My brother came home for the weekend, which was nice. It turns out that he also bought Portal 2, as well, so I managed to get over 9 GB of the files from him, bypassing having to download those 9+GB and racking up a massive internet bill. After he left to go back to University and his new job, I got steam to fill in the blanks, and got to playing.
Now, I'll be honest here. At the end of the boss battle with [censored to protect spoilers], I was just shooting idly. I thought "Well, I don't know what else to do, might as well shoot the [censored]." I completely forgot what the Conversion gel was made of. Anyway, Brilliant game, well worth the wait, and I encourage anyone at TWHL who hasn't yet played it to get it. Next stops, the SDK and finishing the rest of the commentary.
Finally got my hands on the content for Portal 2, which I preordered off steam shortly before release, played it, was great.