Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 22:44:11 UTC
in need help finding a leak Post #207750
That's provided so that non-copyright-protected maps can be decompiled. Just because decompiling is something they condone, doesn't mean they condone doing so on copyrighted material :D .

Besieds, it's a bad idea in the first place to recompile a decompiled map.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 22:38:12 UTC
in New Comp: Video Issue Post #207749
The Flash Macromedia site is not loading up for me right now... I'll try again later. Also: .mpg may not work properly, but DVD does.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 20:56:28 UTC
in New Comp: Video Issue Post #207740
Mmm... I doubt that, because the actual video plays fine :

I'll chat w/ my brother about it when he gets home - he helped me build this thing, maybe he'll know what to do.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 19:21:43 UTC
in New Comp: Video Issue Post #207732
I've tried only .mpg so far (that's the only format I have avalible to me, I'll see if I can't get my hands on an other format to test), I installed the KLite Codec pack, so I severely doubt that it's a codec issue, and I have tried WMP and WMPC - I'm downloading WINAMP as I'm typing this.

I'll post again if anything changes, etc.

EDIT: It's even worse in WINAMP
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 19:09:24 UTC
in New Comp: Video Issue Post #207730
I just finnished building up my new computer. Just for fun, I decided to pop in a CD with a regular old .mpg on it and ran it in Windows Media Player. Much to my dismay, the entire image is extremely dark and the colors look terrible, as if my computer was running 8-bit color. I used the contrast option in WMP to see if I could brighten the image, but even that didn't work. I have also tried using the WMPC included in the KLite Codec pack with the same outcome. This leads me to believe that the issue is with my computer's hardware or software drivers.

I'm running a BFGTech Nvidia GForce 7900, with all drivers installed. Games, such as Half-Life 2 rune smooth as glass on it.

I tried getting a screenshot of the problem, but printscreen doesn't display video when it's used.

What's up with this computer?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 15:50:48 UTC
in Open GL and other video modes Post #207711
It doesn't? Woops. Sorry :D I didn't mean to misinform. I guess you learn something every day.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 14:09:42 UTC
in Open GL and other video modes Post #207699
The guides for half-life 2. reddawn is half-life 1
Yeah, it may be a Source tutorial, but the actual techniques remain the same. I know for a fact that HL1 uses hint brushes and func_details. And I'm pretty sure that it uses occluders, areaportals, etc.

Glad to be of service :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 05:06:21 UTC
in Open GL and other video modes Post #207645
You'll really have to optimize the hell out of the map. Don't get discouraged of the framerate drops too low, optimization can fix that. Keep in mind that it can be helpful to design the map in an efficient manner. For instance, stay away from long hallways and use bends and corners, so that you keep level length, without sacraficing performance. Additionally, you're graphics card is... not so good :D so I'm sure very few people will have issues on a map that causes yours a little (or perhaps a lot ;) ) of trouble.

Here's a nice optimization guide that you can put to use. It covers everything from hinting to areaportals to func_details. Good read. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 04:55:44 UTC
in Non Shoot-thru Wall Post #207643
Nah, that won't work. Bullets go clear through all world geometry in CSS :
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 01:56:18 UTC
in Non Shoot-thru Wall Post #207623
In CSS, bullets will travel through any world geometry. I don't know if you will be able to block bullets at all in such a case. Here's an idea, though: make the glass wall, then make a 1-unit-thick brush textured in tools/blockbullets inside the glass wall. Perhaps that may work?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-26 18:58:06 UTC
in Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Post #207603
On the topic of compile failure:

The times I have had this problem is when I close hammer improperly (such as a forced shut-down) and it loads up the auto-save file, which I use to compile. Loading up the original save file solves the problem... for me at least :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-26 02:59:12 UTC
in Avatars Post #207552
Mine was a 3-minute job in Photoshop after a 4-minute job in Google Images and a 2-minute job in Garry's mod. I haven't really gotten a "theme" for my avatars yet.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-26 02:19:33 UTC
in New PC. Post #207550
I've heard good stuff about from a friend of mine. I just decided to order mine from because I've had a history of buying things from them before. :D

I should check out newegg.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-25 21:50:59 UTC
in Music Post #207530
It may help us to know what your "Only idea" was.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-25 21:47:13 UTC
in Lighting through a doorway Post #207529
The game renders light as if all brush-based entities and prop_physics/dynamic were never there
the HL compile tools ignored entities during lighting, but the HL2 tools do take entities into account
Yeah, that's what I meant (sorry if I wasn't clear). I know that prop_statics are taken into account when rendering light, but not dynamic and physics props (in the Source engine, of course). I don't know if HL1 takes static_props into account. Basicly, what I was saying is that lighting is determined by world geometry (and static props if HL1 takes em into account ;) )

However, regardless of this, the light will render through the door unless he uses the blocklight texture :D

EDIT: wait a tick: isn't this Source?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-25 16:12:27 UTC
in Lighting through a doorway Post #207502
^ What he said.

The game renders light as if all brush-based entities and prop_physics/dynamic were never there. This way, when the door opens, it will continue to look natural, rather than having a solid line of shadow appearing out of nowhere and remaining there even after the door has opened. However, as you are experiencing, this lighting system is not flawless.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-23 02:07:35 UTC
in Rolling Doors Post #207261
The func_rotating and func_door entities do exist in HL... Am I right? Do the same in HL as you would in Source. The func_rotating and func_door tutorials here should fill you in on what you need to do.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-22 00:05:31 UTC
in Modelling help Post #207162
XSI takes an enormous amount of time to load up. I've reached times of up to three minutes. Did you cut it short of its loading or did you wait it out and it still remained frozen? I severely doubt that his computer is so crappy that he can't even load it, if it can run Half-Life 2 :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-21 23:23:09 UTC
in Need Compiler!! Post #207142
Compiler... do you mean something to compile your maps? Can't Hammer do that?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-21 23:10:43 UTC
in Modelling help Post #207141
The tutorials here will do a nice job of getting you started on the models themselves, too, as well as exportation and compilation. PM me if you need help with anything.

Also always happy to help someone :D .
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-21 21:10:21 UTC
in dm_mudanchee (v0.26, beta) Post #207133
I meant the swinging lights; most of the stationary lights looked okay. Here's a screenshot of what I mean:

I realize that it's hard to see in the screenshot, but if you look at that in-game, the motion really shows the pixelation of the sprite. You could fix this by making the sprite smaller, or extracting it and editing it/making your own.

On the note of sound (no pun intended :D ), I went digging through the SDK's sound list to find examples of what I was thinking. Sounds like "cave_outdoor1.wav", "ambience5.wav", or "corridor.wav" would do nicely (note: these sounds can be found under the "Raw" sound tab, rather than the "Game Sounds" tab.)

Getting the props back to the top will prove to be a very challenging task however...
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-21 17:17:50 UTC
in dm_mudanchee (v0.26, beta) Post #207116
Just grabbed it and tested it.

It's an awesome map! The whole ambience and feel to it is very nice. The pit falls add a nice element of challenge and tactics to the map that could be very satisfying. The displacement work looks like you worked long and hard to get right. Finally, the models do a great job of finnishing off the whole feel of the map. It'll feel awesome to shoot a chisel through someone's head! :D

I feel, though, that the map lacks sound. The running water is nice, but it still feels too quiet for me. In some cases, sprites for lights seem a little streched and ugly looking. And in some, yet rare cases, the death effect used on the player for the pit falls actually launched me upwards, which was not all that realistic ;)

In leu of that, though, the map has some great potential. I look forward to later versions.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-21 16:28:56 UTC
in Desktops of December Post #207111
I decided to change mine to this nifty image that someone linked to in the IRC (can't remember who :( ).
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-19 20:24:36 UTC
in! Post #206989
If you accudentally moved the land mark and need to replace its position (because it determines the orientation you are in at the next map), simply open both maps, copy the chunk w/ the land mark from map one using a select box, selecting, and then hitting CTRL+C, then hitting CTRL+V in the new map. Next, align the chunk with the rest of the map (it ought to be an exact fit), and delete the overlaping brushes.

This should leave the land mark in the proper relative position for each level, so that you don't jump 20 units off the edge of the map! :nuts:
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-19 18:01:07 UTC
in Sprites Failing to Appear Post #206963
Hmm.. Could it be a patch of some kind that's doing this?

EDIT: Oh, look at what I just found in the console:
Setting CSprite to non-sprite model sprites/glow01
It was higher up in the console's pile of entries that were made when I started the level, so I never saw them at first.

Funny thing is that... these ARE sprite models... :

EDIT again: Horray! I figured out the problem! It won't recognize the texture as a sprite unless you append ".spr" to the end of it's name in the "Sprite Texture Name" field.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-19 00:11:55 UTC
in Sprites Failing to Appear Post #206870
Sorry it took me so long to reply :D

It is called "sprite/glow01" and "sprite/glow03". I have no non-existant sprite errors in the console. I think we can pretty much rule out the possibility of it not being a sprite :D

Just so you know: That sprite, glow01, is the default sprite that is used when the entity is created.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-18 17:53:34 UTC
in The Person Above Me Game Post #206824
The person above me also watches with pleasure before tosseing himself in.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-18 17:37:32 UTC
in Someone explain env_soundscape to me Post #206820
I have put it in this folder to no avail. Initialy, I had simply coppied the soundscape straight from Snpbond's tutorial, but I decided to try different sound files (lest the ones he used were non-existant.) I used GCFScape to make sure I had the directory correct, and I did.

Does the Soundscape need to be triggered? Or will it be triggered when you walk into its proximity?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-18 00:18:59 UTC
in Sprites Failing to Appear Post #206725
I'm making a little light fixture, so naturaly, I'd want to use a sprite to give it a little more depth.
User posted image
Saddly, however, the sprite is failing to appear:
User posted image
All settings are set properly: Render mode set to "World Space Glow", Amount set to 200, etc and so forth. The "Starts On" flag is checked. I have also tried moving the sprite out of the model's grometry to no avail.

Posted 18 years ago2006-12-17 14:17:34 UTC
in Newbies No map rating Post #206670
If something like that were to happen, it's easily reversable. :
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-17 14:15:41 UTC
in Fire Triggered by Button Post #206668
Simple. Give the env_fire a name. Then, go into the button's outputs tab, and tell it to "On Pressed", target "nameofenv_firehere" to "Toggle" after "0.00" seconds.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-17 14:09:56 UTC
in Env_lightglow on Verticle Axis Post #206666
That's what I figured. I just didn't think that HDR alone would have made that light bleed-over so heavily. I'll give the multiple sprites a go.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-17 01:17:28 UTC
in Env_lightglow on Verticle Axis Post #206618
I'm makin a map, in the room I'm creating, the primary light source is 3 openings in the roof. I'm trying to use sprites to give it that blinding light effect.

Here's my goal...

And Here's my result.

The sprite is rotating around the y axis, and as such, spins around as you pass under it. I have tried rotating the sprite entity, but that has no effect. Is there a way to prevent it from doing this?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-17 00:31:07 UTC
in cs:s prefabs Post #206614
Aren't they static models...?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-16 20:20:51 UTC
in The Person Above Me Game Post #206576
The person above just posted an unviewable image.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-16 20:06:11 UTC
in Someone explain env_soundscape to me Post #206570

I'm having an issue with the soundscapes tutorial. I have the soundscapes_mapnamehere.txt file made, but I have no idea where to put it; the tutorial doesn't say where. I tried it in half-life 2/hl2/scripts, as well as half-life 2/hl2/maps, and neither work. What am I doin' wrong?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-16 19:43:06 UTC
in Newbies No map rating Post #206562
I agree. However, if we were to give each person a single vote, then I think it would be necessary to implement the ability to change the vote after it has been cast, in case you discover something you liked about it, or if the map was updated with a new version.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-16 19:38:24 UTC
in My new years resolution Post #206561
My new year's resolution is to actualy make and finnish my first practical map. 183 days at THWL and not a single map in the vault :

Rather depressing.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-16 17:53:59 UTC
in Modeling with XSI Post #206538
The addon is used to, among other things, export/import SMDs, which are used to compile the model. To install it, open XSI, and go to File > Addon, and browse for where the addon is (it can be found in (steam logon)/sourcesdk/xsi). There's a tutorial here that can get'chya started with your first model, as well as compilling. PM me if you need any help.
Enjoy oh and XSI...BLEUGH!
XSI pwnz j00! :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-16 17:47:57 UTC
in Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Post #206537
What's the remaining time to closure? If there's not enough time to rebuild the map, I'll take a pass on it : .
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-16 13:57:32 UTC
in Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Post #206477
Ugh. I just deleted my map by accident. I was cleaning out my maps directory of old and useless test maps and this happened to be one of them. I'm also an avid recycle bin emptier :roll:

I guess I'll get back to work and finnish as soon as I can.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-16 12:13:26 UTC
in Non-Steam App. Launch? Post #206458
Yay! Steam is up for me. :)

When I start up Steam, and my wireless net hasn't connected yet (takes a few seconds), I'll get the can't connect error. But when I hit "Offline Mode", I just get an other "Can't Connect" error again.

User posted image
Are there other things I must do?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-16 00:37:21 UTC
in The Person Above Me Game Post #206336
The person two places above me is 100% correct.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-16 00:36:20 UTC
in Non-Steam App. Launch? Post #206334
Is it possible to run one of the Steam programs, like HL2 or the SDK, without Steam?

The reason I ask is because I was recently told that a storm in Seatle damaged some of th Steam Servers, and no one who uses them can connect.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-16 00:34:05 UTC
in The Person Above Me Game Post #206330
The person above me is also missing the "o" key from his keyboard, and improvised upon that realization.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-14 23:32:11 UTC
in Vtf effect question Post #206173
No problemo :)

If you wish to post an image in your reply, then host the image with photobucket or imageshack (either will do) and enclose them in the "[IMG] [/IMG]" tags. However, it's a real pain in the ass when people post images that stretch the forum, so don't post anything over 800x600. Smaller yet would be better, for our 56k friends ;)

In cases where it's bigger, simply copying the URL into the post will make an auto-link to it in a different page, so it wont stretch the thread out.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-14 22:31:09 UTC
in Vtf effect question Post #206166
Do you mean that blurred form of the background you see when you start the game/mod before the actual running background begins? If so, then I'd imagine that it's just a screenshot with a blur filter added in Photoshop, or something similar.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-14 00:55:16 UTC
in Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Post #206049
Mine's about 50-60% completed, in terms of actual door construction, and 30-40% done in terms of visual detail. I'll put visual last, seeing as how the entry would suck if the actual door wasn't finnished :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-13 19:41:41 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #206040
Yeah, I agree. Both ways, though, will look killer.

It will be interesting to see Striders fight in the water during acqua alta. I wonder if they'll function properly :D (it may be a foot of water, but hey, you never know :D )