Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-12-01 14:46:03 UTC
in Problem when running the map [+textures] Post #239571
Your *.wad file must be copied to the /cstrike folder and pink squares means that the game couldnt find in the *.wad those textures you applied to them.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-29 21:10:14 UTC
in Quark for lighting? Post #239441
I suggest you to read the help file to learn how to use different tools and technics, like selection, terrian maker, movement and tag tools...and always save your map in *.qkm format, because if you dont your grouping will be lost (in tree hierarchy). I always find new things in it and the developers continuously working on new versions
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-29 07:27:07 UTC
in Quark for lighting? Post #239391
I use only Quark for all methods, there are plenty of stuff in there which are missing from Hammer. Eg it shows the connection between the entities, treeview grouping technic, tagging sides, has very advanced vertex manipulation (not so many invalid brushes) and you can compile your map with console options(no need for another program like batch complier), but for texuring Hammer is better, cuz you can select faces in the 3d view(only disadvantage I recognized).
Posted 17 years ago2007-10-29 16:00:55 UTC
in triggered game_player_equip Post #237254
Try it with bots...
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-19 14:12:55 UTC
in hlvis / rad lockups Post #234531
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-08 14:02:49 UTC
in No footsteps?! Post #233692
THX for the explanation. I am mapping for cs1.6 and I think I am using custom dll's, cuz I have never modified it. Maybe the problem caused by something else, everything worked fine until after a simple compile on some of the areas the footsteps cant be heared...did everybody modify the dll's itself?...what do you mean on something else? I have no error in my compile log...
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-06 18:01:59 UTC
in No footsteps?! Post #233608
I really dont know anything about dlls, pls tell me more about your idea.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-04 18:04:01 UTC
in No footsteps?! Post #233491
There are two textures which have this problem. Both of them are new, but the areas where the footsteps can't be heard have the same textures, where it can be heard. So if I make some changes in the materials.txt that would solve the problem? I am going to try it...THX A LOT...xD
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-02 14:47:36 UTC
in No footsteps?! Post #233342
My friend has a serious problem. On the most of the map the footsteps can be heard, but there are areas (also flat and non-flat) where is can't. A little slide effect makes it more tricky, so when stop the player moves just a little bit more. Can it caused by the vertex maipulation or just a bug which can be solved by rebuilding the floor?
many thx

Sending the map only in a private message if necessary...cuz it is not my work
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-26 07:57:35 UTC
in Doors & Hostages... need new method! Post #232931
I don't know why do you want to trigger the door, because it will automaticlly open when you touch it. BUT if you like, use a trigger_multiple to open the door and set a value for the door 'delay befor close', thus the hostages can run through it before close.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-26 07:39:47 UTC
in Problem with weapon_entity Post #232930
I think Wally is the best for making wads...xD
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-25 17:23:53 UTC
in Really Stuck / making .bsp Post #230282
You can't save your map as a *.bsp in QuArK, but can save it as *.map and *.qkm. I am sure, using it about 2 years. You have to compile the map like in Hammer...
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-17 17:26:26 UTC
in My theory Post #229368
Anyway can you turn on the gl_wireframe now? I was just so amazed, that I cannot edit my last post, because it wasn't the last one in the topic. I didn't want to make any trouble...just surprised...xD
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-17 15:26:07 UTC
in My theory Post #229357
One thing I forgot and I cant edit my post????!!!
Ghetto, you have to apply the changes it the properties window!!!!
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-17 15:02:30 UTC
in My theory Post #229354
The map cannot be downloaded, but so interesting, did you even try the NULL texture, this can cause almost the same...the faces which has NULL texture are completily stop out from the compile process, as I know SKY can be used as like 'NULLing'...

Srceenshot of my cs1.6 icon's property:
before doing anything my destination (or what, just see the picture) looks like this:
"C:Program FilesCounter-Strike 1.6hl.exe" -game cstrike
add to the end of it:
-console +gl_wireframe 1 +r_speeds 1 + developer 1 +map de_dust
When launch the icon (cs 1.6 from the desktop) it is automatically start to create a server with de_dust...replace de_dust with your map name...
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-17 14:47:18 UTC
in My theory Post #229351
"C:Program FilesCounter-Strike 1.6hl.exe" -game cstrike -console +gl_wireframe 1 +r_speeds 1 + developer 1 +map your_map
Your path is not the same, and the map name too, change it!!
You have to copy this at the cs 1.6 icon properties in the destination (I am not sure it is called like destination cuz I have Xp on my mother language).
This way when you clikk at the ikon twice cs 1.6 automaticallly create a server with your map. It is necesarry because you can only see gl_wireframe 1 or 2 on a not deathmatch I know...this works for me xD
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-16 16:15:02 UTC
in Sun/Shadow Effect (lighting) Post #229181
Also entities do not block VIS, but they do not split faces either since VIS sees through them...
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-14 05:37:01 UTC
in I'm new to mapping Post #228898
Convert it back to, you can do this with BspTwoMap. But the credit part always has to contain the real author name. It is like steeling when you didn't do that, as I think...xD
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-11 18:31:22 UTC
in I guess my hammer has a bug Post #228503
As I understood his problem is that when he is tieing a brush to an entity the window which pops up (the propeties) shows nothing (blank), only thing he can do is closing it with the cross (like any other window's cross at the right top of it)...maybe...xD
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-11 15:25:13 UTC
in I guess my hammer has a bug Post #228470
Maybe reinstall Hammer...
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 18:01:54 UTC
in Weird Compile/Problem Post #227972
The 'outside world' error usually caused by veretx manipulation. Was it the first compile of the map??
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 13:13:36 UTC
in Hunter Projects! Post #227950
I just heard (not so much) about bump mapping, can it be used for cs1.6 and how?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 12:50:08 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #227945
You are right, but by the help of your drawn plan you have more chance to create a deathmatch map on which the teams have the same odds (think about meeting points)...I meant just draw a facile plan to get a better result...and you can draw more than one top view, 1th and 2nd floor (just think about the architect's job) can draw stairs, elevators and simple ways that go upper or downer levels as is just a help not an exact plan...xD
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 17:57:36 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #227829
Draw a plan, a topview of your map. I think layout is one of the most important. You can see the meeting areas (where teams meet) and in these spots you have to give advantage for both teams, unfortunatelly many maps have problem with it which looks beautifull, but this not so little problem makes the game no fun for one of the teams...So plan, plan, plan before start creating plenty of brushes as it was mentioned above...
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-06 16:55:49 UTC
in Killing target per round?? Post #227622
I found the way how to make the changetarget process repeatable... :cool:
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-06 14:48:52 UTC
in Killing target per round?? Post #227611
I think I have the same problem because some of the entities not respawns so when if i die (or write kill in the console imitating a new round starts), the sequence can' t be reactivated. So in the example map ( after you activated the sequence (elevator up, explosion, falldown,...) you die caused by the last explosion and in the next round you can' t activate the elevator. I am mapping for cs1.6. Is there any way to make these entities respawnable??
Here is another example that not respawns: