
srry13 years ago2011-08-22 05:39:25 UTC 18 comments
Well, I turned 19 today (on the 21st, I know we're not all in the same time zone.) Seems to be the month of members' birthdays around here.

Don't come here a lot anymore except to browse but I guess I don't really have the time. Life's taken its turns and I've ended up deserting the mapping world for the past two years or so. I might come back to the hobby someday when spare time permits, maybe by then we won't even be using the Source engine anymore.

Moved 200 miles down to San Diego last weekend and I'm getting settled into my new home.

College starts tomorrow for me, and a lot of other people. It's just City College but I'm still nervous. Hell, I was born nervous.

Anyway, stay classy TWHL!

EDIT: Just realized it's been exactly one year since my last journal post. Lawl.
SpaG13 years ago2011-08-20 06:27:46 UTC 17 comments
23, yesterday.
Archie13 years ago2011-08-18 02:12:37 UTC 13 comments
First day of WWZ filming.
Up at 04:00 to get into Glasgow city centre for a 05:00 call time. Filming will continue until 19:00 and this schedule repeats for the next 4 days. Hnng.

I really wish I could show you photos - it's incredibly odd seeing American road signs, car license plates and posters all over the city centre right next to regular UK road signs and cars and posters.
They even have those weird American traffic lights.

"All cameras including phone cameras are strictly prohibited from any sets."
I think they'll find it difficult to film WWZ without a camera. (trollface.gif)

Found a photo from when they were first cordoning off the area. There are a lot more changes since this was taken, but I thought I'd put together a comparison with the google earth image.
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Can you guess which one is which?


I totally forgot, George Square has a live webcam feed. I don't know if it'll be disabled during filming, but it's still live now (05:07)

100 points if you can spot me during the day ;)
Rimrook13 years ago2011-08-16 19:11:52 UTC 16 comments
Rimrook's in the Hospital

Hey Guys, this is Lyssa Rimrook's Fiance.
He is currently in the Hospital attempting to pass a kidney stone.
He called me this morning in a lot of pain, so I took him to the ER and after much poking and Prodding and a lovely CT scan, they told us he has a 6mm Kidney stone (1 MM more and he would have had to have surgery)
They have given him pain meds and hooked him up to an IV, they are hoping he will pass it sometime today or tomorrow with no issues. So when he gets home I am SURE he will write to you about his adventure (aka the male equivalent of childbirth) If you want me to send him any well wishes or kind words I will check this later on before I go back over.

Thanks Guys!
Striker13 years ago2011-08-15 17:00:55 UTC 9 comments
Does anybody know a GOOD Free or OpenSource OCR software, or maybe even a commercial one that has a trial period?

I'm mentioning that in the scanning process there are mathematical symbols or equations involved, and it's printed, not handwriting.
38_9813 years ago2011-08-12 13:19:32 UTC 13 comments
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Alabastor_Twob13 years ago2011-08-12 00:05:18 UTC 5 comments
Well, I'm royally pissed off right now. I decided to resume an old map that I last did anything with about a year ago. It was the only map I'd ever made that stood any chance of being completed. It was a remake of an old TWHL map, so my weakest points, general level design and concept were already taken care of. I found the rmf, but it seems to have reverted to an old version where only a bit of one room is completed. I can't seem to find any more complete versions, but I will keep looking.
Not really any journal worthy content, I just needed to let of some steam. I'm not too happy at the moment.
38_9813 years ago2011-08-11 11:48:06 UTC 2 comments
This story has to be one of the cleverest things I've ever read. Ingenius idea.

My favorite part is that they actually managed to get the group to sell the t-shirts at the concerts themselves. ha.
DiscoStu13 years ago2011-08-11 05:44:00 UTC 8 comments
Don't want to move to Brazil? Don't deserve it? Worry not! I have a place for you in Argentina.
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Habboi13 years ago2011-08-10 17:04:13 UTC 6 comments
Hey, I return with some good and bad news.

I'm still working for Beatnik Games only I've been doing so from home as their company needs money and the office is small so the people that were needed went in while the rest stayed at home.

So I've been working on some Plain Sight levels and shared some ideas to greatly improve the game. They've listened, too well in fact and they've decided to not only use my ideas but they're planning something big with my levels and something else I won't say just yet but I believe it will bring life back to the game.

The sad news is I just found out today my mothers paypal was teh hacked. Not sure how...he took 700 quid and I even have his hotmail. I'll refrain from sharing until paypal are finished their investigation but we're getting the money back, the password has been changed to something big and long and her email password as well.

It's never fun knowing you've been robbed, even worse when you don't know how. That's the thing with Paypal, it says the balance is 0 so it shouldn't let people use it unless the balance is filled.

Oh yeah and I've been playing a fuck tonne of Mincraft :D

edit: Something else, my harddrive was replaced by Dell and I stupidly forgot about it as I was enjoying a chat with them and they took it with them...doubtful but would they be corrupt and sold it? My account is fine so far.
Skals13 years ago2011-08-10 05:05:07 UTC 20 comments
17 today, yay I guess?
zeeba-G13 years ago2011-08-10 02:12:29 UTC 6 comments
I'm contemplating making a crossfire remake map for halflife one. Such a small simple but fun map. Of course this would be another project amongst many as always for me.
darkphoenix_6813 years ago2011-08-07 21:44:44 UTC 7 comments
Well, it's certainly been a while since I was here last. I haven't built any more HLDM maps in the last couple of years - way too much other stuff on my plate - but I'm starting to think about getting back into it...

Maybe... :-)

Of course, all that other stuff is still on my plate, so thinking may never turn into doing...
Skals13 years ago2011-08-07 19:17:47 UTC 24 comments
look what I found in my room over at my old house:
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my old sega genesis games, and I found these too:
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the yellow cartridges are for the super nintendo, they might be fakes but the games worked well.

Out of the over 30+ games I played on the sega genesis, the best ones I had were probably in this order:

5.Dune 2
4.Bare Knuckle / Streets of Rage (1 & 2, 3 not so much)
3.Golden Axe Series (1 good, 2 was just as good and 3 was even better)
2.Sonic (All games were great fun, although not my faves)
1.Comix Zone (I think one of the greatest games of all time)

If you lot haven't played comix zone at all, go check it out on youtube, or even download one of those sega genesis game emulators and torrent the game for your pc. It's a great experience and genius game.
Hey, i'll even link you to a video:

Honorable Mentions:
The Tom & Jerry game was really good too, great fun, so was the tiny toon game. Battle toads is one of my faves but it doesn't make the list of best games.

Edit 2: I will post some new pictures soon. Btw did y'all know that there's a Michael Jackson game too? You walk around as him saving little girls from smooth criminals and you kill them by doing a dance. Your special move is to do a moonwalk and all enemies on screen dance together with you and then fall over and die, this is not a joke I'm serious.

Edit 3: Here you go, some games you didn't see in the previous images.
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Rimrook13 years ago2011-08-06 21:03:04 UTC 10 comments

Does anyone have this?

If you do, upload it too Mediafire and post me a link.


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