
zeeba-G10 years ago2013-10-10 23:34:29 UTC 12 comments
Paracord watches are cool. Made a few recently.
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Instant Mix10 years ago2013-10-10 21:45:05 UTC 8 comments
haskell's a bitch

first time programming , and i'm given tutorial exercises to which I have no idea how to complete. eugh.
Using the function rotate from the previous question, write a function
makeKey :: Int -> [(Char, Char)]
that returns the cipher key with the given offset. See above for the description of how the cipher key is represented as a list of pairs. Example:
Main> makeKey 5 [(’A’,’F’),(’B’,’G’),(’C’,’H’),(’D’,’I’),(’E’,’J’),(’F’,’K’), (’G’,’L’),(’H’,’M’),(’I’,’N’),(’J’,’O’),(’K’,’P’),(’L’,’Q’), (’M’,’R’),(’N’,’S’),(’O’,’T’),(’P’,’U’),(’Q’,’V’),(’R’,’W’), (’S’,’X’),(’T’,’Y’),(’U’,’Z’),(’V’,’A’),(’W’,’B’),(’X’,’C’), (’Y’,’D’),(’Z’,’E’)]
The cipher key should show how to encrypt all of the uppercase English letters, and there should be no duplicates: each letter should appear just once amongst the pairs’ first compo- nents (and just once amongst the second components).
i mean seriously what the hell
The Mad Carrot10 years ago2013-10-09 15:07:14 UTC 10 comments
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rufee11 years ago2013-10-06 14:38:25 UTC 9 comments
Hey peeps, ive been away some time and nobody missed me, just how it should be :)
Anyway Stojke wanted to see how my "datacenter" is holding up so here it is.
The new and improved shelf to house more old (and i mean really old) calculators:
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The famous car battery UPS with some overcharge on the battery :(
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Top of the line security:
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And the newest edition:
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(a dell GX270 or 280) custom mounted.
All running on the most reliable router ive ever had:
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Rimrook11 years ago2013-10-04 22:23:14 UTC 15 comments
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Suparsonik11 years ago2013-10-04 08:22:30 UTC 39 comments
Happy birthday to me!
Alabastor_Twob11 years ago2013-10-01 08:21:01 UTC 4 comments
I'm quite happy.
As I've mentioned before, I've been having some problems with my laptop where it crashes every few hours, which I've been unable to fix.

However since I need a functioning computer for the CAD aspects of my university course, they bought me a computer that I can use until I finish.
It's the same specifications as the one on the left on that page except it has a 250GB HDD.

I was surprised to learn that the only restrictions on use are that I have to give it back after I finish, and Windows Update stops working if I haven't connected to the university network in three months, but apart from that I have free reign.

This will certainly be a fairly big help, as I would almost certainly have ended up lagging behind on the CAD module - not so much the theory and practice, as I certainly have experience with that, but the coursework.

Not to mention, now that I have a laptop that can access the internet again I will be able to keep up with what's going on better.
monster_urby11 years ago2013-09-29 21:24:19 UTC 12 comments
I'm forever coming up with stories / concepts at the moment, for potential games or mods, but I don't have the time or know-how to action them. So... I figured I'd post them here so you guys can throw in your ideas and then maybe look into them in the future if I come up with a winner. :D

Random Source Mod idea #1

Multiplayer Mod - 2 teams compete throughout a large map to control a number of territories. The score for the team with the most territories under their control gradually increases and they win when the points reach a pre-determined amount (server settings)

Certain territories also grant access weapons or player buffs.

The maps also contain NPC spawners, throwing monsters and other enemies into the fray which can help or hinder your progress. For example, a player could lead a load of small enemy npcs into enemy territory while the rest of their team pushes a different area.

Players would likely be class based, such as your regular grunts with assault weapons, snipers, engineers to build defenses to prevent points being captured so easily, saboteurs to remove said defenses more efficiently and so on.
zeeba-G11 years ago2013-09-26 13:18:54 UTC 13 comments
Just about finished the tree deck.-vid
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Still needs custom shade, handrails and possibly a rope ladder and trap door.
Tetsu011 years ago2013-09-26 10:20:27 UTC 18 comments
I turn 25 today. I'm a quarter-century old.
For my birthday, I would like one of you to name my new fish
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I was thinking "Archer" after the amazing spy, but I know you guys will think of something creative. Barney, Gordon and Alex are off the plate.
Suparsonik11 years ago2013-09-25 22:25:46 UTC 3 comments
This is a song about a superhero named Tony, it's called Tony's Theme!
Instant Mix11 years ago2013-09-22 17:23:41 UTC 31 comments
What I've learned from going to Archie's 22nd "bash"
1) Don't talk about TWHL
2) Do not trust anybody with a lambda tattoo
3) Stay away from vodka / bring change of clothes / never go to glasgow
Sir Red11 years ago2013-09-19 15:47:18 UTC 20 comments
Day: 37 still lost in the orbit around the moon
Archie11 years ago2013-09-19 09:56:49 UTC 14 comments
Tetsu011 years ago2013-09-17 01:26:08 UTC 16 comments
I learned a new trick today.
thought I'd share:
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