Three quick questions Created 1 month ago2024-10-31 13:38:10 UTC by Dr.Orange Dr.Orange

Created 1 month ago2024-10-31 13:38:10 UTC by Dr.Orange Dr.Orange

Posted 1 month ago2024-10-31 13:38:10 UTC Post #349297

Hello, i would like to get a bit deeper into mapping and would like to know how to: (ALL QUESTIONS ANSWERED)

  • Add soundscapes like echoing, etc. (answered)
  • Add geiger counter sounds (answered)
  • Add rotating world geometry (answered)
  • Make logic gates ( if possible ) (answered)
  • Healing pools from xen (answered)
  • Custom Textures (answered)
  • Custom Sounds/Sentences (answered)
If you know any answers to any of these questions, please reply to this post!

(yes i know the title says three but i had more questions :tired: )

Thanks! :)
Dr.Orange Dr.OrangeDo you know who ate all of the donuts?
Posted 1 month ago2024-10-31 13:59:23 UTC Post #349299
  1. Sound environments is achieved with env_sound. Each entity defines a sphere with a radius, that when entered permanently changes the sound environment (meaning that for two areas with different sound environment, you want a pair of env_sound at each entrance/exit between these two areas). The speaker entity (often multiples of it) can be used to play random sounds from sentence groups (sentences.txt) to add to a soundscape, such as combat soundscapes in Forget About Freeman.
  2. A trigger_hurt volume with Radiation damage type and positive damage will trigger a player's geiger counter when they're in proximity of the trigger volume. Even an 1x1x1 unit cube is enough.
  3. Tying brushes to func_rotating with a single brush covered entirely in ORIGIN texture to define the axis can be used to make rotating geometry, such as fans. As for parts of the worldspawn that rotates, that's not possible. The worldspawn BSP model is just a single, static mesh.
  4. Simple AND gates can be made using multisource, but more advanced/complex setups can be made with clever use of trigger_changetarget, for example. Though exact solutions would depend on the sort of logic you're trying to achieve.
Posted 1 month ago2024-10-31 14:04:21 UTC Post #349300
Thanks for the answers! :biggrin:
Dr.Orange Dr.OrangeDo you know who ate all of the donuts?
Posted 1 month ago2024-11-01 21:00:02 UTC Post #349305
Healing pools can be achieved with a trigger_hurt and a negative value.
Posted 1 month ago2024-11-01 21:37:26 UTC Post #349306
There are many ways to create custom textures, but The303 has a pretty extensive guide on his site here.

For custom sounds you can check out Tutorial: Making Custom Sounds
Custom sentences can only be made for mods, you can read more about it in the sentences.txt page I already linked you before.

And don't forget you have tons of resources over at Goldsource Tutorials and Entity guides.
Posted 1 month ago2024-11-02 15:08:53 UTC Post #349310
Thank you all for the help! :)
Dr.Orange Dr.OrangeDo you know who ate all of the donuts?
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