Last time i normally used 3ds max i had Ge force2 mx 400 and cooler on it didn't worked, now i have ge force 5200 (cooler wokrs fine) : Dunno if thats the problem
Yesterday when i was going to bed i thought waht do headcrabs eat? I know that they jump on people's faces and bits then so they get the venom and start to mutate, but that's not the point. I mean when they are born in xen those transperant little headcrabs. What do they eat? Xen fungus? And when they grow up and get normal headcrabs what do thjey do then? What diod they eat before the portal storm started? They were starving?
I installed 3ds max yesterday. Tried to launch it and my pc restarted, after few tries i deleted it. Dunno what's the problem. It worked fine like year ago. Maybe because it's older version.
Fix login forms style so it fits the text, move the menu links from the table, you know with & nbsp; <- same with news. Anyways it looks good i meant those inputs for text.
wow very nice and detailed tuts. Maybe i should try modeling :/ Looks like fun Just need them programs. I have 3ds max somewhere. That doesn't fit here right? I'll just download milkshape then.
Luke i have 15" and i have 1024x768. You must be crazy not to use 1024 or higher. If it hurts you eyes then you refresh rate is teh sucks. Sometimes it goes to default when you change resolution. desktop>properties>advanced>monitor>refresh rate
when you try to delete you password i mean in edit profile you delete it and submit it writes this nonsence: Password must be between at least 3 characters long