
2muchvideogames13 years ago2011-05-03 03:08:39 UTC 6 comments
Like other TWHL members, I feel the need to recount some kind of dream that might be considered interesting. It wasn't lucid because I'm such a noob at that. But it's weird enough.

Well anyway it starts out in typical fashion, where I was being chased by a badly modeled Alien from the Alien film that was a model replacement for the monster_zombie. I evaded them simply by going onto a desk not unlike the one supplied by worldcraft/hammer (modern desk, south facing). The setting was some generic office cubicle that was eerily lit and largely abandoned. All was silent. I looked out the window, and to my horror...

That night, it turns out that all across the city the aliens attacked. People were desperately jumping out of windows to escape the dark beasts. Pandemonium ensued across the streets, that is, until an elite commando team was sent in to eliminate the alien threat. They went in, guns blazing, and managed to keep casualties to a minimum.

It was then that the manager of a hotel approached the squad leader of the commando team, asking him to eliminate a possible alien threat in the office building adjacent to the hotel (the same building that I was in). It was also revealed that I was a close friend of the squad leader. He sought to enter the building alone to find and rescue me, for he was a really close friend.

And so, he went in, like a badass, firing his guns at the badly modeled aliens. He then threw a grenade into the next room and looked all nonchalant and cool. Following the big BOOM from the grenade, he walked up, only to encounter his close friend and several others, who have become mindless zombies. The squad leader stared in surprise, too late to react to his friend who leaped forward and bit hard into the neck. The squad leader's yell of pain was muffled by an eerie silence...


The squad leader and his friend were recovering in the hospital. They were in the same room, joking among themselves. It would seem that they were rescued and brought to the hospital. The two friends laughed about their predicament, but then, in a hushed tone, the friend suggested that they need more allies. The squad leader then proceeded to pick up the telephone...

A skinny-legged nurse was summoned to the room. She walked downed to the hallway towards the room to which she was summoned. Upon opening the door, there were 5-6 people, sitting in a half-circle around the room, all smiling eagerly at the nurse who just arrived. The squad leader and his friend were among them. Realizing the awkward situation, the people in the room attempted to converse with one another. The nurse, supposing nothing out of the ordinary, went inside and closed the door.
2muchvideogames13 years ago2011-04-21 04:41:40 UTC 3 comments
A short little mod, I have just played. Meth-life, its name is.

A purple-shirted African-American security guard, you are. Gordon Gluesniffer, your name is. Packin' heat, you will be. Employed by secret American government drug cartels, you have been. But first, training, you shall undergo.

Blocky, simplistic, and boring architecture, you will witness. Forgive that, I have, because mere training, it is. Provided grenades and firearms, you shall be. Practice using them on not-so-innocent persons, you can. Advised by a reskinned G-man hologram, you will be. Then over, the training is.

Once training is over, at Area 51, you shall arrive. Waiting for you, the reskinned G-man is. Enter the complex, you will. But, unfortunately, exist, the next map does not. And so, crash, your computer will. Back to desktop, you shall be. And then, bin this mod, you will. And, stay away from drugs, you shall, for the rest of your life.
2muchvideogames13 years ago2011-04-14 01:10:22 UTC 5 comments
So I was on the CS tourney server and smack dab in the middle of game I got around 10-20 phone calls within the span of 1 hour. For being idle all the time I got kicked. But that's not the real problem. Seems these phone calls were about an important mail being delivered late which could nullify all the work I was doing for the previous week.

Uh oh.

BTW I probably won't be going into this tournament on the 16th. Not only is my ping in the 300's, there's this random thing that suddenly came up, at not only the exact same day, but also the exact same time that the tourney is supposed to start. I knew that the black cat that crossed the street while I was driving the other day was gonna screw me up one way or another.
2muchvideogames13 years ago2011-03-19 01:03:44 UTC 8 comments
I just played a space western total conversion mod. It took an entire day to finish.

So basically you're this guy, serving as a Major in the gunmen army, and you will take a long space-train ride to the gunmen headquarters. Upon arriving, it doesn't take long for you to figure out that the entire gunmen army is actually composed of clones of a single man.

As a cloned trooper, you will be using all kinds of funky futuristic weaponry. You get to use some of the weapons in training, including a pistol with 4 fire modes, a shotgun with 12 firing modes, a machine gun whose barrel is shaped like a tuning fork, and a rocket launcher with alot of firing modes. And, like a certain hardass french mod, you get to drive an armored tank and run over your little enemy soldiers, akin to command and conquer.

So one fine day you and your fellow clones were sent to investigate some ancient mayan ruins. The planet looks friendly, with little crickets and butterflies and dinosaurs. Nothing unusual there.

And the next moment, some guys wearing 10-gallon hats want me dead.
Then, the dinosaurs want me dead.
Later, some robots want me dead.
And then, aliens want me dead.
Even the dam scientists want me dead.

I swear, everywhere I go something or another want me dead. You remember those cockroaches in vanilla? In here they are replaced with little scorpions, and they want me dead. But luckily I am protected by high quality body armour. You know, the ones that go 'automatic medical systems engaged'

The maps are large, and well made, but there is a bit of a problem, because the crafted world in this mod is so large. In most cases, you'll be wandering thru large underground facilities, and the scenes do get a bit monotonous. But there is plenty to see, since the storytelling is quite good and scripts are a-plenty. Just don't know why this mod didn't get as much attention as the Black Mesa ones. People should give this one a try, since the enemies are significantly harder to handle than your Xen aliens and your US marines.

And no, it has nothing to do with anime. Well maybe except that epic robot battle against a Protoss Immortal. Seriously I swear that happens in the game.
2muchvideogames13 years ago2011-03-13 03:29:41 UTC 2 comments
User posted image

2muchvideogames13 years ago2011-03-03 00:11:34 UTC 9 comments
By 2muchvideogames

Adrian crashes the party held in Black Mesa Research Facility. (literally)

Adrian chugged too much beer at the party and woke up dazed, in the infirmary.

Following the emergence of expensive lawsuits targeting Black Mesa for extensive property damage resulting from the party, the HECU decide to pull out and avoid being implicated in the incident.

Adrian missed his flight because some prick in a business suit locked the hangar doors on him.

Adrian shoots a fellow soldier so he can get the m249 SAW five chapters earlier.

Adrian goes to Xen and has a frank exchange of ideas with foreigners.

Adrian discovers his inner hatred for aquariums.

And zoos.

Adrian gets into a staring contest with some sort of worm creature.

Adrian spends an entire chapter in a cargo yard.

Adrian defuses a bomb. Counter-Terrorists win.

Adrian witnesses a brutal culture clash between two very prejudiced groups.

Adrian gets into a staring contest with another worm, barely winning despite the worm's violent temper, bad breath, and frequent stomach cramps. The G-Man he met earlier appears and tells Adrian that he is impressed by Adrian's interpersonal skills and hires Adrian as an ambassador to Xen. He is granted government-subsidized housing in Xen and a substantial salary. From there, Adrian lived happily ever after. The end.
2muchvideogames13 years ago2011-02-22 20:58:53 UTC 2 comments
I just played Half-Quake Amen, an Austrian mod featuring unique aspects of puzzle gameplay never before explored by any other modder. For you, the player, this can be both a good and bad thing. Note that this is the second in a trilogy of half-quake mods and has prolly nothing to do with the retail Quake games.

The story is the same in all these titles. You are to be punished for no real reason and you will be killed solely for the entertainment of the modders. Now that sounds just like the premise to some troll mod, but believe it or not the third title in the series (Half-Quake Sunrise) was a candidate in the moddb "mod of the year" awards. This means that the mod is either really good, or that many players enjoy being killed in new and exciting ways.

ANYWAYS lets first get to the texturing. For the majority of the mod, you will be seeing textures that are black, white, and simplistic. Like the ones that Dimbark is practicing to make. So then, the first part of the mod is a big field of English letters with almost no clues about what to do. All the wrong letters are landmines that instantly kill and of course it will take you about 10 minute to figure this out. That's 5 minutes for looking for the modders' website and 5 minutes to find the walkthru for the mod. Pretty fun so far.

Story for this mod is conveyed thru diaries left behind by someone who experienced the same fate as you. It gets really intense as you read his entries because you can see how his mental state goes down and down until [spoiler hidden]. Anyway.

This isn't an action oriented mod at all. In fact, you will never get a HEV suit or any suit for that matter. For the majority of the mod, you will be using a crossbow fighting slaves. No variation. However, you do get a 'better' weapon when you get to "ambience" chapter.

Which brings us to the fun part of the mod. Ambience and Sapience goes 180 in mapping-style and replaces the simplistically-textured world with some rural medieval countryside. This is also where you get your "better" weapon. Sapience also has one of the most unique 'puzzles' I've ever seen in a FPS.

Unfortunately, where the good parts end, the even better parts begin. The next chapter is undoubtedly my favourite and will most definitely be your favourite as well. This chapter is called "Patience". Now, don't you trust the ten four or hangar 16 reviews concerning this particular chapter of the mod. This part is more fun than entire mods that I've played in the past. What better way to play a game than waiting for a train in a grayscale trainstation for what was it, 20 minutes? Yeah, now that is fun, even more so that the 20 minute boat ride in Swiss Cheese Halloween! Because you can just noclip to the end and skip the boat ride. Can't do that here! You will wait there for that train, and if when it comes, you will get on it, and proceed with your trivial endeavors.

Well, after that epic part, you are treated with a small dose of action and finally brought before your giant robot friend, Somos. Somos amigos. All you have to do then is press his buttons and get it on with him. Then you will be given a choice to pick 1 of 20 endings. Yet another mod that you simply cannot miss, and after you play it, simply cannot forget.

Play it. And play it legitimately. No cheating, no godmod, no noclip, and ESPECIALLY NO SKIPPING THE TRAINSTATION.
2muchvideogames13 years ago2011-02-07 23:48:37 UTC 4 comments
So one day (today) I noticed that TWHL actually has secret spam threads for the amusement of its members. I think I'll post in it too.

This week we have a mod that is based on one of those spaced-themed shows that's all the rage these days. The mod is Stargate TC, a pretty professional looking mod that handily defeats Stargate SG-2, a competing mod along the same lines that features a tripmine which zooms your screen and turns it red for some reason.

The better one, Stargate TC, features a good bag of new weapons and challenging enemies for you to make friends with. Though I never watched stargate TV shows, I can still like this mod for all the features that abound. Here are some screenies of the mod that you can drool over before you rush for the download buttons. Pretty nice looking, aren't they?

If only this mod were finished.

Sorry to burst your anticipation, but the site seems dead since 2006. However, do try their demo, since it is still pretty decent. I would talk more about this but honestly I don't know anything about the Stargate franchise. I just hope that your RPG-7 skills are up to par (because laser-guides are for noobs.)

You may also consider playing the out-competed mod, Stargate SG-2. However, this mod is in the alpha stage and it is highly recommended that you NOT play it, theoretical statistics have shown that your mapping skills will exponentially plummet as a result of playing this mod.

(This piece discusses a comparison between two mods. Skipping to the bottom of journal and drawing conclusions from the final sentence is NOT recommended.)
2muchvideogames13 years ago2011-01-27 04:20:59 UTC 1 comment
I played Buddhist Wars, that one random mod that epitomizes a half-assed effort without even trying to hide its own laziness.

This is the excellent story the team (calling themselves "Adrenaline Bawls") came up with: You join the war of a bunch of Buddhists against a Nazi garrison in a mayan ziggurat in the middle of nowhere.

The first map with action is, as I said, a mayan ziggurat in the middle of the Americas I presume. You arrive in a glitchy drop pod and witness a lag so atrocious that you have to look away. It is basically a large yard with a giant ziggurat in the center, and monsters dotted all around the map. Barneys fight nazi soldiers fight houndeyes, zombies, and headcrabs. Expect framerates to go rock bottom.

Your objective, which isn't given to you, is to climb to the top of the ziggurat, which has a hidden elevator for you to ride in. But Nazis have taken positions all around the temple and making your climb only a bit harder. It's easy. Why? Because the author(s) decided to make the mp5 deadly accurate. If you are looking to shoot with a kickass mp5, then this is your mod.

So, once you ride down the ziggurat's elevator, you arrive at an underground base infested with greenskins. Immediately 3 slaves prepare to zap you as soon as you arrive. Act fast or you will be reaching enlightenment faster than you can say "Siddhartha".

The greenskins are all grouped together in clumps at a time, which I don't think is the best way to design gameplay. Usually you will run into zombies backed by slaves, but the way they are placed lines up perfectly, meaning snap-to-grid placement and unfortunately for them, the slaves will friendly fire-kill the zombies. Good for me.

You arrive at a red Nazi Apache Helicopter (if that even exists) which magically teleports you to a "Nazi hangar" with a mass of black headcrabs (because there's no lighting.) Reminiscent of a mod called "Alien Blast", except in the hangar, r_speeds are as atrocious as the mayan ziggurat and you will lag. Do not fight the headcrabs. Just open the door and run the the next room

Filled with zombies. Oh, well, more exercise is healthy, right?

So you arrive at this badly-designed lift, which will get you stuck and then proceed to crush you to death. Slowly and painfully. Unless you jump right before the lift stops. If you can.

However even if you ragequit there, you won't miss anything except the ending. Where you stand aghast before a legion of Hitlers. Map loads, you fall thru black space, credits appear. Then you will know the true meaning of Enlightenment.
2muchvideogames13 years ago2011-01-18 20:00:49 UTC 3 comments
The long-awaited sequel to Half-Life Cliff Notes is finally here!

By 2muchvideogames

Barney rides the tram into the bowels of Black Mesa.

Barney arrives to find that just about everything in the facility is broken. Including the elevator that he's in.

Barney wades thru rusty canals poaching innocent animals.

Barney comes across US Marines who were secretly exporting scientists in large shipping containers to foreign countries.

Rosenberg sends Barney to the border world to collect the skins of alien lifeforms which can be sold for a handsome profit.

Barney takes 3 hours to figure out the puzzle near the coolant bay.

Barney discovers that turning a steam valve and pressing a button is all it takes to successfully operate a massive prototype teleportation machine.

Barney escapes from Black Mesa, but he realizes deep within his heart that he will always be a security guard, one way or another. To that end, he becomes a mall security guard until the Combine took over Earth. From there he joins Civil Protection, which, much to his pleasant surprise, is actually the equivalent of a Combine Security Guard. Barney ponders if he can actually do something useful for society in the near future...
2muchvideogames13 years ago2011-01-05 19:55:27 UTC 4 comments
Ok so I saw the competition results and it was really great to be in a competition for once. That was my fourth submitted map ever and I took alot of time just fixing bugs.

In the end it looks like it got extremely difficult (That was why I put alot of items there to counter the problem, but seems it didn't work.) Well I was going for that theme a bit overboard and I guess it got out of hand. Though I guess I have played mods much harder than this, including one called bloodreign where you ride in an elevator, and awaiting at the top are six turrets, an apache, a garg, some soldiers, fullbright, and high r-speeds. That mod was a nightmare and I never want to play that again. Shudder.

Well then I'm sure you all want your ass kicked by this map so I will upload it soon. Also I have been recently playing starcraft 1 w/ friends alot which explains why I wasn't on steam. And I was making starcraft 1 maps that are remakes of starcraft 2 campaign maps, though since I can't host I don't think no one will ever play them.

Here's to more compos at TWHL! Cheers
2muchvideogames13 years ago2010-12-22 17:24:37 UTC 6 comments
This time, I figured I'd just provide you all with a short list of fat mods that come with Opposing Force content. This means that none of these (except the ones noted) will need opposing force in order to play. Opposing force is a good expansion that introduces new monsters, weapons, and styles of multiplayer gameplay (like capture the flags). Also if you get opposing force now you can play it online here.

This is a short list of opposing force mods. Most do not require you to have opposing force. If you want to play online you will need to buy opposing force legitimately (due to steam).

Half Life: Ultimate Attack
You play as a male assassin. Your buddies are male assassins and they speak like grunts (because they are model replacements)

Intolerable Threat (requires WON opposing force)
A quite random mishmash of maps made using the opposing force base. Your goal is to hunt down the G man, and standing in your way are aliens and his private corps of soldiers and black ops.

Nuclear winter
A post-apocalypse scenario where you must regroup with fellow american soldiers after a catastrophic nuclear attack by enemy countries. Go read moddb description I can't be bothered to copy paste crap.

Operation black Thunder
This German mod builds upon opposing force but also has a entirely new system of coding and interface, along with a radically different selection of weapons. You play a special forces operative and must perform "designated acts of sabotage" to a international terrorist organization called "WOLF". Objectives will be fed to you in the field. There are no aliens. So I was gonna give the homepage but looks like its down.

Xen assault
Another post-apocalyptic scenario involving an evil vortigaunt. What can I say, it's twhl's favourite ultra hard-ass mod.

2muchvideogames13 years ago2010-12-15 00:24:34 UTC 5 comments
Happy holidays! Be sure to play at least 10 mods over winter break.

So I ran into this thread and I think we need medics over here right now. I have xen assault but in a zip it is over 100 mega and as c-striker may or may not know, filefront recently had a major site overhaul not unlike facebook's and all files are rearranged so that any current links die. Anyway I put a link on moddb so if you want to play this you can.

Okay that was the news. Anyway this week we have some czech mods to discuss. First up is red mesa, a fullbright mod of 16 maps. I think the quality of the mappack is guessable based on keyword in the previous sentence. Then we have its sequel, Red Mesa 2. Nothing much here.

The final czech mod we are talking about is Half life: The Real. The title is bit misleading, as I though the mod was quite surreal. I swear, at one point you are thrown into a catacombs as the Diablo II title music plays in your headphones. That was pretty random, lol.

Anyway in this mod you assume the identity of Trinity. You know, that woman from the Matrix movies. Well, not really, but that is your player model so you can't complain.

Like residual point, this mod features two full-length scenarios separately, one as the "new game" and one as the "training". Unfortunately I still have not even finished the "training" campaign yet, since there is one VERY VERY ANNOYING thing about this mod.

This mod has a ridiculous excuse for a skill.cfg. In case you didn't know that is the file that sets the damage for all the attacks and health for monsters and players. Anyway in this crazy skill, headcrabs can kill you in 2 hits at FULL HEALTH AND ARMOUR. They can easily GIB you in 2 hits without armour. No seriously, I even got my ass chewed by LEECHES, WITH ARMOUR. So, "Easy" might as well be "Deadly". Luckily for you, though only I alone need to suffer such pain. Go here and look for the fixed skill.cfg courtesy of phillip's community.

Of course even with that you will be in for a hard time. The first map of the "training" campaign has you on a train running like a mofo as a jet prepares to bomb your ass until you are dead. I dunno if the "new game" campaign is better, though it is a fact that the "training" campaign predates the "new" campaign so that is a possibility.

I want to say more about this mod but I am not making much progress because of the over 9000 skill level. If you want to try this (59 maps total, I think) PLEASE get the skill.cfg fix or other wise you will die atleast 10 times by headcrabs alone.
2muchvideogames13 years ago2010-12-08 07:27:35 UTC 4 comments
Gonna keep this real short and simple: I just played a German mod called "SHORTCUT".

When you start a new game, it pans a camera view of the room you start in, which is a creepy corridor with glass windows on both sides, and you can see slaves patrolling on each side. Opening messages go "A short half life mod"

You go down the hallway and pick up your suit and weapons. You go down a hallway and bash some aliens. You go down another hallway and fight some slaves. You go down a third hallway and the message says "I said that is a short mod!" Game over.

I think I got trolled or something.
2muchvideogames13 years ago2010-12-02 18:51:25 UTC 8 comments
I just played Kasperg's Idol Hunt and a nameless czech mod, Worst Holiday. What happened was that over at planetphillip, Kasperg and a hamster posing as a HL mod reviewer were having a row because the hamster wanted storytelling in the gameplay which he felt Kasperg didn't do well at in the mod. I'm not going to go into detail because I'm a gamer, not some debate mediator. Whatever.

Anyway if you want to find idol hunt on twhl, it's been deleted sadly, for reasons that I wasn't here to know of. What I do know is that the mapping in Idol hunt is really good.

User posted image

That's only a taster. The detail is astounding, the rope you see in the pic actually sways back and forth a bit. I also found the fact that in the beginning, every light pole was linked to the generator was impressive. The puzzles were also pretty impressive, mostly because the architecture involved in them were very well made. But you know there were some parts where I died unfairly. Take a look at this.

User posted image

Guess what's behind the door? So what happens you have to go IN the door and retrieve a paper-thin artifact so you can unlock a door. But to get the thing means you have to rush into the room and get singed, which isn't healthy. You prolly don't have enough ammo to destroy it because another one appears near the beginning too, so what can you do.

At one point in the mod I died like 10 times screaming because of a broken bridge. You had to jump across like a maniac but obviously it isn't easy to do. I hope the jumping skills you built up while on Xen are still polished.

Anyway that's Idol Hunt. On the other hand, the czech mod has you going on the worst holiday of your life. In the beginning you start in a pyramid where the door is about to close locking you in forever. Now I don't know about you but that is a horrible way to start a mod. Locked in forever. Why!?

Anyway you can go and wander the pyramid unarmed, getting attacked by zombies and scary crabs (scarabs) and having to take damage and all that. Until you happen across a big ball of teleportation. It then takes you to a snowy facility, and the words "Canada" appears on-screen.

Now Jeff who lives in Canada was complaining about how it only just started snowing, and lo and behold in this mod it's so freaking cold that I'm taking cold damage just walking outside. Not only that, I found PENGUINS in the freaking field. Penguins in Canada I have never heard of that. Oh, you mappers and your silly imagination.

User posted image

So you noclip into this facility and fight American Marines for some reason or another. It some kind of combined science facility-military training camp in Canada, is all I can say.

Notice the strategic enemy placement, lol.
User posted image

So in the final area there were like 10 soldiers and piles of snow on the ground. I walked into them and guess what, they were snow mines. Boom. Game over. Good mod.

Alright, stop comparing desktops, go check these out.