
Alabastor_Twob15 years ago2009-06-07 14:10:08 UTC 4 comments
I was with my dad, in the showroom, picking out a new car.

I know, but I saw Yodalmans shoutbox post and couldn't resist. :D

It wasn't a shower anyway. We were in a bath.
Oskar Potatis15 years ago2009-06-06 21:07:08 UTC 12 comments
Yesterday I ate my sister's puff pastry.

No, seriously, I'm thinking of buying a Nintendo DS. My PSP is broken and the DS have some fun games. That's why I'm now asking TWHL DS players: is it worth the money?
pepper15 years ago2009-06-05 13:18:41 UTC 7 comments
Got Far Cry 2 today, based purely on mixed reviews and the cool looks off it. So, some screenshots for you lovely people!

Dawn in Africa. Rather peaceful.
User posted image
A desolate miserable town, better not stop here.
User posted image
Hmm.. Fire..
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Glad i followed that 2 hour course gardening for pyrotechnics!
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=NH= Yodalman15 years ago2009-06-04 19:39:27 UTC 11 comments
Today i installed windows 7, this time instead of a vm, i used a partition so i could actually use it for something.

I just so happened to notice the wsr and gave it a shot, after a frustrating 30 minutes of trying to get it to do something, i decided to write a little something in notepad.

This time did you write once upon a time there's a very CCREPPIE speech recognition software called windows speech recognition you does not work.

If you attempt to open up at what is it will not work it will say what was that? And therefore he lost the opening itself for it does not know how to open notepad it does not know how to do anything!

If you do offer attempt to do something like to call with it you wind up doing it yourself you cannot simply tell it to do something and it will do it it will once again ask what was that?

And it also eases up a set of a large amount of your res Computer Resources see better have at least 30,000 pages of at.

This concludes my bomb went above a stupid program that was made in Windows Vista and windows seven thank you for reading a line by line is we've made in windows speech recognition software.

What i was trying to say at the end was it was made in speech recognition software itself, but that screwed up.

Anyways, i hope you got a laugh at this, this time i'll see if i can make it correctly :>

EDIT: Second attempt, failed damn horribly.

Once upon a time that there's a very stupid program but not to which one is to even make the toll to two.

It's a very stupid program on national and it's a.

Had to say is a monster but program I've ever come across.

Tara even though it sometimes gets things write it never gets some of

I can see why this program is made of people can just type

It in an EM Keenan union of the Ethel to see why this program is made for people can just season OPS

In fact you cannot even watch program without a keyboard or mouse

But fail to see the point of this new tests are but that's not the point

Bill to see the point of this tiny little microphone button and I'm listening and the status bar floor speech recognition

At one day it one day this program will be made to a vacant and people will think they like it

But right now people for a very neat and ease of a day that program that

Maybe someday we'll have two when told will not do when not to let

Thank you for listening to my rant about this race race to beat solely program that is made a bad people they're very bad guy comes with a spare and windows seven.
satchmo15 years ago2009-06-04 11:20:44 UTC 12 comments
I was not aware of this dirty little secret in American history.

In the 1970's, the American public endorsed the idea of eugenics, and the Supreme Court upheld such practice.

60,000 Americans were forcibly sterilized because they were deemed "feeble-minded".

Anyone who is homeless, illiterate, or is an orphan is qualified as inadequate for bearing children.

The obvious eliticism behind such shocking discrimiantion did not bother most people.

My wife's parents are illiterate farmers. If the government had gotten to them, my wife would never have been born, and my son would not exist today.

My wife graduated as the top student of her high school, and she went on to become an engineer.
Notewell15 years ago2009-06-02 20:44:41 UTC 21 comments
I think I just witnessed the begining of a drug bust in my hometown.
My mom, a guy from my confirmation class, and I stopped at an intersection near a two storey plaster (I think) building, and there was an unmarked dark green van in front. For some reason, I instinctively turned my head towards it and saw some guys in dark, unmarked SWAT-like uniforms. My first thought was 'Bomb squad', then some sort of grenade went off. I think it was a tear gas grenade, because I saw no black smoke, no fire, and I wasn't affected by an after-image of the blast, but my mom says she saw some 'phosphorescent' blast in there, so I dunno what it was. Anyway, then all the guys started yelling 'Go, go go!' and rushing into the building, just like in the movies, tv, and video games. Then my mom drove off, which was a good idea, just in case things got ugly. I swear this is all true, and I'll report back if there's anything about it on the news tommorow night.
Livewire15 years ago2009-06-02 19:12:58 UTC 7 comments
I had the most craziest dream ever last night!

I dreamed that Valve announced a sequel to L4D, of course this would be stupid since L4D has only been out for about 6 months... But with the announcement they posted gameplay clips too, and it looked terrible! You could set zombies on fire pretty much using the igniter tool from Garry's Mod but with a gun model. But it didn't stop there!

It got even more strange and completly random when the whole dream was set somewhere in southern America, the accents were INCREDIBLY annoying and you could basically see the inbred irradiating off all of it.

I woke up in a sweat and screaming! Eventually I calmed myself down and realised it was all just a dream, Valve wouldn't take the path of EA and make some adjustments then slap a "2" on it for what appears to be the need for money.

Imagine that! A bunch of redneck's running around setting zombies on fire with bullets, it doesn't start a meere flame, BUT CAUSES THE ZOMBIE TO BURST INTO A WILD BLAZE. And whilst all of this is going on, they're all wearing ridiculous clothes which wouldn't fit with a L4D theme.

Well, thank God it was all just a dream.

... Wait a minute.
Taylor15 years ago2009-06-02 08:11:30 UTC 3 comments
Just arrived from an epic, 4-day festival.


Irish pub metal + large amounts of beer = win.
Striker15 years ago2009-06-01 13:40:07 UTC 15 comments
PC Upgrade !

New memories arrived at my door today !
4x1GB DDR2 1066 mhz , Kingston HyperX !!

Here they are, I already installed them in the pc ( you can see the metallic things near the CPU cooler) :
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Here are the old rams :
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Those were 2x1 GB Corsair Twin DDR2 800 mhz, Enhaced Performance Profile.

I think I'm going to keep them for now, in the current month I'll run my pc with the new memories to see if I get BSODs ( with the corsair ones I never had) . But after that, over the summer I'll sell them ( I only used them half a year) , add some money and get a new motherboard with an E8400 or E8500. Or maybe keep the money for the next 2-3 years and build a Nehalem platform :D

[EDIT] Who tells me the correct total numbers of cooling fans from my computer wins the Eagle Eye Award :P
hlife_hotdog15 years ago2009-06-01 01:37:29 UTC 12 comments
Is now the unhappy owner of the parents idea...i still prefer the PS3 over both the XBox and the mind..
satchmo15 years ago2009-05-30 23:51:18 UTC 5 comments
I took Scottie to his first movie in a theater this afternoon.

The film was "Up" by Pixar.

Pixar has never disappointed me before, and with "Up", the bar has been raised even higher, and I didn't think it was possible to raise the bar higher.

"Up", true to Pixar's tradition of making untraditional films, is as different as you can get from the Disney animated classics. The main character is a feeble and bitter old man who gets around with a walker. His sidekick is a boy whose father abandoned him after he remarried. The story is about death and grief, love lost and found. It's some pretty heavy stuff for an animated feature. No wonder it's only the second Pixar film that garnered a PG rating.

Despite the grim premise and an unlikely hero, the film promises to take your heart and soul to new heights (pun intended). It's heart wrenching, and I spent half of the time sobbing in the theater.

As for Scottie's experience, it went as well as I expected. There were no less than six previews, which took more than half an hour. Even though the movie was only about 96 minutes, he lasted for an hour and half. I was able to distract him with popcorns, but that only lasted through the first hour of the movie. We went outside to the lobby for about ten minutes, during which he spent driving a 18-wheeler (a video game in the lobby). I was able to coax him back into the dark theater by bribing him with popcorns.

We were able to finish the movie together. He enjoyed the experience, but I am not sure how much of the story he actually understood. He's only 22-months today, so he didn't have to pay for a ticket anyway.
srry15 years ago2009-05-27 22:54:29 UTC 19 comments
Failed my driving test for the second time.
saw183315 years ago2009-05-27 16:03:35 UTC 11 comments
UPDATE: Turns out, the whole motor is in fact, cashed. I will not be driving for quite a while. =X

So today is the most god-awful day of my life. I'm not sure what is wrong with it yet, but my supercharger has a serious problem. Since the supercharger is stock, the vehicle won't work without it. Now it may just need a $50 part, but it may need to be replaced, which none of us have the money to do. Worst case scenario it will have cashed my motor along with it and I'll be in the thousands rather than the hundreds.

7 days of school left, finals the last two days, and I now have no transportation. All my friends live on the other end of town and most probably won't be willing to take me there, much less back home. Deep sigh. =/
satchmo15 years ago2009-05-27 15:48:53 UTC 4 comments
One of my friends lend me the book "Narcissus and Goldmund". It was a crucial book that led him to his spiritual path and ultimately converted him into an Orthodox Jew.

For those who are unfamiliar with this work by Hermann Hesse, it's a story about two monks who befriended each other, and the author took us into an introspective journey into their lives.

Each of them represent a philosophy in life. Narcissus represents the cerebral, control, and introspection. Goldmund represents the freedom, sensual, and emotional elements in life.

After reading the book, I realized that I went through several stages in my life already. For the first part, as an adolescent, I related most closely to Narcissus. I was a studious student and devoted all of my effort in discipline and study. The second part of my life, which started around my college years, I gave myself to indulgence. This phase did not fully realize itself until I was training to become a doctor in residency. I played games with things and people, and I didn't feel fully alive until then.

Finally, I became an artist. This is when I can most closely relate to Goldmund. I feel the fervor of creation, and it often boiled my blood during one of the creative frenzies that I engage in when I design a level for games.

Now I feel that I embody both elements--Narcissus and Goldmund. It's the only way to fully live life. I am finally at ease about my identity when I am able to embrace both aspects of life.
Daubster15 years ago2009-05-27 08:44:04 UTC 17 comments
Finished high school today. Exams done, offers from unis received. Now to wait for scores, which should be available by the end of June.

Due to such an epic occasion, new avatar. Danny Carey (Tool) this time, one of the world's best and my personal favourite drummer. A neat picture of him, non-rotated too! :>

Anywho, commencing beer.. now.