Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-08-16 17:05:27 UTC
in Problem with lights Post #128018
Running Rad. and most definitly vis will make the compile process take much longer than without. often in big maps if you click on the compile process window before its done, the title bar will read (Not Responding) but its doing its work, so if this is the problem, just let it sit there and don't close out of it. Compile times can range from a few seconds to maybe a few hours depending.

I hope this helps
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-16 04:30:10 UTC
in New Mod, New Ideas, New Help? Post #127868
GREAT!! I could use the help. Let me finish this map I am currently working on and I'll send it your way.

I am making an absolutly gorgous corner to a tunnel, all must see this master piece, so here is the pic of it now.. still has a few kinks.
User posted image
Sorry for the pic size, I'll resize it later

BTW Elon, that room to the far right is whats going to need the most attention... If I were to send you the map, how long would it take to re-master that room for you? Becuase I wouldn't be able to build on my map without the updated version!

Its a rather large room, 4 Humongus vents, and a large fan behind a grating, 6 pillars and thats about it...
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-16 01:38:30 UTC
in New Mod, New Ideas, New Help? Post #127852
Yes, a new mod. Not the first time anyone has heard about it. But I am paying special attention to mine, working on it 8 consecutive hours at times. And have a request to all those who wish to lend a helping hand.

I need someone/Some people to aid me in details, (pipes, vents, people wandering around) so that this mod will one day finish, I know how to do these things, and don't want anyone to do the work for me, but there is just SO much to do, that I can't keep up with the load.

All I need someone to do it to take my map which is mostly complete, add things here and there without disrupting the flow of the game. Anyone who looks at my maps knows that I put forth much time and effort to there completion.

So anyone who would like to help, please tell me. And you will certainly earn a place in the credits, both at the beginning and the end!

Posted 19 years ago2005-08-12 19:34:23 UTC
in Problems with playing mods Post #127338
sry, guys I fixed it, it was becuase of the update issue... thanks.. but updating the game executable made some things in maps i made act funny.... Mainly auto_triggers with a 0 delay fire. These never had problems before, but don't worry quickly fixed them all with the .01 delay. :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-12 19:29:36 UTC
in Killing FPS Post #127337
I had a similar problem, except it involved the water entity, whenever I got in it, the game got real choppoy and slow, and there would be a 3 second delay on movement. Had it checked wrong in the FX render mode I think.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-09 22:54:44 UTC
in Problems with playing mods Post #126906
okay.. put all the sc files in the directory, tried to load the mod.... Doesn't ask for any files now, now it just Crashes... And about updating HL, It can never find any update files.. is there a place I can manually download it? perhaps.. ''.


Well, found this site that has updates listed, going to give it a try.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-09 14:04:38 UTC
in Problems with playing mods Post #126865
This is the second mod in a row that has done this.. adnd I haven't modified any files in the original hl directory... But I'll try what you guys mentioned and note if either of them worked.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-08 22:53:31 UTC
in Problems with playing mods Post #126815
Thanks Daubster! That fixed the first problem.. now its asking for a file.

What are these! If they don't come in the installation then why are they necessary and if they are necessary why don't they come in mods.

Perhaps you could e-mail me all .sc files. I think I'm going to need them.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 20:51:27 UTC
in Problems with playing mods Post #126638
Whenever I try to load up and play a mod that isn't my own I get an error

Hooking Particle Message
Host_Error: EV_Precache: file events/ missing from server

Can someone tell me what I need to do to fix this problem please?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-02 10:00:19 UTC
in level change Post #125350
NO! The landmark is the base for the location of level transfers! You must have 2 Landmarks, one in each level and have them in EXACTLY in the same spot! If the one in the first map is right above the door, then the second one has to be in that same spot in the second map, Right above the door! Landmarks are used for realitivity and if you move the one in the second map anywhere, then your character is going to move the same amount in the same direction when the map loads, so thats why you get stuck in the wall!

Posted 19 years ago2005-08-02 09:53:25 UTC
in Monster Pathing Post #125347
Thanks, I just never used them before.... AWSOME! :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-02 05:05:31 UTC
in Monster Pathing Post #125299
ok... lets say I never used a path_corner for a monster to follow it... Do I just have him target it? and then trigger his name? or what? I tried a couple of things, but he just kept on standing there.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-01 22:01:05 UTC
in Monster Pathing Post #125258
Whats the point in using Path Corners for monsters to follow? Won't they just go to the scripted_sequence location and do the action if you use info_nodes? Or do u use path corners for elaborate walk sequences that make it more simple than having multiple stop locations?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-30 12:39:21 UTC
in Rate my Pic!! 1-10 Post #124714
might just be the texturing, I'm working on it
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-30 12:28:12 UTC
in Rate my Pic!! 1-10 Post #124709
how is it that you edit a post? I can't locate any edit button!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-30 10:51:48 UTC
in Rate my Pic!! 1-10 Post #124676
Okay... new pic... again, but I've placed in the chimmeny smoke and the some gas venting from the pipes. Placed about 6 more sections of cliffs. (god I hate terrain) and a doorway on the first level.

I plan for the tram to take that turn go a little further and then begin to decend on a platform, but I need to find a way to make a good light for the tunnel, I want the light to close up with the door to the tunnel, thinking of making the doors opaque and then starting them in the open position (to block the light) then have that brush that looks like fading light be there with it and just make it a door also and close with the other door.... or make them both one door. anyway, going to do that add a watchtower of sorts and a good fflow of liquid from one of the pipes or just a small pond... :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-27 19:02:15 UTC
in Rate my Pic!! 1-10 Post #123980
Updated the picture again, mainly even more cliffs and redesign of textures and wall layout, this map is like 20% complete, thats why theres alot of stuff missing, and I work on it every night. Again.. Going to add the chimmney smoke and fluid from the pipes, just gotta make it look right. I really do appreciate all this input I'm getting, and this site will be the first to recieve my mod demo!! :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-27 09:59:45 UTC
in Rate my Pic!! 1-10 Post #123830
I would have changed the shadow to aim the outher direction except that in previous levels the light is already aimed that way, so changing it would reduce the since of realism (as much realism you can get from battling aliens in a secret lab in the desert), and oh yes. I have found a much better texture for the coloums and have added a couple more features to the wall, it looks 1.6x as good now. I'll post that new picture this afternoon (7/27/05) Alright, I like this feedback I'm getting, extremely helpful, thanks everyone :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-27 07:26:26 UTC
in Rate my Pic!! 1-10 Post #123813
Updated the picture! More cliffs! More Sky! and a few different textures
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-27 06:46:49 UTC
in Rate my Pic!! 1-10 Post #123797
Great Responses...

-Shadows: Actually the entire area behind you is empty, and haven't cascaded the sky to cover the area yet, so not fully lit.

-Texture & Wall: I've been trying to find a better texture becuase I do realize that it is a bit too much, and the wall structure is slanted at a 10-15 degree angle, looks better from another angle (but will try to improve)

-Pipes and water: a grand plan, didn't think to implement it, thanks habboi!

-Smoke From the chimmnies: I was actually planning on this, but haven't reached that part of the map yet.

Future ideas - Going to have walkways and tram support beams, kinda like those supports used in sky lifts. And was thinking about overlooking part of Black Mesa but use smoke and mirrors and scale it down, so that it looks like you viewing a far distance but not. (Any of these sound good?) :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 23:15:40 UTC
in Rate my Pic!! 1-10 Post #123761
this is merely the forfront of map 5 of my mod... trying to get that factoryish appeal... Pretty decent I think. :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 23:14:32 UTC
in Rate my Pic!! 1-10 Post #123760
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 23:12:10 UTC
in Time counter Agin :( Post #123759
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 23:03:15 UTC
in Time counter Agin :( Post #123758
Whenever I target a Game_text with a trigger (Multimanager, Trigger_relay, or by any other means besides Trigger_once) the game crashes, you may need to alter the titles.txt file (Make sure to make a copy) :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 22:10:22 UTC
in Time counter Agin :( Post #123756
.... sorry if this is rude.. between, second, With, (both posted and told don't have e's at the end) 'on a bruch'? what is that?, thing(y), idea, different, take some of those extra e's and slab it at the end of som(e).

sorry, again I think I have a tick for spelling...

But anyway.. You can change the text color to Dark Green, that would look slightly more digital. and you could change the second and third numbers to 1-5 and have the third one tick down every 60 seconds. :nuts:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 11:11:31 UTC
in Global Trams Post #123673
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 16:45:25 UTC
in Multimanager - What can trigger it? Post #123526
yes yes I know all about targets and names, but i have had problems in the past where I target the multimanager's 'Name' and it doesn't activate... but it would if I used the auto_trigger!! Maybe it was just something I was doing, going to mess around with it some more, I've been making maps for some time now and know all about triggers and names :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 02:04:58 UTC
in Multimanager - What can trigger it? Post #123308
I have had a few issues with multimanagers, I need to know what all can trigger them, I've had a Trigger_auto do it, but I can't seem to get anything else to trigger them. Can someone tell me why I can't or give me a list of things that CAN trigger it? :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 01:27:25 UTC
in endless loop Post #123304
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 01:23:36 UTC
in endless loop Post #123301
OKAY!!! I GOT IT!! I bet you were naming your light entity as 'light' well, as SOON as I changed it to something else (ex. lights1) it worked, try it out, oh and if you want to take a look at my map I made to do this, check it out (link below).
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 01:19:56 UTC
in Global Trams Post #123298
Yes, I've been doing that thus far, but only becuase I couldn't do it before. But I want to do it this way becuase if you changelevel and put a new train in, your player drops for a split second and appears inside the new tram, so you have to raise the first tram up higher or second tram lower so you have free falling space.... and I don't want that
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 01:18:02 UTC
in endless loop Post #123297
I've been messing around with this light thing, your right, something is up!? I know I've done it before, but now the light just stays on, and I KNOW that its getting targeted, becuase I put a door in there with the same name just to make sure. but the light will not toggle!!! :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 13:50:07 UTC
in Global Trams Post #123215
got the tools, looked at the maps, and still made no sense
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 12:56:02 UTC
in Global Trams Post #123176
I don't think I have the right tools to do that
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 12:49:29 UTC
in Global Trams Post #123172
I need a quick explanation on how to make the same entity (func_tracktrain) have a 'Global status' and move on to the next level. Like how they did in the beginning of HL1. Please help.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 12:46:14 UTC
in endless loop Post #123171
Try using relay triggers, have a trigger_once target two trigger_relays, one to turn on the light and one to trigger two more trigger_relays, one to turn off the light and yet another trigger_relay, have that second one trigger either the first pair or continue to trigger two more,

Trigger once
Trigger_Relay01 - Trigger_Relay01 (Light on)
| (wait time)
Trigger_Relay02 - Trigger_Relay02 (Light off)
| (wait time)
Trigger_Relay01 - Trigger_Relay01 (Light on)

Since you can set lights to on and off with the trigger_relays you can just use them as a more complicated Multi_Trigger
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-14 01:55:27 UTC
in Sounds and ambiences Post #96737
I want to play and include sounds and ambiences in my game, but where can I locate a full list of these sounds? I don't have any idea what the sound paths or names are, please someone help.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-07 11:30:32 UTC
in Map Changing Problems Post #95633
Thanks everyone, problem resolved! I wasn't lowercasing the landmark and new mapname values. Thanks dandyli0n`, I owe you one. ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-07 11:00:36 UTC
in Map Changing Problems Post #95627
Yes, Landmarks are in same place relative to both maps, and both have the name 010a.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-07 00:41:53 UTC
in Map Changing Problems Post #95595
To further explain things, all maps have no leaks and compile fine with no errors, then IF I use the console, or custom game (mod) to load my game, it first loads 'MAPA' then whenever trying to go from 'MAPA' to MAPB' it'll load the map, but kill you instantly and warp you outside of the map. What could cuase this?!?! I'm getting very frustrated and need an explaination please. Like noted before, the game will run fine and have perfect transitions between maps when I compile them...
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-07 00:09:48 UTC
in Map Changing Problems Post #95593
I have created several maps that link together, but only appear to change_Level correctly if I compile the map. If I use the console to load it up, I am unable to change levels. Did compiling my maps and testing the change-level feature this way mess this up for good? Is there anyway I can correct it? Thanks. : :confused: