I got another error guys... Turning my DXlevel to 80 works fantastic, i must day dave. Like it's incredible
I thank you again for that but now i'm getting this other error in episode 2.
I'm sure you all know and love the tunnel loading scenes with the bright white light yes?
Well shortly after getting the infuckingcredible muscle car ep2 crashes in the tunnel relaying me this quaint message: "failed to lock index buffer in CMeshDX8:LockIndexBuffer"
Gives me a little 'OK' button and 30 seconds later i'm staring at my steam games list.
im not happy
oh and one more thing, if anyone else uses the mat_dxlevel 80 thingy, just put + infront of it and slap it into the launch settings so you dont gotta do it every time you load hl2:ep2