Texture Last edited 8 months ago2024-06-08 10:45:28 UTC

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The 'paint' that is applied to solids in maps. They are fundamental to level design, just behind the geometry itself. Textures are found in WAD files, which can be browsed from within Hammer and edited using tools like Wally and PAKScape.

Shift+T applies the currently selected texture to the currently selected object(s), while pressing Shift+A brings up a dialog that gives you more control over texture scaling and alignment.

Consult the Texture Application tutorial for more information on texture application.

Texture types

There are several types of textures with different properties. Usually it's defined by a prefix or suffix.

Textures and materials

A texture is just one part of the material system in 3D rendering. In GoldSource this material system is used to impart materialistic properties for the textures in question, such as footstep sounds and sounds and decals when hit with a crowbar or bullets. But unlike modern game engines, the material system of GoldSrc consists simply of the materials.txt file listing the materials of each texture set.


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