Sounds like you misunderstood me there @2muchvideogames..
My point was what mods did exist the ones that you do remember from back then perhaps even prior to your own mapping days..
I'm just little nostalgic as of recent and also curious of how many mods out there actually didn't make it but that were publicly announced and known.
We've got a good idea of how many mods got released in numerous lists on numerous websites. But how many didn't make it to release or those that just released some minor demos.
For example: (Dead) (Dead) (Dead)
It's my hope that I might be able to dig up some of those lost treasures if they ever existed. Or at least find some info material of their former existence. Videos - Screenshots etc..
So far I've managed to find quite a few lost mods which either nobody knew or nobody could even remember or that were thought to be lost in the vastness of the Internet. In some ways by tracking down the authors almost a decade later. In some other cases I found people which hoarded them on dvd. And yet in other situations I kept back-ups myself and re-uploaded them once their moddb pages or any other pages vanished. In 1 case on youtube. ^^ are some of the mods I managed to recover (that are hosted yet) either by direct action or by setting people into motion which also led to mod recoveries: [only hosted on Russian sites in Russian. :(]
Escape for example had a weird name on filefront where no one would've even guessed this to be a hl1 mod. Thankfully it was still listed within the hl series otherwise I might have never found it.
@Unq: Thanks a nice link. Nightwatch was indeed a big loss for the hl community. It would've rocked. Well at least Arrangement finally seems to be getting released in 10 days. While I'm unsure of how much Half-Life will remain in this (looks more like a Call of Duty title) it's still fantastic that it will finally see daylight.
As for this Black Ops mod that one I meant came long before Ultimate Attack, Black Operations etc.. It was the first I wish I would remember the name. I just remember that they had their own homepage with a black background and that they showed many screenshots and even promotional videos in Gearbox/Valve quality.
If you remember any more good mods of the old days that vanished and never made it to a full release let me know. Perhaps I can find material or even old demos etc..