
Crollo7 years ago2017-03-11 15:55:02 UTC 4 comments
So I've been playing Rainbow Six: Siege quite a bit lately after finally having a decent enough system to run it, and I have to say I am massively disappointed with it.

I love the game to death as a concept.
I love the tactical, slow and methodical teamwork that is involved as attackers, as well as the strategic gameplay of the defenders. It is incredibly satisfying to take your time, plan out your attack/defense [in real time], coordinate it with your team and come out on top.
However, I found that the netcode absolutely wasted all of the effort that was put into these ideas, and would go as far as saying the game is unplayable in it's current state.

A significant portion of my deaths were a result of an enemy managing to pull off what appeared to be super-human reflexes, but the killcam showed they had far more time to shoot me. Sometimes they would not even appear on my screen at all and yet I was on their screen for more than half a second before they killed me. Mind you none of the games I played had ping any higher than 90, and many of these deaths had people with twice(!!!) my ping.

My very first few rounds I felt that I simply was rushing myself too much, but some very apparent patterns began to form once I had gotten comfortable with the controls and overall gameplay.
So after a particularly bad game, I decided to try and do some research into the netcode of the game and I found this.
I cannot even begin to understand how ubisoft could possibly believe this acceptable not only because this is a game highly touted as a "competitive" game, but also because the entire basis of this game relies on accurate information between client/server. It is simply not fun to have the drop on somebody, only to have them rush around a corner and one-shot you in a nanosecond.
Even more abysmally, ubisoft has acknowledged the issues, and claimed they would fix them over a year ago.

If I was asked to summarize my experience with Siege, I would simply say don't bother. With the netcode in it's current state, you may get lucky and earn a few good kills but the netcode will take the rest of your efforts and beat you over the head with them until you give up.
Striker7 years ago2017-03-10 08:57:01 UTC 5 comments
It's gonna make the resonance cascade a real thing. I guarantee it.
The 10 pettaWatt laser facility.
satchmo7 years ago2017-03-05 05:08:09 UTC 4 comments
I spent the evening teaching my son about displacement surface and light_environment entity.
Alabastor_Twob7 years ago2017-02-27 21:05:58 UTC 6 comments
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DiscoStu7 years ago2017-02-25 18:17:35 UTC 11 comments
Admer4567 years ago2017-02-23 21:29:43 UTC 7 comments
On the 23rd of February, 2002, my tiny village was surprised by something big: me!

I turned 15 today :D
One more year of living, but 1 year closer to my death, lol.

Also, I did my maths test today, I hope I'll get an A :)
And, here's a catchy Roki's song for the ones who like:
Dr. Orange7 years ago2017-02-18 10:51:59 UTC 11 comments
User posted image
Cryptic birthday journal.
satchmo7 years ago2017-02-13 13:14:37 UTC 5 comments
I'm trying to attend E3 this year. For the first time, it's open to the public.

Tickets go on sale this morning!
The Mad Carrot7 years ago2017-02-12 15:48:50 UTC 3 comments
On April 10th 2012, one of my cats passed away.

Today, her sister passed away.

Sleep well, my little dingus you. :(
User posted image
Admer4567 years ago2017-02-07 18:59:26 UTC 22 comments
I made a video. It's about me compiling a map on my laptop:

As you can see, this is what I deal with every day :)
Made with Sony Vegas 11 10.

Basically, this has been my entire life since 2015. This is why I really want to build my PC.
Mr. Cowboy Zombie7 years ago2017-01-18 19:57:11 UTC 16 comments
lol, is in this site any banned user?
Ghost129er7 years ago2017-01-03 04:44:31 UTC 15 comments
Artist: Paul Hardcastle
Released: 17 February 1985
Type: Single
Tetsu07 years ago2017-01-01 06:06:18 UTC 6 comments
As of a couple minutes ago, 2017 is a thing. I hope everyone has a fantastic year and finds great satisfaction in their achievements!
hfc7 years ago2016-12-09 21:52:00 UTC 10 comments
hello this is my first journal. finally decided to start making a real mod or a big serious map to complete it 100 percent. and since my exams started too ill only make very little progress everytime. now i have to develop a good concept for my mod. i got multiple concepts but non of them will useful in this project. since i want to make a successful and popular mod/map i need to get a good idea.
Admer4567 years ago2016-12-03 23:22:42 UTC 9 comments
Turkish. Why Turkish?

I know, it's good to know as many as possible, but seriously, Turkish!? Here's the short story: (HEY! TL;DR at the bottom!)

Back in 6th grade, my classmates and I had to vote. We chose our 2nd foreign language. We could choose between Arabic, German and Turkish. 80% of them chose Turkish because they thought it was cool and good to know. The other 20% knew what's really good for us: German.

As it turned out, it was only good to know, nothing else. It's not cool, I don't like it that much.
It's quite limited sometimes, due to the lack of prepositions, and:
  • It's SOV.
English is SVO, and verbs always go last in Turkish. Very inconvenient.
I'm not saying it's bad, I actually met a friend because of it.

I'm just saying it was a mistake. I mean, there are Turks in Germany, a lot of them.

Just like every other class did, my class should've chosen German. It's so much more useful, and easier than Turkish. Deutsch ist leicht :) Ich liebe.

And then, oh my God! Awful, it was just awful. I was rounding up C's and B's and sometimes an F in Turkish. I barely got it concluded with a B in 6th grade.

In 7th grade, I started out terribly, with an F. The old teacher was replaced by a new one. So, we were walking down the stairs, and us 2 had a discussion about my success in school. Darn, what a plot twist right there!

I was actually becoming better over time. Not just in Turkish, but every other subject. My GPA in 6th grade was 4.15, and in 7th grade it was 4.75. Massive plot twist.

Of course, that was my ex-crush's fault. I loved her so much I changed myself from the ground-up.

But I still didn't know the basics in Turkish. Especially numbers, colours, days and months. I was hiding that from everyone. I had A's in Turkish, but I was hiding my lack of knowledge.

Fast-forward to 9th grade, I am still getting A's in Turkish.
Since this is my last year in elementary school, I'll say goodbye to Turkish.

Why? Because we have German in high-school! :D
Yup, this last school year, and then I'm over with elementary school. Finally. Next stop: a gymnasium in Stolac
Ending words
About the part with my former love, I actually danced waltz with her on Wednesday. I couldn't believe I was so close to her.

I am no more in love with her, because I have a beautiful, tall, imaginary girlfriend who is a fox-girl (therefore, she's literally furry). Better than nothing, I guess.
(I think I got the name right, waltz, we just say "valcer" (vaal-tser))

Regarding her (not the imaginary GF), I think we just need to hang out a little bit, because she is still "held back" by the 6th-grader me. I have changed ever since, she should know.

I ramble about how choosing Turkish (as a 2nd foreign) was a mistake. In high school I will have to learn German from start, although I can read it, and I know a bit of it.

And, here are the other ones I know:
Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Russian (malo i ploho) and Spanish (Y no hablo espanol). Turkish and German are already mentioned, and English is just so obvious.

And for you Turkish-speakers! I really apologize if I hurt you. Your language is really fun and interesting to learn. In Bosnian we have many Turkish words: karpuz - karpuza, yastik - jastuk (I know, it's the "soft I") and so on...

I just think it's not that useful in the EU countries as German. But hey, Turkish found me a friend (who is a mapper), so...