Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-07 10:19:43 UTC
in Award suggestion... Post #145892
You'll gain points for every action you perform here at TWHL, like posting maps, commenting, getting rated, etc. You get the point
Thats gay...and also its childish
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-07 07:43:13 UTC
in Award suggestion... Post #145879
People aren't making such mods to contribute to the site.
What do you mean?

such good mods?
or such mods that supports TWHL? :
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-06 15:35:49 UTC
in To anyone who lives in London Post #145777
I think he wants a whore when he arrives at London,he wants her to wait for him in the hotel...I think thats why he is so shy about to tell ? :glad:
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-06 10:55:02 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #145686
What about a drivable Garg
Actually,that was idea first.As I mentioned in my Xen Assault thread.Do not steal ideas!Think and be creative habboi!
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-06 09:22:53 UTC
in Xen Assault [HL1] Post #145678
ok,ok I added another map to the warehouse chapter.Which you find your self in a sewery place.And I added another mini boss stage,which you battle with the boss of the warehouse...which is a maniac who loves grenades.(it became like a crash bandicoot boss stage,but what ever :nuts: ,you ll like it)[or I ll just delete it]
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-06 09:17:08 UTC
in To anyone who lives in London Post #145676
Its a bird,Its a plane no its gordonfreeman from TWHL!
Will he be able to save London? or Will he be late to save London?
See you next time folks in another episode of gordonfreeman from TWHL
To be Continued...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-05 17:29:19 UTC
in HL - Obviously Bad Mapping! Post #145549
alexb911 you should start playing Half-Life in OpenGL. :tired:

and everyone knows hl1 has tons of mapping mistakes but do not forget they were mapping in 1997-98 ...And they were not using the latest VHE +they were using the first 3D un-sprite models+Lighting+Entity+...much more...It must been hard to get use to these in 1998...Did you ever played DOOM in those ages.You cant jump,you cannot reload,only red,blue,green,white lights,as entity only door and button.And all monsters 2D..
In conclusion ,plz stop posting these kinda threads.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-05 13:19:13 UTC
in Xen Assault [HL1] Post #145463
Saribous, the chapter with the citadel is one of the most important chapters in Hl2, but this sewers chapter is probebly the way that you escape from the city(or something like that) so it's not that important if you escape through the sewers or through a diffrent part!
yes,at last someone understood it...I cannot make my self clear,sometimes :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-05 13:02:07 UTC
in Xen Assault [HL1] Post #145459
seems like you just make maps without any thought to the story
Thats because I suck at making sewers and I told Unbreakable to do it.He made some of it maps then a virus got in his PC and deleted all of his maps!!!And ...btw wtf are you talking about did I write all these chapters without any reason....I map according to the chapters that I wrote ABOVE!!
You want to show your level design to companies such as? Games have updated since HL1 and require a lot more detail...If you made this for HL2 alone then that would be another story.
I know but there is not even a single game company in Turkey...Did you know that!In case if there will be one,I ll be ready for it.(no,I wont only map for hl1,after this I think I ll map for UT for a while.)
HL1 and require a lot more detail
I know,I even get out and look at the building's details to make a releastic city.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-05 12:53:03 UTC
in dead model, question #2 ^_^ Post #145457
Saco you use cycler_sprite
I never used that in my entire mapping life.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-05 12:51:39 UTC
in Brushes behind Skybox Post #145455
Room A is connected with Room B by a corridor, trough the skybox on Room B i can see the outer walls of Room A.
Its the hl1 engine,its called sky-hack or something...You can see through the other room by looking thru a sky brush or box. :nuts:
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-05 12:32:20 UTC
in Xen Assault [HL1] Post #145453
I just wondered why you would change it from a sewer
Because Unbreakable was gonna do the sewers but a virus deleted his remaining sewers map,instead of starting all over...I decided to replace it with another chapter.
Good luck, it's going to be difficult to built such a hugh mod by your self!
I know ,but the reward is big enough for me. :D
And +I'm going to show my mod to such game companies to join them as a level designer.(as I did much for this mod.[skinning,sprites,mapping,webmaster,texturing[modding as folder])
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-05 08:07:11 UTC
in Xen Assault [HL1] Post #145428
Would anyone feel bad if I map alone
I thought we had pass that part?I'm going to map alone.But you can help me with the skies and the splash screen :
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-05 07:39:51 UTC
in Xen Assault [HL1] Post #145425
I think its time to explain my chapters and ideas...Why?Cause If someone steals these ideas ,so you guys can report to me(plz?) :)

Chapter0/The Intro:The intro movie where you ll see how things started at the first place.How did the Xen Life Forms escape,and some of them terrorizing the city.
Chapter 1/Outer Xentopia:You got teleported to Xentopia's industrial areas.Which is full of warehouses and depos.You ll find yourself jumping pipe to pipe and box to box,running from mostly gnomes.
Chapter 2/Battle Continues:You are still trying to go to the center of Xentopia,where the real battle is.
Chapter 3/Old Pal:The chapter where you 1st hook up with soldiers and barney,fighting together.
Chapter 4/HOWITZERS:A mini boss stage,where your radio gets broken and cannot communicate with the Artilery Division(howitzers).And they keep bombing dont knowing that you are in their bombing area.
Chapter 5/Xen Forest:A Xen Forest which is full of Xen Bugs and swamps.(+riding a gargantua[%40 chance])
Chapter 6/Struggle with Machines:After you crash into a base along with your gargantua.And remain fainted.You find out that the base is military weaponry factory.
Chapter 7/THE X.G.D TANK:The Guard of the base.
Chapter 8/My Evil Clone:Aliens caught you and make a copy of you ,an evil clone...Which kills Barney and your friends.Is there a way to stop him.
Chapter 9/Demons:?
Chapter 11/DEMONGARG :?

I hope ,I wrote those stuff correctly in English.Anyway all ideas and story is made by me. :glad:
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 18:11:22 UTC
in We need a modeller! Post #145333
Saco, stop it now!, this is why your such a heartless idiot.
I have to agree mods like this usually fail but you have my luck alongside!
Plant looks good, ignore SariBous who seems to love sarcasm.
Your av is fine, much better than Saco...Looks like a paint job HA.
Ok,I guess I gone too far...Good luck with your mod..and have a nice day..btw no I done it with fireworks2004

p.s:I dont think this mod will stay alive and get done(its myopinion!)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 18:03:22 UTC
in We need a modeller! Post #145330
The final version won't be out for another few months
I cant wait!There is a plant at the first level!I cant even figure out whats coming up next!I'M SO EXCITED!
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 17:34:12 UTC
in We need a modeller! Post #145327
Where did you steal that from? :

and btw,your avatar sucks
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 17:22:17 UTC
in Cant run map Post #145326
post the compile log so we can check it out..could be invalid solid structure press alt+P to check your errors in your map(and fixing them as well)

btw,according to TWHL rules I must say hello''Hello Cujo''
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 17:19:01 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #145324
No, a large xen pole is gonna smash out of the ground and impale it, leaving it stuck in midair, which is perfect for a "Get off the Ship" type game
Great idea.
makes me feel bad...
I've been mapping a lot longer than you
great,we lost Brattylord today at : 04 Nov 05, 20:13

Whats wrong with you,I checked out your posts today,and 2 of em was about ''How good I[brattylord] am at mapping :cool:''I see no point to argue because ...well,I hate selfish people...(people who thinks they are the best)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 16:40:27 UTC
in HLDM roleplay Post #145315
Its a second server, becuase the other one is full.
What are you trying to do Muzzle,there is already a TWHL network server...And Daubster,Elon and you had joined to it
And Its not full,it can hold 3 more members.But probably you didnt know that,cause you didnt check it in a month.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 16:36:27 UTC
in Horror Post #145314
Saco's home page! He goes there everyday.
Um, yeah, don't click the link.
we wont ZL :P
Hm the corridor wasn't that bad but the end (Which I won't spoil) made me jump a tiny bit.
:lol: lol
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 15:26:34 UTC
in Horror Post #145300
Anyone who loves horror films will love this, :badass:

I laughed at the living room part,cause that guy's looking was so funny :D

anyway enjoy, :badass:

p.s:ZL dont play this,you ll probably piss in ur pants.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 12:23:03 UTC
in The ball/Globe/Sphere Post #145247
seeing as I am somewhat talented in that area...
here we go again, :roll: (typical)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 08:23:17 UTC
in Competition 17 Post #145213
you can still enter Elon,it says 0 days left...but you still can submit your map.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 18:51:21 UTC
in The ball/Globe/Sphere Post #145167
ok, before we get any further,can we know why that is your schools logo? WTF does that mean?
lol :D
Ok, here's the deal. Me and some friends have a school project to make a half life map out of the school. just outside the school is a statue of the school-logo. It looks like this:
First of all,its illegal to use your school in a FPS game that contains blood and violence.But if you do use it,then your school has the right to report you to justice... :|
[p.s:Just make sure that your teachers and wise principals wont know it]
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 16:00:42 UTC
in A TWHL community project suggestion. Post #145127
Im working on Alise, so, sorry, can't help...
I'm stuck in so many xen mods, saco's, half-dude's and my yet to be done idea so I wont join you.
Guys....Tycell didnt ask you personally to help him. :|
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 15:58:03 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #145126
Is that ship going to hit a Xen Tree? :
That reminded my compo 15,the one that I didnt enter with...A ship was going to hit Xen Tree then fall with the Xen Tree on the ground...but I never finished it.Well,anyway...good luck.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 15:39:23 UTC
in We need a modeller! Post #145124
...or just search other forums, search for modelling websites in particular. Start your search at Snarkpit
yea?Like Snarkpit is gonna help him,model? :roll:
User posted image
Try Hit,the best modelling site -
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 15:34:07 UTC
in HLDM roleplay Post #145120
If you don't know the servername and password:

Password: muzzle
: What are you trying to do Muzzle,there is already a TWHL network server...And Daubster,Elon and you had joined to it ...I do not see the point to join to a second one to play.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 10:02:53 UTC
in Competition 17 Post #145033
If there was no school,I would be even in the Valve team ,mapping.But,yea as usual school f**ks up every type of plans you got.I cannot even have to go out.Do homework-Eat-Study Exam-Map for Xen Assault-Map for Half-Life:Hostage situation-Design site for Web contest-go to bed :(
But I had done my crappy compo in 1 day so its a little bit bad,but I entered make more entries to compo 16.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 09:56:41 UTC
in Xen Assault [HL1] Post #145031
You know what?I think I'm going to try myself first ,then beg for help :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 09:50:55 UTC
in Competition 17 Post #145028
I dont think that ll happen Elon,so hurry up.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 08:48:01 UTC
in HLDM roleplay Post #145019



Saco:I guess,I hold it too long...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-01 17:44:03 UTC
in dead model, question #2 ^_^ Post #144748
He's a Cs mapper!
But its the same,dont CS has scripted_squence? :
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-01 17:42:00 UTC
in The world today Post #144747
So yeah, way to go greenpeace, if something is going to kill us its going to be ice age, or we blow ourself to smitherseen.
No ice age is so original for god now,he/she/? is gonna melt us!LAVA AGE! :nuts:
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-01 13:22:03 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #144700
I just sent my updated maps to Daubster for beta Test.
only to Daubster :quizzical: ?

Anyway,Hunter this edited chapter looks much better.But dont get this personal,I didnt like the machine that opens the door in the 2nd map. :P
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-01 10:04:14 UTC
in Gauss laser Post #144692
I think you change the shot's color like this.
No you cant,that works only for bullets not lasers or beams :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-01 05:58:08 UTC
in Scripted Sentence - Major Delay Post #144669
give it to somebody to compile your compo? :
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-01 05:09:42 UTC
in dead model, question #2 ^_^ Post #144662
Use a scripted_squence with putting the dying animation's name into the action animation part.Then tick leave_corpse and die when finished flags. ;)
And dont forget the scripted_squence must be triggered in order to make it work.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-01 04:19:15 UTC
in Xen Assault [HL1] Post #144661
Thats nice Daubster :) ,but I need something more realistic :
And I need for xeno10 and xeno8 (both skies)

To Elon:Rowleybob seems to be really good at this,I ll pm him.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-31 12:50:13 UTC
in Xen Assault [HL1] Post #144562
I would have helped you if I knew what to do. There is another xen sky and three more alien skies. This sky looks weird for it doesn't fit the city theme(but thats the idea, a human city in the middle of xen) Also make the sky emmit a greener light!
1-Get xeno8 and xeno10 sky boxes from pak0(use pak explorer to export)
2-Edit them in photoshop.
3-Make a city at the background,(sort of xen city to both of them)
4-Then send it to me.
While you work on that,I ll be making a skybox for Xen Forest.
Team Unite :P
And btw Unbreakable I guess you could make a walk-through for the mod.Cause you are often busy or you do not respond much...Or do you have a better idea to help the mod : (not being sarcastic)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-31 07:45:37 UTC
in Xen Assault [HL1] Post #144540
I like the pic of the place that's supposed to replace the sewer part. but why not just make a new sewage area?
I kinda like the replacement sewer area too, but I agree with SariBous, a new sewage section would be better.
I dont understand,why would you prefer a original sewer area like nearly every game/mod had.For a depo,warehouse,industrial themed chapter???
And also ,I suck at making sewers,cause I ..dunno really I just suck at it ...But I sure you that this chapter is better than my sewer maps,
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-30 19:03:47 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #144511
How many weeks do I have left to finish my chapter? :
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-30 18:30:32 UTC
in Xen Assault [HL1] Post #144503
Any volunteers to photoshop these skies(not these images) to make a city/xen look?
How about you Elon? : You seem to be good at photoshop ?Anyone?Unbreakable?

btw:here is our new hgrunt :
and a new screenshot: (ok,from now on no more screenshots until next month ;) )

sorry Unbreakable but no swat.So if you still want to help me with the skies(u too Elon)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-30 10:31:51 UTC
in Competition 17 Post #144457
Yeah. Unfinished is better than nothing, definitely...
Ok, :quizzical: .But I ll add a text into the .zip that I did not finished it,completly
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-29 11:38:21 UTC
in Xen Assault [HL1] Post #144324
the sky, which looks terrible.
hmm,that reminded me something :
User posted image
User posted image
Any volunteers to photoshop these skies(not these images) to make a city/xen look? :
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-29 08:51:08 UTC
in Xen Assault [HL1] Post #144277
Ok,it seems that the sewers chapter is cancelled cause Unbreakable got a virus in his PC that wiped out his maps so here is the chapter thats gonna replace sewers:

its a some sort of depo atmosphere chapter,with silos,crates,warehouses and machinery stuff. I called: Outer Xentopia :nuts:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-28 10:46:46 UTC
in Loading Screens Post #144154
ok thx guys and freshed...nevermind.. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-28 08:42:05 UTC
in Loading Screens Post #144134
I allways wondered how he did that screen!
I thought he did it that way but I was not sure..
wtf?I dont mean Kasperg's screen atm
Do you mean a replacement for the big lambda logo that (which?) people see when starting maps without -console? I think that's in cached.wad or something. It's been covered on a tutorial somewhere, possibly here, if not, Google.
yes,indeed it is but when I open a cached.wad with wally,I just cant open the loading image?dunno why?wally doesnt understands the format or what? :
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-28 08:28:54 UTC
in Loading Screens Post #144131
Do you mean a replacement for the big lambda logo that (which?) people see when starting maps without -console? I think that's in cached.wad or something. It's been covered on a tutorial somewhere, possibly here, if not, Google.
yes,indeed it is but when I open a cached.wad with wally,I just cant open the loading image?dunno why?wally doesnt understands the format or what? :