I am mostly looking for the music and models.that sounds suspicious
You can't target anything with an ambient_generic...but you can make mm to trigger itself over and over again
No offence against Saco, but I never liked turkish poeple.uhh,so does every un civiliazed people in other countries
Somehow they are so low temptured
l l
you could just get a guy to do itA GUY !FOR A FEMALE VOICE!!!WHAT?DID THEY DO THAT IN AZURE SHEEP! man,I though that was a girl voice acting.
have started a little voice acting compo?
I need 2 voice actors?For grunts and citizens,and maybe for barney. Any volunteers? and a 1 female voice actor for female_citizen
who wants to volunteer plz,send me a pm
but lets face it cow, you cant make one mod so forget 2 two mods
I have a 1.6 server but its not for TWHL, if that counts.!
Do they?Well yes,they stole some maps from here!