Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-08-30 10:30:09 UTC
in Single Player Story Idea Post #195110
I don't know what to think of it as an MOD story, since it's only an intro. Any ideas on what it's really going to be about? :confused:
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-29 19:22:10 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #195071
Yes, the blue is also custom. And the concrete is based on an existing one, but with a slight bluish hue. If you look 4 posts above, there's a tiled texture I made thanks to your minitutorial thread ;)
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-29 19:10:56 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #195068
More progress.
I have made several custom materials to make it slightly more original and refreshing than those hundreds of HL2DM maps out there (I coun't some of my own in that group...)

Unfortunately, I keep running into the problem of overlays turning dark in displacement maps after building the cubemaps. Sometimes I manage it to get it working, but not now :( (third picture)
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-29 13:37:18 UTC
in What do you guys think of Post #195025
Could be nice. It reminds me of the idea Tosse had once.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-29 12:22:27 UTC
in Can't get gunships to move. Post #195019
Make a series of connected path corners (or path track, I'm not sure). Make the gunship move to the first one when it spawns.
The gunship will move 'freely', but only throughout the route made by the path corners. It's a good way to make sure it won't get stuck in walls or structures.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-29 11:24:13 UTC
in Episode Two - Insert Coin to Continue Post #195014
Well the one thing we have to agree with is: if Valve prices their games unfairly, 90% of game companies do so even more.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-29 10:28:27 UTC
in Episode Two - Insert Coin to Continue Post #195004
200 hours of unique gameplay? I'd have to see it to believe it. I mean, my 100 hours of Final Fantasy VIII had a lot of random combats and backtracking... Please keep sandbox style games out of the discussion as they are a whole different matter. Sonic & Knuckles takes less than an hour to complete and it was (is) a superb game. It has nothing to do with that.

About HL2 not being next gen... what exactly is 'next gen' in your opinion? Since you seem worried about all the pricing and stuff, I'd hardly think you'd prefer a game like Crysis (etc) over a HL2 expansion since if forces you to spend a lot on new Dx10 hardware...
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-29 06:17:44 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #194987
Yeah. In mapping, I think that the way you put things together is more important than how many things you put in a scene. This philosophy also goes along with the need of performance.
For example: in the following pictures, we have a simple room with a door. A way people use to add detail is making structural details like the ones in the second picture. It looks better than the first, but it is hardly realistic. On the other had, the room in the third picture has a taller ceiling, and there's another passage at a different height level. It won't affect the gameplay, but it gives the enviroment more depth and credibility.
A combination of the second and third picture would probably be the best option, as the beams would now be more realistic.
User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-29 05:50:41 UTC
in Episode Two - Insert Coin to Continue Post #194984
Some games have a horrible issue with length. Given the normal production times, it now takes much longer to create content than before (yes, even with terrain and sprite generating techniques).
As an example, I always refer to the Tomb Raider saga. The first game (1996) had textures of 64x64, huge levels and a lot of backtracking. About 15 hours long on a first try.
Making a game like that today would be unacceptable, and the example is what came out of "Tomb Raider: Legend". Pretty graphics and models, and about 4 or 5 hours of play in your first run. Meh... :roll:

As for the HL2 episodes... There aren't many (if any) games that would deserve the price of purchase more than them.
I do agree that a whole single HL2:Aftermath game would have been a bit more exciting and satisfying.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-28 11:34:50 UTC
in File Recovery Help Post #194925
What do you mean by lost? Did you delete them or something?
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-28 08:44:05 UTC
in Fraps Sucks Post #194909
If the software works in one of your friends computer (and mine, and a lot of other people's), the problem is probably in their computers.
They might be trying to record the video at some insane high resolution, which could explain the lag.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-28 08:25:15 UTC
in Compiling Problem Post #194905
********** ERROR **********
Token too large on line 5
If you use the links provided in left side of this page, you could easily go to this page and learn that:
"Token too large"
This can refer to several different errors:

1. The "too many wads" as mentioned above. 8 wads in WC/Hammer is a good limit, more may cause this error among others. If you are using more than 8 wads you can use Wally to combine the extra wads into one custom wad.
2. Too long a path/name for the map or compiling tools. Only a limited amount of memory is set aside for the path/names. Solution is to move the compiling tools or map into a shallow folder.
3. Having a space in a path/name. Examples: frequently Program Files is part of the path name. Compiling tools do not like the space between "program" and "files". Solutions are to either use the MSDOS pathname, or to move the offending files from under the spaced folder, or put quotes " " around the whole path name in WC/Hammer so that windows uses it right. If your map has the space in its name (eg. Bob map), remove the space and change it to (Bobmap).
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-27 19:12:04 UTC
in game_end for Sven Co-op Post #194845
In the monsters's properties, there should be something called "Trigger Condition". You can choose "Death" in the provided options. Then put the name of your game_end entity in the monsters "TriggerTarget" field.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-27 14:16:32 UTC
in Water? How? Post #194802
Maybe the models have some parts sticking out of the map >> leak
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-27 12:41:35 UTC
in :[ Post #194783
Let's see, does the error happen every time you run your map or every time you run any source map?
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-27 12:40:04 UTC
in Steam Problems Post #194782
What are exactly the problems you are getting?
I know that my HL doesn't render undwater areas properly in Direct3D. (in none of the three 3D cards I've owned)
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-27 12:00:29 UTC
in Competition 21 Post #194777
I know I do :)
Remember that singleplayer and multiplayer maps have layouts that make optimizing easy. My map was never meant to have a good framerate, since the objective of the competition was recreating a scene.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-27 08:55:46 UTC
in Hunter Projects! Post #194750
A third possibility would be applying a "plastify" filter to the textures.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-27 05:03:11 UTC
in Necropolis: Mausoleum updated Post #194723
Neat. I'll take a look at it right now.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-26 20:24:36 UTC
in Hunter Projects! Post #194686
Not bad for your first bumpmaped materials.
They look too clean, which might be the case with the real life place, but as game textures they could use more noise.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-26 20:07:07 UTC
in Competition 21 Post #194684
I wonder what SlayerA has in store for us.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-26 20:03:03 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #194683
I finished brushwork and texturing in my upcoming HLDM release, Oceanic. The only thing left to do is weapon, spawn and ammo placing.

I also missed working with Source these past weeks, so I've begun the conversion of Suspended. Very early work >>

For this map, I'm introducing some custom materials, between them my first normal mapped + reflective masked material. Thanks to Xyos on the mini tutorial for that.
(By the way, the texture won't be right there, it was just a test)
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-26 17:45:43 UTC
in Water? How? Post #194669
You need a full successful VIS for it to show up. Check for leaks and things like that.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-25 14:09:42 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #194535
Cool. It reminds me of a trick I used once to make a puddle of blood look more reflecting. Under the texture with the "{" transparency, I placed an inverted pyramid with a blood texture. When you moved, the blood texture seemed to move too.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-24 18:48:37 UTC
in Half life: bright sky Post #194435
A tip that would be useful in this and many other HL maps would be to add a frame to the windows. It won't add a huge amount of polygons and it will make it look so much better. Glass doesn't glue very well with concrete.
If adding new brushes sounds like too much extra work, you could clip the existing concrete brushes around the glass and texture them differently.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-22 05:31:38 UTC
in Tinnos:Source Post #194102
I'm sorry about all the confusion. As I said above, the HLDM screenshot I posted on August 18 belonged to another thread.
As for the source materials, you can see they belong to an experiment I did in January. Criticism on those textures is rather obsolete.
Sorry about my mistake :confused:
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-19 07:50:33 UTC
in Tinnos:Source Post #193884
It's funny. I tricked you again into thinking it was a source map :D
It's HLDM, like I mentioned in my projects thread. BUT, I was planning on making a Source conversion when I get back home to my real computer.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-18 13:18:23 UTC
in Tinnos:Source Post #193814
The promised screenie.
The lighting has changed a bit since I took the screenshot some days ago.

Edit: Ooops. Wrong thread... This belonged in my projects thread :( Sorry about that.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-18 13:16:38 UTC
in dm_metro Post #193813
Bright spotlights (like the ones used by the Combine) could help make color variations and contrast without having to retexture everything.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-17 14:21:39 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #193755
I've made my first dial-up visit to TWHL on a 56K modem, hoping I would be able to post some images of my next 2 HLDM maps. Unfortunately, It has been impossible (a lot of people at my grandma's house need to use the phone)
I'll release both the maps as soon as I get back home. One is a generic DM map with risky r_speeds and the other one takes place in some sort of aquarium/sea-world facility.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-08 17:36:47 UTC
in Angled Sunlight? Post #192867
The azimuth value is the angle of the light_enviroment and the elevation value is the pitch of the light_enviroment
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-07 14:12:28 UTC
in Religion. Post #192765
While religion usually speaks of love and respect, we are seeing multiple examples of atheist insulting and attacking others for being different. Einstein is now considered silly and immature because he believed in a god. Funny.

I'm not a believer but at least I was taught to be respectful and comprehensive with others. No matter how much you argue, it seems a non-religious education can't even guarantee as much as that! :(
What do you get by insulting those who have some faith? To me it just sounds like a lot of people here are insecure about their beliefs. Some are even pissed when someone tells them they are going to a place called Hell which they don't even believe in! It's weird...
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-07 05:25:30 UTC
in Religion. Post #192733
Can you show us any example of that?
What do you mean exactly by "religions say"? Do you mean the people who belong to that religion say that? Or do their spiritual leaders say that? Or their sacred books say that?
It's amazing how much cinema and books has been shaping the views of those who don't really know about religion. As someone said earlier, you are taught since you are little to hate religion and given examples of the horrible things "religion" (not humans or humanity, just the evil religion) has done.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-06 14:25:44 UTC
in Angled Sunlight? Post #192688
Use a solar calculator.

The numbers you need are the Azimuth (for the angle value) and elevation (for the pitch value)
Remember than the angle values in Hammer go counter-clockwise, and the azimuth value the calculator gives you are measured clockwise. You have to convert the value.

For the elevation, you have to put a negative sign before the value, since negative values in Hammer means it points downwards.

For example: if the azimuth value says 60?, you have to put 300? in Hammer. If the elevation is 20?, the pitch has to be -20
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-06 11:31:17 UTC
in u know your obsesed with HL when... Post #192673
...when the word "combine" makes you think of the noun and not the verb.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-05 20:44:00 UTC
in detailing. Post #192623
Just run the map in singleplayer, use the "gl_wireframe 2" command to see exactly what is seen and rendered by the engine.
Multiplayer doesn?t affect leaf-threading, obviously.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-05 08:48:10 UTC
in Competition 21 Post #192550
I'm glad I solved the riddle of the weird shadow I was getting in the map.
User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-05 07:28:49 UTC
in Valve SDK Update Post #192539
Logic view lets you see how entities are connected supposedly.
Doesn't the old Hammer have a "show connections" option? Is this different?
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-04 20:07:50 UTC
in Valve SDK Update Post #192500
Do these errors happen when you reload the SKD?
I'm compiling the compo map, so I won't close Hammer until it's done, just in case...
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-04 18:21:23 UTC
in Xyos projects! Post #192492
The material in the first pic is the best looking one. Reminds me of the wet stone textures in both de_aztec and cs_italy
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-04 12:42:56 UTC
in Religion. Post #192439
Humans tend to develop their own moral guidelines as they go along, with the basics set by their parents.
Go back to the Middle Ages and you'll be proved wrong ;)
As I have mentioned in another thread, some of those called "civil morals" exist because religion existed before them. Without Christianism, for example, we will never know how much time it would have taken slavery to dissapear in the "civilized" Roman Empire :o

In case you don't know, one of the premises of Christianism is that men are free to follow God or deny him, which means you can choose freely when you grow up, or even before. Christianism has very little rituals compared to other religions that take themselves much more seriously.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-04 12:21:09 UTC
in Strange shadow appearing. Post #192435
That was exactly the problem! A skybox brush was being rendered in that area of the map.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-04 12:19:24 UTC
in Religion. Post #192434
If one's raised religious, he won't have the ability to choose because he's been made to think that his religion IS the only way.
WRONG. I was raised with a religious education. In 4 of the 8 schools I have attended, religion was an obligatory subject. It has rained a lot since then...
In 4 weeks, I'll be 22 years old. Nobody forces me to attend any religious celebration and I don't remember how many years have passed since I participated in one. I do not tell people on the street they are going to hell if they don't follow the religion I was once taught. I don't believe in hell or any of those concepts either. What I do have learned is a set of simple morals and guidelines which most religions share, but which atheist seem to lack. If put to good use, the world would be a much, much better place.

Some people are taught to have faith, others are taught to love each other, love the world etc, and others have been taught to hate, bash and mock those collectives.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-04 11:23:53 UTC
in Religion. Post #192430
Let your child decide? If you let your child decide, he would forever walk on all fours and try to eat any toys that fit into his mouth.
It is a parent's duty to guide a child until he reaches maturity and independence. And for religious people, that includes teaching them their religion.
You don't really want the child to decide. You want him to choose what you have chosen. If he chooses religion, you will dismiss it and say he was just brainwashed. :roll:
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-04 11:18:45 UTC
in Strange shadow appearing. Post #192429
Since it only happens when rendering the whole map, It might have something to do with the 3d skybox. I'm going to expand it a bit. When I made it, the map wasn't so big, so it might be possible that the dark part corresponds to a sky-textured brush rendered 16 times bigger.

/Crosses fingers
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-04 05:53:32 UTC
in Religion. Post #192411
Of course, but you're not seeing it from their point of view. If they actually believe in all that, they will surely want their children to learn and follow those teachings. In some places, moral standards are taught with religion, not as a separate discipline.

Letting them wander off in another direction would go against their principles (for example, if they are christian, they made some sort of compromise with their church when they baptized their child).
When they are older, it is obvious those kids will choose whatever path they want. You might believe they are forced, but it's not like that. The number of young people seen in churches is vastly reduced as time passes by, which proves the brainwashing doesn't work that well.

it was because us non-believers feel offended when you throw around claims that we'll all go to hell when we die
Can a person who doesn't believe in hell feel offended by that?
I would just laugh and point them to this article
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-04 04:53:33 UTC
in Competition 21 Post #192409
Understood. I'll do so later today, as soon as I solve this problem and make a final compile.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-04 03:12:16 UTC
in Strange shadow appearing. Post #192405
This is what it should look like, but it only happens with a small cordon bounds compile.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-03 21:43:12 UTC
in Religion. Post #192396
[sarcasm]And I think it's wrong to make a child believe in Santa Claus, and it's wrong to force a child to learn a language, live in a city or belong to a certain country until they are 18 years old.
Let's not forget, parents should have the right to decide to have or terminate a child they have just conceived, but they should never ever push religion on them. Why educate your child with your beliefs when you have cable TV?[/sarcasm]
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-03 18:34:51 UTC
in Strange shadow appearing. Post #192373
It's under the models, but reaches both edges of the map, so it can't be the model...