I made a map (it hasn't got any invalid brush, and there aren't error on compiling) But when I test it in cs loads but suddenly appear again on menu with this error on console:
NET Ports: server 27015, client 27005 Server IP adress ******** Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase "Sound/radio/bot/cooked/well_cover_you_you_defuse.wav" Installtutor-Tutor setting is 0 Host_Error: no precache: *1
Someone can tell me howfix/avoid that fucking problem?
What I want is just on mod be crowbar, glock, shotgun and grenades (with modified quantity of clips) How modify code, what program use, and I must make my .fgd of mod, if is yes how make it.
I made a map, and when I add it the overview files I made the map loads but after appear on my created stage the game sends me to desktop without any error.
Think could be a beta map (early 00's) and that times the cs maps builded only having a factor (you could hide/Camp...) The old maps sometimes looks so irreal have something almost actual maps not (idk what exactly)
The original map is this, the textures and design are simples but is a 10/10 map... The only problem is at CT spawn the spawnpoints arent put properly making CT die instanly. For that ill remake map trying do It more liked as original. About map i think was an official map from CS already beta. https://youtube.com/watch?v=nOKc1dRd56Y
I just have this very serious idea to remake It exactly as i can because the original have a very serious problem on CT spawn... Sometimes i have very crazy ideas... But I want do It because always I wanted play this map properly. Any bug you saw on It post It there.