Cheating in SP, i only do that to discover secrets when i allready played the game (and finished it)
Cheating in MP, i don't do that, that's just lame
I don't have to use cheats in MP/SP , i'm the one and only : Teh 1337 n00b !
I mean counter-strike in this example, they allways call you a n00b, because they just are stupid and think that they have super skillz.... but in the mean while they get owned, then they get pissed (some have cheats then and say : Pfff, i was just coming in the game or something).
When they getting owned then, they change there name to (example) :
Deadman @ n00bmode or Yes-R @ Suckage.... (like there so good) and say : i have a bad day ! Then there going to cry and whine all the time ...
Next day the whiner comes again : I OWN YOU ALL (something) and suddenly he is really good, admin ???, BOEM BENG BAM, MUHAHHAHAHAHA, BAN

And he was so good ????

Sorry for my bad english