Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-08 19:22:42 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146120
Well, here ya go, an American's perspective...

I obviously know that the riots were going on, though I really did not know the cause, and still do not fully understand what its all about... You have to keep in mind that America is isolated over here... we have Mexico, Canada...

Besides, our Media is not really... well... over there...

Now as to the Newpaper headline...

I recieve the Chicago Tribune, and I saw nothing in there saying it was a war...

Yes, I do hate the American Media, but you have to keep in mind that its a buisness. Its a company... and whats a company's goal? MONEY!!!

so... Obviously... As Elon said, they probably would only write something like that to attract attention to the newspaper.

Do not generalize America by our media, or what your media tells you... We're actually friendly people :)
Its that whole Protestant influence.

oh, and as I understand it, this is more of a "race" type riot, as the young Muslim population, which is obviously very large in France, has seen this incident as an act of racism.

Well, its a bad thing, and I hope it comes to an end soon, and I also hope the bloody media grows a concience and tapes the event to show the world...

Canada riots?

maybe Mexico...
It's a well known fact that Americans know little of the world outside the states, so i'm not surprised.
This is true... but please don't say its because we are "stupid"...

I'm sure there are plenty of moron in other countries, though I'd have to travel to be certain ;)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-07 17:44:04 UTC
in Award suggestion... Post #145976

to be honest, I don't like a point system... Kinda dull.

I like the little tags under the names though. Maybe putting more consideration into finalizing those, and having some kind of rank system. I believe you said they were temporary? If not, its still a good thing, since someone is not going to click on your name to find out you won a forum award, or a trophie. This way new members know who to trust... with each specific problem... A "decorated member" obviously has great mapping skill, where a "content contributor" knows his stuff.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-06 19:49:53 UTC
in Award suggestion... Post #145823
I suggest an official award for members who have contributed exeptional work to TWHL, such as SlayerA with Minimicus...

This could be given as an... Outstanding Work... type award...

When those boys come out with Hostage Situation, it is obviously worth mention to this degree...

and something like Timefall from Tlax... wherever he is...

Not sure what you would call it, but its worth the effort.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-06 11:43:00 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #145698
Twas but a joke good monkey.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-06 10:48:12 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #145684
no! tis my spaceship!

lol, you'll see enough of it in the mod..

Thanks ;)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-05 19:45:41 UTC
in Game Text Post #145583
What entities are you using?

Is it scripted or just a bunch of game_text ?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-05 19:43:39 UTC
in Ansith's idea Post #145582
My mods just like you said Daub, only it takes place on a big spaceship :biggrin:


You need to first come up with a new idea... expand the plot of the story... not just "oh looky... This is the disaster from yet another point of view!"

see... Where I did good was... mines on a spaceship :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-05 19:38:56 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #145580
no thanks dude, but thanks for the offer.

(That what you were looking for ;) )
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-05 19:36:37 UTC
in HL - Obviously Bad Mapping! Post #145578
I think Alex just want to proove something of himself. Some people strive to find anything wrong with what someone says or does...

yes, its interesting to find mistakes, but it doesn't really matter...

so obviously, I agree with Captain P.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 19:17:39 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #145352
oh, sorry if I came out looking arrogent...

just my personality...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 15:13:38 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #145294
makes me feel bad...

I've been mapping a lot longer than you ;)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 11:45:19 UTC
in The ball/Globe/Sphere Post #145242
This is the time to take advantage of that nice Personal Message System ;)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 11:44:26 UTC
in Problem with light/texture!? Post #145241
You might have two different Wads...

1 that you used to compile, and another that is in the folder...

The one that you used to compile might include that texture, but the one in the folder might not...

Just an idea.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 11:41:21 UTC
in Please Help Post #145240
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 11:40:54 UTC
in Help please:Couple Problem Post #145239
Are you using custom textures?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 11:38:29 UTC
in The world today Post #145238
What? If anything the coalition forces in Iraq are opressing the government there. They say they're there to stop terrorism. But i bet if they just left the country it would stop.
opressing the government in Iraq...

Iraq was a dictatorship, where one man had absolute power, and used it in ways that were contrary to UN regulations and obvious morality (Using his own chemical weapons on a small town in Iraq, just to test their effect)

After Saddam was captured, there really wasn't a government in Iraq, so the troops there (Which are from various countries, but primariry the US), stayed there in order to keep peace until they had established an effective form of government. The Rebels there will eventually die down, but we will probably always have troops stationed there, which is a good idea in case some other opressive governmental body takes over.

Our troops are there to keep the peace now, and to help Iraq become its own country, a free one.
they say they're there to stop terrorism.
But i bet if they just left the country it would stop.
It might, but this is not the kind of thing to take chances on...
Lemme guess, you worship some religion and is offended, well im sorry if that is the case then.
naw... just that your statement seemed to have no thought process behind it, as if you were a young kid just spitting out information that was told to him...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 20:08:26 UTC
in The ball/Globe/Sphere Post #145182
haha, nice one muzzle!

Modeling is the best way to do it, but I really don't know how to model, so PERSONALLY I would just do it with brushes, seeing as I am somewhat talented in that area...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 20:05:01 UTC
in Coplanar Brushes? Post #145181

nice one...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 20:03:45 UTC
in Mod Help Post #145180
I've seen some of your past work, and its been okay.

You're best to start of with something small, rather than a full blown MOD. If you can create some inspiring screenshots, and an interesting storyline, you may be able to coax a coder into helping you.

I won't code for you now, I'm much to busy at the moment.

Good luck to you :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 20:00:50 UTC
in WIP - Brassica HL2SP Post #145179
Its a good start ZL, but it obviously lacks detail.

some more interesting buildings would suffice, rather than the generic single brush monsters I see there. Some trash lying around, and maybe some rubble from past battles there would look really good.

You know, you could make some dark allys along the sides, really dark, with trash cans with the inside on fire, and some nice civilians standing around them.

I like the idea, and Im sure this will turn out great once you put some extra time into it. I'd make more of a contrast between the lights and the atmosphere.

Good luck ;)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 19:56:41 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #145178

I tried it with a flat nose... didn't look as nice... Ill stick with pointy, but thanks ;)


Xen tree?

No, a large xen pole is gonna smash out of the ground and impale it, leaving it stuck in midair, which is perfect for a "Get off the Ship" type game.


hmm... thats a great idea...

I think I'll have xen platforms go past, but these platforms will be tiny.

Remember that large platform you jump to in the first level of Xen? The one with the poles... Ill recreate that, but make it tiiiny.... have it fly by as the ship goes along...

Plus, the ship will be over the Giant Xen planet, which Ill have look round as to suggest it was... well... a planet.

Thanks for the info :)


erg... This ship is hell to compile...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 19:50:34 UTC
in The world today Post #145177
All of these people fucking complaining about how the world sucks and we are gonna die, well heres the thing, if you fucking care so much, get your lazy ass off of your computer and do something. Do anything other than be a lazy ass and complain.
um... Im not complaining about anything.

And by the way, I do do things to improve the world... Don't be too quick to judge...
A way for humans to relieve (Word? Relief?) themselves of the burden of knowing that their life is in their hands. It's just a way of saying "oh fuck, this life sucks. Oh well, heaven, yay.".
This may be true for some individuals, although it is generally believed by religious people that our life is in our hands, and that God has sort of "loaned" us this body. Life is a gift. It has been trusted to us... which is why I am not fond of "suicide".
A way for leaders to control their population.
heh, I'd like to hear your reasoning for that

i don't really have much to say on religion execpt that they're all crazy people
How old are you?
Support the troops, but not the war. And for those of you who didn't know or couldn't figure it out, I do live in the US, and will be voting for a somewhat better president at the next elections.

The War in Iraq was origionally started because of a defence issue. It was known by the UN that Iraq had Weapons of Mass destruction. I personally believe that they did have WMD. Think of how easy it is to smuggle these weapons out, and how much time Saddam had to do it... Just because we did not find them doesn't mean they do not exist... Also, Saddam had obvious ties to Osama Bin Laden...


I cannot see how this war can be viewed as having solely bad results... Yes, people died... This is obviously bad... All war is bad, but that doesn't mean that there is nothing good out of it.

Sadam obviously was a "bad" person... He torture his people, tested his own chemical weapons on his own people, ruled as a dictator, refused to acknowledge UN rules, and tried to lie when question about them.

Well, guess what? We got em', hiding in a hole.

The government of Iraq is developing... It is becoming a more free nation, run by the people, which is obviously the whole concept of democracy. I cannot see how you would not support a government by the people, run by the people, decided by the people, in order to create equality for all, and protect their human rights...

oh, and Fragmeister...

The colonists of America did not fly planes into buildings, killing thousands of innocent lives... They did not explode themselves on a bus full of innocent people, just trying to get along in life. They stood up for their freedom. They did not conduct their acts out of hatred and cowerdice. They Stood up before the colonial rule of Britian, proudly. They even signed with their name a document that meant for them certain incrimination.

Terrorists are different.

You cannot argue for terror...

Terrorism is killing the innocent out of hatred, and cowerding in the shadows.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 19:27:31 UTC
in Take this survey plz Post #145176
Performance: 10
Graphics: 10
Size: 3
Shape: 6
Cover: 3
Open Area: 3
Halls: 3
Rooms: 5
Flow: 10
Verticle: 9
Obstacles: 8
Traps: 0
Variety: 10
Style: 10
Easy Item Placement: 6
Weapon Range: 6
Ambience: 10
Player Count: 10... 10 all the way...

Thats right... I find traps completly pointless (Unless you get stabbed by something... ;) )
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-02 22:07:19 UTC
in Compiling will not work Post #144980

You got some reading to do...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-02 22:04:40 UTC
in Coplanar Brushes? Post #144979

You've been mapping long enough to know to always check with Tommy before asking a question in the forums...


shame.... .... .... ...

:tired: :tired: :tired: :tired:

EDIT: oh, btw, its a simple VM error...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-02 22:02:41 UTC
in The ball/Globe/Sphere Post #144978
A. nahhhh....

B. I'd do this...
It pretty much just takes a good mind for shapes to do this...
Its very possible to accompish this with VM.  Remember, the more Brushes you use, the more realistic it will look.  Where you draw your limit is either where you get bored and want to stop, or where it takes up too much memory.
Good luck if you try this method. You will find it will take much more time and consideration that expected...

C. nahhh....
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-02 21:59:29 UTC
in The world today Post #144977
in order to obtain peace and a stable world, humanity has to be willing to make a temporary sacrifice.

um...  so you honestly believe America is going to destroy the world with a weather controlling device?
Hmm... The implimentation of a "Death Ray" could come in handy at times... In warfare, one side would not send in troops for man to man combat, but instead fry them from the sky... Of course this would be misused when in the wrong hands, wherever those may be.
Well, I am not so much afraid of the end of the world but the purpose of it being lost. Countries spend billions on weapons they don't need instead of actually spending them on things that could change the world. Greed and manipulation will always be stronger than good will and morality, no matter what american movies tells us.
I agree,
although your point is based upon an understanding of what the "purpose if the world" is, and what "changing the world" means... It all depends on individual goal, although that would be putting it egotistically...

I do understand that you do not believe in "divinity", although I believe that the real purpose of our world lies with that... some form of divine superiority...

yes, I know, sounds ridiculous, but as I have studied and learned more and more about these entites of our world, I began to realise what they actually meant... and how true they actually are...

no, Im not one of those people who say that every religion is correct...

If so for example:

In the Christian Religion, when you die and you are bad, you go to hell.

In the Hindu Religion, when you die and you are bad, you are reincarnated.

If both are true, what does this say about our world???


yes, I believe that people are focusing more on pointless things...

although, if a governmental body where to ignore defence, they would easily be taken over by Greed and Manipulation...

I believe that Capitalism is a horrible method of government, but its the best there is so far...

yes, I did steal that from Winston Churchill in a way.......


I'll stop my little speech and go to bed...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-02 21:38:36 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #144974

some good feedback!

I'll work on the window... Not sure why I had it there in the first place, since the thousands of other widows along the side aren't visible... just made it look a little nicer...

What do you mean the front of the ship needs work?

The point part, or the "face" part?

I'm sick of brushwork on this thing... It doesn't look like it from the picture, but there are over 600 brushes in this badboy...

bah, It will look better when the camera zooms past it, making it look bigger,and in motion...

I don't want to make it too complicated, or it will be a hell of a time destroying it...

I'll just have one of the engines fall off toward the xen platform. I'll show a cool movie of it smashing through a canyon and getting stuck.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-01 20:52:55 UTC
in HLDM roleplay Post #144791
*player BrattyLord kicked by consol
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-01 19:49:46 UTC
in Bad AOL experiences? Post #144789

the typical AOL user is either Middle Aged, or "Old", so they obviously wouldn't be Instant Messaging anyone...


How do I turn overtype mode off! TELL ME NOW!!!
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-01 19:39:05 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #144787
ah, I see that...

Ill take care of it...

Thanks ;)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-01 19:35:33 UTC
in Bad AOL experiences? Post #144786
ghaAHHHAHAAA!! I pay more than that for 2048/256kbps DSL!
I get my connection for free, but don't ask how ;)
generic evil-doers known on the internet, such as EA
you're gonna hate me for this;
hehe... I invested most of my money in EA... Paid off ;)

oh, and AOL users are not retarded...
They use AOL because they don't really have a mind for computers, and its pretty much the easiest ISP to have. Its the most user friendly out there...

When I talked my parents into getting rid of it, I immediatly got them back on it, because they called me every ten minutes asking how to do something or another...


I hate it...

But I cannot live peacefully without it...

Kinda like some kind of evil CyberDrug...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-01 19:28:12 UTC
in The world today Post #144785
The "ice age" (if one ever occurs) will no doubt be caused by US Military weather manipulation projects.
You gotta be kidding me :tired:

I believe that in time, new technologies will allow us to convert energy and matter into usable forms... Or, a new source of energy will be supplied... Be interesting to see it all happen...

Guys, don't get mad at these things happening.. just sit back and observe for a while... I mean... You have to be Apathetic to get anything done in this world... unless you're an actor (includes laywers and politicians)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-01 19:18:51 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #144779
I think I got it right this time ;)

User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-31 23:25:52 UTC
in The world today Post #144638
Saying it's all cows faults for farting is a very bad excuse, seeing as how we actually mass-breed cows and fatigue them in favour of the meat industry.
A plausable solution would be to kill all the cows...

but, Ozone regenerates itself, and measures are taken now that prevent human creating of Ozone depletion... don't worry ZL, that problem is under control.

I mean, even the harmful cooling and heating systems are being replaced.. as well as aresal cans..

I DO support preserving our Earth...
Its a common misconception that people like me just ignore the environment... we do not... we just believe that a man's natural rights come first, but to an extent...

Not everything is black and white,
cept a cow...
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-31 23:17:29 UTC
in Bad AOL experiences? Post #144635

Don't get me started...

My parents got AOL cause they didn't know how to work a computer... I have to go help them with it occasionally... pretty frustrating since with their evil silly dial-up, and AOL (Filled with pointless Temporary Memory eating pictures and popups) it takes 10 minutes to do ANYTHING.... Erg...

I hate AOL...

I despise AOL...

AOL will burn...

I will destroy AOL...

AOL will be destroyed...



Posted 18 years ago2005-10-31 23:12:55 UTC
in Need Some Ideas Post #144634
I had a couple aliases back in the day... Anonymous being one...
Aha!! so you were that Tyrant!!

To be honest, the room looks pretty bad. The Green texture does not fit with the rest of the room. It looks more like a HL1 map, kinda like what I imagined the rooms in 1984...

Compile it with some nice lighting, and post an improved screenie.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-31 23:08:21 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #144633
They seem to ignore me...

The best thing would be to let this thing hibernate til the busy times die down a little... I don't think kol is coming back.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-31 23:07:00 UTC
in Experimental example map Post #144632
Nice Idea...

Teching a method inside of a real life example... nice...
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-31 23:04:46 UTC
in The world today Post #144631
Obiously, Technology is improving exponetially...

A good hope for the future...

As for recycling...
It wastes more money to implement recycling systems than just to obtain more resources... As Seventh said, we are not going to "run out" of resources.

As for the Ozone Layer...
Bunch of balony... The leading cause of Carbon Floride Chlorines is Cow Methane, an obviously natural element... plus, The ozone regenerates itself pretty efficently. The only place I would be worried about Ozone Depletion would be New Zeland and parts of Australia, but I'm sure they'll get that under control...

As for cutting down Trees...
They Grow back...

As for Oil...

Petrolium might serve as a problem in the near future, as the price of it is pretty serious right now... Not sure whats going to happen here, but there is much effort in finding a solution in effect right now.

As for GarglyWargly...

I'd put my money on Fusion ;)

As for me...

I hope I live long enough to see some of these problems unravel, whether it be good or bad.

Curiosity can be a dangerous addity.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-31 18:21:20 UTC
in Probibly a newb question... Post #144594
wow dude, click "Where to Start?" on the top left of this screen.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-31 18:19:38 UTC
in A TWHL community project suggestion. Post #144593
Im working on Alise, so, sorry, can't help...
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-31 18:15:51 UTC
in The world today Post #144592

I personally believe child molesters are the lowest form of life...

I think our world is.. well.. neutral..

We have good, and bad, but I won't get into that, as I have already explained that simple theory numerous times...

Anyone who believes that everything is just dandy and perfect... is just optomistic, and thats not a good thing...

Ignorance is Bliss, right?

Therefore The pursuit of Ignorance is the pursuit of Bliss...
Well, the pursuit of Bliss is optimism,
so optimism is the pursuit of ignorance...
Therefore Pesimism is the pursuit of knowledge...

Well, if the world didn't suck we'd all fall off...
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-27 16:31:56 UTC
in Daft numbers Post #144047
97% of statistics are made up on the spot.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-27 16:29:25 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #144046
The problem is that it does not look massive enough...

This is suppose to be huge... but I just can't get the right feel with the textures...

Maybe if I changed the Xen background to a darker Xen Background???
That would help...

Thanks for the advise...
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-26 20:32:43 UTC
in Which Next Gen Console? Post #143892

There are specific reasons someone would play a game on either a computer or a console...

  • Can play with other people who are sitting right next to you... social thing
  • easier to use... hence the controller rather than a keyboard or some attachment
  • Easier to run.. Put a game in, play it.
  • Plugs inta ya Big ol' TV...
  • Storage... Its smaller...
  • Portable (This is asuming that you use a desktop instead of a labtop for gaming)

-You know ;)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-26 18:16:11 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #143883

my texturing looks aweful on the ship...
I just can't find any origional textures that fit...

Can someone PLEASE help and create some for me?

Ill give ya credits at the start for texturing ;)

Just to show you how bad its going;
This one was the worst attempt, lol

User posted image

looks like me ship gots the chicken pox
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-26 18:12:06 UTC
in [HL2DM] Mudanchee - new screenshots Post #143881
To be honest I was the one who commented on them the last time ;)

Keep up the good work...
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-26 18:01:26 UTC
in [HL2DM] Mudanchee - new screenshots Post #143878
He hasn't finished the texturing BJ...

looks great!

There are a few stretched textures on the walls though... Hope you go back and fix that...
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-26 17:58:28 UTC
in Thank you to those who submit! Post #143877
no problem mister mysterious Vertex dude ;)