
Tetsu015 years ago2009-08-04 08:10:41 UTC 15 comments
WEll.. I just ended a 3 year relationship over the internet. Wtf.
I had every intention of doing it face to face, but i was waiting for the right time to do so. Guess i waited too long and missed that opportunity on friday, when it should've been done. So go the hell ahead and ridicule me. What's done is done, and she's still alive...
I do feel terrible for dragging on so long.
Life lessons learned; speak up now, or pay later.

As for me, i'll be fine in another day or so, i have some items to return and i'll probably have to explain myself to her family. Fun.
srry15 years ago2009-08-03 07:08:21 UTC 7 comments
I just saw Moon at the theatre last night. What an incredible movie that was. Kinda slow paced from the start, but the story kept getting more intriguing as it went along, and I never could have predicted how it would end. Plus, the emoticon robot puts Wall-E to shame. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Kurosaki Ichigo15 years ago2009-08-02 08:30:02 UTC 6 comments
Just a screenshot of what it's like on this server I found. It uses some mod where it randomly selects the class AND the weapon load out. Example:
User posted image
Pyro is credit to team!

The good parts to this mod are:
-Anyone can backstab.
-If you happen to be a scout w/ the minigun or flamethrower, you win.
-You can collect up to 200 shotgun shells.

The downsides are:
-You cannot build as there is no PDA.
-If you have the medigun, you can heal but cannot activate uber (unless you're actually a medic).
-The only special weapon is the flare gun but it has the model of the engy's pistol.
-You cannot taunt unless you have the specific class' weapon.

The server ip is:
Skoiler15 years ago2009-07-31 17:37:02 UTC 19 comments
It has been close to 5 years since I've last logged in. Wow that's an ugly avatar; what was I thinking back then?
Hey guys, I'm thinking of getting back, this time making Half-life 1 Single-Player levels. Let's hope I stick around long enough this time.
Alabastor_Twob15 years ago2009-07-31 14:18:06 UTC 7 comments
I'm in Portugal at the moment. I was annoyed about being told about it the day before I left, but It's not so bad. It's the first holiday I've been dragged behind a speedboat on a rope before, and that was pretty fun. It's annoying that the layout of te keyboard is different though, and the fact that there are almost no bins on the streets. Carrying your rubbish halfway across town to get rid of it can get annoying.
Kurosaki Ichigo15 years ago2009-07-31 08:02:24 UTC 3 comments
Weird but it made my day. Bandwidth reached 100% at around 4pm and it's currently 10:01pm. SO far, internet hasn't slowed down to the crawling 7kb/s I usually get when capped. And the better news for me is that since today is the 31st, my bandwidth get's refreshed tomorrow. :D
satchmo15 years ago2009-07-31 00:13:27 UTC 8 comments
I just bought a pair of SENNHEISER headphones for $19.99.

The reviews at Newegg are pretty positive. I already own a pair of SENNHEISER , but that one was just uncomfortable after wearing it for more than an hour.

This one looks more comfortable.
Penguinboy15 years ago2009-07-30 20:19:58 UTC 15 comments
Register for the mystery beta program! Beta is far, far away, but I need to get up a small database of testers so I can get a range of people to test.
This is, of course, for my big project that I've been working on.

If you're interested, please comment with the following:

Preferred engine (pick one)

Computer specs:
[li]Graphics card[/li]
[li]Amount of RAM[/li]
[li](Windows only) Operating System(s), 32-bit or 64-bit[/li]

Does Hammer 3 work on your computer? (pick one)
[li]Not at all[/li]
[li]Not enough to be usable[/li]
[li]Enough to be usable[/li]
[li]Don't know[/li]

If you have access to multiple computers you can list them all (include the Hammer 3 info for each one). By registering you agree to keep the beta secret, and not distribute the files to anyone else.

Again, it's not going to happen any time soon, but keep your fingers crossed!
Livewire15 years ago2009-07-29 17:43:52 UTC 15 comments
Time for another journal me thinks.

So as most of you know me and Huntey dragged our asses to Crewe, where we met up with a slightly sexily damp Urby and then stayed with him for a while.

The event consisted of alcohol, JFK reloaded, GTA4, Archie and chlamydia.

But after that (since we did that on the second day of Hunteys arrival to Wales) we got up to some more stupid shit which left us feeling rough.

The following day after returning from Urbys we had a party, so that night we dragged our asses around town because the party was a fail. We ended up in a pub with a lot more people, which turned out just as awesome!

Friday night, one day before Hunteys departure, we went camping with a lot of my mates, because I was driving Huntey back to the train station the following morning I wasn't drinking unfortunately. :( But I still had some good lols.

We never took a tent and 3/4 tents were full, the other one had a couple shagging in it, so 3 of us ended up sleeping in my car, me, Huntey and "10"... A mysterious guy who we didn't know and picked up on the way to camping, and he was irradiating the fact that he was a virgin.

Well anyway, I got about 1 hour of sleep because Huntey woke me up going mental because the clock on my car read "17:05" and his train was at "12:12" now, naturally you would look around aswell, Huntey didn't.

Despite being still pretty much darkness and morning dew over everything, and that general morning feel, Huntey decided to wake my ass up, I then couldn't get back to sleep and had to sit there for 3 hours watching him snore. f u.

8am we decided to make a move... With 1 hour of sleep I drove to SUBWAY! Where we bought food and drink which sort of woke me up, but I was still struggling to stay awake. I then drove to Rhyl and said my goodbye's to Huntey and a manhug took place.

I was then stuck in 30 minutes of traffic getting out of Rhyl, and nearly falling asleep at the wheel.

Oh, and we saw my mate running down a street with no pants on.
Striker15 years ago2009-07-28 17:51:51 UTC 5 comments
I'm just bored and I'm lately playing a lot of simulation games. I'm tired of city building and tycoon types so I switched to other games. I've played :
Euro Truck Simulator
The Incredible Machine 2, 2000
Crazy Machines 2
Test Drive Unlimited
I downloaded a demo of microsoft simulator X and I think I want to learn it( hey, maybe one day I'll be in an aircraft where the pilots die and I will know how to drive a plane :)) )
I think I want to get a 18 wheels game...

Has somebody played these games ? What do you think of them ? Can you tell me about other similar games ?
Rimrook15 years ago2009-07-28 12:56:17 UTC 8 comments
The human resources person at my school threw an interesting curve at me today. I went to talk to her about getting hired at the school in the technology department. They seem to be hiring and the position isn't yet filled. When I went to talk to her, she told me she already put my application in for me. I thanked her but now I'm worried I won't get the job because it's not updated, but I don't know if she had put in a good word for me.

Well, here's to hope. Cheers.
The Mad Carrot15 years ago2009-07-27 19:02:28 UTC 16 comments
Zesentwintig. :)
Archie15 years ago2009-07-26 19:10:25 UTC 34 comments
Myself and fellow TWHL member Livewire recently went on a business trip which would prove to be extremely benefitial to both our futures in the Game Design industry.

After I travelled to his country of Wales and stayed a night, we were up early to catch a train to Crewe, England.
Upon arrival in Crewe, we were met by not a courier, but none other than the lead designer of DPG himself! What followed was an eventless 2 hour drive to DPG HQ, Knighton, England where we met another member of the team, coincidentally also named Archie.
It was time to get to work. Drinks were served and we got down to discussing some really intense business proposals. Unfortunately, as a relative newbie to the interview process, it was all too much for Livewire.

tl;dr clicky


Spoilerz: Crazyweek 2. Urby, Huntey, Livewire, booze.
hlife_hotdog15 years ago2009-07-24 22:37:55 UTC 17 comments
Found the 'Zhu-Rong v418 Chinese Pistol' on Fallout last pistol ever! Bullets with a burning bite hahaha lovely! :D
srry15 years ago2009-07-24 21:27:19 UTC 11 comments
Business Software Alliance caught me planting some seeds for Windowz, and notified my IP, who scolded me for being a bad person. I find it funny or a bit strange that Microsoft is still concerned about piracy with an operating system they don't even sell anymore. What should people do if they genuinely need a copy of an old Windows OS, but there are no legal venues to attain it from? At least they didn't complain about my selfless redistribution of Windows 98.