
Striker13 years ago2011-08-06 14:38:24 UTC 4 comments
I made a new OpenTTD beginner tutorial covering the basics of building a train transportation system.


[EDIT] Also, I made a little fractal animation test, using Chaoscope, Ani4Chaoscope and VirtualDub: link
Stojke13 years ago2011-08-06 13:14:17 UTC 3 comments
Flea market strikes again!

This time its a Presto briefcase, which i will modify to use for mah tools and stuff, and a Boss microphone effect machine, made in Japan.

And i got all that for, how much you ask? No more than 4.2$

Would post pics, but my "photo machine" is out of batteries, lol.
brendanmint13 years ago2011-08-06 07:21:52 UTC 10 comments
So, this last 3 days have been fun, I've been giving The Humble indie Bundle to my friends, At 2.00 A bundle because I'm poor. But they are even poor-er(that's not a word mind you) then me. I fell pretty good, wasted 20+ Dollars, and I gave 75% to Charity, I'm all for Supporting the Devs, But I gotta give more to the Charity for helping out kids. If anyone on here wants one just Ask, Still good for 3 days if you don't want to name your own price. (Don't be a cheep ass hole and only spend $0.01 USD This shit is for Charity.)
I dunno, lately I've decided to put others first. The world is such a shit hole anymore, all you see is sad people. I'm going to try and change that.

By the way. Have a Nice Day.
satchmo13 years ago2011-08-06 03:09:52 UTC 0 comments
Just released my latest Portal 2 creation, Interception.

Hope you like it.
monster_urby13 years ago2011-08-05 10:47:14 UTC 10 comments
Working in an office just off the town square can certainly have it's benefits. The market is in town today so lunch consisted of dangerous amounts of cheese, meat, batter and cider.
Archie13 years ago2011-07-28 22:35:51 UTC 26 comments
Now getting very excited. Found out I was short-listed for a role in Brad Pitt's upcoming film World War Z on Monday. Today I found out that I've definitely been picked and I've got a costume fitting on the 2nd August.

£1040 ($1702) for 8 days "work", plus the ability to say I've been in a Brad Pitt film.


Pretty gutted at the same time, though, because I went to the casting with Daubster, who travelled all the way from Dundee to Glasgow specifically for the casting and he has heard nothing back so far :(

I'll be sure to bring my camera along with me for some behind the scenes action, assuming it doesn't get taken off me (which it might).
Stay tuned for updates.
Striker13 years ago2011-07-28 11:55:12 UTC 12 comments
Ok. I was walking along a path in near a river today when I saw an earth worm crossing it.
"How sweet! Let's take a macro photo of it", I said.

So I took a photo, but then I thought I'd also film the oddly gross movements earth worms have.

But there was something even more gross that I only observed on the monitor home...

Link to video
The Mad Carrot13 years ago2011-07-28 10:19:54 UTC 23 comments
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It says 28.
2muchvideogames13 years ago2011-07-28 05:32:05 UTC 3 comments
So for the last month I was traveling all over the United States for some reason or another, and have finally just got back. Obviously I wasn't able to play any videogames so that was a downer.

Wait, why do we need those 'other users in this thread' thingy? I was kinda used to the cleaner format from before. Well anyway that totally ruined me because until then I had been closely following planetphillip's 100 days of HL1 mods. I traded a month's worth of Video Game Time for about 12 new facebook friends. What a bargain. I feel like Dimbark after his camping trip whatever it was. Well now that I'm back it's time to forget about real life friends and hang with you guys who prolly don't give a Dam (inside joke, you know, since I visited Hoover Dam.) Ok, well that was lame. End of journal then.
satchmo13 years ago2011-07-27 04:12:50 UTC 6 comments
My son is a Portal 2 fanatic.

He pretends to play Portal 2 even when he's not on the computer.
Alabastor_Twob13 years ago2011-07-25 06:32:40 UTC 7 comments
Longish journal incoming:

I'm back from Florida. Was very hot there, as usual. And while we didn't get to go to Kennedy Space Centre, we did see the space shuttle from where we were. I will upload a photo my brother took when I get access to his camera.
It was cool seeing it, and most of us went inside to watch the rest on the tv when we lost sight of it. My parents stayed outside though, and they heard the sonic boom. Apparently it was really loud, even though we were miles away.

On the way back I saw some really cool things out of the window of the plane, although I didn't have a camera. D:
As we were passing Kennedy Space Centre I saw a single massive cloud, really high up, with rain falling from it. It's difficult to describe, but it looked amazing, seeing the sunlight shimmering through the ribbon of rain underneath it.
The plane went up near the coast of the US and passed over the north Atlantic, but while we were about level with New York I saw a massive lightning storm in the distance. Big flashes of orange in the clouds miles away, surprisingly often, at least one every five seconds. Occasionally a big bolt would arc out of, then back into the clouds, lasting a few seconds. Some of them must have been at least a mile long.

We got back yesterday, and I fell asleep as soon as I got home. As I woke up at about 2-3am, I think I had a sleep paralysis experience, which has never happened before. I've hastily done some pictures to help illustrate it.
User posted image
This is the general layout to my room, I have a bedside table and a desk beside my bed, and a brown door leading to the hallway outside, and a white door leading to the bathroom.
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This is what it looked like when I woke up. The desk and the table had gone, and both doors had moved, and had switched colours. One corner of the room was too dark to see into. I could hear birds and other sounds through one wall, as if it were really thin. I could hear my mother outside the bedroom door talking to my cousins, who are about six years old. She was telling them I was asleep in there, and not to be too loud. After some conversation with them, I heard her tell them to go in. At this point a dark figure, down on all fours, lunged out of the darkness at me. I couldn't move and was panicking, but after a second or two the whole scene faded. It was odd, it wasn't like anything I had experienced before.
Notewell13 years ago2011-07-25 00:08:15 UTC 5 comments
So, as I posted in the ShoutBOX yesterday, my modem is kaput. It would disconnect (literally) as soon as a connection was established, and now it's not even detecting a dial tone.
Which means...
Captain Terror: jeff can you update from your phone
Basically. Except it's not a phone (which I don't have) it's the bloody "mobile internet stick", ISP code for piece of shit that lets you connect from anywhere you can get a cell phone signal, but is really slow and limited to the tune of 1GB/Month total bandwidth for $50. If you'll pardon my language,

See you later, hopefully within a few weeks, if we can track down a modem in one of the more computer-oriented electronics stores (spoiler: stores such as Future Shop don't carry modems anymore.)
Striker13 years ago2011-07-22 22:10:53 UTC 13 comments
Filmed a Green Beetle. I'd like to film more videos like these. They are calming and beautiful. This one didn't turn up so good because of the bluriness( I have to set a fixed focal length if I want to film something viewable at all, because the auto-focus just sucks).
Striker13 years ago2011-07-21 15:50:15 UTC 10 comments
I need some advice on buying a new HDD. I'm very careful when buying a new product and I study reviews before throwing the money, because it's little.
Often I read not only reviews, but lots of comments from other users to analyse the situation a little bit better.
However, I almost convince myself numerous times that I should not buy the product after all, just because the fear of low reliability or because the product may be damaged from the start.

And HDDs are really sensitive equipment. Reviews might promote the transfer speeds of some hdds, or different functionalities, but I hardly find reliability feedback, other than miscellaneous comments, left by non-experienced users that do not reflect the real quality of the product.

I have decided to choose from 2 HDDs, because of their priceperformance(notice that I didn't write "quality", because I do not know how reliable they are).

Samsung SpinPoint F3 1TB


Western Digital Caviar Blue(WD10EALX) 1TB

Now here's why it's hard to decide:

-The spinpoint F3 is said to be the fastest hdd from its class, even faster than caviar black. It's also SATA2 (not that it could saturate that bandwidth anyway), perfectly compatible with my motherboard(I have Sata2). Plug n' Play!

-The Caviar Blue is not as fast, but the company has some tradition and, well it "feels" more reliable. The problem is that it's SATA3(useless for HDDs), although it has 2 pins on which to place a jumper to set it to SATA2. It also requires some special formatting with WD software or what. I just fear of compatibility problems.

At first I had only the Caviar Blue as an option, but as soon as I spotted the spin point and reading this review which praises it, I lost my power of decision. I am really more inclined towards the Caviar Blue, but the Spinpoint F3 is such a solid option that I need some advice from someone.

So, what do you say guys?
satchmo13 years ago2011-07-19 15:38:12 UTC 10 comments
My son was the first to notice and point it out to me.

"Why does the heater have the Aperture Science mark?"
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