I had dozen of micro leaks in most of my maps but these first showed up after switching the Map Editor to a newer version and then fixing the micro leaks - suddenly it worked.
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-17 15:38:46 UTC
in SoHl Is it better than base GoldSRC? Post #326008
Ok thanks that's what I thought. If it would've been possible I might have considered a swap over to Spirit v1.7 and leaving Op4.
But since it's impossible - sad.
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-17 03:31:49 UTC
in Typical Hammer Problem Condition death? Post #326003
No I've tried that already myself... It works only on the player and regular monster npcs..

How ever I did solve the issue now by using Tetsu0's first recommendation. I force killed the Osprey with a trigger_hurt by an Alien craft. If the player does manage to kill it before that happens it's no big loss either. As I keep them entertained with constant alien teleports. That whole thing lasts for 149 seconds or 2.29 minutes. Once the time is over my end trigger applies.

The whole deal was still very annoying - seeing that the simplest things wouldn't work. I wasted many hours attempting to get it working for nothing. How could Valve ever create a script based system but not applying simple things like "name enters/leaves trigger zone" or "name activates trigger when entering" Of course all of this wouldn't have been required if that damn trigger death condition thing would've worked for the Osprey in the first place.

Anyway thanks for your support guys. For future references we know better now. It simply wont work in vanilla Hl1. At least not the way I had it planned. Arena & wave styled situations where the player will be stuck for the time being aren't possible.
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-16 20:24:29 UTC
in Typical Hammer Problem Condition death? Post #325990
Ya I tried linking it to a master and a func_button 1unit on top of the trigger_once that gets only activated per touch of course bullets and other crap can also activate this as well... I hate it...

Seems I've got but 1 choice to remove the Osprey fight. :(
Or I autoactivate the end script per timer but that isn't really the best solution if the player is sloppy that you escape and the mod ends while the Osprey is still alive... Not to mention a Fade out while possibly under fire.. hmm.

Ok I've decided to do it like this:

Letting the Osprey have like x2 or x3 drops then an Manta appears firing a beam onto it and I'll kill it with a Trigger_Relay and then activating the end script. That way the fight remains and I even get some Alien involvement as well. It might be even more spectacular than the other thing.


How can I increase the Osprey health within the skill.cfg The Osprey isn't listed in it. I've just tried adding this:

// Blk_Osprey
sk_blkop_osprey_health1 "10000"
sk_blkop_osprey_health2 "20000"
sk_blkop_osprey_health3 "30000"

But it doesn't seem to work as I could kill it with few RPGs and grenades. Does anybody know what the entry for the model is called?
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-16 16:55:31 UTC
in Typical Hammer Problem Condition death? Post #325988
Good idea... I've tested it now I've got a new problem. The thing is working. But it's working to good.

I've Created a trigger_once that only monsters can activate. The thing is

Bullets - Handgranades and any other weapon fired by npcs also count as monsters in the trigger definition. Because every time something fires through it my end trigger activates ruining the Osprey fight. Which brings me back to square 1 as I would have to work with a master in order to avoid the trigger getting accidentally activated.

I could activate the master when the Osprey arrives but that leads me back to the bullet problem.

Any further ideas Tesu0 ?

Here's a picture of how it looks that you can imagine the situation better.

The Osprey flys in circles.

Is there perhaps a chance with many tricks involved to make it possible that this trigger only gets activated by an Entity with a certain name in it. I know Spirit can do it but hl1?
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-16 14:49:11 UTC
in Typical Hammer Problem Condition death? Post #325985
Well then good to know.. But how can I solve my problem?
Perhaps something with env_global people?

Guys is there a way to determine when and if some npc or the player leaves the zone of a trigger_once or trigger_multiple or any other trigger for that matter?

Perhaps I could attempt it this way. Making a trigger that cover the entire flight route of my Osprey and when it dies or leaves the trigger zone that this specific trigger activates?
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-16 14:15:04 UTC
in SoHl Is it better than base GoldSRC? Post #325983
Can you actually set custom voices for npcs in the same fashion than you can setup custom models within the placed entitiy itself?

For example : The Gargantua playing the sounds of a Baby Gargantua of svencoop instead? I've seen F-Mod is present in it a rather strong sound engine so in theory it's possible. Though I suspect a feature like that isn't coded in any SoHl version correct?
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-16 14:10:31 UTC
in Typical Hammer Problem Condition death? Post #325982
Hi people..

I'm currently suffering of an annoying Hammer Problem. Like so often Hammer refuses to execute something that should normally work without any question asked.

The situation is this:

I've got an Osprey Helicopter starting inactive and later dropping Troops. All that plus it's route are working charming but I want that the map progresses further once the Osprey died. In order to accomplish that I've added in a trigger_condition death & trigger target within the monster_Osprey entity.

Normally that works just charming in fact I'm using the exact same principle on the pre place troops for the Osprey to reinforce as these Troops are actually placed under the map outside the players reach for story reasons. So I'm killing them once the Osprey scene starts per trigger_relay.

Could any of you imagine any other method for a checkup if the Osprey is still alive or not so that in case it dies a new multi_manager will activate? I'm mapping with the Opposing Force FDG. and Vluzacn's ZHLT v33 compiler.
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-09 11:36:51 UTC
in Voice actor requested Post #325860
I got ya... Just contact me whenever you feel in the mood. I suppose you want to rest some time after a long day of work.. :)
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-09 11:06:53 UTC
in Voice actor requested Post #325858
:D consider yourself hired... This is a fantastic video.You really do sound like the real actors an amazing gift you've got there.. :)

I suggest we add one another on steam for real time communications...
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-09 06:37:32 UTC
in Voice actor requested Post #325855
Hey guys my mod has reached it's destination. Right now I'm just fixing bugs and implementing last details and minor ideas before I release it internally for beta testing.

There're 2 points within my maps still unfinished as I planned some voice acting scenes on these points just to carry the story and situation a bit further ahead. Your roles would be that of Hecu Soldiers.

So any of you interested in voice acting please type it in here.. And do no worry it wont be more than 6 smaller sentences. I will provide you your texts once you accept the offer.

It's time to choose step into action in here and I'll take that as a yes. Otherwise -- well I can guarantee you a battle you've no chance of winning.. :)
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-04 11:21:33 UTC
in Custom sentences groups Post #325794
I added it into the game.FDG it appears to work or at least start.. But when it does it results in an immediate game crash.. Any reason behind that? Do I need to specify it somewhere else as well?
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-04 02:09:56 UTC
in Custom sentences groups Post #325786
Hi is it actually possible to create custom sentence groups?

You know something like this:
// C1A1 intercom anomalous materials test lab sector c, coolant resevoir facility sector b
C1A1_0 bizwarn bizwarn bizwarn warning, high energy detonation detected in materials lab
C1A1_1 buzwarn buzwarn attention, security personnel to sector c immediately
C1A1_2 buzwarn buzwarn (p102) warning, unauthorized biological forms detected in sector c
C1A1_3 buzwarn buzwarn (p102) warning, unauthorized biological forms detected in coolant maintenance area
C1A1_4 bizwarn bizwarn bizwarn any damage control team to sector c immediately
C1A1_5 buzwarn buzwarn warning, sector c elevator failure. do not use.
C1A1_6 bizwarn bizwarn bizwarn (p102) biohazard warning in sector b and c(p104)
C1A1_7 buzwarn buzwarn attention. sector c science personnel evacuate area immediately
C1A1_8 buzwarn buzwarn warning, flooding detected on sub level three, sector b
C1A1_9 bizwarn bizwarn bizwarn warning, anomalous energy field detected in administration center
C1A1_10 deeoo deeoo (p104) attention. any sector c science personnel, please report status
C1A1_11 deeoo deeoo (p104) attention. sector c science personnel please report status immediately
I already modified the pre existing ones but I fail to create new groups.

Here's one of mine:
// Mil_duty intercom\
Mil_duty_START dadeda vox_login

Mil_duty_0 bloop (e95) all personnel, eliminate any resistance
Mil_duty_1 doop (e95) all operation personnel condition to(e70) echo hotel five, now in effect(e100)
Mil_duty_2 attention, all sector D military personnel checkpoint bravo two reports unauthorized access
Mil_duty_3 doop (e95) this facility(e70) is under military control.(e100)
Mil_duty_4 warning, extreme radiation leak detected in(e70) reactor core eight, cleanup team(e70) to Sector b for immediate check and decontamination(e100)
Mil_duty_5 dadeda (e95) doctor cross report immediately to(e70) central lab six(e100)
Mil_duty_6 attention, captain red report to(e70) checkpoint sierra(e100)
Mil_duty_7 deeoo (e95 p98) cleanup team alpha (t30) proceed with your objective
Mil_duty_8 warning, severe damage detected in computer systems level ten(e100)
No matter how I launch it either with mil_duty - mil_duty0 or Mil_duty_START it plays only the specific sound or no sound at all in case of simply mil_duty.

Any ideas? Thanks
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-31 22:36:19 UTC
in funk_breakable "pressure related&qu Post #325753
Oh trust me Urby I would switch to it right away unfortunately without the Op4 entities my opposing Force mod is rather pointless and considering that barely anyone ever in all those years created stuff for it I'm tempted to go along with it..

How ever if you do know one or two things about coding and could help me setting it up spirit v1.8 with op4 entities I'm more than willing to swap over.. :) :P
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-31 08:31:44 UTC
in funk_breakable "pressure related&qu Post #325743
And a new question...

My map is progressing rapidly and my map pack requires only 2 more maps for implementation.

I once again am facing a problem that annoys me and I don't know what else to do. I'd imagine many of you had similar issues yourself in the past so I ask right away.

I've got a red texlight which I want to turn off by replacing it with a green light once the power has been restored. So far so good my green light appears etc..

However the red light source wont vanish. What I did: Defining my red texlight in an info_texlights with a 0 brightness output (I've got it in my lights.rad with the real output)

and then having a func_button aiming at my texture (func_wall). The red glowing texture itself vanishes which would suggest that everything is working fine. However the light that was shining in the surroundings of it remains.

So the original texture stops shining but the light still emits where it used to shine (and still does).

Any ideas why that's happening and how to fix it?

Btw in it's place will appear a 2nd brush that was formerly hidden per func_wall_toggle which has a green texture instead at least that's working so far. Of course having red and green light sources mixed looks not that great.

EDIT: Once again I was able to manage it myself.. env_render helped.. Till today I barely used these entities so it's easy to forget about them.
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-31 05:17:52 UTC
in funk_breakable "pressure related&qu Post #325738
Well imagine this:

You enter an elevator facing north. Now like in half-life this elevator will rotate while driving up to the next level. So instead of facing north when you originally entered the elevator it's now facing west. 90 degrees into another direction.

The question was if it's actually possible to have closing doors that also rotate with the elevator that are attached to the elevator. But the whole question was pointless anyhow engine wise it's just not possible.
I did it in a different fashion now.

Which brings me to a new problem I've just stumbled upon.

I've got that same regular elevator (simple track train with 2 destination points)

But I don't want it accessible till the player finds a key card. I do know how the key card thing works on func_doors combined with an env_globe & multisource but does the same thing actually work on a func_train?

I'm currently experimenting how I could get it working but once I've found the keycard which actually aims at the elevator nothing happens the lift wont move.

EDIT: Weird I just redid the whole thing from scratch as I couldn't imagine why it wouldn't work and suddenly it does. Although everything is exactly the same as before no changes.. Hammer is so weird - so often.
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-31 04:19:13 UTC
in funk_breakable "pressure related&qu Post #325735
New Question:

Hi again since I don't wanna spam this forum with tons of questions that have probably been asked before I'll post my question in here.

This is purely hypothetical and I don't think it may even work at least I couldn't imagine how. But here we go:

Most of you surely remember the rotating lift prior to the test chamber in Hl1 right?

Now I was wondering if a similar elevator may be possible but instead of having doors opening from left to right may it be possible to have doors that act like train barriers?

So for example: They close my elevator at 90 degrees and when reaching the destination another 90 degrees further we would be at 180 degrees total.

Wont be possible will it or could you think of anything?
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-29 22:40:52 UTC
in funk_breakable "pressure related&qu Post #325724
Ya probably it did work so thanks again. Now I'm facing a new problem that doesn't make sense... But I'll post that in a separate topic shouldn't I be able to figure this out myself.
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-29 08:23:21 UTC
in funk_breakable "pressure related&qu Post #325714
Ah fantastic idea yes I could do that Jessie thx.. :)
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-29 07:53:26 UTC
in funk_breakable "pressure related&qu Post #325712
Hi this is little embarrassing but before I spend anymore time in trying to find a solution I rather ask. Perhaps one of you knows a faster method.

I'm rather tired at the moment so perhaps I simply can't find the solution that would otherwise fly straight into my head. Anyway I've got the following situation:

Hl1 - Op4 My func_tracktrain which drives just nicely is suppose to destroy few wood signs while colliding with it.

The specific signs are defined as func_breakable's however when the train passes through the objects - myself included it is as if they're func_illusionary's. I don't get it. I remember times when my trains got stuck on every little nonsense and now that I actually want something smashed nothing happens. ^^ Typical Hl always playing backwards on you. :) The flags for pressure are enabled. Of course they will break only when I directly jump onto them by leaving the train with noclip. ^^

Any ideas? I for once was thinking about an alternative by killing the named objects with a trigger_once however that is not really a solution as I'm in a non controllable Black Mesa train so the player may either walk in the front section of the train (which would be just fine) or stand at the rear section (which would be bad). So concluding that this is not an option.

How would you guys solve this issue?
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-29 07:32:30 UTC
in Transport Hub 11th January, 2006 Post #325711
Oh ok -- Well then everything is good. :)
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-28 23:33:55 UTC
in Transport Hub 11th January, 2006 Post #325705
Hey guys I was wondering if anyone still has the neat transport hub maps. It used to be part of a competition back in 2006

But the link is unfortunately broken. Could any admin re-upload those files? I hope they aren't lost for good.
Posted 10 years ago2014-03-14 02:51:05 UTC
in Mouse stutter with Windows 8 Post #318263
I'm not on windows 8 but I'm having that other mouse issue. I'm on win7 64bit with a Nvidia card.

My problem is that I can't turn around all the time at a certain point it simply stops. Sometimes after 90 degrees sometimes after 180 degrees.

I've read that you need to apply this command:

m_rawinput "0"
or this
cl_mousegrab "0"

But neither of those commands worked for me any ideas what I can do otherwise Half-Life is dead for me and I'll switch back to WON why do those fools always have to mess things up? The mouse worked perfectly for years now it isn't.

First the transfer of hl into the commons folder and now this. Apparently I wasn't the only one suffering of this. Many folks had that but it seems it was fixed for them with the 2 commands posted above. But I still have it.

Update: I've just updated my own mouse drivers, graphic drivers etc. Still no luck.

Update1: Seems regarding my issue that it's any mod folder that's having that glitch at least for those that got it. I've imported my maps into the gearbox & valve folder for testing purposes. And wolla no turn around glitch anymore.

Any idea what they applied to the original games and if we can manage to apply that same fix to mod folders? At the moment only the official games are benefiting of their mouse fix that naturally is a no go for any mods using custom content.

Ps: I already tried to copy all contents of the official games into my mod folder and overwrote everything but no luck.
Posted 10 years ago2014-03-10 06:11:25 UTC
in [HL1] NPCs do not lip sync with custom s Post #318206
I remember this issue when I had voice lines myself.. Like 2muchvideo said - make sure the models actually can move their mouths & also check for the sentence.txt entry that everything fits and last make sure to make it in wav. bit mono format I believe 8bit were the correct one. When I created voice files I had the same issue till I tried different conversions of wav. and wolla 1 thing suddenly worked.

Don't expect to much though. Sometimes they move their mouth in a funny way that it almost looks like they are Zombies going for a huge bite while talking. ^^ :)
Posted 12 years ago2012-11-26 02:38:15 UTC
in Fluorescent flicker - the good old probl Post #311165
Very interesting news.. I just switched from shlt3.9 to vhlt2.9 compilers and it appears as the lag of Fluorescent flickering lights vanished. I'm happy now. Each one of you still using the old compilers should probably switch to it.

It compiles a lot faster and provides better quality plus more mapping options.
Posted 12 years ago2012-11-25 21:29:09 UTC
in Fluorescent flicker - the good old probl Post #311157
Well I could also go with texture lights but damn that's a pain in the ass creating tons of multi managers to come up with the same result while having the entity choice. Still I guess I will have to do it like that unless somebody comes up with a solution.

You can test it out yourself. Place one flickering light in your complex maps and see if you notice a before and after difference.
Posted 12 years ago2012-11-25 16:51:13 UTC
in Fluorescent flicker - the good old probl Post #311150
Hi people while there has been numerous topic in the past about this issue I still got some questions regarding the same topic.

I'm using Fluorescent flickering lights in my map and I noticed a massive FPS drop. While it is still good for my machine others have complained that it becomes unplayable for their wooden machines.

Now to my actual question. Are there any ways to avoid the lag caused by those lights. Does any of you know about some good optimization tricks? I mean the effect itself it great and I really don't wanna go without it as it adds great towards improving the game atmosphere.

In other topics here on twhl people simply deleted them. I hope I wont have to do the same. Ideas?
Posted 12 years ago2012-11-13 20:11:08 UTC
in texture alignment problem Post #310948
Set "Texture lock" in the menu settings of Hammer (tools section). Then you can move around with your brushes without such problems.

EDIT: Ah you got a round structure. Didn't look at the screen. Unless the texture is specifically created to be connected with itself you won't be able to fix it.

I had a tough time trying the samething with a space background for another game which had the form of a cube. Without picture editing it's impossible to properly allign the texture to your brushes.

If the texture really was properly alligned then perhaps there could be something wrong with the setting of your rotating trigger. Make sure it rotates the same speed as all other rotating function triggers.
Posted 12 years ago2012-11-12 01:30:28 UTC
in Xash3D & XashXT - the next step in H Post #310907
Impressive work. Now please add all Opposing Force entities into your engine and I'll switch to it right away.
Posted 12 years ago2012-11-07 04:21:59 UTC
in Playing mp3 music? Post #310828
Hi folks..

I feel stupid for asking that but how do I play mp3 music which is stored in the valve & geearbox media folder?

Selecting CD track music in the specific trigger brought no results. No music is getting played so I'm just wondering how people do it on steam mapping. In the past I simply mapped for Half-Life Won so I didn't have that problem before.
Posted 12 years ago2012-09-05 18:18:27 UTC
in Best program for recording Half-Life vid Post #309640
You could also use Xfire instead. It can record games as well. But I'm not using that.

I use "Livestream Procaster" like the name suggests it can stream things live or also just on your hard disk. Then you have dozens of settings to play with. Changing the resolution the color the audio settings etc.

And best of all it's free I believe you can upgrade it to a even better product for money but the free product covers everything you need. You can record games in gaming mode or just your desktop it's up to you.
Posted 13 years ago2012-01-01 20:34:07 UTC
in Driving tank & rotating turret? Post #302340
Thank you Barnyinblue.

That was exactly what I was looking for. I was able to finish it based on your example map. :)

Never considered using a func_rotatingdoor & an env_rendering to hide the turret. Great work.