func_detail does create a world brush but tells the compiler to not contribute it to visibility (VIS) calculation so you can't seal the map from void with it. It should be used for details, just like it's name says. And some other smart uses...
You have to be careful with the clipping tool. Get VHLT and get vluzacn's float enabler for VHE. Such small items were always problematic in HL but with VHLT it's way easier, read about the new entity func_detail. The float enabler will let to compile your objects as you see them in the editor because by default VHE snaps everything to grid before compiling.
It's not the texture size that matters, it's the scale, if all textures are scaled down a lot then you're gonna reach light data limit very soon. 1024x256 works but I think it gets distorted like 192, 48 etc
when u serach for forum posts and u get a result for example the wip thread it just goes to the first page and so its useless, should go to the specific page or even line
Maybe you could have multiple buttons triggerable by damage and point them to a multisource so only with explosions you would trigger them all at once but you should get hl sdk, its really not that hard to code such things
Simply give the spotlights a very narrow angle, like 10 degress, bring them close to wall and point them upwards (with info_target?) maybe you can use the pitch yaw roll dunno and the wall has to have a texture with small enough scale, at least 1.0, if the scale is very big you wont get that beam so defined, you dont need to make the entire wall 1.0 or 0.5, just the parts where the light falls
I removed that hint skip thing in the middle, compiled with -full and nothings disappearing
Also I noticed that everything in your map is off grid. It's not a bad thing, but relying on grid makes it way easier to map and to avoid bugs. It's nice that youre using func_detail but you dont need to use it for very big walls, they should remain world brushes so visibility can be calculated properly.
I had a similar idea for a compo long ago, we would all write one detailed story and then everyone would have to recreate it but of course everyone's imagination is different and it would be interesting to see how all the maps differ yet resemble each other. Or anyone could write their story and then only one would be voted out.
Low -gamma might help with the contrast but RAD isn't really important. Take a look at Kachito's map, almost exactly what you want:
You just have to play with the lighting, sprites, etc, fiddle around more and learn all kinds of tricks and hacks, illuminated textures, conveyors. You CAN make a scene like this in HL1 if you really want.
edit: ops i meant high -gamma, like 1 or 2, default is 0.5
vlucazn's tools help greatly with spheres, domes, donuts etc, you can make them with qtools as well, but vhlt's func_detail helps to avoid all kind of bugs and has way better lighting
Yeah, moving to Source would be smarter than implementing such a thing in HL1. Some of these things you can do manually, you make an invisible brush of similar shape inside the model for it to cast shadows and to have player/bullet collision. If you have really big models and their poor lighting makes them look out of place, you can try to bake some shadows or some ambient shadowing on their textures, I've seen this done with Blender for HL1, but then you could just make them out of brushes and since vluzacn's tools have a great entity called func_detail you can do great things with brushes now in HL1.
There is one weird thing about player size in hl, the shape is specified when compiling or something, in some kinda "hulls" file or something... not sure, but ESF (earth's special forces) mod has smaller player models, so u gotta use special values for that otherwise youre floating one meter from the floor or smth as well... vluzacns tools have an entity for this thing, but im not sure really
heres passage from
"-hullfile file
Load a custom hullfile.
Loads a custom set of hulls for the collision hull generation. The file is composed of 3 lines of 3 whitespace delimited numbers. Each line is an X Y Z size of the bounding box it is for. Only specific mod authors and their mapping teams should ever worry about this feature."