Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2009-08-16 21:26:14 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #272057
I missed any game that might have gone on today. Twas at mine grandmother's.

By the way, admins of the TWHL Steam group can set weekly events over Steam to pop up and remind everyone who's a member of the group. It'd be much easier than logging in to TWHL and seeing "HLDM NAO!"
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-16 21:23:27 UTC
in Who the Hell are you again? Post #272055
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-16 20:40:24 UTC
in Who the Hell are you again? Post #272053
That's the first time I've ever seen someone tell God to bless anything that isn't the US.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-16 20:37:48 UTC
in TWHL Co-mod Post #272052
Urby made a booboo.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-14 18:11:52 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #271984
How many commentaries are there?
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-14 14:37:02 UTC
in Model carving? Post #271971
I've read people reference such a feature in 3DS Max.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-14 04:54:31 UTC
in TF2 Classless Update Post #271964
valve decided to block off two side routes with is fair enough but they left it as a dead end which is just stupid.
This left me wondering too. At the same time, I was playing in a low gravity server now that I think about it. Jumping the fence was the preferred method to get from side to side.
Well, that answers that.

Edit; You know what? CTF is a deathmatch, screw-around game mode anyway.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-14 02:33:59 UTC
in TF2 Classless Update Post #271962
All versions of sawmill are fantastic.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-13 19:51:57 UTC
in TF2 Classless Update Post #271951
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-13 18:46:02 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #271947
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-13 15:23:39 UTC
in Fatties need their chocolate Post #271942

"Chocolate 'cuts death rate' in heart attack survivors"
Not actually about fatties at all.
I thought it was pretty intresting.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-12 22:45:52 UTC
in TF2 Classless Update Post #271921
I cant find any CTF only servers out there that arent gay either. I much prefer CTF
CTF or 2fort? Team Interro's 2fort server is pretty great.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-12 20:56:06 UTC
in TF2 Classless Update Post #271916
You can never have enough variety. Don't like one game mode? Don't play it. This way you have some choices, and gameplay doesn't get repetitive.
That's cool and everything, but it also limits choices with maps that cater to your favorite game mode. For half a year Goldrush was the only payload map. And it's mad fun, but you can only play it so many times.

I'm sure KoTH will be fun, and I'll probably play a lot of it. But before KoTH was introduced, there were still 7 very different game mode choices. You'd be hard pressed not to find a lot of game modes that you like out of 7.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-12 20:27:18 UTC
in TF2 Classless Update Post #271912
I like the idea of having KOTH added to TF2, but am I the only one that thinks that there's starting to be too many different game modes? TC, 5-point CP, attack/defend CP, CTF, PL, PLR, Arena, and KoTH.

I mean they just introduced payload race, and they're already crowding it out with 3 KoTH maps right off the bat.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-12 03:16:23 UTC
in Retriggering a func_trackchange? Post #271870
Bah, this is too frustrating. I give up.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-11 22:00:37 UTC
in TF2 Classless Update Post #271864
So this is the big beta, eh? I've been following it on the Steam forums before it went official. There's lots of goodies to be had ahead!

Fascinating that the spy gets a bowler hat, because someone actually released a bowler hat model for the fedora on FPSB a long time ago.

It's more than just hats, people. There's a shitload of changes that are going to take place, and that includes new weapons.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-10 16:53:52 UTC
in Pure Pwnage TV show in 2010 Post #271835
It'll go up on Hulu and other places, no doubt.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-10 14:58:24 UTC
in Pure Pwnage TV show in 2010 Post #271833
Oi, I thought there'd be more PP fans on TWHL. Ah well.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-10 13:16:24 UTC
in Retriggering a func_trackchange? Post #271828
I can't do it that way, unfortunately. I need the train to return to it's original path_track, then stop on it's original path_track.
User posted image
It actually should work two ways, with the original path_track being the very middle.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-10 12:58:08 UTC
in TF2: The Sniper Update Post #271827
There's "rolls" for item drops and criticals. Think rolling dice.
For each client, there is a "roll" that's on a timer. If you "win" you get an item. Critical rolls and item drop rolls are completely independent of one another, and you can increase your chances of "winning" crits by doing more damage.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-10 12:02:57 UTC
in TF2: The Sniper Update Post #271823
...psst... play spy...
Don't expect hats, there's some ~0.03% chance for every "roll" that you get for something. It's a nice surprise if you get one. I got the miner's hat, which is very suitable for a "soup miner" :P
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-09 21:52:44 UTC
in Retriggering a func_trackchange? Post #271793
Any of you brave mappers think you can come up with a way to retrigger a func_trackchange after the first time it's fired?
Or if it's not possible, is there any other way to stop a func_tracktrain without disabling it?
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-09 21:37:13 UTC
in This is fucking wrong Post #271792
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-09 20:26:16 UTC
in Remove func_tracktrain control Post #271787
Is it possible to remove control of a func_tracktrain and have it controlable again later?
Edit: Never mind. I looked at some maps from On a Rail and can figure it out.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-09 04:05:14 UTC
in Pure Pwnage TV show in 2010 Post #271767
It's Canada. You're not even trying anymore, Urby.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-09 03:35:12 UTC
in Pure Pwnage TV show in 2010 Post #271759
Check out Pure Pwnage's latest news post. Apparently they've got a deal for an 8-episode TV show.

Apparently this is what they've been doing since Troy Dixon's untimely death.
I'm excited, how about you?
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-09 02:28:52 UTC
in Life's end mod bug? Post #271757
Find the keycard. Open the next door. Repeat.

Sorry, I've never had this bug with Life's End. I have experienced it in the very distant past, though. It was while testing some level changes in SP maps from my ealiest mapping days. I never worked out a solution, but if I looked them today I'd probably guess it's a faulty level change setup. It could possibly even be tied to WON HL.

You have to remember that Life's End was released in 2006, long after WON was left behind.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-09 02:02:30 UTC
in Change weapon damage? Post #271755
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-09 01:05:57 UTC
in Change weapon damage? Post #271753
Open "source engine.gcf" with GCF Scape and open hl2/cfg/skill.cfg.
From there you can edit damage done by weapons and monsters, as well as edit NPC health and stuff.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-08 10:32:47 UTC
in Crowbar glitch.. Post #271731
Classic HL bug. Nothing to worry about.
The second bullet bug only happens if you hold down primary fire, and I hope you know it's just an illusion.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-08 04:04:40 UTC
in Korean PC Game Rips-Off Team Fortress 2 Post #271711
Must have.
Edit: Oh.
Oh... right.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-08 02:37:35 UTC
in Dyson (Game) Post #271709
I must be pretty late to the party, because this game was released some time last year. But I saw that it's to be listed over Steam in October.
User posted image
Video of gameplay here
More screenshots
Official website + download

So this is Dyson. It's some sort of artsy real time strategy game. To be honest, I really don't understand exactly how the game works-- something about using your little mosquito guys to build trees and take over asteroid.
But it looks really cool, so I'm downloading it and figured it might be worth a share.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-08 02:21:32 UTC
in Korean PC Game Rips-Off Team Fortress 2 Post #271708
None of these Asian market games go on Steam. Look at all the Nexon games.
It's a free game, anyway.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 20:24:01 UTC
in Desktops of August Post #271698
Wicked and suprisingly suitable wallpaper, Raver :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 14:52:55 UTC
in V for Vendeta Post #271676
God dammit.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 03:56:14 UTC
in V for Vendeta Post #271654
Not gonna happen.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 03:54:58 UTC
in Desktops of August Post #271653
Same as the past 2 months for me.
User posted image
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-06 16:14:03 UTC
in V for Vendeta Post #271629
I think some of you entirely miss the point of 4chan.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 21:19:28 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #271585
Rare, endagered crab printer?
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 17:01:30 UTC
in This is fucking wrong Post #271546
You're just jealous of the reVolutionaries.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 14:22:40 UTC
in This is fucking wrong Post #271532
More like incredibly FREE, amirite?
Equilibrium is hilarious. Epic face-chop at the end
It was such a cool movie before that scene, too. What a bummer :(
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 14:20:35 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #271531
Playing pyro on the other hand, if you can find the W key and the left mouse button, that's game over.
I'll just leave this here.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-05 14:15:32 UTC
in V for Vendeta Post #271529
JeffMOD doesn't believe in freedom.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-04 22:59:42 UTC
in This is fucking wrong Post #271450
Smart select, shrink, and paste is all you need to do :D
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-04 22:21:42 UTC
in func_water problem.. Post #271446
I certainly hope you aren't still using WON. The "latest" WON patch is still from 2001.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-04 22:19:56 UTC
in This is fucking wrong Post #271445
Penguinboy doesn't support freedom.
User posted image
Do it.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-04 22:09:57 UTC
in func_water problem.. Post #271443
This is a well-known bug with damage types in CS. Some of the other damage types won't show up properly either (I think radiation damage shows bio-damage, too).
In any case, it's not a problem with your map, just with the game.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-04 17:24:19 UTC
in This is fucking wrong Post #271422
Call me a pesimist, if you want.
I don't really care.
You're not a pesimist, just uninformed or misinformed by the little amount of exposure you've had.
everyone chanage your avatar to v. it'll be awesom.... =P
What do I get now?
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-04 16:10:35 UTC
in This is fucking wrong Post #271417
It would make more sense to just leave the country.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-04 14:40:41 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #271407
Well parabot doesn't give that option, so the next best thing was to set a maximum of 5 and minimum of 1. And seeing the increased activity certainly makes it look worth it to me.