Forum posts

Posted 8 years ago2016-08-10 11:16:33 UTC
in Malformed face normal Post #331149
You probably have some complex geometry that is not turned into an entity, or is not on the grid if you are using hammer.
Posted 8 years ago2016-07-13 22:02:08 UTC
in Play CD track multiple times? Post #330810
Is there any way to play a cd track over and over?

best I can tell, the target_cdaudio, and trigger_cdaudio entities can only be targeted/used 1 time to play or stop a track, and that triggering them again will do nothing.

Is this correct? Is there any way around this in vanilla HL?

I'd like to have a button that starts a CD track each time it is pressed.
Posted 8 years ago2016-07-04 06:32:31 UTC
in Face Culling Question Post #330671
"Edit:A quick question about multi_managers I can't seem to find out what the # sign means. For example welder1mm#1"

If you are triggering an entity more than once from a MM, you have to enumerate the target name for each successive time.

So, if you are targeting a func_wall_toggle named "mywall" from a MM at one second, then 2 seconds and then 3 seconds again, the MM would have entries like:

mywall 1
mywall#1 2
mywall#2 3
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-23 07:39:19 UTC
in make barney hostile Post #330562
Is there any way to make barney hostile to the player without the player damaging him? (for vanilla HL1 goldsource)

I'd like to have a barney who will attack the player on sight.
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-22 13:01:22 UTC
in game_counter doesnt work me Post #330546
Yeah, the counter should have a start value of 0, and a limit of 6. each of the 6 things you are shooting should be set to trigger the counter.
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-16 07:45:05 UTC
in Sprites of trees and bushes Post #330465
You could use a brush "sprite" just fine, but if its animated you can have more frames than a texture on a brush supports. Also, you could use 1 less brush-based entity.
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-06 13:07:16 UTC
in Custom sound in my map Post #330358
You can play a .mp3 or a .wav

For an mp3 it will have to take the place of one of the music tracks from the original game, you can read here:

For a .wav, you'll want to use an ambient generic and stick to 22,000 HZ 8 bit Mono format:

As for length, there may be a limit, I've never tried anything that long. Give it a shot, if there is, you'll have to split it up into smaller chunks.

Something to note - sometimes you can get audio not coming back after loads from saves, so if you have a track that long, depending on your situation, you might run into trouble there.
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-05 11:39:18 UTC
in Im not sure if HINT is working... Post #330351
Do you NEED bevel?

Read here for information about the different types:
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-05 09:54:34 UTC
in Im not sure if HINT is working... Post #330348
Here is an example of how to use null:

Null has been applied to all the faces the player will never see (the bug blue "N" texture).
User posted image
Here is an example of how to use HINT and SKIP textures:
In this screenshot I have hidden the brush that made the roof of a hallway so you can see what is going on.
User posted image
In that shot there are some windows (if you look hard you can see the windows from another view in the NULL screenshot), there are hints on the windows to make sure the VIS is cut properly there. Then, there are two large brushes in the hallway around the window with HINT on only 1 face. These make sure the hallway is cut by vis, so that from outside the hallway looking in the windows you don't render too far down the hallway.

Faces where I don't want hints are covered in SKIP.
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-04 13:27:28 UTC
in Problems decompiling v_9mmar.mdl Post #330338
Thanks for the tip.

Using $origin in the .qc is what i needed.

ex: $origin 0 -10 0

No need to re-do anims, all set.

Posted 8 years ago2016-06-04 12:03:58 UTC
in Problems decompiling v_9mmar.mdl Post #330334

I am trying to make a modified version of the v_9mmar.mdl

I've started by decompiling the model in milkshape.

I am having a problem where many of the animation .smd's seem to not decompile properly. The idle animations are translated forward my quite a bit.

So even if I change nothing and recompile the model, in game, the model is about 2 feet in front of the player from where it should be.

Anyone have any ideas?

Alternately, if anyone has been able to successfully decompile this model so it re-compiles correctly, might you be able to share your raw decompiled files from this model?
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-02 13:34:27 UTC
in {blue ... Post #330318
Yeah its always a bit off going from photoshop.

I will often use a bright pink as the transparency color in photoshop, then in wally convert it to 255 blue for ease of making sure everything is the proper index and color.
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-24 06:17:01 UTC
in Half-Rats: Parasomnia Demo Out Now. Post #330212
I wonder if that original feedback was "I don't want to move at all during dialogue" or if it meant: "I's weird to be able to skip ahead and/or do things out of line with the dialogue."

Locking the player down here just felt like a really nuclear option that was jarring and tiresome.

You seem to have all the ingredients to not have to do it - lots of little sections separated by doors - Take the HL1 training rooms, the player is never frozen - the player is elegantly talked to while they get to learn and explore on their terms.

It might be worth reconsidering.

Anywho, looking forward to playing more! :)
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-23 10:12:22 UTC
in Half-Rats: Parasomnia Demo Out Now. Post #330201
I found it neat, looking forward to the game!

Some feedback:

I found it extremely dark - anything not illuminated by the lantern was unreadable.

I don't like the tutorial narration - Being locked in place over an over for long winded explanations was tiresome. I'd rather be shown than told, are encouraged to experiment, rather than told.

There seemed to be a lot of timing issues and delays where things were taking too long to spawn or happen.

Add some autosaves so if I kill myself with dynamite etc.. I dont have to start the training all over again.
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-17 07:02:30 UTC
in Texture for Goldsrc needed Post #330144
palmtrees, but not tropical ;)
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-10 06:58:18 UTC
in VVIS get stucks Post #330083

Visclusters are good for large open areas like your showcased in your map. Note: If you ever start using them, and RAD crashes on compile, you've made the viscluster brush too big.
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-09 13:47:09 UTC
in VVIS get stucks Post #330077
Map looks like it has a pretty large open space. You need to func_detail more things, and add area portals in every appropriate place if you have not yet doe that.

Are you using any visclusters? They can reduce your compile times. However, massive ones can make certain parts of the tools crash so be wary.

One thing to test and try and eliminate variables that might be causing your crash and long compile
  • Func_detail EVERYTHING in the map except the hull (outer shell). See if it compiles. (Don't put everything into one func_detail, but make most everything part of at least a func_detail).
  • Try covering half the map in a giant solid brush, then the other half, or even more like 90%. Does it compile?
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-26 06:32:26 UTC
in Wall does not block vis Post #329985
Rendering is not based upon line of sight. Roughly, if the area the player is in can see the geometry it will render.

Assuming the doors are the only connections into the warehouse:

Your best bet is to do a little bit of redesign and make your doorways into that warehouse a bit "deeper" or have a short hallway of ~ 128 units before you enter the warehouse.

As designed, your only option is to add some hint brushes to make sure vis is cut properly around the doors.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-21 15:44:02 UTC
in Lighting Issues Post #329503
"See, the way I have it, is that all of the candles can be lit and extinguished."

Given that, it looks like you have too many light styles on the black faces.

As a test, remove the names of every light in that scene and recompile (this will make it so the lights cant be switched on/off).
This will reveal if all thos switchable lights it the culprit.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-21 07:55:20 UTC
in Lighting Issues Post #329496
what are your RAD compile settings?

Looks a lot like some of the bugs in Zoner's tools when you set brush entities to Opaque (cast shadows).

What compile tools are you using?
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-14 13:29:25 UTC
in Changing model textures? Post #329355

Its pretty much the same in photoshop as well.
Posted 8 years ago2016-02-25 09:17:50 UTC
in Light Shadow and models Post #329013
If Im currently compiling on ZHLT and move to Vluzacn's Half life tools, will my map look essentially the same when compiled with VHLT until I start making use of the additional functionality?

Or do I need to do any setup to move to VHLT from zoners?
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-17 19:06:06 UTC
in Playing music in Half-Life Post #328922
Why wouldnt you be able to play a mp3 for your boss battle and stop it?

you could use:
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-10 23:46:09 UTC
in How to make this following things in VHE Post #328809
use a game_counter?

Have the slaves target the counter, when the counter reaches its max have it target the multisource which is acting as a gate on the teleportation.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-09 21:03:49 UTC
in trigger_once game crash Post #328793
Is that required even in Singleplayer Unq?
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-09 08:31:39 UTC
in trigger_once game crash Post #328787
Try to eliminate variables - remove the env_message - still crash? What about the scripted sequence?

I've had some odd crashes involved with game_text entities before (which are similar to env_message). Try a setup where a trigger targets the env_message directly without a multimanager and see if you still get the crash.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-08 08:28:09 UTC
in game_player_equip and 9mmAR problems Post #328771
So, I've run into one major issue with my game_player_equip's -

They don't work after the player has loaded from save. I only need them to be a one shot deal - they only get triggered 1 time in the map.

...But if the player hits the trigger that targets my game_player_equip after a load, the equip never fires (the trigger does, as other things happen).

Anyone have a workaround? I'm stumped.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-08 08:19:08 UTC
in Models not visible after load from save Post #328770
Yeah, env_sprite works.

It seems to lack 2 things -

The models don't match in game what I see in the editor (rotations are different). So for non simple rotation/placement it isn't very workable.

Also, no additive rendermode, which i would like for a number of my models.

Thanks for all the help and ideas guys :)
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-07 12:02:59 UTC
in Models not visible after load from save Post #328750
Yeah i've tried it with the saves cleared out. Unfortunately its not that simple.

Still trying to figure out the best solution for models in vanilla HL that holds between saves :(
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-06 09:52:39 UTC
in Models not visible after load from save Post #328698
Im a bit leery of making a large number of entities monster_, I might be able to get away with it though.

I'm also struggling to get my game_player_equip entities to work after a load. They work before, but after a save game load they no longer work :/
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-06 09:24:41 UTC
in Models not visible after load from save Post #328696

env_sprites work after load, but dont take the full set of angles I have set on them.

cycler's work, but have collision. (any way to disable it?)

Do monster_ entities have an extra overhead of AI or other cpu/rendering hit?
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-05 23:31:42 UTC
in Models not visible after load from save Post #328684
I have a number of models in my HL1 goldsource map that are placed using cycler_sprites. I have no settings on these entities other than the model path name.

They show up fine the way I want in game, but, after I die and load the game from a save point, the models no longer render in the same map.

has anyone ever seen this before? Is there a setting I need to have them render on load from save?
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-04 09:20:20 UTC
in env_global - variables across many maps? Post #328657
Thanks for the research Tetsu. This is great.

Its interesting that we need the trigger_auto - I wonder why the "Global State Master" setting on the multisource set to "unlock_door" does not work like it does with just 2 maps.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-03 14:25:20 UTC
in game_player_equip and 9mmAR problems Post #328643
ooh neat. Perfect.

Posted 9 years ago2016-02-03 08:36:53 UTC
in game_player_equip and 9mmAR problems Post #328638
I'm having trouble giving the player a 9mmAR with the game_player_equip.

Every other weapon seems to work fine with the game_player_equip, but the weapon_9mmAR will not equip for me.

The problem, best I can tell, is that the weapon_9mmAR entry in my game_player_equip is saved to the .rmf WITHOUT the "AR" capitalized as just "weapon_9mmar."

If I edit the compiled .BSP in a text editor and change the "ar" to "AR" then the weapon adds fine from the game_player_equip.

Does anyone know of a better workaround for this that is less hacky?
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-03 08:30:59 UTC
in env_global - variables across many maps? Post #328637
Thanks guys. I'll mock it up and report back.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-02 10:25:21 UTC
in env_global - variables across many maps? Post #328632
I have a question about env_globals.

This is for standard hl1 goldsource on steam.

I have 4 maps that play linearly in order. The level transitions are 1 way.

I want to set a variable in the 1st map, and then do something with it in the 4th map.

Imagine I have a button in map 1, and I want to unlock a door in map 4. What do?

If I set up an env_global in map 1 and target it/set its variable, will that global state be available in the 4th map? Or, will I need to set an env_global in each map to carry the variable from map to map?

The tutorial here on twhl seems great for a 2 map scenario, so I'm wondering how to scale it.

Thanks for your help :)
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-29 08:49:28 UTC
in Door Locked and Opened on Trigger Post #328539
You want to use a multisource.

You have the multisource gate the door.

Set the master of your door to the name of the multisource.

When you want the door to become active, you target the multisource (say, from your multimanager).

Check out the tutorials, there is a specific section regarding a door as you describe -
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-27 08:16:14 UTC
in Lighting prop models? Post #328510
Just what I needed, thank you!
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-26 14:57:23 UTC
in Lighting prop models? Post #328503
Is there a way to have a model play an animation in standard HL1 goldsource?

I don't think i can make a cycler_sprite play an animation right?

Could I add it to the level in a different method - like a monster_generic?
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-21 09:28:33 UTC
in End game when NPC is killed? Post #328424
Do the trigger conditions work on all monsters? I was having trouble getting an Apache to fire off any trigger conditions. (In standard HL1 steam)
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-20 08:40:36 UTC
in TWHL World - Community Project Post #328407
Just an idea, I think it would be cool if the player could play any of the "world" maps in any order they choose from the hub - make it so all maps can be warped to at any time from the hub.

With some clever env_global action, you might be able to pull it off such that the hub can close off the completed maps, and track which "items" the player has gathered from the different levels.

It sounds fun to give players the option to tackle the worlds in a non-linear way.

I might be game to participate in the goldsource project. :)
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-19 14:00:52 UTC
in making grunts engage from distance? Post #328376
Yes I did, sorry. I didn't realize the forum here does not show/highlight post edits the way I expected.

I had made the post where I asked the questions, then I found the thread I linked, and then edited my post to show I had found the answers I needed.

regardless, thank you for your reply and clarifying what the other thread had shown.

I think I can now get grunts to behave the way I desire.
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-19 08:34:51 UTC
in making grunts engage from distance? Post #328372
Edit, found a discussion here:

How does the squad functionality work? How do you set it up and what is it normally used for?

Is there a tutorial somewhere?

Thanks :)
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-18 16:15:15 UTC
in making grunts engage from distance? Post #328358
Yeah there is a func_tank over there, but there is also a grunt at the far side of the bridge who will engage the player on his own... which seems much further away than I feel like I have experienced before.
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-18 14:31:35 UTC
in Sounds playing when loading a save game? Post #328355
When I load from a save game in my custom map, a bunch of ambient generics seem to be firing and playing their sounds.

They are all ambient generics that have the start silent flag set. Is this a bug? What are workarounds?
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-18 14:28:14 UTC
in making grunts engage from distance? Post #328354
In standard steam half life 1, it seems to me that grunts will not engage you or shoot at you until you are within a certain distance of them. Even if they are looking right at you, if you are far enough away they don't appear to do anything for me.

Is this normal behaviour? Is there any way to make them engage you at a longer distance with the default tools and entities?

It seems like in the Dam level in HL 1, there is a grunt on the bridge that will engage you from much farther away that I seem to be experiencing in my custom maps.

User posted image
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-08 15:11:20 UTC
in Splash screen size? Post #328152
This would be for a steam HL1 mod. Sounds like as long as I split it up properly and set the files up correctly I can use a higher res source image. Thanks :)
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-08 14:28:23 UTC
in Splash screen size? Post #328149
What resolutions can you make the artwork/source files for the splash screen in goldsource? Can it be a higher res than 800x600?

Thanks :)
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-06 14:47:40 UTC
in Lighting prop models? Post #328109
Thanks for the information.

I think my problem is that I was not adding any bones, and just a single joint to my props.

It's just one regular bone that is needed to control the lighting origin?