Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 15:24:02 UTC
in hgrunt models Post #34361
Everthing can happen. From corrupted model file to screwed up animations. What exactly do you want to do?
Make selfmade hgrunt models, make several different grunts appear in one level, use models from other mods? Be more precise!
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 15:15:44 UTC
in Movie? Post #34347
Ahh, ok.
Does it have to be finished in ten minutes or do I have time until tomorrow?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 15:04:07 UTC
in Prisoner / Member Numbers Post #34340
Hehe, glowing in the dark, eh?
btw I'm 733.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 15:02:24 UTC
in Movie? Post #34339
Just that I don't misunderstand you. I shall just tell anything that comes close to a story, whatever I want?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 14:50:02 UTC
in Movie? Post #34334
Err, a story. Shall I just tell a story grom scratch, or is there any starting point. Does it refer to Half-Life or anything else? Is there a certain time to play in. Any places where it plays. Or can I just tell what I want to.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 10:57:48 UTC
in Colour Scheme Post #34279
What about custom colour schemes. Everybody can upload his own images for bg, sidebar etc. Of course you cannot change the avatars, link buttons and stuff.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 10:52:54 UTC
in Movie? Post #34277
Could you tell something about the story if the is one?
Otherwise I would want to help writing one.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 10:48:16 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #34272
YEAH! I really hated those morrowind zombies. They're probably the most scary ones I've ever seen in a game.
For those morrowind zombies it'd suffice to change the hl zombie models and use their AI and behaviour.
The Ash creatures are a bit too unhuman for zombies though.
To make them even more annoying, the player has only one mag for the pistol and no other weapon. The levels will be very dark with flickering lights, so the player must use the flashlight all the time. The creepy sounds of the morrowind zombies might be usefull too.
I remember an article about a coder team that added shadows 'n stuff to the hl engine, this could make the whole thing even more scary.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 03:41:29 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #34171
Try downloading the example map. It should make it easier to understand.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 17:27:22 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #33939
:) Always glad to help.
I just saw that the talking sci results are out.
You've won the silver cup. Congratulations!
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 17:24:58 UTC
in Ts and Cs Post #33937
Laggy in what way. Low fps, superhigh pingtimes?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 17:19:34 UTC
in How did you find TWHL? Post #33933
Hm, there are four possible reasons for this.
1. You look very odd, because you're cutting your hair yourself.
2. You look even more odd, because your hair is 4.31meters long.
3. Someone you know likes to cut others hair and does it for free.
4. You're only 2 months old.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 17:08:37 UTC
in How did you find TWHL? Post #33929
@bryce_boi: ?65? WTF? My haircut definitively uncanny, but the price is normal. btw, got 79% of malevolence and then I'm gonna have a closer look at it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 17:02:12 UTC
in Let's talk about policy, baby! Post #33922
You Americans out there can stop this. As far as I know there'll be elections soon. If you want to hinder Bush choose the lesser evil.
Hm, do I sound like a politinally radical, or something?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 16:57:47 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #33920
YES! You have to make clear that this texture is the whole trick.
I didn't get it how exactly the rays are created until I saw which texture you used. Just tell that the texture has some 'holes' and that the bright points look like lighting rays ingame. Something like that.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 16:50:13 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #33914
I don't want to spoil the who?le zombie thing, but we've had this too often already. 'They Hunger', 'Heart of Evil' ... .
The thing could be changed a little. Instead of zombies we could just make them mutants that were contaminated with big amounts of atomic radiation. Somehow like 'Stalker - Oblivion Lost', but in old abandoned places.
I intended to make mod with a lot of those abandoned places, but it turned out to be too much for one single person.

@Jahzel: The more pics you show, the more I think your mapping skills are really really good. The pic above looks really ... abandoned. The things I don't like are those colourfull pipes and the blue box, make them more - old.
You are very good at making those pipes and machines filled cellar rooms. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 16:40:06 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #33908
Read the tut and looked at the map. The pictures and the tut where not so exciting, because I already knew how it's done. BUT, the texture. You're a genius, to use this tex for lighting rays. It perfectly serves the purpose, but I would've never had the idea to use a xeno web texture for this. Ingenious idea!
Plus: you're the first one who didn't forget the '!' in my name. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 16:30:52 UTC
in scientist Torture Mod Preview Post #33906
Sounds very childish to me, sorry.
There's enough of crap like this out there, don't abuse the HL engine for this.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 07:56:25 UTC
in Lighting Issues Post #33526
ARGH! That sentece seems totally messed up.
If I interpreted it right, you want to make a screenshot of the map inside the editor?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 07:52:58 UTC
in Compo entries in profile. Post #33525
ai wos ectuali tolkin ebaut mei spellin mystaiks. :P

@ pepper: there must be a way to get atom back here. he can't just leave TWHL alone without destining a successor.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 07:47:33 UTC
in How did you find TWHL? Post #33522
SP episode!?!
Where can I get it. I downloaded tons of SP packs, it's hard find something new.
BTW: why do you look like me? your avatar could be me looking into a mirror.

whoops, slappingmyselfforpostingofftopic
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 07:45:15 UTC
in Pointfile doesnt work.... Post #33519
0 points read means the pointfile does not contain information.
So when the pointfile was created, there was no leak.
Make sure that the has been updated.
You can also load the pointfile in the VHE, try this.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 07:43:05 UTC
in Lighting Issues Post #33517
You've probably been using texture lights on the other maps.
This object disappearing issue can be caused by vis errors. Check your compile log for error messages.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 07:40:59 UTC
in How did you find TWHL? Post #33516
Hah, like me. I mapped the first 18 month all alone. Being an autodidact makes things a lot easier later.
Then I found the VERC and the german HL community TheWall.
These communities are too big for me though.
After the change to VERC collective they set up a link to TWHL and tadaa.
TWHL is much better the community is nice and small, there are a few pros giving tips and some permanent users who take part in most of the discussions.
But the best thing here is that we've got compos. No other big community has compos.
TWHL rocks!

btw: CP, I've seen your lighting rays tut and downloaded the map. Can't wait see it. Good work so far.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 14:51:29 UTC
in Compo entries in profile. Post #33354
D'oh. I just saw my nasty spelling mistakes. :zonked:
Kids, don't press the 'post'-button before checking your spelling!
he wont be back i think
as long as he's somewhere on the internet there is a big chance to get him here via email. at long enough to make andy and 7th something like semi-admins. (afaik they're the most dedicated moderators here).
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 14:44:05 UTC
in Compo entries in profile. Post #33350
Maybe the admin right should spread over more than one moderators.
The ones who are here more often.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 09:52:26 UTC
in DOH!!! Post #33293
What about the recyle bin?
Actually it's 1234-56789-0123.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 09:43:20 UTC
in How many log-ins? Post #33285
Just check out their profiles. And stop spamming the shoutbox. It's not a SPAMBOX!
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 09:41:25 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #33281
Nice! Very good Jahzel!
The lighting rocks.
Three things I'd change:
1. The connection between the hallway on the second image and the room on the first should be less abrupt. Put a door or at least some pillars on the walls.
2. Omit all those old HL textures. Everybody who knows HL at bit will immediately be reminded of it. The just don't fit the abience.
3. Make the bright hallway even brighter and add some glows to the lamps. This looks cool.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 09:33:16 UTC
in Let's talk about policy, baby! Post #33276
I want to give this thread one more chance. It even dropped below this qwerty 'hello peeps' spam shit thread.
I made little teaser, you might have an oppinion on.
User posted image
Hope this image upload thingy works ^.

This pic might seem a bit radical, but there's thruth in it.
And I do not respect Adolf or what he has done in any way.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 09:01:08 UTC
in Favorite games (not including hl) Post #32961
Ahhh! No don't touch it! It's evil! It'll make you a mindless player giving all his money to billy boy.
Seriously, you don't have a gaming console, do you?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 07:45:02 UTC
in Prisoner / Member Numbers Post #32941
Hehe, but the server is #0.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 22:55:05 UTC
in ME VACATION!!! Post #32878
Nooo! cryinglikeabitch The bananas are gone. Where are they? When will the ycome back? What the f**k shall we do while he's away? :D
You lucky one, I gotta go back to school tomorrow.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 20:24:00 UTC
in Favorite games (not including hl) Post #32850
Half-Life. HL mods. HL mappacks. HL addons. HL maps. HL extensions. :D
Deus Ex (number one) is the best game ever, really!!!
Halo could've been theee game ever, but microsoft killed everthing good in this game. It's quite ugly, it requires a very good hardware and makes no use of it and the most annoying thing: you cannot switch of the pixel shader FX. This is microsoft, the only thing you can customize is the keys you walk with.
Freelancer, microsoft too but really good.
Star Craft, no matter what peeps say, it's better than WC3.
Trackmania is really cool.
Serious Sam.
OUTCAST, the grafics were amazing. Well, they still are, but it's too buggy to play it on DX9.
Colonization, by Sid Meyer. One of my first games.
Dune, the adventure.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 18:55:35 UTC
in Cool Websites Post #32830
that's where i get inspiration for my maps.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 18:43:45 UTC
in nummarkfaces == MAX_LEAF_FACES Post #32826
The ent outside world error mostly occurs when wrongly deformed brush has been fixed by the tools. did you use vertex manipulation anywhere. also try to use the 'check for probs' dialogue. if there are 'invalid solid structure' errors you have to fix them, manually or with the button.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 18:18:15 UTC
in Prisoner / Member Numbers Post #32817
Big Brother is both, a synonym for a greater power watching you and a very annoying tv show. This whole Big Brother sh*t always makes me want to throw up. 'He you stupid brainless out there, it's Big Brother time again. Will PussyA be f*cked by CockB tonight and will AssholeC eventually be kicked out of the house. Find it out now, when normal people throw their remote control at their tvs, because they know how stupid this whole show is.' and this happens every day, even on the weekends. :zonked:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 18:12:13 UTC
in Carving problem Post #32814
I think that, the more experinced or the more a perfectionist you become, the less you will be using the carve tool. Clipping and of course vertex manipulation a the number one tools, because the result is always exactly what you want.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 17:03:39 UTC
in 1000th member. Post #32777
:P Write a PHP script, so we don't miss the event.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 16:24:55 UTC
in 1000th member. Post #32751
Or Osama.
Or Denton.
Deus Ex 4ever!!!
btw: we'va had the 2^10 th member and no one said a word.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 16:19:12 UTC
in User names Post #32748
Hehe, does your rabbit look like that snark? :P
My name ain't very cool, but beware it's ... hazardous!
First I called myself waste!, until I found out that it didn't mean what I thought it does. So I took out my dictionary and looked for 'gef?hrlich'.
Years ago now, my english skills where way worse than, though it's hardly possible.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 16:07:47 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #32744
It is Quake3:Arena not HL. But James Bond: Nightfire is similar, awesome maps on the HL engine. HL is also amazing, this whole engine is build from Quake1.
BTW: Are getting a bit too offtopic?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 16:04:46 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #32742
Cool another fan? This website is the bhong!
When is saw those screenies of yours I first thought 'hm, seen this before?'.
The last four shots are the best, yet. Most of the upper ones are too empty and the lighting constrasts are too strong.
Those metal bars contrution in the middle of the room looks too clean. Make it dirrrty! ;)
What about r_speeds?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-11 02:41:00 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #32222
:) Maybe the next compo should be about special FX.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-11 02:38:34 UTC
in 1000th member. Post #32221
Me want some too. :D Please paint them green!
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-11 02:34:13 UTC
in Yet ANOTHER poll! Post #32220
Colt is teh bestest weapon in CS. Super high accuracy and it looks great, the damage is also very good. The aug is not accurate at all and the firepower is as good as a water pistol. No one uses the silencer.
BTW: CS sux anyway. It's been good until 1.1 came out. 1.0 was perfect.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-10 07:45:25 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #32002
I was talking 'bout the avi in HL thingy.
My email acc is like 300 SPAM mails per day. Can't you just upload it here?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-09 06:01:50 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #31712
I've already seen this on the VERC I wish someone would include it in Spirit. To me the tut ain't important, I just want to see it in 3d. :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-09 05:49:49 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #31709
fps doesn't drop because of the high amount of polygons, but due to this redrawing
that's actually what I said.
Btw: did you upload the map yet? I'd like to have a look at it. I'm also expermimenting a lot with special FX in HL. You can do much more than one'd expect. Half-Life ain't dead yet and we wont let it die!!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-09 03:50:29 UTC
in 1000th member. Post #31700
Why do we celebrate the 10^2 th user. We're the binary generation, computers 'n pink shirts. We gotta celebrate the 2^10 th user. :P