
Kurosaki Ichigo15 years ago2009-08-28 08:03:53 UTC 15 comments
Completed Driver's Ed (Pre-Driving thing we have at school) today and I went well too. Out of 30 I scored 30 for automatic and 28/30 for manual. 2 points lost due to changing to the wrong gear two times .__. Although, that's pretty good for a first time driver. :D
Tito15 years ago2009-08-27 23:22:03 UTC 10 comments
I came across this news report that's happening in Europe that is apparently causing an uproar among children's parents. I am not going to say much, just that when I first saw it and read it, I cracked up laughing right away. I am not really sure, so I will let you all tell me if they are making a bigger fuss than what it really is:

Note: The one with the two "cherries" being licked is just too damn obvious, a classic!....He, he, he....
srry15 years ago2009-08-27 20:16:38 UTC 7 comments
My car fixed itself. We drove it from our house to my auto shop, billowing smoke all the way. The next day I start it, and it's running fine. No smoke from the exhaust, and the spark plugs somehow un-fouled themselves. No burning oil. I guess miracles do happen.

EDIT: I take that back. I just drove it again, and while it isn't fouling the plugs like before, and it isn't spitting out coolant, it still burns way too much oil, necessitating a rebuild same as before. Shit.
Jessie15 years ago2009-08-26 07:58:26 UTC 9 comments
Okay, so it's been a few months. I really havent gotten a whole lot better with my guitar. I'm starting to think that if I dont get lessons, I won't get much better with this thing.

I probably missed out on a few of the basics by teaching myself, too.
Unbreakable15 years ago2009-08-24 16:05:01 UTC 15 comments
So I took on the task of doing my parents website, its still a wip since theres no content or pics, I just finished 5 animated gifs which I have no idea where I want to put'em, anyways, comments welcomed.
Striker15 years ago2009-08-23 10:56:46 UTC 29 comments
[IT's DONE!]So I have 5 Euros available to spend... on steam games ! :)) ( ok I have more than 5 Euros on my card but uh ... I have to keep them for a new processor and motherboard).

What should I buy besides Hl1,Hl2,hl2:ep1,hl2:ep2,garrysmod ? I thought about buying Opposing Force ...


It's done !
I bought Opposing Force !
IMUS15 years ago2009-08-22 21:57:29 UTC 7 comments
unfinished abandon factory
User posted image
User posted image
the outside
User posted image
yeah, that's going to need some work
srry15 years ago2009-08-22 13:38:43 UTC 8 comments
I saw Inglorious Basterds opening night, on my birthday. Truly a great movie it was.
2muchvideogames15 years ago2009-08-22 02:57:15 UTC 7 comments


People appear to complain about how long my journal entries are ("longest in the history of TWHL's journal entries) or something like that. In order to subtly point out the fact that my entries are merely just "light reading", compare to the article above, which basically is about a dude ranting about how a beloved mod had died and was forcibly taken from him.
And believe me he has alot of pent-up energies to let out.

If you actually read the whole thing like I did, then you might as well scroll down and read some more: the comments, which offer alternative interpretations of what may actually have happened and expose possible biases that the narrator had. Despite what you may have thought before, the Half-life community is still well-stocked with drama of this sort.

NOTE: Please do not fan the flame war there on this here website. I don't know anything about that mod.
Striker15 years ago2009-08-21 14:21:31 UTC 14 comments
I was watching TV this evening and they showed a man CUT IN HALF by a truck, alive, talking with the cameraman. They showed the scene, but of course it was pixelated. After some short googleing I found the actual footage.

Beware, this is not only disturbing, it can make you go to the toilet :
srry15 years ago2009-08-21 04:26:57 UTC 20 comments
17 years old today, woohoo!
Luke15 years ago2009-08-20 18:21:46 UTC 5 comments
Remember that TF2 map I was working on? Well, yah, I never finished.

Here are some screenshots:

Was going to be a attack / defend, dustbowl styled, map. It became too much work and took too much time, and I have little patience, so I stopped.

The train you see move then explode was supposed to move after a point was captured and advances the map.
monster_urby15 years ago2009-08-20 17:55:24 UTC 7 comments
Urby is back on the tube. Basically, if you guys enjoy my nonsence ramblings here in the Journals, you can now hear my nonsence ramblings on my new YouTube channel.

JustUrby's Channel

Rate, Comment, Subscribe for more Urby goodness.

Or not...your choice.
Unbreakable15 years ago2009-08-20 15:30:39 UTC 8 comments
So, ya, we really need a blog. I guess this will have to do to clear my mind.

Now, have you ever just thought... WTF.

About everything, about life. Why your alive..

I've been thinking of those words for a couple days now. I don't get it.
I've came close to death 4 fuckin' times now

1. I was 2, and had a little cough, I was brought to the hospital, they told my parents that if they never brought me in, I had a 85% chance of dieing the night. I was diagnosed with asthma.

2. Me and my brother went to visit our real dad. Billy was playing in the back under a blanket, and I was up front acting like I was driving. Accidently popped the car into neutral. The car was on a hill, and right behind us was a cliff (steep hill) with trees. Luckily I left the front door open, and a single tree stopped the car. Ruined the door, but saved my life.

3. Me and my family where celebrating something at a church when my ventolin puffer went out. It was the same day I caught emonia (Satchmo, you here? hows it spelled..?) I was rushed to the hospital with my head sticking out the window to get enough oxygen. We made it, and I was hospitalized for 3 days.

4. Recently diagnosed with a brain tumour. Would have died if amber stayed just a half-hour later at her grandmothers house.

I mean like, wtf is this, is there a reason I'm still here!? There must be some reason that the devil wants me dead so badly. And why god has kept me alive. Even the doctor who operated on me said I had a slim chance of surviving, 'it was as if there was a third person in the room guiding my hands' he said to me.

I just wish I knew.
SpaG15 years ago2009-08-20 08:26:05 UTC 14 comments
21 as of yesterday.